NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, July 12, 2021 / -- If we look out the window and see pouring rain many of us will fill our minds with negative thoughts of how our outdoor plans are ruined. What if instead, we change how we observe the day, reframe and see we can make the best of what is. For example, instead we can watch a good movie, do some reading, or even some spring cleaning.
How much better will our outlook in life become on an everyday basis if we learn to see things with different eyes? The way we envision the world determines how we act in the world. How can we turn around what we see, move forward with clarity, and view life through a lens of joy and purpose?
Carol Mishkin is a top notch recognized thought leader in Ontological Coaching.
“Ontology is the study of self and the nature of our way of being,” says Carol. “It focuses on self-exploration, challenging our ways of being, our thoughts and beliefs bringing out the best of who we are. We learn to tap deep into our soul, identify beliefs, pain points, and utlize our gifts to live with greater clarity, purpose, awareness and joy.”
Ontological coaching recognizes that our thoughts and emotions really matter, and play a tremendously significant role in how we think and behave.
For instance, if we think we live in a dangerous world, with that thought we will tend to take less risks, live in fear, become stuck, and this may cause us to miss out on many opportunities and grow from life experiences. Through working with an ontological coach, we can become the best version of ourselves.
At the age of twenty, Carol discovered “Silva Mind Control” now called “The Silva Life System” and that began her journey to discover the mind and human potential. She encourages individuals to practice self-care, meditation, affirmations, exercise, journaling, and balanced eating as we are a “whole” and wellness encompasses all.
She grew up in Venezuela and did many things before becoming a coach. She taught high school literature, worked 13 years designing cloth, owned a flower gift store, then 13 years later turned it into an art gallery/store a real entrepreneur. It was when she became an empty nester that she fell into depression for 3 years. This prompted her to look into coaching and through her experience she emerged from her own setbacks realizing coaching was her purpose, passion, and mission.
At 58 she emigrated to the U.S. and attained her goals to empower others to discover their authentic selves, step into their inner light, build self-awareness, and deepen the inner connection of spirt, mind, and body leading them empowerment and wellbeing.
“I passionately work with my coaches on being aware of our thoughts, self-acceptance, self-esteem, and choosing our path to navigate inward and discover our deepest truth,” says Carol.
Carol says trauma affects us all but the most promising news is that we can all heal. We can learn to rewrite our traumatic experiences to build awareness and resilience which is essential to moving forward and learning coping skills. We must do our own personal work to heal or we will we carry the trauma for life which will affect every relationship we have and the things we do in life forever.
Carol encourages individuals to seek out Ontological Coaching as a path to self-discovery. Looking within, healing and reframing is the way to expand our capabilities to live more purposefully and joyfully.
We are not broken, she emphasizes, in need of being “fixed,” we need to change the way we look at things, connect to our gifts and our power so our actions are coherent and we find better more sustainable ways of living and embracing new possibilities for a brighter future.
“When we are in a place of calm and peace nothing can disturb our mind and bodies. This work begins with embracing all parts of ourselves with love. Once we can live and appreciate ourselves, we will live in light, but the effort starts with focusing the light within and healing ourselves. I am here to help you do that.”
Close Up Radio will feature Carol Mishkin in an interview with Jim Masters on Tuesday July 13th at 12pm EST
Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio
If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389
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Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno
Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
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