(Rule 14a)
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No. )
Filed by the
Registrant x
Filed by a Party other than the
Registrant o
x Preliminary
Proxy Statement
o Confidential,
for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
o Definitive
Proxy Statement
o Definitive
Additional Materials
o Soliciting
Material Pursuant to §240.14a-11(c) or §240.14a-12
(Name of Registrant as Specified
in its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy
Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
o Fee
computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and
(1) Title of each class of securities to which
(2) Aggregate number of securities to which
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11
(Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was
(4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of
(5) Total fee
o Fee
paid previously with preliminary materials.
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by
Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which
the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous
filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule
and the date of its filing.
(1) Amount Previously
(2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement
(3) Filing
(4) Date
(5) Definitive Proxy Statement will be filed on March
18, 2011.
The 2011 annual meeting of Eaton Corporation shareholders will
be held Wednesday, April 27, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. local time
at Eaton Center, 1111 Superior Avenue, Cleveland,
Ohio 44114, for the purpose of:
Electing the four director nominees named in the proxy statement;
Approving amendments to the Amended Regulations to provide for
the annual election of all directors;
Approving amendments to the Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation and the Amended Regulations to eliminate
cumulative voting for directors;
Ratifying the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as
independent auditor for 2011;
Approving, by non-binding vote, executive compensation;
Recommending, by non-binding vote, the frequency of executive
compensation votes; and
Other business properly brought before the meeting.
These matters are more fully described in the following pages.
The record date for the meeting has been fixed by the Board of
Directors as the close of business on February 28, 2011.
Shareholders of record at that time are entitled to vote at the
By order of the Board of Directors
Thomas E. Moran
Senior Vice President and Secretary
March 18, 2011
Your Vote Is Important
You may vote your shares by using a toll-free telephone number
or electronically on the Internet, as described on the proxy
form. We encourage you to file your proxy using either of these
options if they are available to you. Alternatively, you may
mark, sign, date and mail your proxy form in the postage-paid
envelope provided. The method by which you vote will not limit
your right to vote in person at the annual meeting. Because of a
change in New York Stock Exchange rules, if you do not vote your
shares with respect to the election of directors, your broker
will NOT be able to vote them for you, unless you have
provided directions to your broker before the date of the
shareholder meeting. If you have not provided directions to your
broker, your shares will remain unvoted. We strongly encourage
you to vote.
Eaton Shareholders can now sign up for electronic delivery of
the Proxy Statement and Annual Report to Shareholders, as well
as online proxy voting. Use this link to register for online
delivery of your future proxy materials:
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy
Materials for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on
April 27, 2011: This proxy statement and the
Companys 2010 Annual Report to Shareholders are available
on Eatons website at and, respectively.
Eaton Corporation
1111 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2584
This proxy statement, the accompanying proxy form and
Eatons annual report for the year ended December 31,
2010 are scheduled to be sent to shareholders on or about
March 18, 2011.
Proxy Solicitation
Eatons Board of Directors solicits your proxy, in the form
enclosed, for use at the 2011 annual meeting of shareholders and
any adjournments thereof. The individuals named in the enclosed
form of proxy have advised the Board of their intention to vote
at the meeting in compliance with instructions on all forms of
proxy tendered by shareholders and, where no contrary
instruction is indicated on the proxy form, for the election of
the individuals nominated to serve as directors, for Proposals
2, 3 and 5 in this proxy statement, and for ratification of the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP as independent auditor for
Any shareholder giving a proxy may revoke it by giving Eaton
notice in writing or by fax, email or other verifiable
communication before the meeting or by revoking it at the
meeting. All properly executed or transmitted proxies not
revoked will be voted at the meeting.
In addition to soliciting proxies through the mail, certain
persons may solicit proxies in person or by telephone or fax.
Eaton has retained The Proxy Advisory Group, LLC, 18 East
Street, Suite 2000, New York, New York 10017, to
assist in the solicitation of proxies, primarily from brokers,
banks and other nominees, for a fee of $12,500, plus reasonable
out-of-pocket expenses. Brokerage firms, nominees, custodians
and fiduciaries may be asked to forward proxy soliciting
material to the beneficial shareholders. All reasonable
soliciting costs will be borne by Eaton.
Voting at the
Each Eaton shareholder of record at the close of business on
February 28, 2011 is entitled to one vote for each share
then held. On
February 28, Eaton
common shares (par value, 50¢ each) were outstanding and
entitled to vote.
At the 2011 annual meeting, the inspector of election appointed
by the Board of Directors for the meeting will determine the
presence of a quorum and tabulate the results of shareholder
voting. As provided by Ohio law and Eatons Amended
Regulations, Eaton shareholders present in person or by proxy at
the meeting will constitute a quorum. The inspector of election
intends to treat as present for these purposes
shareholders who have submitted properly executed or transmitted
proxies that are marked abstain. The inspector will
also treat as present shares held in street
name by brokers that are voted on at least one proposal to
come before the meeting.
Director nominees receiving more for votes than
against votes will be elected directors. Abstentions
have no effect in determining whether the required affirmative
majority votes have been obtained. Adoption of all other
proposals to come before the meeting, other than Proposal 6
in this proxy statement, will require the affirmative vote of
the holders of a majority of the outstanding Eaton common
shares, consistent with the general vote requirement in
Eatons Amended Articles of Incorporation. The practical
effect of this vote requirement will be that abstentions and
shares held in street name by brokers that are not
voted in respect of those proposals will be treated the same as
votes cast against those proposals. Proposal 6, on the
frequency of future advisory votes on executive compensation,
will be determined by a plurality vote.
As provided by Ohio law and our Amended Regulations, each
shareholder is entitled to cumulative voting rights in the
election of directors if any shareholder gives written notice to
the President, a Vice President or the Secretary of Eaton at
least 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting, requesting
cumulative voting, and if an announcement of that notice is made
at the beginning of the meeting by the Chairman or Secretary, or
by or on behalf of the shareholder who gave the notice. If
cumulative voting is in effect with respect to the election of
directors, each shareholder has the right to cumulate his or her
voting power by giving one nominee that number of votes which
equals the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the
number of the shareholders shares, or by distributing his
or her votes on the same principle among two or more nominees,
as the shareholder sees fit. If cumulative voting is in effect
with respect to the election of directors, and if the
shareholder has not given contrary voting instructions, the
individuals named in the proxy will vote the shares cumulatively
for those nominees that they may determine in their discretion.
Please note that we are proposing that our Amended and Restated
Articles of Incorporation and Amended Regulations be modified to
eliminate cumulative voting.
Majority Voting
in Director Elections
Under Eatons Amended Articles of Incorporation, an
affirmative majority of the total number of votes cast is
required with respect to the election of a director nominee in
uncontested elections. Abstentions have no effect in determining
whether the required affirmative majority votes have been
obtained. For contested elections, plurality voting, under which
nominees receiving the greatest number of votes are elected,
The Board of Directors has adopted a policy requiring
holdover directors to submit a written offer to
resign from the Board promptly after the voting results are
certified. A holdover director is one who fails to receive an
affirmative majority of votes cast in an election, and his or
her successor has not yet been elected and qualified. With
advice from the Governance Committee, the Board will decide,
within 90 days after the voting results are certified,
whether to accept the resignation offer, and we will promptly
disclose the Boards decision in a press release. If the
Board decides to reject the resignation offer, the press release
will indicate the reasons for that decision.
Our Board of Directors is presently composed of eleven members.
The terms of three directors will expire in April 2011 and those
directors have been nominated for re-election. Two of those
nominees were elected at the 2008 annual meeting and one was
elected at the 2010 annual meeting. Ernie Green, a director
since 1995, having attained normal retirement age, will resign
as a director at the conclusion of the 2011 annual shareholders
meeting on April 27. George S. Barrett, who was recommended
to the Governance Committee by its third-party executive search
firm, and is known to several Eaton directors, has been
nominated by the Board to fill this vacancy. Following the
annual meeting, the Board of Directors will consist of eleven
If any of the nominees become unable or decline to serve, the
individuals named as proxies in the enclosed proxy form will
have the authority to vote for any substitutes who may be
nominated. However, we have no reason to believe that this will
Biographical information for each nominee and the other
directors, as well as information on their experience,
qualifications and skills that support their service as a
director of the Company, is set forth below.
Nominees for election to terms ending in April 2014 or when a
successor is elected and has qualified:
George S. Barrett, 55, is Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Cardinal Health, a health care services company
dedicated to improving the cost effectiveness of health care.
Mr. Barrett served as Vice Chairman of Cardinal Health and
Chief Executive Officer Healthcare Supply Chain
Services from January 2008 to August 2009, when he assumed his
current position. Prior to joining Cardinal Health,
Mr. Barrett held a number of executive positions with Teva
Pharmaceuticals Industries, Inc., a pharmaceutical company,
including President and Chief Executive Officer of Teva North
America, Corporate Executive Vice President Global
Pharmaceutical Markets and a member of the Office of the Chief
Executive Officer, and President of Teva Pharmaceuticals USA,
from 1999 to 2007. Mr. Barrett serves on the board of
directors of Nationwide Childrens Hospital and the
Presidents Leadership Council of Brown University. He also
serves on the board of trustees of the Healthcare Leadership
Council and The Conference Board, and is a member of the
Business Roundtable and Ohio Business Roundtable.
Director Qualifications: Mr. Barrett has
extensive experience in areas of importance to Eaton, such as
manufacturing, regulatory compliance, finance, strategic
planning and supply chain management. His service as chairman
and chief executive officer of a publicly-traded company, and
his work with The Business Council and the Business Roundtable,
have given him a deep understanding of corporate governance
matters that will benefit our Board and its committees. His
prior work as a senior leader of a global corporation will
benefit our Board and senior management as the Company pursues
business opportunities around the world.
Todd M. Bluedorn, 47, is Chief Executive Officer and a
director of Lennox International Inc., a global provider of
climate control solutions for heating, air conditioning and
refrigeration markets. Prior to Lennox International,
Mr. Bluedorn served in numerous senior management positions
for United Technologies since 1995, including President,
Americas Otis Elevator Company; President, North
America Commercial Heating, Ventilation and Air
Conditioning for Carrier Corporation; and President, Hamilton
Sundstrand Industrial.
Director Qualifications: Mr. Bluedorn has
deep experience in original equipment and aftermarket business
and distributor/dealer-based commercial channels. He also has
senior leadership experience with two major
U.S. corporations. All of these attributes are of great
benefit to Eaton as a global manufacturing company with product
distribution through numerous commercial channels.
Director since 2010
Ned C. Lautenbach, 67, is a retired Partner of Clayton,
Dubilier & Rice, Inc., a private equity investment
firm specializing in management buyouts. Before joining the firm
in 1998, Mr. Lautenbach was associated with IBM from 1968
until his retirement in 1998. While at IBM, he held a number of
executive positions including a member of the IBM Corporate
Executive Committee. He was also Senior Vice President and Group
Executive of Worldwide Sales and Services. Mr. Lautenbach
is currently chairman of the Independent Trustees of the Equity
and High Income Funds of Fidelity Investments. He is also a
member of the Board of Directors of the Philharmonic Center for
the Arts in Naples, Florida and the Board of Trustees of
Fairfield University, as well as a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations. In the past five years, Mr. Lautenbach
served as a director of Sony Corporation.
Director Qualifications: Mr. Lautenbach
has attained extensive experience in executive and operational
roles during his career. He has expertise in general management,
corporate finance, sales and marketing, and corporate
restructurings. All of these attributes are valuable to the
Eaton Board of Directors in its role with management oversight.
In addition, his role as chairman of independent trustees of
prominent investment funds provides him with a unique
perspective on governance issues of concern to shareholders. His
expertise enables him to serve with distinction as Eatons
Lead Director and Chair of the Governance Committee.
Director since 1997
Gregory R. Page, 59, is Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer of Cargill, Incorporated, an international marketer,
processor and distributor of agricultural, food, financial and
industrial products and services. He was named Corporate Vice
President & Sector President, Financial Markets and
Red Meat Group of Cargill in 1998, Corporate Executive Vice
President, Financial Markets and Red Meat Group in 1999,
President and Chief Operating Officer in 2000 and became
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 2007. Mr. Page is a
director of Cargill, Incorporated and Carlson Companies and
non-executive Chair of the Board of Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Director Qualifications: As Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of one of the largest global corporations,
Mr. Page brings extensive leadership and global business
experience, in-depth knowledge of commodity markets, and a
thorough familiarity with all the major operating processes of a
major corporation, including talent development and succession
management. Mr. Pages experience and expertise
provide him valuable insight on financial, operational and
strategic matters reviewed by our Board.Director since
Directors whose present terms continue until April 2012:
Alexander M. Cutler, 59, is Chairman, Chief Executive
Officer and President of Eaton Corporation. Mr. Cutler
joined Cutler-Hammer, Inc. in 1975, which was subsequently
acquired by Eaton, and became President of Eatons
Industrial Group in 1986 and President of the Controls Group in
1989. He advanced to Executive Vice President
Operations in 1991, was elected Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer Controls in 1993, President
and Chief Operating Officer in 1995, and assumed his present
position in 2000. Mr. Cutler is a director of E. I. du Pont
de Nemours and Company and KeyCorp. He is also a member of the
Business Council and the Business Roundtable where he chairs the
Leadership Initiative responsible for corporate governance and
disaster relief.
Qualifications: Mr. Cutlers long
tenure with Eaton and his experience in a wide range of
management roles provides him important perspective on the
Company to the benefit of the Board of Directors.
Mr. Cutler has a detailed knowledge of Eatons
businesses, customers, end markets, sales and marketing,
technology innovation and new product development, supply
chains, manufacturing operations, talent development, policies
and internal functions. He possesses significant corporate
governance knowledge developed by current and past service on
the boards of other publicly-traded companies, as well as by
serving as Chair of the Business Roundtables Corporate
Leadership Initiative.
Director since 1993
Arthur E. Johnson, 64, is the retired Senior Vice
President, Corporate Strategic Development of Lockheed Martin
Corporation, a manufacturer of advanced technology systems,
products and services. Mr. Johnson was elected a Vice
President of Lockheed Martin Corporation and named President of
Lockheed Martin Federal Systems in 1996. He was named President
and Chief Operating Officer of Lockheed Martins
Information and Services Sector in 1997 and Senior Vice
President, Corporate Strategic Development in 1999. In the past
five years, Mr. Johnson was a director of IKON Office
Solutions, Inc. and Delta Air Lines, Inc. He is currently lead
director of AGL Resources, Inc. and an independent trustee of
Fidelity Investments.
Qualifications: Mr. Johnsons role in
strategic development with a leading company in the defense
industry has given him an understanding of doing business with
the U.S. Government and of strategic planning, regulatory,
legislative and public policy matters, all of which are valuable
to Eaton. His knowledge of the global aerospace and defense
industry are of particular benefit to our Board as it considers
strategic alternatives. His service as lead director of a New
York Stock Exchange listed company, as well as his service on
other boards, provides Eaton with valuable corporate governance
Director since 2009
Deborah L. McCoy, 56, is an independent aviation safety
consultant. She retired from Continental Airlines, Inc. in 2005,
where she had served as Senior Vice President, Flight Operations
since 1999. During part of 2005, Ms. McCoy also briefly
served as the Chief Executive Officer of DJ Air Group, a
commercial airline company.
Director Qualifications: Ms. McCoy has
extensive experience in the commercial aerospace markets, and
brings an understanding of aircraft design and performance,
airline operations and the strategic issues and direction of the
aerospace industry. In addition, Ms. McCoy has had
extensive experience in safety initiatives, Federal regulatory
compliance, labor relations and talent management. All of these
attributes are of benefit to Eatons Board as it oversees
the Companys positioning in the aerospace industry.
Ms. McCoys extensive experience with labor relations,
talent development, compensation and management are of
particular benefit to Eaton in her role as Chair of the
Compensation and Organization Committee.
Director since 2000
Gary L. Tooker, 71, is an independent consultant and
former Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and
director of Motorola, Inc., a manufacturer of electronics
equipment. Mr. Tooker became Motorolas President in
1990, Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 1993 and
Chairman in 1997. He retired from Motorola in 1999.
Mr. Tooker is a director of Avnet, Inc.
Director Qualifications: Mr. Tooker has
extensive general management experience in emerging as well as
developed global markets, government relations, and advanced
product development. As the former Chairman and CEO of a global
corporation, Mr. Tooker has extensive leadership
experience, knowledge of corporate management processes, and
strategic planning involving growth in developing countries. His
broad experience brings a strong base of knowledge to draw upon
in the formulation of Eatons strategic direction. Such
experience also enabled him to develop corporate governance
expertise of particular benefit to the Governance Committee.
Director since 1992
Directors whose present terms continue until April 2013:
Christopher M. Connor, 54, is Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of The
Company, a global manufacturer of paint, architectural coatings,
industrial finishes and associated supplies. Mr. Connor has
held a number of executive positions at Sherwin-Williams since
1983. He became Chief Executive Officer in 1999 and Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer in 2000. In the past five years,
Mr. Connor was a director of National City Corporation and
Diebold Incorporated. He currently serves on the boards of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, The Ohio State University
Fisher College of Business, United Way, University Hospitals and
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Director Qualifications: As CEO of a Fortune
500 company, Mr. Connor has leadership experience and
is thoroughly knowledgeable in marketing, talent development,
planning, operational and financial processes. In particular,
Mr. Connor has had extensive sales and marketing experience
in both direct and distribution channels, and brings extensive
knowledge of construction, automotive and industrial markets,
all areas of strategic importance to Eaton.
Director since 2006
Michael J. Critelli, 62, is the Chief Executive Officer
and President of Dossia Services Corporation, a personal health
records company. He has held that position since January, 2011.
Mr. Critelli is the retired executive Chairman of Pitney
Bowes Inc., a provider of global mailstream solutions.
Mr. Critelli served as Pitney Bowes Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer from 1997 to 2007 and as Executive Chairman
from 2007 to 2008. Mr. Critelli was a director of Wyeth
from April 2008 until its acquisition by Pfizer in late 2009. He
currently serves as a director of Mollen Immunization
Director Qualifications: Mr. Critelli has
extensive experience in risk management, industry-wide
leadership in mail transportation, logistics and communications
issues, state-level leadership on transportation strategy and
reform, and innovative approaches to health care, as well as
broad business experience gained while leading a global Fortune
500 company. Mr. Critelli possesses a broad knowledge
of human resources and succession planning, legal and
environmental matters. These attributes and experiences are
essential to our Board as it oversees managements efforts
to develop and maintain a diverse workforce, assess and evaluate
enterprise risk management and navigate the regulatory
Director since 1998
Charles E. Golden, 64, served as Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer and a director of Eli Lilly and
Company, an international developer, manufacturer and seller of
pharmaceutical products, from 1996 until his retirement in 2006.
Prior to joining Eli Lilly, he had been associated with General
Motors Corporation since 1970, where he held a number of
positions, including Corporate Vice President, Chairman and
Managing Director of the Vauxhall Motors subsidiary and
Corporate Treasurer. In the past five years, Mr. Golden was
a director of Hillenbrand Industries (predecessor of Hill-Rom
Holdings). He is currently on the boards of Hill-Rom Holdings
and Unilever NV/PLC. He also serves as a director of the Lilly
Director Qualifications: Mr. Golden has a
comprehensive knowledge of both U.S. and international financial
accounting standards. He has extensive experience in financial
statement preparation, accounting, corporate finance, risk
management and investor relations both in the U.S. and
Europe. His broad financial expertise enables him to provide
expert guidance and oversight in his role as a member of the
Finance Committee and as Chairman of the Audit Committee.
Mr. Golden also has significant experience in global
vehicle markets.
Director since 2007
Director Nomination Process
The Governance Committee of the Board, comprised entirely of
directors who meet the independence standards of the Board of
Directors and the New York Stock Exchange, is responsible for
overseeing the process of nominating individuals to stand for
election as directors. The Governance Committee charter is
available on our website at
Any director candidates recommended by our shareholders are
given consideration by the Governance Committee, consistent with
the process used for all candidates. Shareholders may submit
recommendations in the manner described on this page under the
heading Shareholder Recommendations of Director
All potential director candidates are reviewed by the Governance
Committee in consultation with the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, typically with the assistance of a professional search
firm retained by the Committee. During 2010, the search firm
assisted the Committee with the identification and background
checks on director candidates. The Committee decides whether to
recommend one or more candidates to the Board of Directors for
nomination. Candidates who are ultimately nominated by the Board
stand for election by the shareholders at the annual meeting.
Between annual meetings, nominees may also be elected by the
Board itself.
Director Qualifications and Board
Diversity In order to be recommended by the
Governance Committee, a candidate must have the following
minimum qualifications, as described in the Board of Directors
Governance Policies: personal ability, integrity, intelligence,
relevant business background, independence, expertise in areas
of importance to our objectives, and a sensitivity to our
corporate responsibilities. In addition, the Governance
Committee looks for individuals with specific qualifications so
that the Board as a whole has diversity in experience,
international perspective, background, expertise, skills, age,
gender and ethnicity. These specific qualifications may vary
from one year to another, depending upon the composition of the
Board at that time. The Governance Committee is responsible for
ensuring that minimum director qualifications are met and Board
diversity objectives are considered during its review of
director candidates. The Governance Committee evaluates the
extent to which these goals are satisfied annually as part of
its assessment of the skills and experience of each of the
current directors using a director skills matrix and a director
evaluation process. The director evaluation process includes
self evaluation, peer evaluation and input from the chairs of
each of the Board committees. Upon completion of the skills
matrix and the evaluation process, the Governance Committee
identifies areas of director knowledge and experience that may
benefit the Board and us in the future, and uses that
information as part of the director search and nomination effort.
The Board of Directors Governance Policies are included in this
proxy statement as Appendix B and are available on our
website at
Shareholder Recommendations of Director
Candidates The Governance Committee will consider
individuals for nomination to stand for election as directors
who are recommended to it in writing by any Eaton shareholder.
Any shareholder wishing to recommend an individual as a nominee
for election at the annual meeting of shareholders to be held in
2012 should send a signed letter of recommendation to the
following address: Eaton Corporation, 1111 Superior Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2584, attention Corporate Secretary.
Recommendation letters must be received no later than
November 4, 2011, and must state the reasons for the
recommendation and contain the full name and address of each
proposed nominee as well as a brief biographical history setting
forth past and present directorships, employments, occupations
and civic activities. Any such recommendation should be
accompanied by a written statement from the proposed nominee
consenting to be nominated and, if nominated and elected,
consenting to serve as a director.
Director Independence The
Board of Directors Governance Policies provide that all of our
outside directors should be independent. These Policies are
attached as Appendix B to this proxy statement and are
available on our website at The listing standards
of the New York Stock Exchange state that no director can
qualify as independent unless the Board of Directors
affirmatively determines that the director has no material
relationship with us. Additional, and more stringent, standards
of independence are required of Audit Committee members. Our
annual proxy statement discloses the Boards determination
as to the independence of the Audit Committee members as well as
its determination as to all outside directors.
As permitted by the New York Stock Exchange listing standards,
the Board of Directors has determined that certain relationships
between an outside director and us will be treated as
categorically immaterial for purposes of determining a
directors independence. These categorical standards are
included in the Board of Directors independence criteria.
The independence criteria for outside directors and members of
the Audit Committee are available on our website at
Since directors independence might be influenced by their
use of Company aircraft and other Company-paid transportation,
the Board has adopted a policy on this subject. This policy is
available on our website at
In their review of director independence, the Board of Directors
and its Governance Committee have considered the following
Directors T. M. Bluedorn, C. M. Connor, M. J.
Critelli, A. E. Johnson and G. R. Page are
officers, employees, partners or advisors with firms that have
had purchases and/or sales of property or services with us
within the past three years or have occupied such positions
within that
period. In all cases, the amounts of the purchases and sales
were substantially less than the Boards categorical
standard for immateriality, that is, less than the greater
of $1 million or 2% of the annual consolidated gross
revenues of the directors firm. Mr. Bluedorn is CEO
and a director of Lennox International Inc. which purchased
approximately $21,000 worth of Eaton products during 2010.
Mr. Connor is CEO and a director of The
Company, which purchased approximately $20,000 worth of Eaton
products and sold approximately $190,000 worth of products to
Eaton during 2010. Mr. Critelli is the retired Executive
Chairman of Pitney Bowes Inc. which purchased approximately
$12,000 worth of Eaton products and sold approximately $276,000
worth of products to Eaton during 2010. Mr. Johnson is the
retired Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategic Development
of Lockheed Martin Corporation, which purchased approximately
$72,713,000 worth of Eaton products during 2010. Mr. Page
is Chairman and CEO of Cargill Incorporated which purchased
approximately $454,000 worth of Eaton products and sold
approximately $8,000 worth of products to Eaton during 2010.
George S. Barrett, the director nominee standing for
election at the 2011 annual shareholders meeting, is the Chief
Executive Officer of Cardinal Health. Cardinal Health purchased
$197,000 worth of Eaton products during 2010.
A sister of Mr. Connor has been employed by us in a
non-officer position since 2000, preceding
Mr. Connors election to the Board in 2006. Her
aggregate cash compensation for 2010 was less than $220,000, and
she received benefits and participated in programs provided to
similarly situated Company employees. Her compensation is
comparable to that of her peers.
The use of our aircraft and other Company-paid transportation by
all outside directors is consistent with the Board policy on
that subject.
After reviewing the circumstances described above (which are the
only relevant circumstances known to the Board of Directors),
the Board has affirmatively determined that none of our outside
directors has a material relationship with us other than in
their capacities as directors and that each of the following
directors or director nominees qualifies as independent under
the Boards independence criteria and the New York Stock
Exchange standards: G. S. Barrett, T. M. Bluedorn,
C. M. Connor, M. J. Critelli, C. E. Golden,
E. Green, A. E. Johnson, N. C. Lautenbach,
D. L. McCoy, G. R. Page and
G. L. Tooker. All members of the Audit, Compensation
and Organization, Finance and Governance Committees qualify as
independent under the standards described above.
The Board has also affirmatively determined that each member of
the Audit Committee, that is, M. J. Critelli,
C. E. Golden, E. Green, A. E. Johnson and G.
R. Page, meets the special standards of independence
required of them under the criteria of the New York Stock
Exchange, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and rules adopted
thereunder by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and our
Board of Directors.
Review of Related Person Transactions
Our Board of Directors has adopted a written policy
to identify and evaluate related person
transactions, that is, transactions between us and any of
our executive officers, directors, director nominees, 5%-plus
security-holders or members of their immediate
families, or organizations where they or their family
members serve as officers or employees. The Board policy calls
for the disinterested members of the Boards Governance
Committee to conduct an annual review of all such transactions.
At the Committees direction, a survey is made annually of
all transactions involving related persons, and the results are
reviewed by the Committee in January of each year. As to any
such transaction, the Committee is responsible to determine
whether (i) it poses a significant risk of impairing, or
appearing to impair, the judgment or objectivity of the
individuals involved; (ii) it poses a significant risk of
impairing, or appearing to impair, the independence of an
outside director or director nominee; or (iii) its terms
are less favorable to us than those generally available in the
marketplace. Depending upon the Committees assessment of
these risks, the Committee will respond appropriately. In
addition, as required by the rules of the Securities and
Exchange Commission, any transactions that are determined to be
material to us or a related person are disclosed in our proxy
In January 2011, the Governance Committee conducted an annual
survey and found that since the beginning of 2010 the only
related person transactions were those described in paragraphs
numbered 1 and 2 under the heading Director
Independence beginning on page 12 and that none of
our executive officers engaged in any such transactions. The
Committee also concluded that none of the related person
transactions posed risks to us in any of the areas described in
items (i), (ii) or (iii) above.
Board Committees The Board of
Directors has the following standing committees: Audit,
Compensation and Organization, Executive, Finance and Governance.
Audit Committee. The functions of the Audit Committee
include assisting the Board in overseeing the integrity of our
financial statements and its systems of internal accounting and
financial controls; the independence, qualifications and
performance of our independent auditor; the performance of our
internal auditors; and our compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements. The Audit Committee exercises sole authority to
appoint, compensate and terminate the independent auditor and
pre-approves all auditing services and permitted non-audit
services to be performed for us by the independent auditor.
Among its other responsibilities, the Committee meets regularly
with our independent auditor, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial
and Planning Officer, Senior Vice President-Internal Audit,
Executive Vice President and General Counsel, and Vice
President-Global Ethics and Compliance in separate executive
sessions; approves the Committees report to be included in
our annual proxy statement; assures that performance evaluations
of the Audit Committee are conducted annually; and establishes
procedures for the proper handling of complaints concerning
accounting or auditing matters. Each Committee member meets the
independence requirements, and all Committee members
collectively meet the other requirements, of the New York Stock
Exchange, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the rules of the
Securities and Exchange Commission. Further, Committee members
are prohibited from serving on more than two other public
company audit committees. The Board of Directors has determined
that each member of the Audit Committee is financially literate,
that C. E. Golden qualifies as an audit committee financial
expert (as defined in Securities and Exchange Commission
rules) and that all members of the Audit Committee have
accounting or related financial management expertise. The Audit
Committee held eight meetings in 2010. Present members are
Messrs. Golden (Chair), Critelli, Green, Johnson and Page.
Compensation and Organization Committee. The functions of
the Compensation and Organization Committee include reviewing
proposed organization or responsibility changes at the senior
officer level; evaluating the performance of the Chief Executive
Officer with input from all outside directors; reviewing the
performance evaluations of the other senior officers; reviewing
succession planning for key officer positions including the
position of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; and reviewing
our practices for the recruitment and development of a diverse
talent pool. The Committee is also responsible for annually
determining the salary and short- and long-term incentive
opportunities for each of our senior officers; establishing
performance objectives under our short- and long-term incentive
compensation plans and determining the attainment of such
performance objectives; annually determining the aggregate
amount of awards to be made under our
incentive compensation plans and adjusting those amounts as the
Committee deems appropriate within the terms of those plans;
annually determining the awards to be made to our senior
officers under our short- and
incentive compensation plans; administering stock plans;
reviewing compensation practices as they relate to key employees
to confirm that those plans remain equitable and competitive;
reviewing significant new employee benefit plans or significant
changes in such plans or changes with a disproportionate effect
on our officers or primarily benefiting key employees; and
preparing an annual report for our proxy statement regarding
executive compensation. Additional information on the
Committees processes and procedures is contained in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis portion of this proxy
statement beginning on page 20. The Compensation and
Organization Committee held seven meetings in 2010. Present
members are Ms. McCoy (Chair) and Messrs. Bluedorn,
Connor, Lautenbach and Tooker.
Executive Committee. The functions of the Executive
Committee include all of the functions of the Board of Directors
other than the filling of vacancies in the Board of Directors or
in any of its committees. The Executive Committee acts upon
matters requiring Board action during the intervals between
Board meetings. The Executive Committee met once during 2010.
Mr. Cutler is a member of the Committee for the full
twelve-month term and serves as Committee Chair. Each of the
non-employee directors serves a four-month term.
Finance Committee. The functions of the Finance Committee
include the periodic review of our financial condition and the
recommendation of financial policies to the Board; analyzing
Company policy regarding its debt-to-equity relationship;
reviewing and making recommendations to the Board regarding our
dividend policy; reviewing our cash flow, proposals for long-and
short-term debt financing and the risk management program;
meeting with and reviewing the performance of the management
pension committees and any other fiduciaries appointed by the
Board for pension and profit-sharing retirement plans; and
reviewing the key assumptions used to calculate annual pension
expense. The Finance Committee held three meetings in 2010.
Present members are Ms. McCoy and Messrs. Critelli,
Golden, Green and Page (Chair).
Governance Committee. The responsibilities of the
Governance Committee include recommending to the Board
improvements in our corporate governance processes and any
changes in the Board Governance Policies; advising the Board on
changes in the size and composition of the Board; making
recommendations to the Board regarding the structure and
responsibilities of Board committees; and annually submitting to
the Board candidates for members and chairs of each standing
Board committee. The Governance Committee, in consultation with
the Chief Executive Officer, identifies and recommends to the
Board candidates for Board membership, reviews and recommends to
the Board the nomination of directors for re-election; oversees
the orientation of new directors and the ongoing education of
the Board; recommends to the Board compensation of non-employee
directors; administers the Boards policy on director
retirements and resignations; administers the directors
stock ownership guidelines; and establishes guidelines and
procedures to be used by the directors to evaluate the
Boards performance. The responsibilities of the Governance
Committee also include providing oversight regarding significant
public policy issues with respect to our relationships with
shareholders, employees, customers, competitors, suppliers and
the communities in which we operate, including such areas as
ethics compliance, environmental, health and safety issues,
community relations, government relations,
charitable contributions and shareholder relations. The
Governance Committee held five meetings in 2010. Present members
are Messrs. Bluedorn, Connor, Johnson, Lautenbach (Chair) and
In addition to the Board of Directors Governance Policies,
certain other policies relating to corporate governance matters
are adopted from time to time by Board committees, or by the
Board itself upon recommendation of the committees.
The Board of Directors held eleven meetings in 2010. Each of the
directors attended at least 95.65% of the meetings of the Board
and the committees on which he or she served. The average rate
of attendance for all directors was 99.2%.
Audit Committee Report The
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors is responsible to
assist the Board in overseeing (1) the integrity of the
Companys consolidated financial statements and its systems
of internal accounting and financial controls; (2) the
independence, qualifications and performance of the
Companys independent auditor; (3) the performance of
the Companys internal auditors and (4) the
Companys compliance with legal and regulatory
requirements. The Committees specific responsibilities, as
described in its charter, include the sole authority to appoint,
terminate and compensate the Companys independent auditor,
and to pre-approve all audit services and other permitted
non-audit services to be provided to the Company by the
independent auditor. The Committee is comprised of five
directors, all of whom are independent under the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 2002, the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission
and the Board of Directors own independence criteria.
The Board of Directors amended the Committees charter most
recently on October 26, 2010. A copy of the charter is
available on the Companys website at
In carrying out its responsibilities, the Audit Committee has
reviewed, and has discussed with the Companys management
and independent auditor, Ernst & Young LLP, the
Companys 2010 audited consolidated financial statements
and the assessment of the Companys internal control over
financial reporting.
The Committee has also discussed with Ernst & Young
the matters required to be discussed by applicable auditing
The Committee has received the written disclosures from
Ernst & Young regarding their independence from the
Company that are required pursuant to Rule 3526 of the
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (Communication
with Audit Committees Concerning Independence), has
discussed with Ernst & Young their independence and
has considered whether their provision of non-audit services to
the Company is compatible with their independence.
For 2010 and 2009, Ernst & Youngs fees to the
Company were as follows:
Audit Fees
15.7 million
15.0 million
Includes Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 attest services
Audit-Related Fees
0.3 million
0.3 million
Includes employee benefit plan audits and business acquisitions
and divestitures
Tax Fees
3.4 million
3.1 million
Tax compliance services
1.2 million
1.5 million
Tax advisory services
2.2 million
1.6 million
All Other Fees
The Audit Committee did not approve any of the services shown in
the above three categories through the use of the de
minimis exception permitted by Securities and Exchange
Commission rules.
The Audit Committee has adopted the following procedure for
pre-approving audit services and other services to be provided
by the Company independent auditor: specific services are
preapproved from time to time by the Committee or by the
Committee Chair on its behalf. As to any services approved by
the Committee Chair, the approval is made in writing and is
reported to the Committee at the following meeting of the
Based upon the Committees reviews and discussions referred
to above, and in reliance upon them, the Committee has
recommended to the Board of Directors that the Companys
audited consolidated financial statements for 2010 be included
in the Companys Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
and the Board has approved their inclusion.
Respectfully submitted to the Companys shareholders by the
Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.
Charles E. Golden, Chair
Michael J. Critelli
Ernie Green
Arthur E. Johnson
Gregory R. Page
Board of Directors Governance
Policies The Board revised the Board of
Directors Governance Policies most recently in July 2010, as
recommended by the Governance Committee of the Board. The
revised Governance Policies are included in this proxy statement
as Appendix B and are available on our website at
Executive Sessions of the Non-Employee
Directors The policy of the Board of
Directors is that the non-employee directors, who qualify as
independent under the criteria of the Board of
Directors and the New York Stock Exchange, meet in Executive
Session at each regular Board meeting, without the Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer or other members of management present,
to discuss whatever topics they may deem appropriate. At the
present time, all non-employee directors meet the independence
criteria. As described more fully in the section below entitled
Leadership Structure, the Lead Director chairs the
Executive Sessions of the Board of Directors.
At each meeting of the Audit, Compensation and Organization,
Finance and Governance Committees, an Executive Session is held
at which only the Committee members (all of whom qualify as
independent) are in attendance, without any members of our
management present, to discuss whatever topics they may deem
Leadership Structure Our
governance structure follows a successful leadership model under
which our Chief Executive Officer also serves as Chairman of the
Board. Recognizing that different leadership models may work
well for other companies at different times depending upon
individual circumstances, we believe that our Company has been
well-served by the combined Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
leadership structure, and that this approach has continued to be
highly effective with the addition of a Lead Director. We
believe we have greatly benefited from having a single person
setting the tone and direction for us and having primary
responsibility for managing our operations, while allowing the
Board to carry out its oversight responsibilities with the equal
involvement of each independent director.
Our Board is comprised exclusively of independent directors,
except for our Chairman. Of our ten
directors, five are currently serving or have served as a chief
executive officer of a publicly-traded company. The Audit,
Compensation and Organization, Finance and Governance Committees
are chaired by independent directors. Our Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer has benefited from the extensive leadership
experience of our Board of Directors.
Annually, the Board evaluates the leadership structure and it
will continue to do so as circumstances change, including when a
new Chief Executive Officer is elected. In its January 2011
annual evaluation, the Board concluded that the current
leadership structure under which our Chief Executive
Officer serves as Chairman of the Board, our Board committees
are chaired by independent directors, and a Lead Director
assumes specified responsibilities on behalf of the independent
directors remains the optimal board leadership
structure for our Company and our shareholders at the present
Lead Director Ned C.
Lautenbach, who has served on our Board since 1997, was elected
Lead Director by our independent directors during 2010. The Lead
Director has specific responsibilities, including chairing
Executive Sessions of the Board, coordinating the agenda for
Board meetings with the Chairman on behalf of the independent
directors, ensuring the quality and timeliness of information
sent to the Board, and serving as a Board focal point for
communications with shareholders and other Company stakeholders.
The Lead Director has the authority to call meetings of the
independent directors, and to retain outside advisors who report
directly to the Board of Directors.
Oversight of Risk Management
Management continually monitors the material risks facing
the Company, including strategic risk, financial risk,
operational risk, and legal and compliance risk. The Board of
Directors has chosen to retain overall responsibility for risk
assessment and oversight at the Board level in light of the
interrelated nature of the elements of risk, rather than
delegating this responsibility to a Board committee. The Board
has responsibility for overseeing the strategic planning process
and reviewing and monitoring managements execution of the
corporate and business plan. As described below, the Board
receives assistance from certain of its committees for the
identification and monitoring of those risks that are related to
the committees areas of focus as described in each
committee charter. The Board and its committees exercise their
risk oversight function by carefully evaluating the reports they
receive from management and by making inquiries of management
with respect to areas of particular interest to the Board.
The Audit Committee considers risks related to internal
controls, disclosure, financial reporting and legal and
compliance matters. Among other processes, the Audit Committee
meets regularly in closed-door sessions with our internal and
external auditors, senior members of the Finance function, the
Executive Vice President and General Counsel and the Vice
President-Global Ethics and Compliance. As described more fully
below in the section entitled Relationship Between
Compensation Plans and Risk, the Compensation and
Organization Committee reviews risks associated with the
Companys compensation programs, to ensure that incentive
compensation arrangements for senior executives do not encourage
inappropriate risk taking. The Governance Committee considers
risks related to corporate governance, such as director
independence and related person transactions, and risks
associated with the environment, health and safety.
Communications to the Board
The Board of Directors provides the following process for
shareholders and other interested parties to send communications
to the Board, individual directors, or the non-employee
directors as a group:
Shareholders and other interested parties may send such
communications by mail or courier delivery addressed as follows:
Corporate Secretary
Eaton Corporation
1111 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2584
In general, the Corporate Secretary forwards all such
communications to the Lead Director. The Lead Director in turn
determines whether the communications should be forwarded to
other members of the Board and, if so, forwards them
accordingly. However, for communications addressed to a
member of the Board, the Chair of a particular Board committee
or the non-employee directors as a group, the Corporate
Secretary forwards those communications directly to those
However, the directors have requested that communications that
do not directly relate to their duties and responsibilities as
our directors be excluded from distribution and deleted from
email that they access directly. Such excluded items include
spam, advertisements, mass mailings, form letters
and email campaigns that involve unduly large numbers of similar
communications, solicitations for goods, services, employment or
contributions, surveys and individual product inquiries or
complaints. Additionally, communications that appear to be
unduly hostile, intimidating, threatening, illegal or similarly
inappropriate will be screened for omission. Any omitted or
deleted communications will be made available to any director
upon request.
Code of Ethics We have a
Code of Ethics that was approved by the Board of Directors. We
provide training globally for all employees on our Code of
Ethics. We require that all directors, officers and employees of
the Company, our subsidiaries and affiliates, abide by our Code
of Ethics, which is available on our website at
Table of
Summary of Performance-Based Compensation Earned During Award
Periods Ending December 31, 2010
Summary of Actual Pay Earned by Our Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer
Compensation Surveys
The Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board of
Directors (the Committee) determines the
compensation for our elected officers and reviews, approves and
oversees the administration of all of our executive compensation
plans and programs. The Committee consists of five independent
non-employee directors and is supported by our Human Resources
Department as well as one or more independent compensation
consultants who are chosen, retained and directed by the
Committee. The Committees charter and key responsibilities
are available on our website at
Please note that the use of the terms we,
us or our throughout this Compensation
Discussion and Analysis refers to the Company or its management.
Also note that on January 27, 2011 our Board of Directors
declared a two-for-one stock split of our common shares payable
in the form of a 100% stock dividend. Accordingly, the earnings
per share objectives and results, the numbers of all shares,
share units, share prices and other equity-based amounts used in
this Compensation Discussion and Analysis have been adjusted to
reflect the stock split.
Advisory Vote
on Executive Compensation
We design our executive compensation plans and programs to help
us attract, motivate, reward and retain highly qualified
executives who are capable of creating sustained value for our
shareholders. We implement compensation programs that promote a
performance-based culture and are intended to align the
interests of our executives with those of our shareholders. The
Board of Directors is committed to understanding the views of
our shareholders by providing an opportunity to endorse our
executive compensation through an advisory vote. We encourage
you to review the details of our performance and the
Committees processes and decisions that are described in
the following pages. In summary, the foundation of our executive
compensation programs rests on the following principles and
The Committee is comprised solely of independent directors
who are committed to upholding strong governance practices.
The Committee considers a variety of reports and analyses such
as: market survey data, compensation Tally Sheets, proxy data of
our peers, publicly-available performance data of our peers,
shareholder votes or feedback, and reports from external proxy
advisory agencies when making decisions to establish target
compensation opportunities and to deliver actual rewards to our
executive officers, including our Named Executive Officers.
Our compensation plans are closely linked to performance.
On average, 83% of our Named Executive Officers
compensation is performance-based.
Awards under our plans are impacted when our performance does
not meet threshold levels. This fact was demonstrated in 2009
when we did not pay any incentive awards under our annual
incentive plans because we did not achieve the threshold levels
of Earnings Per Share (EPS) and Cash Flow Return on Gross
Capital (CFR) objectives necessary to deliver awards, despite
record operating and free cash flow. Likewise, our plans are
designed to deliver awards at or above target when we meet or
exceed aggressive performance goals as was the case in 2010 when
we achieved 117% growth in operating EPS.
Our compensation plans emphasize long-term performance.
Our program has a balanced-portfolio approach to deliver rewards
in cash and equity based on sustained performance over time. The
use of equity awards fosters retention and aligns our
executives interests with those of our shareholders, while
the use of cash focuses executives on internal performance
We have share ownership requirements, clawbacks, caps on
awards, and no employment contracts.
Ownership requirements range from shares with a market value
equal to one times base salary for our general managers to six
times base salary for our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
At least 20% of this requirement must be held in unrestricted
shares. Executives must satisfy these requirements until they
are no longer employed with the Company. Until 2011, all votable
shares, including restricted shares, were counted toward the
holding requirement.
Our incentive plans are capped at individual and aggregate
levels to eliminate the potential for unintended windfalls.
We have a clawback policy that allows us to recover compensation
in the case of employee misconduct
material restatement of financial results.
Each of our salaried U.S. employees, including each Named
Executive Officer, is employed at-will.
We believe that our executive compensation design and strategy,
as guided by the principles noted above, were critical factors
in motivating executives to seek innovative solutions which
helped us emerge from the economic downturn as a stronger
Company. We strongly encourage you to review the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis and compensation tables in this document
for detailed information on the extensive processes and factors
the Committee considers when establishing performance objectives
and pay targets and in making decisions regarding actual rewards
from our short- and long-term performance-based incentive plans.
Frequency of
Advisory Vote on Executive Compensation
The Board of Directors is committed to seeking and responding to
the feedback of our shareholders on governance topics, and in
particular, executive compensation. Shareholders may choose to
cast their advisory vote annually, biennially, triennially, or
they may abstain from voting on the frequency with which they
prefer to cast an advisory vote on our executive compensation.
Although shareholders may choose their preferred frequency, the
Company recommends that shareholders have an opportunity to cast
an advisory vote on our executive compensation each year. We and
the Board believe that an annual vote will be the most effective
because it will foster regular engagement and dialog between our
Board and our constituents with regard to executive
compensation-related matters.
For the reasons noted above, the Board of Directors recommends a
vote for annual advisory votes on executive compensation, as
noted on page 65.
Summary of 2010
2010 was a year of very strong performance for Eaton. We
capitalized on the extensive restructuring and broad-based
process improvements that were initiated in late 2008 and early
2009 to respond to the global recession as well as significant
new innovations which have allowed us to out-grow our primary
markets. As a result, we reported stronger than expected
financial results which significantly exceeded our own
expectations. A few highlights of our 2010 achievements include:
Sales of $13.7 billion represent a 16% improvement compared
to the year ended December 31, 2009.
We reported an enterprise-wide profit of $929 million.
Our operating earnings per share increased by 117% to $5.61
($2.81 on an adjusted basis for the 2-for-1 stock split
announced January 27, 2011), which exceeded our initial guidance
of $1.93 for the year adjusted for the stock split.
Our operating cash flow totaled $1.3 billion.
Our total shareholder return of 64.2% far surpassed the total
returns of the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 14.1%, S&P
500 of 15.1%, and NASDAQ of 18.5%. Our stock price reached a new
market trading high on December 22, 2010 of $102.70 ($51.35 on
an adjusted basis for the 2-for-1 stock split).
Summary of
Performance-Based Compensation Earned During Award Periods
Ending December 31, 2010
Our executive compensation program reflects the belief that the
amount earned by our executives must, to a significant extent,
depend on achieving rigorous Company, business unit and
individual performance objectives designed to enhance
shareholder value. The following paragraphs summarize actual
results compared to target objectives under the short- and
long-term incentive award periods that ended on
December 31, 2010.
Incentive Compensation
Our Named Executive Officers earned short-term incentive awards
that ranged from 158% to 313% of their base salaries as a result
of our strong performance relative to our objectives. We
establish a competitive annual cash incentive compensation
opportunity for our executives who participate in either our
Senior Executive Incentive Compensation Plan (the Senior
EIC Plan) or our Executive Incentive Compensation Plan
(the EIC Plan). Those executives who participate in
one plan do not participate in the other plan. Additional
details of the Senior EIC and EIC plans are provided on
page 31 of this document and the 2010 goals and results are
summarized below.
Senior Executive Incentive Plan and Executive Incentive
Plan: 2010 Senior EIC Plan
participants include Mr. Cutler and each officer reporting
directly to him. In addition to Mr. Cutler, the Named
Executive Officers who participate in this plan include Messrs.:
Arnold, Fearon, and Gross. Mr. Palchak participates in the
EIC Plan. For 2010, the Committee established a bonus pool under
the Senior EIC Plan equal to two percent (2%) of our Annual Net
Income (as defined under the Plan) and also assigned a
percentage share of the Net Income Incentive pool to each
participant in the Senior EIC Plan, thus setting the maximum
amount that the participant could receive under the Plan for
2010. The actual pool generated under the plan was approximately
$19 million. Although the initial incentive payout for each
participant in the Senior EIC Plan is formula driven, the
Committee considers a variety of quantitative and qualitative
factors in exercising its discretion to reduce the
formula-driven awards that are generated by the Net Income Pool.
The quantitative factors include our performance relative to the
Earnings Per Share (EPS) (which includes acquisition
integration charges) and Cash Flow Return on Gross Capital
(CFR) objectives, weighted equally, that were
established under our EIC Plan. For 2010, these objectives were
achieved at the maximum level, as shown in the table on the
following page. Qualitative factors include, but are not limited
to, items such as: success in achieving the annual financial
plan for the executives business unit; success in
achieving growth goals; success in building organizational
capacity, which includes objectives that reinforce our ethical
standards; environmental health and safety-related goals;
ability to think and act strategically; and ability to
demonstrate an effective leadership style.
After considering these factors, the Committee exercised its
judgment to reduce the formula-driven awards that were generated
by the Net Income Pool. These final awards were consistent with
the awards delivered to other of our executives. The Committee
believes it is appropriate to align the payouts under the two
plans so that all employees are focused on the same objectives.
Incentive Plan Results Compared to Objectives:
2010 Executive Incentive Plan
Results (for
Payout % of Target
CFR (50%)
Operating EPS (50%)
Incentive Compensation
Executive Strategic Incentive Plan: Awards under
ESIP award period
ESIP) were delivered at 25% of target, principally due to the
lower than target performance during the recession in 2008 and
2009. These amounts were then adjusted to reflect individual
performance. In February 2007, the Committee established EPS
compound growth rate and CFR performance goals for the
ESIP, which is our long-term, cash-based incentive plan. The
ESIP objectives and results were as follows:
2007-2010 ESIP Objectives
CFR Threshold
Payout % of Target
CFR (50%)
EPS Compound Growth (50%)
Extension Grant Awards: Extension Grants were
intended to provide executives with the potential to earn a
portion of the long-term incentive opportunity that became
unattainable as a result of the recession, provided that Eaton
met its key 2009 and 2010 goals. The Committee approved
Extension Grant performance goals for 2009 and 2010, which
mirrored the 2009 and 2010 one-year EIC objectives,
respectively. These one-year goals were designed to measure
achievement against capturing the full benefits of the
restructuring and reengineering actions undertaken during the
recession. We did not meet the 2009 objectives, and although we
exceeded the one-year goals established for 2010, the objectives
were capped at 100% of target. The objectives for each year were
weighted equally, resulting in a 50% payout, as shown below.
2009-2010 Extension Grant Objectives
Payout % of Target
Payout %
Operating EPS (50%)
CFR (50%)
Operating EPS (50%)
CFR (50%)
Total Payout
The combined
ESIP and
Extension Grant award opportunities were capped at 125% of the
combined target opportunities. Actual combined awards were
delivered at 75% of the combined target opportunities.
Summary of Actual
Pay Earned by Our Chief Executive Officer in 2010 Compared to
Our compensation programs for Mr. Cutler and the other
Named Executive Officers are heavily weighted on performance.
The table below summarizes Mr. Cutlers 2010 realized
pay and performance over the period in which the elements of
compensation were earned. The information in this table is
intended to supplement the information contained in the Summary
Compensation Table on page 43. The table differs
substantially from the Summary Compensation Table required by
the SEC and is not a substitute for that or any other prescribed
table. The equity grants reported in the table below reflect
gross compensation prior to the deduction of applicable taxes
upon the exercise of stock options and vesting of restricted
share awards in 2010, irrespective of when the awards were
granted. The values for equity awards do not represent the grant
date fair value of equity awards that were granted in 2010 as
shown in the Summary Compensation Table. In addition, the
Summary Compensation Table includes compensation based upon the
change in pension value, above-market nonqualified deferred
compensation earnings, and other compensation which
is not shown in the table below. The Committee reviews these
elements of compensation as part of the Tally Sheet review
(discussed on page 29) in the context of a competitive
overall benefit design and not as an element of its annual
compensation decisions. Therefore, the change in pension values,
above market earnings on non-qualified deferred compensation,
and all other compensation are excluded from the
tables in this Executive Summary. The table below also does not
reflect the $38,855,622 distribution Mr. Cutler received
upon the termination of the pre-2005 Deferred Incentive
Compensation Plan and Incentive Compensation Deferral Plan, as
described on page 53. The Committee determined it was
appropriate to terminate these plans in February 2010 in order
to reduce Company liabilities, administrative costs and the
complexity of certain compensation arrangements. This
distribution included compensation that was earned and deferred
as far back as 1983.
Performance Results Over Period Earned
Base Salary
We generally target the market median when establishing base
salaries. The Committee determined it was appropriate to deliver
a 4.3% salary increase effective July 1, 2010 to align Mr.
Cutlers base salary with the market median.
Annual Incentive
Mr. Cutlers individual performance objective was set at
125% of base salary. His actual award was $3,750,000, or 250% of
his individual performance objective, which was consistent with
awards delivered to other executives. The Committee determined
this was an appropriate reward after considering a variety of
factors, including the Companys net income, CFR and EPS
performance. Please see the Short-Term Incentives
section that begins on page 31 for additional details of
how this award was determined.
ESIP Long-Term Incentive
In 2007, EPS and CFR objectives for the 2007-2010 ESIP award
period were established. Actual results delivered a payment at
25% of target, which was multiplied by Mr. Cutlers
individual performance rating of 125%.
Extension Grant Award
In 2009, the Committee approved Extension Grant Awards and set
objectives that mirrored the 2009 and 2010 CFR and EPS
objectives that were established for our short-term Executive
Incentive Plan for each year. The 2009 objectives were not
achieved but 2010 results exceeded the maximum objectives. Each
years objectives were weighted equally and were capped at
100% of target, resulting in overall goal achievement of 50% of
target. This award was denominated in contingent share units
using the average closing price over the first 20 trading days
of the award period ($24.05). The share units were adjusted for
goal achievement (50%) and converted back to cash based on our
average share price of the last 20 trading days of the award
period ($50.26) and then multiplied by Mr. Cutlers
individual performance rating (125%) to determine the final
Total Cash
Equity (Amounts realized upon the exercise of stock options
and vesting of restricted share awards and restricted share unit
Stock Option
The gains upon exercise of stock options were based on the stock
price appreciation from 2001-2010. Shareholders also experienced
a 211.2% gain during this time period. Additional details,
including the number of share exercised, are reported in the
Option Exercises and Stock Vested Table on page 49.
Restricted Shares Vesting
This represents the vesting of 52,166 restricted share awards
that were granted in 2005, 2008, and 2009. Additional details
are reported in the Option Exercises and Stock Vested table on
page 49.
Total Realized Value from Equity
Total Realized Compensation
2010 Target
Compensation for Our Chairman and Chief Executive
As shown on the previous page, a significant amount of Mr.
Cutlers compensation is performance based. The charts
below illustrate the mix of Mr. Cutlers target
compensation opportunity established in 2010. Performance-based
pay elements represent 87% of target total compensation, while
fixed elements represent 13% of target total compensation. Fixed
pay represents the annualized base salary the Committee approved
in February 2010 and differs from the base salary reported in
the Summary Compensation Table, which reflects base salary
actually paid in 2010. Performance-based pay includes the target
short-term incentive opportunity, target long-term cash (ESIP)
opportunity, and target equity incentive opportunities. The
values for the performance-based pay elements are reported in
the Grants of Plan Based Award table. Items categorized as
All Other Compensation and Changes in Pension
Values and Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation, as shown
in the Summary Compensation Table, are not included in the
charts below because the Committee does not consider these items
in the context of its annual compensation decisions.
Summary of Other
Compensation Elements Impacted by Our Recovery
Our significantly improved performance resulted in above target
awards under our annual incentive plan. In addition, we were
able to restore several compensation programs in 2010 that had
been cancelled or modified in 2009. Although the following pages
discuss our compensation programs with respect to the total
compensation of Mr. Cutler and the other Named Executive
Officers, it should be noted that some of the items listed below
impacted all other officers and executives who participated in
our short- and long-term incentive plans.
We employ a balanced portfolio approach by delivering long-term
compensation to our executives in a mix of equity and a
performance-based, long-term award payable in cash (ESIP). We
granted opportunities under our four-year ESIP for the
award period, which represented approximately one-half of
executives long-term incentive opportunity. The remaining
half of the long-term opportunity was granted in the form of
restricted share units. In 2009, we delivered 100% of the
executives long-term incentive opportunity in equity as a
result of cancelling the
ESIP opportunity and replacing it with a grant of restricted
share units. ESIP was cancelled early in the second quarter of
2009 because the Committee had significant concerns about
executive retention due to severely compromised short- and
long-term incentive awards for successive years. Therefore, the
restricted share units were granted to sharpen the focus on
recovery and to foster engagement and retention.
On January 1, 2010, we restored the base salaries of all
executives who elected to take a pay reduction in 2009. (Those
executives who did not elect to have their base salaries reduced
took unpaid leaves of absence.)
We restored our merit pay program effective in July of 2010. The
2010 merit pay increases were virtually the first general
increase since 2008.
We restored employer matching contributions for the 401(k)
savings plans in the United States and Puerto Rico on
July 1, 2010.
For 2010 we exceeded the maximum objectives under our EIC Plan
and delivered awards at 200% of target. In 2009, our performance
did not meet threshold objective levels and no short-term
incentive awards were paid.
Information About
Our Compensation Philosophy, Plans and Programs
Our Executive Compensation
Philosophy: We design our executive
compensation plans and programs to help us attract, motivate,
reward and retain highly qualified executives capable of
creating long-term and sustained value for our shareholders. We
implement compensation programs that are intended to align the
interests of our executives with those of our shareholders. In
addition, we endorse compensation actions that fairly reflect
company performance as well as the responsibilities and personal
performance of individual executives. Our executive compensation
philosophy is reviewed and updated by the Committee annually,
typically in January.
Pay for Performance
Culture: Our executive compensation program
reflects the belief that a significant portion of earned
compensation must depend on achieving rigorous Company, business
unit and individual performance objectives designed to enhance
shareholder value. Our executive incentive compensation programs
are intended to deliver target awards when our performance
aligns with the peer group median performance and awards that
exceed 150% of target when our performance is at or above the
top quartile of the peer group.
Market Competitiveness: We
target total compensation to be within the median range of
compensation paid by similarly-sized industrial companies. For
this purpose, total compensation includes base salary, a target
annual cash incentive opportunity, a target long-term cash
incentive opportunity and equity-based incentives. We
continuously monitor and assess the competitive retention and
recruiting pressures for executive talent in applicable
industries and markets. As a result, the Committee has
periodically exercised its judgment to set target compensation
levels for certain executives above the market median in order
to foster retention.
Internal Pay Equity: Internal equity among
similarly-situated positions is an important consideration in
establishing individual pay targets. When determining what
positions are similarly situated, we consider: the essential
functions of the position, ability to influence results,
educational requirements for the position, leadership level, and
job demands such as frequency of travel and being required to
respond to business matters at any time under any circumstances.
We measure and maintain internal equity by reviewing an
employees salary relative to the midpoint of the salary
range for his or her position and by establishing approximately
the same target incentive opportunities for similarly situated
Use of Compensation
Consultants: The Committee selects and
retains the services of an independent executive compensation
consultant to support its oversight and management of our
executive compensation programs. The Committee validates our
executive compensation plans and programs through periodic
comprehensive studies conducted with the assistance of its
consultant. For several years, and again in 2010, the Committee
retained Peter Egan, a senior consultant with Aon Hewitt, as its
primary advisor to assist the Committee in its review of our
executive compensation policies, programs and processes. In
2010, Mr. Egan performed the following assignments for the
Reviewed all Company-prepared materials in advance of each
Committee meeting;
Assisted the Committee in its review and discussions of all
material agenda items throughout the year;
Provided the Committee with his independent review and
confirmation of our analytical work;
Provided insight and advice to the Committee and management in
connection with possible design changes to our equity grants and
incentive plans;
Provided the Committee feedback regarding the appropriateness of
individual executive total compensation plans including specific
recommendations regarding the total compensation plan for
Mr. Cutler; and
Provided the Committee with insight and advice on appropriate
alternatives to consider in responding to the effect the
unprecedented global economic crisis had on our compensation
The Committee has adopted a formal policy that requires us to
obtain its review and approval prior to awarding any material
consulting assignment to any firm that has already been engaged
by the Committee. This policy ensures the Committees
consultant is well-positioned to provide qualified independent
advice on executive compensation and governance matters, In
2010, the only work performed by Aon Hewitt was advice and
recommendations on executive and director compensation provided
to the Committee. In addition to the Committees work with
Aon Hewitt, we also employ a variety of outside compensation,
benefit and actuarial consultants to support various types of
technical and administrative work. Typically, this includes data
analysis, broad-based employee compensation and benefit
benchmarking and design, actuarial work, drafting selected
employee communications, business processes and administrative
recordkeeping services, and assistance with acquisition and
divestiture due diligence. We choose firms for individual
consulting and service assignments based upon their specific
project capabilities and the proposed price for their work.
In 2010, the Committee also selected and retained Dr. David
Hofrichter, an independent consultant from Aon Hewitt, to
coordinate and support the process of conducting the Chief
Executive Officers annual performance appraisal, which is
described below.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Annual
Appraisal: The Committee thoroughly assesses
the performance of our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
annually. The Committee selected and retained Dr. David
Hofrichter to support this process in 2010. After reviewing a
comprehensive annual goal report and self-evaluation prepared by
our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, each director
confidentially provided Dr. Hofrichter with his or her
independent ratings recommendations, comments and suggestions
for performance improvement. The items that were addressed in
this review included:
Long-term strategy development and progress;
Our operations and financial results;
Success in building organizational depth, capability and
Board support and development;
Shareholder engagement;
Execution of corporate governance practices;
Personal leadership style; and
Community and industry involvement.
Each directors feedback on these performance areas was
compiled anonymously and independent of management by
Dr. Hofrichter. He prepared a draft consensus evaluation
for review and approval by Ms. McCoy, Chair of the
Committee. This evaluation was also reviewed in an Executive
Session of the Board of Directors and shared with our Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer prior to his performance evaluation
discussion with Ms. McCoy. The Committee used this
appraisal as one of several factors in determining
Mr. Cutlers payouts under our short- and long-term
incentive plans. The results of the annual appraisal are also
considered when determining any adjustments to
Mr. Cutlers base salary or his short- and long-term
incentive targets.
How We Set and
Validate Pay
We prepare four primary analyses that the Committee uses to
establish and validate our compensation plans and programs.
These analyses are summarized in the table below and discussed
in greater detail on the following pages.
Data Source
How Its Used
When Its Conducted
Total Compensation Analysis and Planning Process
Aon Hewitt, Towers Watson and Hay Industrial Executive
Compensation databases
Setting pay for our executives
Setting base pay, and short- and long-term incentive targets for
the next year/award cycle
October February
Tally Sheet
Internal compensation and benefits data
Evaluating total remuneration and internal pay equity of our
Evaluating the total remuneration of the CEOs direct
reports in order to determine if adjustments to our compensation
plans or programs are necessary. This includes reviewing
payments upon various termination scenarios.
Pay and Performance Analysis
Publicly-available financial and compensation information as
reported for the 16 Diversified Industrial Companies that we
have identified as Peers for strategic planning purposes
Evaluating pay and performance to validate individual
compensation plans that were established in February
Comparing pay and performance results with that of the Peer
Group over one-, three- and five-year time periods using a wide
range of performance metrics to determine the efficacy of the
Total Compensation Analysis and Planning Process
Pay Targeting and Performance Hurdle Analysis
Publicly-available financial and compensation information as
reported for the 16 Diversified Industrial Companies that we
have identified as Peers for strategic planning purposes
Evaluating whether we are setting appropriate performance hurdles
Providing insight into how each of our peers establish their pay
for performance profile relative to their own peer group to
determine whether we are setting appropriately high performance
hurdles in our incentive plans; also used to guide future
performance target setting to achieve our strategic objectives
Our Total
Compensation Analysis and Planning Process
Compensation Surveys: We use executive
compensation surveys published by three separate national
consulting firms to prepare an analysis that the Committee uses
to establish compensation opportunities for our executives. We
participate in and use the annual surveys sponsored by: Aon
Hewitt, Towers Watson and Hay Associates. Although each survey
provides comprehensive compensation data covering hundreds of
companies across a range of industries, we focus on the median
and mean data reported in the surveys for
similarly-sized industrial companies, which the
Committee currently defines as companies with annual sales of
$5 billion to $30 billion.
From October through December of each year, we conduct a market
analysis that aligns each of our executives with comparable
positions as reported in each of the three surveys by similarly
sized companies. If the surveys do not report data for a
specific executive officers position, each compensation
element for that position is extrapolated from the available
survey data. The elements of compensation included in our
analysis are: base salary, annual incentive opportunity, total
annual cash compensation, long-term incentive opportunity and
total direct compensation. We calculate the average of the
median value for each element of compensation as reported in
each of the three surveys. We prepare a comprehensive worksheet
for the Committee that compares each element of our
executives compensation to the average of the survey
median data for each compensation
element. This provides the Committee with a
current view of how each executive
officers resulting total compensation plan will compare to
current market practices for similar positions among the
similarly-sized industrial companies. The Committee uses this
data to establish base salary levels, target annual incentive
opportunities and target long-term incentive opportunities for
the next fiscal year.
As a key part of the Total Compensation and Planning Process,
Mr. Cutler meets individually with his direct reports to
discuss the performance assessment for their respective direct
reports and to formulate initial recommendations for an
appropriate total compensation plan for each executive. No
member of management, including Mr. Cutler, makes
recommendations regarding his or her own pay. In preparing his
recommendations, Mr. Cutler considers individual
performance as well as any element of an executives
compensation plan that is above or below the market median.
Mr. Cutler presents to the Committee the proposed total
compensation plan for each elected officer who reports directly
to him and the elected officers who lead our operational and
functional business groups.
Following this discussion, which occurs annually in February,
the Committee establishes a total compensation plan for each
executive officer. The Committee also meets in Executive Session
with its independent consultant (but with no members of our
management in attendance) to review the same comprehensive
market data for Mr. Cutlers position and to establish
a total compensation plan for him. In 2010, the Committee
followed this process to establish the total compensation plans
for Mr. Cutler and our other executive officers.
Compensation for the Named Executive Officers and the majority
of our other executives is intended to align with the market
median. From time to time, the Committee exercises its judgment
to set target compensation levels for select executives above
the market median in order to foster retention or recognize
market-competitiveness for certain positions. Similarly, the
Committee may also exercise its judgment to set target
compensation levels below the market median based on items such
as the positions ability to influence results, reporting
relationship, length of an executives time in that
position and individual performance.
How We Validate
Whether Our Compensation Programs, Philosophy and Opportunities
are Appropriate
Use of Tally Sheets: In
February of each year, we provide the Committee with a
comprehensive compensation Tally Sheet for each Named Executive
Officer. The Tally Sheet is reviewed prior to making decisions
about the compensation of the Named Executive Officers for the
next year. The Tally Sheet includes all components of each
executives current compensation including: base salary,
annual incentive compensation, long-term cash incentive
compensation, equity incentive compensation, retirement and
savings programs, health and welfare programs and the cost of
personal executive benefits.
In reviewing these Tally Sheets, the Committee also reviews
potential payments under various termination of employment
scenarios, including in the event of a change of control of the
Company. This process includes a review of potential severance
payments that we would expect to make, the potential values of
vested and unvested restricted share awards and restricted share
units and stock options, and accumulated balances and projected
payment obligations in connection with our retirement and
savings programs, including our deferred compensation and
limited service supplement and restoration retirement income
Based upon this review in 2010, the Committee determined that
total compensation in the aggregate for Mr. Cutler and the
other Named Executive Officers is appropriate. This analysis did
not suggest the need for any material changes to our executive
compensation program or its administration.
Peer Group: We do not use the compensation
data reported by our Peer Group to establish compensation
targets for our executives. Instead, each July we analyze the
publicly-available financial results and executive compensation
data as reported by our Peer Group to validate the
appropriateness of not only the individual compensation plans
for our Named Executive Officers but also the performance
hurdles that underlie our short- and long-term incentive plans.
The Peer Group that we review in these analyses is comprised of
16 publicly-held diversified industrial companies and is the
same group used by our Board of Directors in reviewing our 2010
Strategic Plan and Annual Profit Plan, which are the basis for
setting short- and long-term incentive plan performance goals.
We rank at approximately the median of this group in terms of
revenue. In 2010, the Peer Group consisted of the following
ABB Ltd.
Danaher Corporation
Dover Corporation
Emerson Electric
General Electric Company
Honeywell International, Inc.
Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
Ingersoll-Rand Company, Ltd.
ITT Corporation
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Siemens AG
SPX Corporation
Textron, Inc.
3M Company
Tyco International Ltd.
United Technologies Corporation
Pay and Performance
Analysis: The Committee uses this analysis to
assess whether our pay for performance profile is appropriate
and aligned with industry and Peer Group practices. In addition,
we and the Committee use this comprehensive Peer Group financial
analysis, together with available analyst reports on our Company
and our Peer Group, to support the process of reviewing and
establishing our stretch short- and long-term cash and equity
incentive plan goals that are intended to drive and reward top
quartile performance.
We provide the Committee an analysis that includes compensation
data reported by each Peer Group company for its chairman and
chief executive officer, its chief financial officer and, to the
extent available, any positions equivalent to our other Named
Executive Officers. The analysis also compares our performance
with that of the Peer Group over one-, three- and five-year time
periods using a wide range of performance metrics. This provides
the Committee with insight into how each of the Peer Group
companies has actually rewarded its executive officers in
comparison to the returns that it produced for its investors. As
part of this process, the Committees independent
compensation consultant provides the Committee with his views
and commentary on our analysis.
Pay Targeting and Performance Hurdle
Analysis: This study is intended to provide
the Committee with insight into how each of our Peer Group
companies establishes its pay for performance
profile. In February of each year, the Committee uses EPS growth
rate guidance as a key starting point for setting aggressive
performance hurdles for our short- and long-term
performance-based pay plans. In July of each year, we prepare
this analysis which is based upon publicly available information
and analysts reports. The analysis attempts to estimate
how each of the companies in our Peer Group:
Determines its own individual peer group;
Establishes target compensation levels as compared to the
companies in its own peer group;
Sets its publicly announced EPS guidance (if any) compared to
each of the companies in its own peer group; and,
The industry EPS expectations for these companies as reported by
the market analysts who follow them.
In prior years, these two analyses led to decisions to adjust
our compensation programs in the next year, such as the decision
to deliver additional restricted share grants in years in which
incentive opportunity lagged the market. However, in 2010, these
analyses did not lead to any meaningful conclusions because they
were heavily influenced by the many changes we and our peers
made to our compensation programs in response to the economic
Components of
Executive Compensation and Benefits
Base Salary: We pay a
competitive base salary to our executive officers in recognition
of their job responsibilities. In general, the Committee sets
base salaries at approximately the market median as described in
the Total Compensation Analysis and Planning Process. On
occasion, the Committee may set an executives base salary
above the reported market median to foster retention
recognize superior performance. Executives must demonstrate
consistently effective individual performance in order to be
eligible for a base salary increase. In making salary
adjustments, the Committee considers the executives base
salary and total compensation relative to the market median and
other factors such as: individual performance against business
plans, initiative and leadership, time in position, experience,
knowledge and success in building organizational capability. The
Committee uses this same process to establish a base salary for
Mr. Cutler.
2010 Base Salary
In 2009, many executives, including each of the Named Executive
Officers, elected to reduce their pay instead of taking a
voluntary leave of absence. The reduction for Mr. Cutler
was equal to eight weeks of pay and the reduction for the other
Named Executive Officers was equal to four weeks of pay. On
January 1, 2010, we restored each executives base
salary to the level that the Committee had approved during the
2009 Total Compensation and Planning Process.
Effective July 1, 2010, each Named Executive Officer
received a merit increase in recognition of his individual
performance and contributions to the organization, and to align
base pay with the market median. The Committee previously
authorized the increases in February 2010 during its Total
Compensation and Planning Process. The table below summarizes
the pay reduction and restoration and subsequent merit increases
for each of the Named Executive Officers.
June 1,
January 1,
Base Salary
as of
July 1,
Base Salary
Base Salary
Base Salary
A.M. Cutler
R.H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
Short-Term Incentives: We
establish a competitive annual cash incentive compensation
opportunity for our executives who participate in either our
Senior EIC Plan or our EIC Plan. The Committee determined target
opportunities for each executive in February during its Total
Compensation and Planning Process. As we previously discussed,
the average of the median annual incentive value as reported in
three compensation surveys is used as the basis for determining
our executives targets.
2010 Short-Term Incentive Compensation
Decisions: For 2010, the Committee established a
bonus pool under the Senior EIC Plan equal to two percent (2%)
of our Annual Net Income (as defined under the Plan). The
Committee also assigned a percentage share of the Net Income
Incentive pool to each participant in the Senior EIC Plan, thus
setting the maximum amount that the participant could receive
under the Plan for 2010. These percentages ranged from 12% to
34.7% of the Annual Net Income Incentive Pool for the Named
Executive Officers. No participant may be assigned a percentage
share that is worth more than $7,500,000.
Although the initial incentive payout for each participant in
the Senior EIC Plan is formula driven, the Committee may
exercise its discretion to reduce the size of these initial
award amounts. Decisions related to 2010 short-term incentive
awards, the Committee considered the EIC Plan EPS and CFR
objectives and results as one factor in making actual award
determinations for our Named Executive Officers. The 2010 EIC
Plan Objectives and Results were as follows:
2010 Executive Incentive Plan
Payout % of Target
CFR (50%)
Operating EPS (50%)
The Committee selected the EPS and CFR goals based on its review
of market analyses, our annual profit plan as approved by the
Board of Directors, external research reports and comparative
analyses of our Peer Group. The Committee believed that the
target levels that it established at the beginning of 2010 for
the EPS and CFR goals were demanding but attainable with
sustained effort.
In addition to EPS and CFR objectives, the Committee also
considered each participants performance against his or
her individual
business unit objectives when making final award determinations.
These individual goals included, but were not limited to, the
following categories and examples:
Achieving the annual financial plan which included both earnings
growth and return on investment criteria;
Growth: building our brand, out-growing the markets
in which we operate, and introducing new products and services;
Operational Excellence: supply chain improvement,
excellence in manufacturing and materials management, workplace
safety and emissions reduction; and
Building organizational capacity: recruiting and
developing talent, promoting a learning culture, introducing a
wellness initiative, community involvement, and reinforcing our
ethical standards and doing business right.
Although the Committee may use these performance objective as
one factor in making its determinations, this information is not
the Committees sole basis for deciding whether to pay
incentive awards. Ultimately, the Committee applies its own
business judgment and experience to assess actual performance
against these goals and to determine the incentive payouts, if
any, for the participants in the Senior EIC and EIC Plans.
The following table illustrates each Named Executive
Officers 2010 target and actual Senior EIC Plan incentive
award relative to his individual performance objective.
Mr. Palchak participates in the EIC Plan; therefore, the
Senior EIC net income pool is not applicable to his award.
Award as %
of Individual
Objective as %
of Base
Objective $
A.M. Cutler
R.H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
Long-Term Incentives: We
provide long-term incentive compensation to our executive
officers in two components: equity and a four-year
performance-based cash incentive compensation opportunity. We
believe that this portfolio approach to structuring
long-term incentives provides an appropriate balance that
focuses executives on both an external measure of our success
(via equity awards) and on internal performance metrics (via the
four-year cash incentive plan). This strategy is intended to
drive executive performance while fostering retention. The
independent compensation consultant has confirmed that this
approach is appropriate and consistent with market practices.
Equity Grants: The Committee has the authority
to fix the date and all terms and conditions of equity grants to
executive officers and other executives or key employees under
our various stock plans, all of which have been approved by our
shareholders. In 2010, approximately fifty percent of each Named
Executive Officers long-term incentive opportunity was
delivered in the form of an equity grant. The Committee strictly
adheres to the following grant practices:
We grant awards at the same time each year in the regularly
scheduled February Committee meeting. In the case of an equity
grant for a newly-hired executive, the process is described in
the fifth bullet point below.
In 2010, we granted restricted share units as our primary equity
vehicle. Restricted share units vest over, or upon conclusion
of, at least a four-year period.
In certain circumstances, we grant restricted share awards to
our executives, including our Named Executive Officers. These
awards are approved by the Committee for retention purposes. An
executive receiving a restricted share grant could, in the year
of the award, have total compensation above the median of market
practice. Retention-based restricted share grants generally vest
over four years. The vesting of restricted share grants is
contingent on continued service with us over the vesting period.
We set the strike price for all of our stock options at the fair
market value of our common shares on the date of grant. Our
current shareholder-approved stock plans define fair
market value as the closing price as quoted on
the New York Stock Exchange on the date of grant (unless the
Committee specifies a different method to determine fair market
value). Stock options vest over, or upon conclusion of, at least
a three-year period.
The Committee has delegated limited authority to Mr. Cutler
to make individual equity grants in order to recruit new
executives. In delegating this authority, the Committee
(a) approved a pool of 200,000 shares for use by
Mr. Cutler in making grants to newly hired executives,
(b) confirmed that it must approve any equity grant to a
newly recruited executive that exceeds 150% of the target
long-term incentive award opportunity established for the
incumbents position, and (c) confirmed that the
grant date for such new-hire equity awards would be
the first NYSE trading day of the next month following the date
of employment. Several times each year, we provide the Committee
with an update on the
new-hire grants approved by Mr. Cutler under this authority
and the balance of the authorized shares remaining in the pool.
In the event that the equity grants to newly hired executives
exhaust this approved pool of authorized shares, we would seek
Committee approval for an allocation of additional shares for
these recruiting purposes. New-hire grants in 2010 did not
exceed the authorized share pool.
In addition, the Committee has on rare occasions approved
mid-year special equity grants to executives who join us as the
result of a business acquisition. The Committee reviews and
approves awards to these executives at a regularly scheduled
Committee meeting. In 2010 the Committee did not make any
mid-year grants to executives of acquired companies.
Long-Term Cash Incentive Plan: Approximately
one-half of each Named Executive Officers long-term
incentive target is delivered through our long-term,
performance-based Executive Strategic Incentive Plan
(ESIP). Each year, the Committee creates a new
long-term cash incentive opportunity under ESIP and establishes
objectives for the four-year award period. We base awards under
ESIP on our success in achieving aggressive growth in four-year
EPS and CFR goals which have historically been weighted equally.
The Committee uses a comprehensive report that analyzes
Peer Group financial data to establish EPS and CFR objectives.
This report is also used by the Board of Directors in reviewing
our Strategic and Profit Plans. The analysis includes:
A comparison of our past performance across a range of
performance metrics compared to those same metrics as reported
for our Peer Group;
Our estimated financial results and those for each of our Peer
Group companies as projected by financial analysts who follow
these companies (generally covering two or three year periods
into the future); and
A review of our strategic objectives and annual business plans
for the four-year performance period.
The Committee sets performance hurdles for each four-year award
period such that: (a) payment at approximately 100% of the
target incentive opportunity would be made if our performance
over the four-year period is at or above the projected median of
the performance of our Peer Group and (b) payment at or
above 150% of the target incentive opportunity would be made if
our performance over the four-year period is at or above the
projected top 25th percentile of the performance of our
Peer Group.
Decisions Affecting Long-Term Compensation Established Prior
to 2010: The objectives and results for the ESIP
award period that concluded on December 31, 2010 are shown
in the following table.
2007-2010 ESIP Objectives
Payout % of Target
CFR (50% Weighting)
EPS Compound Growth (50%)
Each Named Executive Officers
target ESIP award opportunity was multiplied by 25% to reflect
the fact that our actual EPS performance did not meet the
threshold for a payout, but that our CFR performance did meet
the threshold goal established by the Committee at the start of
this four-year period. The Committee used its judgment to
determine each executives actual award by applying an
individual performance rating to the initial formulaic award.
The Committee generally determines the individual performance
ratings for the four-year award period by taking the average of
the four annual performance ratings that were assigned to each
executive for each of the years in the ESIP award period. Actual
individual ratings for the Named Executive Officers ranged from
105% to 125%. When combined with the 25% adjustment related to
our EPS and CFR performance, the final adjusted cash awards
delivered to the Named Executive Officers ranged from 26% to 31%
of the executives original target ESIP opportunities.
In February 2009, the Committee realized that the EPS and CFR
objectives for the then open award periods
were largely unattainable. The Committee determined that
successive years of potential low to no payouts would not foster
the executive engagement, motivation and retention that would be
necessary to emerge from the recession as a stronger company. As
a result, the Committee implemented Extension Grant
opportunities from our Supplemental ESIP. This plan is intended
to provide executives with an opportunity to earn some portion
of the long-term incentive opportunity that had become
The objectives under the
Extension Grant mirrored the EPS and CFR objectives that were
established for 2009 and 2010 EIC award periods. Payouts, if
any, under the Extension Grant are based on weighted EIC goal
results over the extension periods, subject to a cap on the
award such
that achievement of EIC goals at or above 100% of target
generates the maximum Extension Grant payment. The
Extension Grant objectives and results are shown below.
2009-2010 Extension Grant Objectives
Payout % of Target
Payout %
Operating EPS (50%)
CFR (50%)
Operating EPS (50%)
CFR (50%)
Total Payout
All active employees who participated in the
ESIP award period received an Extension Grant opportunity. Each
participants target award opportunity was equal in value
to his or her ESIP target for the
award period. The target value of each Extension Grant
opportunity was converted to contingent share units by dividing
it by the average closing price of our common shares for the
first 20 trading days of 2009, which was $24.05 and rounding up
the results to the nearest 50 whole units. Contingent share
units align the interests of the executives with those of the
shareholders because the units reflect appreciation or
depreciation and earnings on our common shares during the
performance period. The target award value and contingent share
units awarded to each Named Executive Officer are shown below.
2009-2010 Extension
Grant Targets
Grant Value
Share Units
A.M. Cutler
R.H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
At the end of the award period, the number of share units is
modified by the percentage of goal achievement and an individual
performance factor. The Committee considers the same
quantitative and qualitative metrics that are factored into an
executives short-term incentive performance rating,
described on page 32, when determining Extension Grant
individual performance ratings. The modified number of
contingent share units is multiplied by the average closing
price of our shares over the last twenty trading days of the
award period to determine the final cash award.
For the
award period, the aggregate long-term cash award for each
executive consists of the payout from the original ESIP plus the
payout from the Extension Grant. For the
award period, the combined awards were capped at 125% of the
combined target opportunity. Mr. Cutlers actual award
is shown below as an illustrative example of how the ESIP and
Extension Grant operates:
2007-2010 ESIP Opportunity
Extension Grant
Adjusted Award
Adjusted Award
Adjusted Units
Adjusted Units
Combined ESIP +
(25% Corporate
(125% Individual
(50% Corporate
(125% Individual
Based on
Extension Grant
Target $
Share Units
Final Award
Individual awards for the other Named Executive Officers are
listed in the Non-Equity Incentive Plan column of
the Summary Compensation Table.
Decisions Affecting Long-Term Compensation Established in
2010: The Committee determined target
opportunities for each executive in February during its Total
Compensation and Planning Process. As previously discussed, the
average of the median long-term incentive value as reported in
three compensation surveys is used as the basis for determining
our executives targets.
For 2010, the Committee chose to award RSUs as the primary
equity vehicle to all eligible long-term incentive plan
participants. We granted RSUs because they consume fewer shares
from our stock plan compared to the number of stock options it
would take to deliver awards at the target levels that were
determined when we analyzed the market survey data. We would
have to grant four stock options for every one full-value share
to deliver awards of a similar grant date fair value. This
multiple, coupled with the depressed stock price, which was
around $30 during the Compensation Planning Process, would cause
us to consume more shares than we anticipated when we sought
approval for the plan.
The Committee also determined that the mix of the long-term
incentive elements for each executive who participated in the
ESIP award period would be delivered in an equal mix of cash via
ESIP opportunity and RSUs. The Committee believes this balanced
portfolio approach is appropriate because it focuses executives
on both an external measure of success (via the equity awards)
as well as on internal measures (via the ESIP opportunity). In
addition, this balanced portfolio approach to delivering
long-term incentives is consistent with external market
practices. Employees who were eligible for long-term incentives
but did not participate in ESIP received 100% of their long-term
incentive opportunity in RSUs. In 2010, the Committee also
approved stock option grants for a small number of executives
residing in countries with regulatory limitations that made the
use of RSUs impractical or unlawful.
RSUs granted to the Named Executive Officers are shown in the
Grants of Plan Based Awards Table. The number of RSUs was
determined by dividing one-half of the Executives target
total long-term incentive opportunity by the average closing
price of our shares over the last 90 NYSE trading days of the
previous year, which was $30, and rounding to the nearest
The Committee has the authority to adjust the number of RSUs
granted to each participant based on his or her individual
performance and potential. In February 2010, the Committee
granted our executive officers, except Mr. Cutler, a number
of RSUs in excess of his or her target equity opportunity. These
grants were made in recognition of the contributions each made
towards our recovery throughout 2009 and to foster retention.
The RSU grants will vest in equal, annual installments over the
subsequent four years, subject to the executives continued
employment with us. Dividends are not accrued or paid on RSUs.
In February 2010, the Committee established EPS and CFR
performance goals for the
ESIP award period under the amended ESIP (which meets the
requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) and
was approved by the shareholders in 2008). In addition to
establishing performance objectives for the four-year ESIP award
period, the Committee approved
ESIP award period opportunities expressed in the form of
contingent share units for Messrs. Cutler, Fearon, Arnold,
Gross and, Palchak as shown in the Grants of Plan Based Awards
Table. The
Committee discussed and approved Mr. Cutlers award
opportunity in Executive Session with only its independent
compensation consultant in attendance. The number of contingent
share units was determined by dividing the cash ESIP target,
which represents approximately one-half of the Named Executive
Officers total long-term incentive opportunity, by the
average closing price of our common shares over the first twenty
days of the award period and rounding up to the nearest
At the end of the award period, the number of contingent share
units will be modified based on corporate performance relative
to the EPS and CFR objectives. The modified number of contingent
share units is capped at 200% of the initial number of shares.
The modified number of share units will be converted to cash by
multiplying the final number of contingent share units by the
average closing price of our shares over the last twenty days of
the award period. Dividend equivalents will be paid based on the
final number of contingent share units and the aggregate
dividends paid during the award period.
In addition to these long-term incentive opportunities, the
Committee reviewed and approved a retention-based restricted
share grant of 4,000 shares for Mr. Fearon, 30% of
which will vest at the end of 24 months and another 30%
will vest at the end of 36 months. The remaining 40% of the
shares vest at the end of 48 months, subject to his
continued employment with us.
Other Executive
Compensation Policies and Guidelines
Share Ownership Guidelines
We expect all of our executive officers and, depending on their
level in the Company, certain other key executives to hold a
number of our common shares with a value equal to a
pre-determined multiple of their base salary. We also require
each executive to hold a minimum of 20% of the ownership
requirement in unrestricted shares. Until 2011, all votable
shares, including restricted shares, were counted toward the
holding requirement. Executives are expected to reach these
guidelines within five years of appointment to a new position.
These multiples, as shown below, represent the minimum
guidelines and are consistent with trends we have seen in the
competitive market. Executives are expected to satisfy these
guidelines for the duration of their employment with the Company.
Chairman and CEO
6 times base salary
Vice Chairmen
4 times base salary
Other Officers
2-3 times base salary
General Managers and other ESIP Participants
1 times base salary
The Committee annually reviews the progress of the individual
executive officers toward these ownership levels and our
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer annually reviews the
progress of other non-officer executives. On December 31,
2010, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the other
Named Executive Officers exceeded their ownership requirements.
As discussed on page 59 under Director Compensation, we
also require our Board of Directors to hold all Eaton shares
granted to them until retirement.
Anti-Hedging We have a
policy that prohibits directors and employees, including the
Named Executive Officers, from engaging in financial hedging of
their investment risk in our shares.
Health and Welfare Benefits and Retirement
Income Plans With certain exceptions
described below, we provide our executive officers with the same
health and welfare and retirement income benefit programs that
we provide to our other salaried employees. In place of typical
Company-paid group term life insurance, we provide all executive
officers and certain other executives with Company-paid life
insurance coverage under two separate policies. The aggregate
value of the two policies is approximately equal to an
executives annual base salary and this level of coverage
is consistent with the level of coverage provided to other
salaried employees through our group term life policy. The
majority of the executives life insurance is covered under
an executive-owned individual whole life policy, with the
remaining $50,000 of insurance covered under our group term life
The value of the Company-paid premium for the whole life policy
is imputed as taxable income to each covered executive. We
decided to provide this executive life insurance arrangement to
allow each executive to have a paid up policy at retirement that
would mirror Company-provided
group term life insurance but with less post-retirement tax
complexity for both the executive and us.
The tax-qualified pension plans that we maintain for our
U.S. salaried and non-union employees define the term
compensation to include base salary, overtime pay,
pay premiums and awards under any annual variable pay or
incentive compensation plan (including amounts deferred for
receipt at a later date). We use this same definition for
calculating pension benefits under the nonqualified executive
retirement income arrangements described below.
Other Retirement and Compensation
Arrangements The pension benefits table on
page 51 reports retirement benefits for Mr. Cutler and
the other Named Executive Officers. Certain provisions of the
Internal Revenue Code limit the annual benefits that may be paid
from a tax-qualified retirement plan. As permitted under the
Code, the Board of Directors has authorized plans under which
payment will be made from our general funds for any benefits
that may exceed those limits. These non-qualified benefits
accrued prior to January 1, 2005 will be paid at retirement
in the form of an annuity (unless otherwise determined by the
Committee). Upon a proposed change of control of the Company,
the benefits will be paid at the time of that event (unless
otherwise determined by the Board of Directors) in a single sum.
These benefits accrued after January 1, 2005 will be paid
in the form of a single sum at retirement.
In response to market practices and to enhance our ability to
attract and retain key executives, the Board of Directors also
has adopted plans that provide supplemental annual retirement
income to certain executives who we hire mid-career who do not
have the opportunity to accumulate significant credited service
with us under our tax-qualified retirement income or
nonqualified restoration plans. These plans deliver a benefit if
the executive either retires at age 55 or older and has at
least 10 years of service with us or retires at age 65
or older regardless of the years of service.
Pension benefits (inclusive of the unfunded benefits described
above) for executives under the cash balance plan formula fall
below the median of pension programs. The previous final average
pay formula (inclusive of the unfunded restoration benefits),
which covers executives hired before January 1, 2002
including Mr. Cutler and several of the Named Executive
Officers, is approximately at the median of traditional pension
plan designs. We do not have a plan that allows for base salary
deferrals and do not match 401(k) contributions in excess of the
Code limits, resulting in below median retirement benefit values
for executives (most of our competitors provide base salary
deferral plans with matching contributions in excess of the Code
These qualified and nonqualified retirement income plans are the
only compensation or benefit plans or programs that we provide
to executive officers that consider base salary and earned
annual incentive awards in the calculation of the
executives account balances. Long-term incentives,
including cash and amounts realized upon the exercise of stock
vesting of RSUs or restricted share awards, are not factored
into these calculations.
Employment Contracts and Change of Control
Agreements We do not provide our executive
officers with employment contracts.
We do enter into double-trigger change of control
agreements with each executive officer. These agreements provide
benefits if an executives employment is terminated or
materially changed for certain reasons following a change of
control. We believe that these agreements are in the best
interest of our shareholders because they help ensure that we
will have the continued dedication and focus of key executives
in the event of a change of control of the Company. Details of
our change of control agreements may be found in the narrative
discussion accompanying the Potential Payments Upon Termination
section beginning on page 53.
We and the Committee believe that tax protection is appropriate
in limited circumstances to avoid the potential for the value of
a benefit to be reduced as a result of tax requirements that are
beyond an employees control. Specifically:
Relocation/Repatriation: We provide tax
protection for our employees under our relocation and
repatriation policies so that they are able to make decisions to
accept new assignments without concern that relocating would be
a disadvantage to them from a tax standpoint.
Change of Control: U.S. tax law imposes a
20% excise tax on certain compensation that is contingent on a
change of control of the Company (contingent
compensation). As is common practice, we have agreed to
provide the Named Executive Officers and other officers with
full tax protection for liability for the 20% excise tax. When
contingent compensation exceeds 300% of the officers
average annualized
Form W-2
compensation for the five-year period preceding the year of the
change of control, an excess parachute payment is triggered. If
an excess parachute payment occurs, the excise tax applies to
the contingent compensation that exceeds 100% of the
officers five year average compensation as described
above. If the excise tax applies, the amount of tax protection
is calculated using a gross up formula that computes
a total payment to the officer that (1) reimburses the
excise tax liability on the initial excess parachute payment,
and (2) reimburses any additional income, FICA and excise
tax liability on the gross up amount. The tax
protection is intended to ensure that the affected executive
receives the same after-tax payments that the executive would
have received had the executive not been subject to the excise
We believe this benefit is in the best interest of our employees
and shareholders because executives may have significantly
different average compensation over the five-year period
preceding the change of control due to length of service with
the company, timing of stock option exercises, elections to
voluntarily defer compensation, and other personal decisions
that were made without knowledge of the change of control or its
potential tax implications. In addition, the tax protection
eliminates the potential for the pending tax liability to
influence an executives behavior or support for a change
of control.
$1 Million Tax Deduction
Limit Prior to 2008, we did not qualify our
short- and long-term incentive awards as performance
based compensation under Internal Revenue Code
Section 162(m). Under this law, any remuneration in excess
of $1 million paid to Mr. Cutler and the three other
most highly compensated executive officers of the Company (other
than the Chief Financial Officer) in a given year is not tax
deductible unless paid pursuant to formula-driven,
performance-based arrangements that preclude Committee
discretion to adjust compensation upward after the beginning of
the period in which the compensation is earned. The shareholders
approved a Senior Executive Incentive Compensation Plan and an
amended Executive Strategic Incentive Plan (as previously
discussed), which meet the requirements needed to qualify
incentive payments under these Plans as deductible compensation
under Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m).
Clawback Policy on Incentive Compensation,
Stock Options and Other Equity Grants Upon the Restatement of
Financial Results The Board of Directors has
adopted a formal policy stating that, if an executive engaged in
any fraud, misconduct or other bad-faith action that, directly
or indirectly, caused or partially caused the need for a
material accounting restatement for any period as to which a
Performance-Based Award was paid or credited to the executive
during the twelve-month period following the first public
issuance of the incorrect financial statement, such award shall
be subject to reduction, cancellation or reimbursement to the
Company at the discretion of the Board. As used in this policy,
the term executive means any executive who
participates in either the Executive Strategic Incentive Plan I
or the Executive Strategic Incentive Plan II, or both, or any
successor plans. Our incentive compensation plans, stock plans
and deferral plans include the provisions of this policy.
Additional details regarding this policy and related processes
may be found on our website at
Between Compensation Plans and Risk
Annually the Committee and management conduct a comprehensive
review of our compensation programs, including executive
compensation and major broad-based compensation programs in
which salaried and hourly employees at various levels of the
organization participate. The goal of this review is to assess
whether any of our compensation programs, either individually or
in the aggregate, would encourage executives or employees to
undertake unnecessary or excessive risks that were reasonably
likely to have a material adverse impact on the Company.
The Committee reviewed an inventory of our variable pay and
sales commission plans that had been established for 2010. The
inventory included the number of participants in each plan, the
participants levels within the organization, the target
and maximum payment potential and the performance criteria under
each plan, and the type of plan (for example,
and goal sharing). The Committee concluded that none of the
broad-based programs (base salary, traditional sales commission
or variable incentive arrangements) that extend to hourly and
salaried employees would likely give rise to a material risk.
The Committee also applied a risk assessment to those plans that
were identified as having the potential to deliver a material
amount of compensation, which for 2010 were the annual and
long-term incentive plans that are described earlier in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis. The analysis included, but
was not limited to, the following items:
Whether the performance goals were balanced and potential
payments were reasonable based on potential achievement of those
goals at the threshold, target and maximum levels;
When applicable, whether the relationship between performance
objectives under the annual incentive programs were consistent
with performance objectives tied to the long-term incentive
The caps on individual awards and aggregate payments under the
plans; and
How our performance objectives and target award opportunities
compared to the objectives and target awards underlying our
peers incentive programs.
The Committee and management also concluded that our executive
compensation strategy and programs are structured in the best
interest of the Company and its stakeholders and do not pose a
material risk due to a variety of mitigating factors. These
mitigating factors include:
An emphasis on long-term compensation that utilizes a balanced
portfolio of compensation elements, such as cash and equity and
delivers rewards based on sustained performance over time;
The Committees sole power to set short- and long-term
performance objectives for our incentive plans. These objectives
have historically been stretch CFR and operating EPS goals and
qualitative goals under the EIC Plan, such as leadership
development, growth, operational excellence and building
organizational capacity. We believe all of these items
contribute to increased shareholder value;
Our long-term cash incentive plan (ESIP) focuses on cumulative
EPS over overlapping four-year award periods. This creates a
focus on driving sustained performance over multiple award
periods which mitigates the potential for executives to take
excessive risks to drive one-time short-term performance spikes
in any one award period;
The use of equity awards to foster retention and align our
executives interests with those of our shareholders;
Capping the potential payouts under both short- and long-term
incentive plans to eliminate the potential for windfalls;
A clawback policy that allows us to recover compensation in the
case of material restatement of financial results
employee misconduct;
Share ownership guidelines; and
A broad array of competitive health and welfare benefit programs
that offer employees and executives an opportunity to build
meaningful retirement assets throughout their career.
Adjustments to
Programs and Practices in 2011
We have implemented the following changes to our executive
compensation programs for 2011:
Delivered long-term incentive opportunities to elected officers
and operational leaders in a mix of long-term cash (denominated
in phantom share units), RSUs and stock options. In 2009 and
2010, these executives received their long-term incentive
opportunity in a mix of cash and RSUs.
Discontinued the vehicle allowance that was provided to certain
Revised our holding requirement under our share ownership
guidelines to reflect that 20% of the shares must be held in
unrestricted shares. Previously, all votable shares, including
unvested restricted share awards, were counted toward the
Compensation and
Organization Committee Report
The Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board of
Directors has reviewed and discussed with the Companys
management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by
Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
and, based on this review and discussion, the Compensation and
Organization Committee recommended to the Board that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy
Deborah L. McCoy, Chair
Todd M. Bluedorn
Christopher M. Connor
Ned C. Lautenbach
Gary L. Tooker
The following table sets forth the total compensation of our
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, our Vice Chairman and
Chief Financial and Planning Officer, and our three other most
highly compensated executive officers in 2010.
Salary, as shown in column (c), consists of base
salary, which accounted for, on average, 11.95% of the total
compensation of the Named Executive Officers in 2010. The Named
Executive Officers were not entitled to receive
Bonus payments under column (d) for 2010
(Bonus payments are defined under the disclosure
rules as discretionary payments that are not based on any
performance criteria). Column (e), Stock Awards,
consists of the grant date fair value of awards delivered to
each Named Executive Officer in the year reported. Column (f),
Option Awards, reports the grant date fair value of
stock options awarded in each respective year shown below. The
grant date fair value is based on the Black-Scholes Model.
Column (g), Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation,
is the amount paid under the Senior EIC Plan, four-year ESIP for
award period and
Extension Grant award period. The incentive payments reported in
Column (g) were approved by the Committee at its
January 25, 2011 meeting and, to the extent not deferred by
the executive, will be paid on March 15, 2011. Column (h),
Change in Pension Value and Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Earnings, contains two distinct components.
Change in Pension Value represents the total change
in the actuarial present value of each Named Executive
Officers accumulated benefit under all of our defined
benefit pension plans (both tax qualified and nonqualified) from
the measurement date used for financial reporting purposes.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Earnings include
earnings on deferred compensation that exceed 120% of a
specified rate of interest for long-term debt instruments
established by the Internal Revenue Service. Column (i),
All Other Compensation, consists of compensation
that does not fit within any of the foregoing definitions of
compensation. This compensation includes personal benefits, our
contributions to defined contribution plans, the value of
insurance premiums paid by us and the value of any dividends
paid on restricted shares because they are not factored into the
grant date fair values reported in column (e).
Changes In
Value and
Name and
Incentive Plan
All Other
Principal Position
A. M. Cutler
Chairman, Chief Executive
Officer and President
R. H. Fearon
Vice Chairman and Chief
Financial and Planning Officer
C. Arnold
Vice Chairman and COO
Industrial Sector
T. S. Gross
Vice Chairman and COO Electrical Sector
J. P. Palchak
President Vehicle Group
(1) |
These two columns show the grant date fair value of equity
awards granted to the Named Executive Officers. The value of
stock options is based on the Black-Scholes option pricing
model. The assumptions used in connection with this valuation
are further described in the Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements on page 31 of our 2010 Annual Report. The actual
amounts |
realized by individual Named Executive Officers likely will vary
based on a number of factors, including the market performance
of our shares and timing of option exercises. |
(2) |
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation reported in Column
(g) includes payments for the 2010 Senior EIC Plan, or EIC
Plan in the case of Mr. Palchak,
ESIP award period and
Extension Grant. Actual awards earned by each Named Executive
Officer are noted below. The material features of these
incentive plan are described in the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis. |
2010 Short-Term
ESIP Extension
Incentive Award
Grant Award
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
(3) |
Column (h) includes the aggregate change in the actuarial
present value of the accumulated benefit under all of our
defined benefit pension plans, both qualified and non-qualified,
and above-market earnings on non-qualified deferred
compensation. Under the disclosure rules, earnings on deferred
compensation are considered to be above-market if
they exceed a rate of interest established by the Internal
Revenue Service on the date the interest rate or formula used to
calculate the interest rate is established under the plan
pursuant to which the receipt of compensation is deferred. In
2010, Mr. Cutler was the only Named Executive Officer who
received above-market earnings on his nonqualified deferred
compensation (in the amount of $6,547). The aggregate change in
the actuarial present value of the accumulated benefit under all
defined benefit pension plans for each Named Executive Officer
is noted below: |
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
(4) |
All Other Compensation in column (i) includes the aggregate
incremental cost incurred by us for certain executive personal
benefits. The amounts of these benefits in excess of disclosure
levels for each Named Executive Officer are set forth below. The
calculation of incremental cost for personal use of our aircraft
includes only those variable costs incurred as a result of
personal flight activity and excludes non-variable costs which
would have been incurred regardless of whether there was any
personal use of our aircraft. We do not reimburse Named
Executive Officers for tax costs related to personal use of our
aircraft. |
We also provide certain executives, including the Named
Executive Officers, with the opportunity to acquire individual
whole-life insurance. The annual premium paid by us during 2010
for each of the Named Executive Officers is set forth below.
Each executive officer is responsible for paying individual
income taxes due with respect to our insurance program.
Column (i) also includes the amount of our matching
contributions to the Named Executive Officers accounts
under the 401(k) Eaton Savings Plan (the ESP). We
suspended matching contributions to the ESP in April 2009 and
restored them in July 2010. The ESP permits an employee to
contribute a portion of his or her salary to the ESP, subject to
limits imposed under the Internal Revenue Code. All of the Named
Executive Officers except Mr. Palchak reached the Code
limit prior to the restoration of the match.
Column (i) also includes dividends paid in 2010 on
restricted share awards.
The amounts of the executive benefits reported in column (i) are:
Use of
Dividends on
and Tax
Paid Life
All Other
Share Awards
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
The following table summarizes the potential awards payable to
Named Executive Officers with respect to the short-term and
long-term incentive award opportunities granted in 2010. The
number of shares, share units and share prices shown below have
been adjusted to reflect the two-for-one stock split in the form
of a stock dividend distributed on February 28, 2011 to
shareholders of record as of the close of business on
February 7, 2011.
Estimated Future Payout under Non-Equity Incentive Plan
All Other
All Other
or Base
Grant Date
Number of
Number of
Price of
Fair Value
Share Units
Shares of
of Stock &
Granted at
Stock or
Price on
Grant Date
Target (#)
Threshold ($)
Target ($)
Maximum ($)
Units (#)
Options (#)
Grant Date
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
(1) |
The amounts shown represent potential payments that were
established in February 2010 under our Senior EIC Plan and, with
respect to Mr. Palchak, the EIC Plan. As described in the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis above, the Committee
established a pool under the Senior EIC plan which was expressed
as a percentage of an objective corporate performance measure. A
portion of this pool was assigned to each participant, thereby
establishing each individuals maximum award opportunity.
The Committee also established threshold, target and maximum CFR
and EPS goals for 2010 under the EIC plan. Individual award
opportunities under the EIC Plan were capped at a percentage of
the participants target annual incentive opportunity.
Subordinate performance objectives which were tied to corporate,
business unit and individual performance objectives were also
established for each Named Executive Officer. The Committee |
used the actual levels achievement compared to the corporate and
other goals to determine actual incentive awards. |
(2) |
The amounts shown represent the potential payments that were
established in February 2010 for the
ESIP Award Period. The ESIP opportunities were denominated in
contingent share units. The number of contingent share units was
determined by dividing the target value of the ESIP opportunity
by the average closing price of our common shares over the first
20 trading days of 2010 ($32.91) and rounding up to the nearest
50 shares. At the end of the award period, the number of
contingent share units will be adjusted based on the
Companys achievement relative to the ESP and CFR
objectives. The final number of contingent share units cannot
exceed two times the original number of share units. The final
number of contingent share units will be multiplied by the
average closing price of our shares over the last twenty days of
the award period. Although there is a cap on the potential
number of share units, we do not cap the share price that is
used to determine final awards. The maximum amount shown in the
table represents 200% of the executives target
opportunity. Actual awards, if any, will be paid in March 2014
and may vary based on share price appreciation. |
(3) |
These amounts represent restricted share awards and RSUs granted
on February 23, 2010. |
The following table summarizes the outstanding equity awards
held by the Named Executive Officers at year-end 2010. The
closing price of our common shares on the last trading day in
2010 ($50.76) was used to determine the market value of the
unvested restricted share awards and RSUs shown in column (h).
The number of shares, share units and share prices have been
adjusted to reflect the two-for-one stock split in the form of a
stock dividend distributed on February 28, 2011 to
shareholders of record as of the close of business on
February 7, 2011.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Plan Awards:
Plan Awards:
or Payout
Plan Awards:
No. of
Value of
Number of
Number of
No. of
Number of
Value of
Shares or
Shares or
Units of
Units of
Units or
Units or
Stock That
Stock That
Other Rights
Other Rights
Options (#)
Options (#)
Have Not
Have Not
That Have
That Have
Options (#)
Price ($)
Vested (#)
Vested ($)
Not Vested (#)
Not Vested ($)
Grant Date
Grant Date
A. M.
R. H.
T. S.
J. P.
The footnotes appearing on the following page list the vesting
schedule for Equity Awards that have not yet vested. Restricted
Share Awards are in the form of actual shares that are subject
to the risk of forfeiture. Restricted Share Units are in the
form of phantom share units that are payable in shares upon
Future Vesting Of Equity Awards
Grant Date
Grant Type
Shares Granted
Shares Vesting
Vesting Date
(1) A. M. Cutler
Stock Options
Stock Options
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
(2) R. H. Fearon
Stock Options
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Award
(3) C. Arnold
Stock Options
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
(4) T. S. Gross
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
(5) J. P. Palchak
Stock Options
Stock Options
Restricted Share Award
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
Restricted Share Units
The following table provides information regarding exercises of
stock options and vesting of restricted share awards and RSUs
during the year ended December 31, 2010 for the Named
Executive Officers. The values reflect (a) in the case of
exercised stock options, the difference between the aggregate
option exercise price and the market price of the applicable
number of our common shares on the date of exercise, and
(b) in the case of any restricted share award or RSU that
vested during 2010, the per share closing price of our common
shares on the vesting date multiplied by the number of shares
that vested. The number of shares shown below has been adjusted
to reflect the two-for-one stock split in the form of a stock
dividend distributed on February 28, 2011 to shareholders
of record as of the close of business on February 7, 2011.
Option Awards:
Stock Awards:
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
Number of Shares
Value Realized on
Acquired on Exercise (#)
Acquired on Vesting (#)
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
(1) |
Amounts realized upon the exercise of options or on the vesting
of Restricted Share Awards or Restricted Share Units are not
eligible for deferral under any of our deferred compensation
The following table shows the estimated present value of the
benefits payable under each of our retirement income plans to
each Named Executive Officer. We maintain three basic types of
retirement income plans for our U.S. salaried employees:
(a) a tax-qualified defined benefit pension plan (referred
to as the Pension Plan for Eaton Corporation Employees in the
Pension Benefits table) that has two separate benefit formulas:
a final average pay formula and a cash balance formula,
(b) two defined benefit restoration plans (collectively
referred to as the DB Restoration Plan in the Pension Benefits
table) and (c) a plan that allows us to supplement the
pension benefits earned under our qualified pension plan and
nonqualified DB Restoration Plan to executives who are recruited
by us mid-career (referred to as the Limited Service
Supplemental Plan in the Pension Benefits table).
Tax-qualified Retirement Income Plans
Effective January 1, 2002, employees who were then earning
benefits under the Average Final Annual Compensation
benefit formula (the AFAC benefit formula) under the
Pension Plan for Eaton Corporation Employees (the Pension
Plan) were given the option to either: (a) continue
earning benefits under the AFAC benefit formula; or
(b) commence earning benefits in an Eaton Personal
Pension Account under the cash balance formula (the
EPPA benefit formula). Salaried employees hired on
or after January 1, 2002 automatically earn benefits under
the EPPA benefit formula upon becoming eligible for
participation in the retirement plan. Under the AFAC benefit
formula, annual normal retirement benefits are computed at the
rate of 1% of average final annual compensation up to the
applicable Social Security integration level ($56,628 for 2010
retirements) plus
of average final annual compensation in excess of the Social
Security integration level, multiplied by the employees
years of credited service. In addition, the employee receives a
supplement equal to
of average final annual compensation up to the applicable Social
Security integration level payable until the Social Security
Normal Retirement Age. An employees average final annual
compensation is the average annual amount of his or her eligible
compensation (consisting of salary plus short-term executive
incentive compensation for service during the five consecutive
years within the last 10 years of employment for which the
employees total compensation was the greatest). Years of
credited service includes the number of years of employment
between age 21 and retirement, subject to a maximum of
44 years. Corporate policies require the Named
Executive Officers to retire at age 65. Under the EPPA
benefit formula, a participants single sum retirement
benefit is accumulated throughout his or her career with us.
This single sum amount is represented as a notional account
balance to which is regularly added credits equal to a
percentage of his or her eligible compensation (consisting of
salary and annual executive incentive compensation) plus
interest at a specified rate. The percentage of eligible
compensation credited to the participants notional account
balance varies over his or her career based on the sum of the
participants age and service with us. For any period when
that sum is less than 50, 5.0% of eligible compensation is
credited. For any period when the sum is between 50 and 59
(inclusive), 6.0% of eligible compensation is credited. When the
sum is between 60 and 69 (inclusive), 7.0% of eligible
compensation is credited. When the sum is 70 or greater, 8.0% of
eligible compensation in credited. Except as noted below, upon
termination of employment, the notional account balance is
available as a single sum or may be converted to one of several
annuity forms. Pursuant to the requirements of the Pension
Protection Act, beginning with benefit payments on or after
April 1, 2009, no more than 50% of a benefit may be paid as
a lump sum and the remaining 50% of the benefit must be paid in
the form of a monthly annuity. Full lump sum distributions will
again become available under the Pension Plan once the Pension
Plans funded status is at or above 80%. This restriction
applies to both the AFAC and EPPA benefit formulas. Under the
standard post-retirement surviving spouse option for the AFAC
and EPPA benefit formulas, the participant receives a reduced
pension, and a pension equal to 50% of the reduced pension is
payable to his or her surviving spouse. For example, the benefit
for an employee electing that option at age 65 whose spouse
is five years younger would be approximately 11.5% less than the
amount of the participants annual benefit.
Nonqualified Defined Benefit Retirement Plans
Certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code limit the annual
benefits that may be paid from a tax-qualified retirement plan
(including a limitation on the amount of annual compensation
that may be taken into account in calculating a
participants benefit under a qualified retirement plan
($245,000 in 2010)). As permitted under the Internal Revenue
Code, the Board of Directors has authorized the payment from our
general funds of any benefits calculated under the provisions of
the applicable pension plan that may exceed those limits. This
applies to all participants, including the Named Executive
Limited Eaton Service Supplemental Retirement Income
Plan The Board of Directors has adopted a plan
that provides supplemental annual retirement income to certain
executives who do not have the opportunity to accumulate
significant credited service with us under our tax-qualified
retirement income plans, provided that they either retire at
age 55 or older and have at least 10 years of service
with us or retire at age 65 or older regardless of the
years of service. The amount of the annual supplement is
generally equal to the amount by which a percentage (described
below) of the executives average final annual compensation
exceeds his or her earned retirement income (which includes
amounts receivable pursuant to the retirement plans described
above). The percentage of average final annual compensation used
for this purpose depends upon an executives age and years
of service at retirement. The percentage ranges from 25% (for
retirements at age 55 with less than 15 years of
service) to 50% (for retirements at age 62 or older with
15 years or more of service). Benefits accrued and vested
before January 1, 2005 under either the nonqualified or the
limited service plans (described above) generally are paid in
one of the forms available under the Pension Plans as elected by
the participant. Benefits earned after 2004 are paid as a single
lump sum. With respect to all benefits, regardless of when
accrued, the present value of the benefit will be paid in a
single installment upon a change of control of the Company.
Number of
Years of
Value of
Last Fiscal
Plan Name
Service (#)
Benefit ($)
Year ($)
A. M. Cutler
Pension Plan for Eaton Corporation Employees
DB Restoration Plan
Limited Service Supplemental Plan
R. H. Fearon
Pension Plan for Eaton Corporation Employees
DB Restoration Plan
Limited Service Supplemental Plan
C. Arnold
Pension Plan for Eaton Corporation Employees
DB Restoration Plan
Limited Service Supplemental Plan
T. S. Gross
Pension Plan for Eaton Corporation Employees
DB Restoration Plan
Limited Service Supplemental Plan
J. P. Palchak
Pension Plan for Eaton Corporation Employees
DB Restoration Plan
Limited Service Supplemental Plan
We provide our executives with opportunities to defer the
receipt of their earned and otherwise payable awards under our
short- and long-term cash incentive plans. We offer these plans
in order to (a) provide executives with a competitive
opportunity to accumulate additional retirement assets,
(b) provide a means for acquiring our shares in order to
meet our share ownership guidelines and (c) provide an
additional form of employment retention. Despite their
popularity across our industry, we do not currently provide our
executives with a nonqualified defined contribution plan that
enables them to defer base salary amounts in excess of Internal
Revenue Code limits that restrict such deferrals under our
tax-qualified defined contribution plan. The table below
includes not only amounts contributed, earned and distributed as
deferred compensation in the last fiscal year, but also includes
compensation that the Named Executive Officer elected to defer
in all prior years. Therefore, the Aggregate Balance at Last
Fiscal Year-End (column (f)) contains the total of all
contributions and earnings since the Named Executive Officer
began deferring compensation. The year in which the Named
Executive Officer began deferring compensation is stated in the
table immediately below the officers name. The plans
covered by the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation table, two of
which were terminated by action of the Compensation and
Organization Committee in February 2010, are as follows:
the Deferred Incentive Compensation Plan (the DIC
the Deferred Incentive Compensation Plan II (the DIC
Plan II),
the Incentive Compensation Deferral Plan (the IC Deferral
Plan), and
the Incentive Compensation Deferral Plan II (the IC
Deferral Plan II).
Short-term incentive compensation earned after December 31,
2004 was not eligible for deferral under the DIC Plan. Instead,
the DIC Plan II is available for the deferral of this
compensation. Incentive compensation earned in 2005 through 2008
that was deferred under the DIC Plan II was credited with
earnings in the same manner as the DIC Plan, as described below.
However, participants under the DIC Plan II, prior to the
beginning of each calendar year, must elect the method and
timing of payment with respect to the incentive compensation to
be earned in the year that is subject to the deferral election.
The creation of the DIC Plan II and the exclusion of
deferrals under the prior plan were implemented to satisfy the
Requirements of Internal Revenue Code Section 409A
under the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (the
Act). Similarly, long-term incentive compensation
earned after December 31, 2004 was not eligible for
deferral under the IC Deferral Plan. Instead, the IC Deferral
Plan II is available for the deferral of all or part of
this compensation (subject to a minimum deferral requirement).
Participants under the IC Deferral Plan II, prior to the
beginning of any award period for which an award may be earned,
or later if permitted by us in the case of performance-based
compensation (as defined in the final regulations under the
Act), must elect the method and timing of payment with respect
to the incentive compensation to be earned during that award
period and that is subject to the deferral election. As was the
case with respect to the plans providing for the deferral of
annual incentive compensation, these actions regarding the
deferral of long-term incentive compensation were in response to
satisfying the requirements of the Act.
Short-term incentive compensation awards earned before 2008
under either plan will have appreciation and earnings accrued on
a phantom share basis (as if the deferred amount were invested
in our actual common shares with earned dividends re-invested in
shares) and, following retirement, account balances will be paid
in our actual common shares. Beginning with deferrals of
short-term incentive compensation earned during 2008 and after
for payment following retirement, each executive will have a
choice of deferring up to 100% of his or her annual incentive
compensation into either or both of (a) an account tracked
on a phantom share basis and paid out in our actual common
shares or (b) an account that earns interest equal to that
paid on
Treasury Notes plus 300 basis points. Executives may also
defer compensation under the DIC Plan II on a short-term
basis for payment within 5 years or less (short-term
deferrals were also available under the DIC Plan for
compensation earned prior to 2005).
When an executive elects to defer a long-term incentive award
under the IC Deferral Plan II for payment at or following
his or her retirement, earnings on a minimum of 50% of the
deferred amount must be tracked on a phantom share basis. The
remainder of the amount deferred to retirement earns interest
equivalents equal to that paid on
Treasury Notes plus 300 basis points. At retirement, the
portion of the executives account that is deferred into
phantom shares is paid in our common shares.
In amending our deferral plans to comply with the final
regulations under the Act, and taking into account the
transition relief offered under the final regulations, the
Compensation and Organization Committee of the Board of
Directors approved amendments to those of our deferral plans
that are subject to the Act to allow our executives to change
the time of payment on deferral elections made by them for
incentive compensation earned from 2005 through 2008. As a
result of these elections, any payments made to the Named
Executive Officers beginning in 2008 or later will be shown in
the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table for the year or
years in which paid.
Incentive compensation deferred pursuant to our deferral plans
is unsecured, subject to the claims of our creditors and is
exposed to the risk of our non-payment. As of December 31,
2010, a grantor trust that we previously established held
approximately $444,440 of marketable securities and 154,804 of
our common shares in connection with deferred incentive
compensation earned by our executives prior to 2005. The trust
assets, which are subject to the claims of our creditors, will
be used to pay those obligations in proportion to trust funding.
The trust terms call for us to provide full funding upon a
change of control of the Company and for accelerated lump sum or
installment payments upon a failure by us to pay amounts due
under the plans or upon a termination of employment in the
context of a change of control. No comparable trust arrangements
currently are in place with respect to incentive compensation
deferred after 2004.
On February 10, 2010, the Committee approved the
termination of the DIC Plan and the IC Deferral Plan with
respect to all participant accounts, including those of our
current Named Executive Officers, except for certain accounts
under the DIC Plan that contain deferrals for the years 1986
through 1989. The Committee determined it was appropriate to
terminate these plans in order to reduce company liabilities,
administrative costs and the complexity of certain compensation
arrangements. The terminated accounts included compensation that
was earned and deferred as far back as 1983. The excluded
accounts earn fixed interest rates based on market rates and
individual mortality assumptions in effect at the time of the
The amounts credited to the terminated accounts were distributed
in March 2010 to participants in a single sum consisting of cash
and/or our
common shares, depending upon the type of investments applicable
to the accounts. Most of the assets held in the trust described
above were distributed to participants in connection with the
termination of the plans. The distributions were taxable to the
participants upon receipt. The Non-Qualified Deferred
Compensation Table below reflects these distributions. All
amounts deferred under the DIC Plan and IC Deferral Plan have
always been fully vested.
at Last
in Last
in Last
in Last
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year
Plan Name
A. M. Cutler
DIC Plan
(First year of deferral: 1983)
IC Deferral Plan
IC Deferral Plan II
R. H. Fearon
DIC Plan
(First year of deferral: 2002)
IC Deferral Plan
IC Deferral Plan II
C. Arnold
DIC Plan
(First year of deferral: 2001)
IC Deferral Plan
IC Deferral Plan II
T. S. Gross
DIC Plan
(First year of deferral: 2005)
IC Deferral Plan
IC Deferral Plan II
J. P. Palchak
DIC Plan
(First year of deferral: 1995)
IC Deferral Plan
IC Deferral Plan II
(1) |
The amounts reported in the Aggregate Earnings in Last Fiscal
Year are also reported in column (h) of the Summary
Compensation Table, to the extent such earnings exceed 120% of
the applicable federal rate as determined under the Internal
Revenue Code.
A Named Executive Officer may experience a termination of
employment under several possible situations. In each of these
circumstances, certain plans, agreements, arrangements or
would provide compensation to the executive in varying amounts.
We do not provide employment contracts to our executives and do
not have plans or arrangements (other than the change of control
agreements previously discussed and standard severance benefits
available to all U.S. salaried, non-union employees) that would
require any payment to a Named Executive Officer in the event of
a termination of his or her employment. Instead, the
Compensation and Organization Committee of our Board of
Directors exercises the sole discretion to decide what, if any,
additional severance payments or benefits will be offered to an
executive in the case of a termination of employment. In
exercising this discretion, the Committee takes a number of
factors into consideration, including the reasons for the
termination and the individual executives personal
circumstances. The Committee believes that it is in the interest
of the Company and our shareholders to insure that a departing
executive is treated fairly and in a manner that will help us to
secure appropriate confidentiality, non-compete,
non-disparagement and general release agreements. Moreover,
providing fair and reasonable employment termination
compensation is consistent with our overall philosophy for
compensating all employees. These practices are consistent with
our Peer Group and are a competitive necessity if we are to
maintain our long-standing policy of not providing individual
employment contracts to our executives.
For each of the termination of employment scenarios described
below, the estimated potential payments and benefits that might
be received by each Named Executive Officer are displayed in the
table that immediately follows that description.
Background and
Basic Assumptions
In the sections below, we discuss five termination of employment
scenarios which include: (a) Voluntary Resignation or a
Termination for Cause; (b) Normal and Early Retirement;
(c) Involuntary Termination Not for Cause;
(d) Change of Control; and (e) Death or Disability.
The potential payments reported below assume a December 31,
2010 employment termination date.
The following key principles and assumptions apply to these
We have assumed that each of the Named Executive Officers
employment terminated with us under each of the scenarios on
December 31, 2010, and that each officer was eligible for
the severance payments and benefit arrangements based on his or
her compensation and years of service as of that date.
An executive would be eligible for a full award under the
short-term incentive plan for the year ending December 31,
2010 and a full award under a long-term incentive plan for the
four-year period ending December 31, 2010. We would
calculate and pay any such earned awards in accordance with the
normal operation of the plans. Therefore, we have not included
these awards in the following sections because they do not
represent a severance or other payment that is triggered by
employment termination.
We maintain a Severance Benefit Plan in which each of the Named
Executive Officers participates along with all of our United
States salaried, non-union employees. We generally pay benefits
under this Plan only in the case of an involuntary termination
of employment. We calculate these benefits based on the length
of service with us from the most recent date of hire. The
maximum severance payment equals one year of base salary and
continuation of health and welfare benefits for six months.
Currently, Messrs. Arnold, Cutler and Palchak are the only
Named Executive Officers who have sufficient service to be
eligible for severance at this maximum level. However, the
severance payment that we would expect to provide to a Named
Executive Officer under the scenarios described below would be
made in lieu of any benefit under these standard severance
To the extent the Committee would decide that a terminated
executive is eligible for pro-rated participation in one or more
of the open four-year award periods under our long-term
incentive plans, the estimated prorated awards shown below
reflect (a) credit for the total number of months of
service with us from the start of an eligible award period
through the executives termination date
as a percentage of the total
award period multiplied by (b) the officers target
award for each open award period. Although we show the aggregate
amount of these estimated payments for the Named Executive
Officers below as a lump sum amount, except in the case of a
payment with respect to a termination in connection with a
change of control, our practice would be to make the pro-rated
payments to executives at the end of each of the four-year award
periods once actual performance under the plan is known.
Under the terms of our standard form of stock option, restricted
share and RSU grant agreements, in the case of a change of
control of the Company, vesting of all of the executives
outstanding unvested equity grants would be accelerated. In
connection with employment termination other than in the context
of a change of control of the Company, the Committee has the
discretion to determine whether or not to accelerate vesting for
these awards. To the extent the Committee would decide to
accelerate the vesting dates of any unvested stock options,
restricted shares or RSUs for a terminating executive under any
of the other scenarios described below, the accelerated stock
options are valued at an amount per share equal to the
difference between $50.76 (which is the closing price per our
common share on the last trading day in 2010) and the
exercise price per share for each accelerated option grant. The
accelerated restricted shares and RSUs are valued at this same
$50.76 share value.
Except under very unusual circumstances, the Committee would not
provide any increases, payment acceleration or other
enhancements with respect to the benefits previously earned or
credited under our benefit plans or programs in connection with
any of the termination scenarios. These plans and programs would
include (a) all retirement income plans (including defined
benefit, defined contribution and nonqualified retirement income
plans), (b) health and welfare plans (including
postretirement medical and life insurance coverage),
(c) any vested and accrued vacation and (d) any
amounts credited to the executives accounts under our
nonqualified deferred compensation plans. Payments of earned and
vested amounts under these plans and programs are not included
in the scenarios described below.
In the termination scenarios described below, we expect that the
Committee would provide the executive (or, in the case of death,
a surviving spouse or estate, if any) with continued
reimbursement for the cost of income tax return preparation and
estate and financial planning services for a period of time
which would include the year following the year of his or her
termination of employment. These reimbursements to the
executives would be reported as imputed income and would be
subject to ordinary income tax treatment. The estimated expense
reimbursements shown in the scenarios below represent the
approximate cost of this benefit based on the amounts reimbursed
to each Named Executive Officer during 2010.
Resignation or a Termination for Cause
Executives are not entitled to receive any additional forms of
compensation or benefits, other than any accrued and vested
vacation, deferral account balances and vested qualified and
non-qualified retirement income, if they voluntarily resign when
not yet eligible for retirement or if their employment with us
is terminated for cause.
Normal and Early
Each Named Executive Officer is subject to mandatory retirement
at age 65 and is eligible to elect voluntary retirement
after having attained age 55 with ten or more years of
service. Consistent with the policy applied to non-executive
employees, in the event we involuntarily terminate an officer
after the officer attained age 50 with ten or more years of
service, he or she would also be treated as a retiree under the
programs described below.
Messrs. Cutler, Arnold and Palchak are the only Named
Executive Officers who would have the age and Company service
necessary for retirement. Therefore, a projected termination
benefit is shown
only for these three officers. In this scenario, it is also
likely that the Committee would exercise its discretion to
provide the retiring executive with the following:
pro-rated eligibility in the open four-year award periods under
our long-term incentive plan;
accelerated vesting of the then unvested stock options and (if
applicable) restricted shares and RSUs that would have otherwise
vested in the year following the year in which the executive
retires; and
reimbursement for the costs of income tax return preparation and
estate and financial planning assistance for a period that
includes the year following the year in which the executive
These amounts are shown for each Named Executive Officer in the
following table:
Base and Short-Term
Pro-Rated Long-Term
Tax Preparation and
Incentive Severance
Accelerated Equity
Benefit Continuation
Financial Counseling
Accelerated vesting of
Reimbursement of the
the unvested stock
costs of income tax
options and restricted
return preparation,
share awards and units
estate planning and
that would otherwise
financial planning
vest in the year
assistance for a period
Pro-rated eligibility in
following the year in
that includes the year
open four-year award
which the executive
following in which
Not applicable.
periods under ESIP.
Not applicable.
termination occurs.
Not applicable.
A. M. Cutler
C. Arnold
J. P. Palchak
Termination Not for Cause
In the event of an involuntary termination (not for cause), the
Committee would typically provide a Named Executive Officer with
the following:
two times the total of his or her base salary and target
incentive award under our short-term incentive plan; and
pro-rated eligibility in any open four-year award periods under
our long-term incentive plans in which the officer had
participated for at least twenty-four months as of the
termination date, and executive outplacement benefits.
In the case of the involuntary termination of an officer who is
in a position below the level of a direct report to the Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer, the officer would receive, if
approved by the Committee, the total of his or her annual base
salary and target incentive award under the short-term incentive
plan as the basic severance amount along with pro-rated
eligibility in any open awards under our long-term incentive
plans and outplacement benefits. These amounts are shown for
each Named Executive Officer in the table below. An officer who
is involuntarily terminated after having reached eligibility for
early retirement generally would receive, in addition to the
severance payment noted in this paragraph, the other pay and
benefits outlined under Normal and Early Retirement.
Base and Short-Term
Pro-Rated Long-Term
Tax Preparation and
Incentive Severance
Accelerated Equity
Benefit Continuation
Financial Counseling
Accelerated vesting of
Reimbursement of the
Pro-rated eligibility in
the then unvested
costs of income tax
any open four-year
stock options and
return preparation,
award periods under
restricted share awards
estate planning and
Two-times the total
our long-term ESIP in
and units that would
financial planning
of the executives
which the executive
otherwise vest in the
assistance for a period
base salary and
had participated for at
year following the year
that includes the year
target short-term
least 24 months as of
in which the executive
following in which
incentive award.
the termination date.
Not applicable.
termination occurs.
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
Change of
Another scenario under which a Named Executive Officer may leave
our employ is through a qualifying termination in connection
with a change of control of the Company. We have entered into
agreements with each of our officers, including the Named
Executive Officers, which provide for payments and benefits in
the event of a termination of employment in the context of a
change of control of the Company. In addition, as noted above in
Background and Basic Assumptions, under the terms of
our standard form of stock option and restricted share grant
agreements, in the case of a change of control of the Company,
vesting of all of the executives outstanding unvested
equity grants would be accelerated. The change of control
agreements that we have with our officers contain the following
key provisions:
The agreement first becomes effective upon a change of control
of the Company.
For the three years following the change of control, the
agreement protects the executive officer from certain changes to
his or her employment, position, duties, compensation and
If, during this three-year period, the successor company
terminates the executive officers employment other than
for Cause or Disability or if the
executive terminates his or her employment for Good
Reason (as these terms are defined in the agreements), the
executive would receive:
a. A lump sum cash payment equal to the aggregate of
(a) any earned but as yet unpaid base salary and short-term
and four-year incentive awards for completed incentive award
periods, (b) a prorated portion of his or her target
incentive opportunity for any open award periods under the
four-year plan and (c) the executives annual base
salary and target incentive opportunity under the short-term
plan multiplied by the lesser of three years or the number of
years remaining until the executives 65th birthday;
b. Continued health and welfare benefits as if the
executives employment had not been terminated for a period
equal to the lesser of two years or the number of years
remaining until the executives 65th birthday; and
c. To the extent that any payments under the change of
control agreements are deferred compensation and the executive
is a specified employee within the meaning of
Internal Revenue Code Section 409A and the regulations
thereunder (determined in accordance with the methodology
established by us as of the date of termination of employment),
such payments or other benefits will not be paid or provided
before the first business day that is six months after the date
of termination of employment.
As is common practice with such agreements, these payments and
benefits would not be subject to any requirement that the
officer seek other employment or any other form of mitigation.
We would pay the officers legal fees if he or she needed
to take action to enforce the provisions of the agreement or
defend the agreements terms if contested by us. In the
event that any payment or distribution by us under the agreement
would be subject to any excise tax under the Internal Revenue
Code, we would pay the officer a
payment (as described below) that would cover the excise tax
U.S. tax law imposes a 20% excise tax on certain
compensation that is contingent on a change of control of the
Company (contingent compensation). Although each
executive is personally responsible for regular federal, state
and local income tax and FICA obligations on this compensation,
as is common practice with such agreements, we have agreed to
provide the Named Executive Officers and other officers with
full tax protection from liability for the 20% excise tax. An
excess parachute payment is triggered if contingent compensation
exceeds 300% of the officers average annualized
Form W-2
compensation for the five-year period preceding the year of the
change of control. If an excess parachute payment occurs, the
excise tax applies to the contingent compensation that exceeds
100% of the officers five year average compensation as
described above. If the excise tax applies, the amount of tax
protection is calculated using a gross up formula
that computes a total
payment to the officer that (1) reimburses the excise tax
liability on the initial excess parachute payment, and
(2) reimburses any additional income, FICA and excise tax
liability on the gross up amount. The effect of the
tax protection payment is to ensure that the affected officer
receives the same after-tax payments and benefit values that the
officer would have received had there been no excise tax. The
tax protection payment, if any, is calculated using the
following assumptions:
the officers employment is terminated on December 31,
2010 (1) by us for reasons other than cause
(that is, willful and continued failure to perform executive
duties, or willful illegal conduct or gross misconduct
materially injurious to us), or (2) by the officer for
good reason (that is, the assignment of any duties
inconsistent with the officers position, authority or
responsibility and any other action that results in the
diminution of such position, authority or responsibility);
all stock options, restricted shares and restricted share units
are cashed out at a value per share of $50.76 (the closing price
of an Eaton common share on the last trading day of 2010,
adjusted for the stock split referred to elsewhere in this
the tax rates applicable to the officer are: Internal Revenue
Code Section 4999 excise tax rate of 20%, FICA (Medicare)
tax rate of 1.45%, marginal federal income tax rate of 35% and
the top marginal state and local income tax rates (net of
federal tax effects) in force at the location of the Named
Executive Officers principal place of employment on
December 31, 2010;
the discount rates used to compute the present value of
accelerated payouts or accelerated vesting are determined by the
Internal Revenue Service (120% of the applicable federal rates
compounded semi-annually for December 2010 as referenced in
Table 1 of Revenue Ruling 2010-29); and
potential exceptions that may apply in calculating the excess
parachute payment are not taken into account, such as amounts
attributed to (1) reasonable compensation, or (2) the
execution by the officer of a non-competition agreement.
Based on the foregoing assumptions, the estimated amounts
payable to each Named Executive Officer upon a termination of
employment in connection with a change of control of the Company
are shown in the table below.
Base and Short-Term
Pro-Rated Long-Term
Tax Preparation and
Incentive Severance
Accelerated Equity
Benefit Continuation
Financial Counseling
Tax Protection
Earned but unpaid
base salary and short-term
incentive awards plus
the lesser of 3 times or
Continued health and
number of years
welfare benefits as if
remaining until
the executives
Reimbursement of the
Reimbursement of the
the executives 65th
employment had not
costs of income tax
excise tax liability on
birthday multiplied by
Earned but unpaid
been terminated for a
return preparation,
the initial excess
the sum of the
awards for the
period equal to the
estate planning and
parachute payment and
executives annual
completed incentive
Accelerated vesting of
lesser of two years or
financial planning
reimbursement of any
base salary and short-term
period plus a pro-rated
the then unvested
the number of years
assistance for a period
additional income,
incentive target for the
payment in any open
stock options and
remaining until the
that includes the year
FICA and excise tax
year in which
four-year award periods
restricted share awards
executives 65th
following in which
liability on the
termination occurs.
under ESIP.
and units.
termination occurs.
gross up amount.
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
Death or
In the event of the death or disability of a Named Executive
Officer, the executive or the estate, whichever is appropriate,
would receive pro-rated payments for any open four-year award
periods under our long-term incentive plan under ESIP. In
addition, the Committee could exercise its discretion to
accelerate the vesting of the then unvested stock options and
restricted shares.
These amounts are shown for each Named Executive Officer in the
following table:
Base and Annual
Pro-Rated Long-Term
Tax Preparation and
Incentive Severance
Accelerated Equity
Benefit Continuation
Financial Counseling
Reimbursement of the
costs of income tax
return preparation,
estate planning and
Accelerated vesting of
financial planning
the then unvested
assistance for a period
Pro-rated payments for
stock options and
that includes the year
any open four-year
restricted share awards
following in which
Not applicable.
award period.
and units.
Not applicable.
termination occurs.
Not applicable.
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. Arnold
T. S. Gross
J. P. Palchak
Compensation of Directors Employee directors
are not compensated for their services as directors. For 2010,
non-employee directors received an annual retainer which was
$68,000 as of January 1, 2010. Prior to 2010, non-employee
directors also received fees for each meeting he or she
attended. On January 1, 2010 these meeting fees ceased, and
on July 1, 2010 the annual retainer was increased to
$110,000. The Chairs of Board Committees each received an
additional annual retainer as follows: Audit Committee, $30,000;
Compensation and Organization Committee, $30,000; Finance
Committee, $10,000; and Governance Committee, $15,000. Members
of the Audit Committee also received a committee retainer of
$15,000, beginning on July 1, 2010. In addition, the Lead
Director received a fee of $5,000. Non-employee directors may
defer payment of their fees as described in footnote (3) to
the table below.
Under our 2009 Stock Plan as approved by our shareholders, a
person who on the grant date (as defined below) is serving as a
non-employee director automatically will be granted a number of
restricted shares equal to the quotient resulting from dividing
(1) the annual retainer in effect on the grant date, by
(ii) the closing price of our common shares on the New York
Stock Exchange on the Monday immediately preceding to the grant
date, or if that date is not a trading day on the New York Stock
Exchange, the trading day immediately preceding that Monday. The
grant date is the fourth Wednesday of each January. Non-employee
director restricted shares are subject to terms and conditions,
including the vesting schedule, as determined by the Governance
Committee. Non-employee directors are required to hold their
shares until retirement. No additional stock options or other
awards may be granted to our non-employee directors pursuant to
any of our other stock plans. We have a policy that prohibits
directors from engaging in financial hedging of their investment
risk in our shares.
Until December 21, 2009, non-employee directors who were
first elected to the Board prior to 1996 and who had at least
five years of Board service were eligible to receive an annual
benefit under the Eaton Corporation Retirement Plan for
Non-Employee Directors (the Plan) upon leaving the
Board. The Plan provided for eligible directors to receive an
annual benefit equal to the annual retainer in effect at the
time the director left the Board. The annual benefit was to be
paid for the lesser of 10 years or life. Directors who were
first elected in 1996 or later were not eligible to receive this
On December 21, 2009, in a meeting that did not include
members eligible for the retirement benefit, the Board
determined that it was appropriate to amend the Plan to comply
with Section 409A of the American Jobs Creation Act of
2004, but only with respect to benefits accrued after
December 31, 2004. The Board adopted the Plan amendment and
also determined it was in the best interest of the Company to
terminate the Plan with regard to non-employee director
participants who had not yet retired from the Board and to
distribute to each active participant an actuarially determined
benefit in
the form of a lump sum in cash. The Plan participants who had
previously retired from the Board and who currently are owed
installment payments will be paid those installments on the
dates originally established under the Plan.
Former non-employee directors retain the following benefits
during retirement: (i) group term life insurance, with
coverage reduced to $33,333; (ii) eligibility for medical
(but not dental) coverage; and depending upon length of Board
service and age at retirement (iii) the right to exercise
stock options until the tenth anniversary of their grant dates.
Current and retired non-employee directors are entitled to
participate in our gift matching program that is available to
all current and retired employees. Under this program we match
contributions to qualified charitable organizations
up to a maximum of $5,000 in any calendar year.
The table below sets forth the compensation and benefit programs
applicable to our non-employee directors for 2010.
Mr. Cutler does not participate in any of the following
compensation and benefit arrangements.
Change in
Value and
Fees Earned
or Paid
Incentive Plan
All Other
T. M. Bluedorn
C. M. Connor
M. J. Critelli
C. E. Golden
E. Green
A. E. Johnson
N. C. Lautenbach
D. L. McCoy
J. R. Miller
G. R. Page
V. A. Pelson
G. L. Tooker
(1) |
Fees Earned or Paid in Cash includes the total annual retainer
and where applicable, the Committee Chair retainer, Lead
Director fee, and Audit Committee Retainer. |
(2) |
Reported in the Stock Awards column is the grant date present
value of restricted shares awarded to the directors on
January 27, 2010. The grant date present value is
calculated by multiplying the number of shares granted (2,106)
by the closing price of our common shares on the Monday
preceding the grant date ($32.29). As of December 31, 2010,
the following non-employee directors each held 2,580 unvested
restricted shares: C.M. Connor, M.J. Critelli, C.E. Golden,
E. Green, A.E. Johnson, N.C. Lautenbach, D.L. McCoy, G.R.
Page, V.A. Pelson, and G.L. Tooker. T.M. Bluedorn held 1,053
unvested restricted shares and J.R. Miller retired from our
Board of Directors during 2010 and had no unvested shares as of
December 31, 2010. |
(3) |
As of December 31, 2010, non-employee directors held the
following number of outstanding stock options: C.M. Connor,
16,477, M.J. Critelli, 28,613, C.E. Golden, 13,225, E. Green,
17,695, N.C. Lautenbach, 28,855, D.L. McCoy, 28,855, J.R.
Miller, 28,855, G.R. Page, 27,695, and V.A. Pelson, 17,695. T.M.
Bluedorn, A.E. Johnson, and G.L. Tooker had no stock options
outstanding as of December 31, 2010. |
(4) |
The amount reported in the Change in Pension Value and
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Earnings column are only
reflective of the latter. There is no pension in place for
non-employee directors. Non-employee directors first elected
before 1996 may defer payment of their annual |
fees, up to $30,000 per year, at an interest rate specified in
their deferred compensation agreement. The rate of interest is
based upon the number of years from the date of the
directors initial election until the first annual meeting
to be held following the directors 68th birthday and
is higher than prevailing market rates. Under a separate
deferral plan, all non-employee directors may defer payment of
their fees at a rate of return which varies, depending on
whether the director defers the fees as retirement compensation
or as short-term compensation. At least 50% of retirement
compensation, or any greater portion that the director elects,
is converted to share units and earns share price appreciation
and dividend equivalents. The balance of retirement compensation
Treasury Note returns plus 300 basis points. Short-term
compensation earns 13-week Treasury Bill returns. |
(5) |
For non-employee directors who were initially elected to the
Board before 2008, we provide access to certain Health and
Welfare benefit arrangements, which include $100,000 of group
term life insurance and participation in medical and dental
coverage designed to mirror the benefits provided to our
employees or (as applicable) retirees. In 2010, no director
elected to participate in either the medical or dental plans.
Our contributions in 2010 for the group term life insurance and
travel accident insurance for the loss of life or limb while
traveling on our business for each director was $195. This
column also includes dividends paid to each Director based on
the number of unvested restricted shares he or she held. |
Our Board of Directors unanimously recommends that the
shareholders approve amendments to the Amended Regulations to
provide for the annual election of directors. Currently,
Article II, Section 2 of the Amended Regulations
divides our Board into three classes. Members of each class are
elected for staggered three-year terms.
Our Board is committed to good corporate governance and has
examined the arguments for and against continuation of a
classified board.
A classified board can promote continuity and stability of
strategy and oversight, and help to maintain a long-term focus
on maximizing shareholder value. In addition, a classified board
may provide the Company with leverage in a potential takeover
On the other hand, a classified board may contribute to
diminished director accountability, since all directors are not
subject to an annual shareholder vote. In addition, it is
possible that a classified board may decrease the likelihood of
an acquisition proposal that could result in increased
shareholder value. Our Board understands that many investors
believe that the election of directors is the primary means for
shareholders to influence policies and to hold management
accountable for implementing these policies. Our Board is also
cognizant that many U.S. public companies have eliminated
their classified board structures in recent years in favor of
the annual election of directors. After weighing these
considerations, our Board has determined to propose the
elimination of its classified board structure.
If the shareholders approve this proposal, Article II,
Section 2 and Article II, Section 3 of the
Amended Regulations will be revised as shown in Appendix A,
with deletions indicated by strikethroughs and additions
indicated by underlining. Our Boards classified structure
will be eliminated as follows: (1) at the 2012 annual
meeting of shareholders, the successors of the directors whose
terms expire at that meeting will be elected for a term expiring
at the 2013 annual meeting of shareholders; (2) at the 2013
annual meeting of shareholders, the successors of the directors
whose terms expire at that meeting will be elected for a term
expiring at the 2014 annual meeting of shareholders; (3) at
the 2014 annual meeting of shareholders, the successors of the
directors whose terms expire at that meeting will be elected for
a term expiring at the 2015 annual meeting of shareholders; and
(4) at each annual meeting of shareholders thereafter, the
directors will be elected for terms expiring at the next annual
meeting of shareholders.
Under Ohio law, directors of our classified Board may be removed
for cause only by the affirmative vote of shareholders holding
at least
of our outstanding common shares. The proposed Amended
Regulations maintain this standard by expressly providing that
directors may be removed for cause only by the affirmative vote
of shareholders holding at least
of our outstanding common shares.
Adoption of the amendments to the Amended Regulations requires
the affirmative vote of a majority of our outstanding common
shares. This proposal is being submitted contingent upon the
adoption by shareholders of Proposal 3 below, which, if
adopted, will eliminate cumulative voting in the election of
directors. It is possible that Proposal 3 could be adopted
even if this proposal fails. If the shareholders fail to
adopt Proposal 3, this Proposal 2 cannot be adopted by
the shareholders.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR the amendment
of the Amended Regulations of Eaton Corporation to provide for
the annual election of all directors.
Our Board of Directors unanimously recommends that the
shareholders approve amendments to the Amended and Restated
Articles of Incorporation and the Amended Regulations to
eliminate cumulative voting for directors. Under Ohio law,
because our Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation currently do not address cumulative voting, our
shareholders have the right to select cumulative voting in any
election of directors.
Cumulative voting enables a shareholder to cumulate his or her
voting power to give one nominee a number of votes equal to the
number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of
shares he or she holds, or to distribute the votes among two or
more nominees as he or she sees fit. Thus, with cumulative
voting, shareholders can cast all of their votes for
one nominee, instead of voting each share for or
against or abstain for each nominee, and
thereby can elect a nominee that has not been supported by the
holders of a majority of the shares voting on the election of
directors. Coupled with the annual election of directors,
proposed in Proposal 2 above, cumulative voting increases
the chances that a minority shareholder could take disruptive
actions to the detriment of the majority of shareholders.
Consequently, as a condition to implementation of the annual
election of directors, we are submitting this proposal to
eliminate cumulative voting.
If the proposal to eliminate the classified Board were approved
and cumulative voting were not eliminated, the effect of
cumulative voting for the election of directors would be
exaggerated in comparison to its current effect, as there would
be a greater number of votes that a shareholder could cast for
one director due to the increase in the number of directors
being elected each year. In addition, cumulative voting is at
odds with the objectives of the Companys majority voting
standard for director elections, because cumulative voting
empowers shareholders with less than a majority of the shares to
determine the directors, while majority voting seeks to hold
directors accountable to those with a majority of shares voting
on the election of directors. Our Board believes that each
director should only be elected if such director receives a
majority of the votes cast and that each director should
represent the interests of all shareholders, rather than the
interests of a minority shareholder or special constituency.
Therefore, our Board believes that it is in the best interests
of the Company and the shareholders to eliminate cumulative
The elimination of cumulative voting might under certain
circumstances render more difficult or discourage a merger,
tender offer or proxy contest, the assumption of control by a
holder of a large block of our common shares or the removal of
incumbent management. Neither management nor our Board is aware
of any attempt by any shareholder to accumulate sufficient
shares to obtain control of the Company. Both management and our
Board view this proposal as an appropriate balancing measure in
view of the proposal being submitted in Proposal 2 above.
If the shareholders approve this proposal, the following will be
added as a new paragraph after the second paragraph in
Article SIXTH of the Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation of Eaton Corporation:
No holder of shares of this corporation shall have the right to
cumulate his or her voting power in the election of directors of
this corporation.
In addition, Article I, Section 7 and Article II,
Section 3 of the Amended Regulations will be revised to
remove references to cumulative voting, as show in
Appendix A.
Adoption of the amendments to the Amended and Restated Articles
of Incorporation and the Amended Regulations requires the
affirmative vote of a majority of our outstanding common shares.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR
the amendment of the Amended and Restated Articles of
Incorporation and the Amended Regulations to eliminate
cumulative voting for directors.
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has appointed the
accounting firm of Ernst & Young LLP as Eatons
independent auditor to conduct the annual audit of Eatons
books and records for 2011. The submittal of this matter to the
shareholders at the annual meeting is not required by law or by
our Amended Regulations. This matter is nevertheless being
submitted to the shareholders to ascertain their views. If this
proposal is not approved at the annual meeting by the
affirmative vote of
holders of a majority of our outstanding shares, the Audit
Committee intends to reconsider its appointment of Ernst &
Young LLP as independent auditor.
A representative of Ernst & Young LLP will be present at
the annual meeting to answer any questions concerning the
independent auditors areas of responsibility, and will
have an opportunity to make a statement if he or she desires to
do so.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR ratification
of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP.
The recently enacted Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer
Protection Act of 2010, or the Dodd-Frank Act, enables our
shareholders to vote to approve, on an advisory (nonbinding)
basis, the compensation of our Named Executive Officers as
disclosed in this proxy statement in accordance with SEC rules.
As described in detail under the heading Advisory Vote
on Executive Compensation within the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis, our executive compensation programs are
designed to attract, motivate, reward and retain our Named
Executive Officers, who are critical to the success of our
Company. Under these programs, our Named Executive Officers are
rewarded for the achievement of specific annual, long-term and
strategic goals, and the realization of increased shareholder
value. Please read the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
beginning on page 20 for additional details about our
executive compensation programs, including information about the
2010 compensation of our Named Executive Officers.
The Compensation Committee continually reviews the compensation
programs for our Named Executive Officers to ensure they achieve
the desired goals of aligning our executive compensation
structure with our shareholders interests and current
market practices. The Committee is comprised solely of
independent directors committed to apply sound governance
practices to compensation decisions. The Committee considers a
variety of reports and analyses, such as market survey data,
compensation Tally Sheets, compensation data of peer companies,
shareholder feedback, and reports from proxy advisory agencies,
when making decisions regarding target compensation
opportunities, and the delivery of awards to our elected
officers, including the Named Executive Officers.
On average, 78% of our Named Executive Officers
compensation is performance-based. Our plans deliver awards
below target, or none at all, when Company performance does not
meet threshold levels. This was the case in 2009, when we did
not pay any incentive awards from our annual plans due to
failure to meet performance targets. Our executive compensation
incentive programs are intended to deliver target awards when
our performance aligns with the Peer Group median performance
and awards that exceed 150% of target when our performance is at
or above the top quartile of our Peer Group.
Other features of our compensation programs for executives
include share ownership requirements; ranging from one-times
base salary for our general managers to six-times base salary
for our CEO; incentive plan payout caps designed to prevent the
potential for unintended windfalls; a compensation clawback
policy that allows us to recover incentive compensation in case
of employee misconduct that causes the need for a material
restatement of financial results; and the fact that we do not
have employment contracts with any of our salaried
U.S. employees, including the Named Executive Officers.
We believe that our executive compensation design and strategy,
as guided by the principles above, was a critical factor in
motivating our executives to seek innovative solutions which
helped us emerge from the economic downturn as a stronger
Company. We strongly encourage you to review the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis and compensation tables in this proxy
statement for detailed information on the extensive processes
and factors the Committee considers when establishing
performance and pay targets and in making decisions regarding
actual payments form our short- and long-term performance based
incentive plans. In accordance with recently adopted
Section 14A of the
Exchange Act, and as a matter of good corporate governance, we
are asking shareholders to approve the following advisory
resolution at the 2011 Annual Meeting:
RESOLVED, that the Companys shareholders approve, on
an advisory basis, the compensation of the Named Executive
Officers, as disclosed in the Companys Proxy Statement for
the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders pursuant to the
compensation disclosure rules of the Securities and Exchange
Commission, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis,
the 2010 Summary Compensation Table and the other related tables
and disclosure.
vote is advisory, and therefore not binding on the Board of
Directors. Although non-binding, the Board and the Compensation
Committee will review and consider the voting results when
making future decisions regarding our executive compensation
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR
the approval of the advisory resolution on executive
Pursuant to recently adopted Section 14A of the Exchange
Act, we are asking shareholders to vote on whether future
advisory votes on executive compensation of the nature reflected
in Proposal No. 5 above should occur every year, every
two years or every three years.
After careful consideration, our Board of Directors has
determined that an advisory vote on executive compensation that
occurs every year is the most appropriate alternative for our
Company, and therefore our Board of Directors unanimously
recommends that you vote for a one-year interval for the
advisory vote on executive compensation.
The Company and the Board feel that an annual advisory vote on
executive compensation will be most effective as it will foster
frequent, ongoing engagement and dialog between our Board and
our constituents. While the Companys executive
compensation programs are designed to promote a long-term
connection between pay and performance, the Board of Directors
recognizes that executive compensation disclosures are made
annually. The Board welcomes shareholder input, each year, on
our compensation philosophy, policies and practices as disclosed
in the proxy statement. We understand that some shareholders may
have different views as to what is the best frequency for the
advisory votes on executive compensation, and we look forward to
hearing from our shareholders on this Proposal.
You may cast your vote on your preferred voting frequency by
choosing the option of one year, two years, three years or
abstain from voting when you vote in response to the resolution
set forth below.
RESOLVED, that the option of once every one year, two
years, or three years that receives the highest number of votes
cast for this resolution will be determined to be the preferred
frequency with which the Company is to hold a shareholder vote
to approve the compensation of the Named Executive Officers, as
disclosed pursuant to the Securities and Exchange
Commissions compensation disclosure rules (which
disclosure shall include the Compensation Discussion and
Analysis, the Summary Compensation Table, and the other related
tables and disclosure).
The option of one year, two years or three years that receives
the highest number of votes cast by shareholders will be the
frequency for the advisory vote on executive compensation that
has been selected by shareholders. However, because this vote is
advisory and not binding on the Board of Directors or the
Company, the Board may decide that it is in the best interests
of our shareholders and the Company to hold an advisory vote on
executive compensation more or less frequently than the option
approved by our shareholders.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you
vote to conduct future advisory votes on executive compensation
every year.
Management does not know of any other matters requiring
shareholder action that may come before the meeting; but, if any
are properly presented, the individuals named in the enclosed
form of proxy will vote on those matters according to their best
Share Ownership
Set forth below is certain information concerning persons who
are known by us to have reported owning beneficially more than
5% of our common shares and the equity ownership in the Company
held by each director and Named Executive Officer and all of our
directors and executive offices as a group, as of the most
recent practicable date. The numbers of shares and share units
shown in each table have been adjusted to reflect the
two-for-one stock split in the form of a stock dividend
distributed on February 28, 2011 to shareholders of record
as of the close of business on February 7, 2011.
Name and Address of
Number of
Beneficial Owner
Common Shares
of Class
BlackRock Inc.
40 East 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022
(1) |
BlackRock Inc. has filed with the
Securities and Exchange Commission a Schedule 13G/A dated
February 4, 2011, which reports the beneficial ownership of
18,515,122 common shares by it and certain affiliated entities
and individuals. As reported in the Schedule 13G/A,
BlackRock Inc. and such affiliated entities and individuals have
sole power to vote or direct the vote of 18,515,122 shares,
and sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of
Employee benefit plans of the Company and its subsidiaries on
December 31, 2010 held 15,688,702 common shares for
the benefit of participating employees, or approximately 4.6% of
common shares outstanding.
The following table shows the beneficial ownership, reported to
us as of December 31, 2010, of our common shares by each
director, each Named Executive Officer and all directors and
executive officers as a group, and also sets forth the number of
share units held under various deferred compensation plans and
restricted share units granted under our stock plans that vest
within 60 days. George S. Barrett, who was nominated by the
Board on February 23, 2011 to stand for election at the
annual shareholders meeting, owns 2,000 shares.
Total Number of
Shares, Deferred
Share and
Name of
Number of Shares
Percent of
Deferred Share
Restricted Share
Restricted Share
Beneficial Owner
C. Arnold
T. M. Bluedorn
C. M. Connor
M. J. Critelli
A. M. Cutler
R. H. Fearon
C. E. Golden
E. Green
T. S. Gross
A. E. Johnson
N. C. Lautenbach
D. L. McCoy
G. R. Page
J. P. Palchak
G. L. Tooker
All Directors and Executive Officers as a Group
(1) |
Unless otherwise indicated, each person has sole voting and
investment power with respect to the shares listed. This column
includes certain restricted shares granted under the
Companys stock plans which are subject to a risk of
forfeiture and over which the holder has sole voting power but
no investment power. |
(2) |
Includes shares which the person has the right to acquire within
60 days after December 31, 2010 upon the exercise of
outstanding stock options as follows: C. Arnold, 339,400; C.M.
Connor, 32,954; M.J. Critelli, 57,226; A.M. Cutler
2,162,974; R.H. Fearon, 348,000; C.E. Golden, 26,450; E. Green,
35,390; T.S. Gross, 190,200; N.C. Lautenbach, 57,710; D.L.
McCoy, 57,710; G.R. Page, 55,390; J.P. Palchak, 148,002; and all
directors and executive officers as a group, 3,916,832. |
(3) |
Each individual listed holds less than 1% of the Companys
outstanding common shares. |
(4) |
Represents shares underlying phantom share units, payable on a
basis, credited under the Companys deferred compensation
plans. For a description of the deferred share units, see
pages 60-61 (under Compensation of Directors). |
(5) |
Represents shares that will be acquired upon the vesting of
restricted share phantom units, payable in shares on a
basis, within 60 days of December 31, 2010. For a
description of the restricted share units, see page 33
(under Equity Grants within the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis). |
(6) |
Includes shares held under the Eaton Savings Plan and restricted
shares granted under the Companys stock plans which are
subject to risk of forfeiture. |
(7) |
Includes shares held jointly or in other capacities, such as by
trust, children or spouse. |
The following table summarizes information, as of
December 31, 2010, relating to our equity compensation
plans pursuant to which grants of options, restricted shares,
restricted share units, deferred compensation units or other
rights to acquire our common shares may be granted from time to
time. The number of shares and share units and the weighted
average exercise price of stock options have been adjusted to
reflect the
stock split in the form of a stock dividend distributed on
February 25, 2011 to shareholders of record as of the close
of business on February 7, 2011.
Number of
for Future
Number of
Securities to be
Under Equity
Issued Upon
Exercise of
Exercise Price
of Outstanding
Reflected in
Plan Category
and Rights
and Rights
Column (A))
Equity compensation plans approved by security
Equity compensation plans not approved by security
(1) |
Includes Company stock plans, each of which have been approved
by the shareholders. For a description of these plans, please
see the Equity Grants section of the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis beginning on page 33. |
(2) |
These plans are the 2005 Non-Employee Director Fee Deferral
Plan, the 1996 Non-Employee Director Fee Deferral Plan, the
Deferred Incentive Compensation Plan II and the Incentive
Compensation Deferral Plan II, none of which are considered
equity compensation plans requiring shareholder
approval under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange. For a
description of these plans, please see Nonqualified
Deferred Compensation beginning on page 51 and
Director Compensation beginning on page 59. |
(3) |
Includes an aggregate of 14,927,804 stock options with a
weighted average exercise price of $34.62 (adjusted for the
stock split referred to elsewhere in this document) and a
weighted average remaining life of 5.1 years, and 4,214,604
restricted share units. |
(4) |
Represents shares underlying phantom share units, payable on a
basis, credited to accounts under the deferral plans listed in
footnote (2) above. |
(5) |
The weighted average exercise price of outstanding stock options
excludes restricted share units and deferred compensation share
units because they have no exercise price. |
As described under Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation beginning on page 51, executives may
elect to defer receipt of their earned cash bonuses under the
annual or long-term incentive plans. These deferred amounts are
invested as Company share units and valued at the then current
fair market value under the Deferred Incentive Compensation Plan
II or the Incentive Compensation Deferral Plan II, whichever
plan is applicable. We do not provide any share or cash match
with respect to the deferred amounts under these plans, nor do
we allow executives to defer the receipt of shares earned under
any of our Stock Plans. Likewise, non-employee directors may
elect to have their fees paid in cash invested as share units
which are valued at the then current fair market price under the
2005 Non-Employee Director Fee Deferral Plan or the 1996
Non-Employee Director Fee Deferral Plan. We do not provide any
share or cash match with respect to the directors fees deferred
under these plans, nor do we allow directors to defer the
receipt of shares earned under any of our Stock Plans. Because
the amount of these cash bonuses and directors fees are
determined under specific processes described in this proxy
statement, the number of share units credited and shares
received under these deferral plans is limited. The share units
described herein are not expensed by the Company because they
are not considered equity compensation for the purposes of
SFAS 123(R). Please see the disclosure on page 53
concerning the termination of certain of these deferral plans.
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership
Reporting Compliance Section 16(a) of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Companys
directors and executive officers to file reports of holdings and
transactions in the Companys equity securities with the
Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company assists its
directors and executive officers by completing and filing these
reports electronically on their behalf. The Company believes
that its directors and executive officers timely complied with
all such filing requirements for 2010, except that, due to an
administrative error by the firm that assists us with these
filings, one Form 4 report was filed late for
Billie K. Rawot with respect to the exercise of an employee
stock option and the sale of the Company shares so acquired.
Future Shareholder Proposals
Shareholders who wish to submit proposals for inclusion in
the proxy statement and for consideration at the annual meeting
must do so on a timely basis. In order to be included in the
proxy statement for the 2012 annual meeting, proposals must
relate to proper subjects and must be received by
the Corporate Secretary, Eaton Corporation,
1111 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio
by November 19, 2011. Any shareholder proposal that is not
submitted for inclusion in the proxy statement but is instead
sought to be presented directly at the 2012 annual shareholders
meeting must be received by the Corporate Secretary at the
address listed above by January 18, 2012. Securities and
Exchange Commission rules permit management to vote proxies in
its discretion in certain cases if the shareholder does not
comply with this deadline and in certain other cases
notwithstanding the shareholders compliance with this
Householding Unless you
advised otherwise, if you and other residents at your mailing
address share the same last name and own Eaton common shares, we
delivered a single copy of the Proxy Statement and 2010 Annual
Report to Shareholders to your address. This method of delivery
is known as householding. Householding reduces the
number of mailings you receive, saves printing
and postage costs, and helps the environment. Shareholders who
participate in householding will continue to receive separate
proxy cards. We will deliver promptly, upon written or telephone
request, a separate copy of the Proxy Statement and 2010 Annual
Report to Shareholders to a shareholder at a shared address to
which a single copy of the documents was delivered. A
shareholder who wishes to receive a separate copy of the proxy
materials now or in the future should submit this request in
writing to Eaton Corporation, 1111 Superior Avenue, Cleveland,
Attention: Corporate Secretary. Shareholders of record sharing
an address who are receiving multiple copies of the proxy
materials and wish to receive a single copy of such materials in
the future should submit their request by contacting us in the
same manner. If you are the beneficial owner, but not the record
holder, of Eaton common shares and wish to receive only one copy
of the proxy materials in the future, you will need to contact
your broker, bank or other nominee to request that only a single
copy of these documents be mailed to all shareholders at the
shared address.
By order of the Board of Directors
Thomas E. Moran
Senior Vice President and
March 18, 2011
Regulations of Eaton Corporation
The annual meeting of the shareholders shall be held on the
fourth Wednesday in April in each year, if not a legal holiday,
and if a legal holiday, then on the next Wednesday not a legal
holiday, for the purpose of electing directors and of
considering reports to be laid before said meeting. The annual
meeting shall be held at such hour and place as the Board of
Directors may designate and cause to be stated in the notice of
such meeting given to shareholders. Upon due notice there may
also be considered and acted upon at an annual meeting any
matter which could properly be considered and acted upon at a
special meeting, in which case and for which purpose the annual
meeting shall also be considered a special meeting. In the event
the annual meeting is not held or if directors are not elected
at the annual meeting, a special meeting may be called and held
for that purpose.
Special meetings of the shareholders may be called by the
Chairman, President or Secretary, or by a majority of the
members of the Board of Directors acting with or without a
meeting, or by the persons who hold not less than fifty per cent
of all the shares outstanding and entitled to be voted on the
proposal to be submitted at said meeting.
Upon request in writing delivered either in person or by
registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
President or Secretary by any persons entitled to call a meeting
of shareholders, it shall be the duty of the President or
Secretary forthwith to cause to be given to the shareholders
entitled thereto notice of such meeting to be held on a date not
less than seven nor more than sixty days after the receipt of
such request, as such officer may fix. If such notice is not
given within fifteen days after the delivery or mailing of such
request, the persons calling the meeting may fix the time of
meeting and give notice in the manner provided in
Section 4, or cause such notice to be given by any
designated representative.
Any meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation may be held
either within or without the State of Ohio.
Written notice stating the time, place, if any, and purposes of
a meeting of the shareholders and the means, if any, by which
shareholders can be present and vote at the meeting through the
use of communications equipment, shall be given either by
personal delivery or by mail, overnight delivery service, or any
other means of communication authorized by the shareholder to
whom notice is given not less than seven nor more than sixty
days before the date of the meeting to each shareholder of
record entitled to notice of the meeting by or at the direction
of the Chairman, President or the Secretary or any other person
required or permitted by these Regulations to give such notice.
If such notice is mailed or sent by overnight delivery service,
it shall be addressed to the shareholder at the
shareholders address as it appears on the stock ledger of
the Corporation, and notice shall be deemed to have been given
on the day so mailed or sent. If sent by another means of
communication authorized by the shareholder, the notice shall be
sent to the address furnished by the shareholder for those means
of communication. Notice of adjournment of a meeting need not be
given if the time and
place, if any, to which it is adjourned and the means, if any,
by which shareholders can be present and vote at the meeting
through the use of communications equipment, are fixed and
announced at such meeting.
Notice of the time, place, and purposes of any meeting of
shareholders may be waived in writing, either before or after
the holding of such meeting, by any shareholder, which writing
shall be filed with or entered upon the records of the meeting.
The attendance of any shareholder at any such meeting without
protesting, prior to or at the commencement of the meeting, the
lack of proper notice shall be deemed to be a waiver by such
shareholder of notice of such meeting. An electronic mail, or an
electronic or other transmission capable of authentication that
appears to have been sent by a person described in this section
and that contains a waiver by that person is a writing for the
purposes of this section.
The Board of Directors may fix a future time not exceeding sixty
days preceding any meeting of shareholders as a record date for
the determination of the shareholders entitled to notice of and
to vote at any such meeting or any adjournments thereof, and, in
such case, only shareholders of record at the time so fixed
shall be entitled to notice of and to vote at such meeting or
any adjournments thereof. The Board of Directors may close the
books of the Corporation against transfer of shares during the
whole or any part of such period, including the date of the
meeting of the shareholders and the period ending with the date,
if any, to which adjourned. If no record date is fixed, the
record date for determining the shareholders who are entitled to
receive notice of, or who are entitled to vote at, a meeting of
shareholders shall be the date next preceding the day on which
notice is given, or the date next preceding the day on which the
meeting is held, as the case may be.
A shareholder of record on the record date or date of closing
the books of the Corporation against transfers of shares fixed
as aforesaid, shall not lose the right to vote at such meeting
by reason of not being a shareholder at the date of such meeting.
At any meeting of shareholders a list of shareholders entitled
to vote, alphabetically arranged, showing the addresses of, and
the number and classes of shares held by, each shareholder on
the date fixed for closing the books against transfers, or on
the record date fixed as hereinbefore provided (or if no such
date has been fixed, then on the date next preceding the day of
the meeting), shall be produced on the request of any
shareholder and such list shall be prima facie evidence of the
ownership of shares and of the right of the shareholders to vote
when certified by the Secretary or by the agent of the
Corporation having charge of the transfers of the shares.
Except when votes are cumulated in the election of
directors as hereinafter provided and eExcept as
otherwise provided in the Amended Articles of Incorporation (the
Articles), every shareholder of record at the time
fixed as provided in these Regulations for the determination of
the shareholders entitled to vote at such meeting shall be
entitled to one vote on each proposal submitted to the meeting
for each share standing in said shareholders name at the
time so fixed on which no installment is overdue and unpaid.
At a meeting of shareholders at which directors are to be
elected, only persons nominated as candidates shall be eligible
for election as directors.
If notice in writing is given by any shareholder to the
President, a Vice President, or the Secretary, not less than
forty-eight hours before the time fixed for holding a meeting of
the shareholders for the purpose of electing directors if notice
of such meeting shall have been given at least ten days prior
thereto, and otherwise not less than twenty-four hours
before such time, that the shareholder desires that the voting
at such election shall be cumulative, and if an announcement of
the giving of such notice is made upon the convening of the
meeting by the Chairman or Secretary or by or on behalf of the
shareholder giving such notice, each shareholder shall have the
right to cumulate such voting power as the shareholder possesses
and to give one candidate a number of votes equal to the number
of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of such
shareholders votes, or to distribute the
shareholders votes on the same principle among two or more
candidates, as the shareholder sees fit.
A. A person who is entitled to attend a shareholders
meeting, to vote at a shareholders meeting, or to execute
consents, waivers, or releases, may be represented at the
meeting or vote at the meeting, may execute consents, waivers,
and releases, and may exercise any of the persons other
rights, by proxy or proxies appointed by a writing signed by the
person, appointed by a verifiable communication authorized by
the person, or appointed by any other means or in any other form
now or hereafter permitted by Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1701 or any successor statute.
B. Any transmission that creates a record capable of
authentication, including, but not limited to, a telegram, a
cablegram, electronic mail, or an electronic, telephonic, or
other transmission, that appears to have been transmitted by a
person described in subsection A of this Section 8, and
that appoints a proxy is a sufficient verifiable communication
to appoint a proxy. A photographic, photostatic, facsimile
transmission, or equivalent reproduction of a writing that is
signed by a person described in subsection A of this
Section 8 and that appoints a proxy is a sufficient writing
to appoint a proxy.
C. No appointment of a proxy is valid after the expiration
of eleven months after it is made unless the writing or other
form of proxy appointment specifies the date on which it is to
expire or the length of time it is to continue in force.
D. Unless the writing or other form of proxy appointment
otherwise provides:
(1) Each proxy has the power of substitution, and, if three
or more proxies are appointed, a majority of them or of their
substitutes may appoint one or more substitutes to act for all;
(2) If more than one proxy is appointed, then (a) with
respect to voting or executing consents, waivers, or releases,
or objections to consents at a shareholders meeting, a
majority of the proxies that attend the meeting, or if only one
attends then that one, may exercise all the voting and
consenting authority at the meeting; and if one or more attend
and a majority do not agree on any particular issue, each proxy
so attending shall be entitled to exercise that authority with
respect to an equal number of shares and (b) with respect
to exercising any other authority, a majority may act for all;
(3) A revocable appointment of a proxy is not revoked by
the death or incompetency of the maker unless, before the vote
is taken or the authority granted is otherwise exercised,
written notice of the death or incompetency of the maker is
received by the Corporation from the executor or administrator
of the estate of the maker or from the fiduciary having control
of the shares in respect of which the proxy was appointed;
(4) The presence at a meeting of the person appointing a
proxy shall not revoke the appointment. Without affecting any
vote previously taken, the person appointing a proxy may revoke
a revocable appointment by a later appointment received by the
Corporation or by giving notice of revocation to the Corporation
in writing, by a verifiable communication, by other statutorily
permissible means, or in open meeting.
Any signature on any instrument, or any reproduction of a
signature on any photographic, photostatic, facsimile
transmission or equivalent reproduction of any instrument,
approved by the inspectors
hereinafter provided for as genuine, or as a reproduction of a
genuine signature, shall be deemed to be the signature of the
shareholder whose name is signed thereon, or a reproduction of
the genuine signature of such shareholder, as the case may be,
and the falsity of such signature or of such reproduction shall
in no manner impair the validity of such instrument or such
reproduction of such instrument, or of any vote or action taken
at such meeting, provided that such shareholder shall not
have previously filed with the Corporation his or her authorized
signature guaranteed by a reputable bank or trust company. Any
record of a verifiable communication, or other statutorily
permissible means of proxy appointment, approved by such
inspectors as authentic shall be deemed to be authentic, and the
falsity of such record shall in no manner impair the validity of
such verifiable communication, or other statutorily permissible
means of proxy appointment, or of any vote or action taken at
such meeting.
A. The Board of Directors in advance of any meeting of
shareholders may appoint inspectors to act at such meeting or
any adjournment thereof. If inspectors of election are not so
appointed, the officer or person acting as chairman of any such
meeting may, and on the request of any shareholder or proxy
shall, make such appointment. In case any person appointed as
inspector shall fail or refuse to appear or to act, the vacancy
may be filled by appointment made by the Board of Directors in
advance of the meeting, or at the meeting by the officer or
person acting as chairman. If there are three or more
inspectors, the decision, act, or certificate of a majority of
them shall be effective in all respects as the decision, act, or
certificate of all. The inspectors of election shall determine
the number of shares outstanding, the voting rights with respect
to each, the shares represented at the meeting, the existence of
a quorum, and the authenticity, validity and effect of proxies.
They shall also receive votes, ballots, assents, consents,
waivers and releases, hear and determine all challenges and
questions in any way arising in connection with the vote, count
and tabulate all votes, assents, consents, waivers and releases,
determine and announce the result, and do such acts as may be
proper to conduct the election or vote with fairness to all
shareholders. No inspector, whether appointed by the Board of
Directors or by the officer or person acting as chairman, need
be a shareholder. On request, the inspectors shall make a report
in writing of any challenge, question, or matter determined by
them and execute a certificate of any fact found by them. The
certificate of the inspectors shall be prima facie evidence of
the facts stated therein and of the vote as certified by them.
B. At an annual meeting of the shareholders, only such
business (other than the nomination of candidates for election
as directors of the Corporation), will be conducted or
considered as properly brought before the meeting. To be
properly brought before an annual meeting, business must be
(i) specified in the notice of meeting (or any supplement
thereto) given in accordance with Section 4 of this
Article I; (ii) otherwise properly brought before the
meeting by the chair of the meeting or by or at the direction of
the Board of Directors; or (iii) otherwise properly
requested to be brought before the meeting by a shareholder
pursuant to timely notice in proper written form to the
Secretary in compliance with the procedures set forth in
Division C of this Section.
C. For business to be properly requested by a shareholder
to be brought before an annual meeting, the shareholder must
(i) be a shareholder of the Corporation of record at the
time of the giving of the notice for such annual meeting,
(ii) be entitled to vote at such meeting, and
(iii) have given timely notice in writing to the Secretary.
To be timely, a shareholders notice must be delivered to
or mailed and received by the Secretary at the principal
executive offices of the Corporation not less than sixty nor
more than ninety calendar days prior to the first anniversary of
the date on which the Corporation first mailed its proxy
materials for the preceding years annual meeting of
shareholders; provided, however, that when the
date of an annual meeting is delayed by more than sixty calendar
days after the anniversary of the preceding years annual
meeting, to be timely, notice by the shareholder must be so
delivered not later than the close of business on the later of
the ninetieth calendar day prior to such annual meeting or the
tenth calendar day following the day on which public
announcement of the
date of such meeting is first made. To be in proper written
form, a shareholders notice to the Secretary must set
forth (A) as to each matter the shareholder proposes to
bring before the annual meeting: (1) a description in
reasonable detail of the business desired to be brought before
the annual meeting; (2) the text of the proposal or
business (including the text of any resolutions proposed for
consideration and, if the business includes a proposal to amend
these Regulations or the Amended Articles, the language of the
proposed amendment); and (3) the reasons for conducting the
business at the meeting; and (B) as to each shareholder
giving the notice and any Shareholder Associate (as defined
below): (1) the name and address of the shareholder, as
they appear on the Corporations stock ledger, and, if
different, the current name and address of the shareholder, and
the name and address of any Shareholder Associate; (2) a
representation that at least one of these persons is a holder of
record or beneficially of securities of the Corporation entitled
to vote at the meeting and intends to remain so through the date
of the meeting and to appear in person or by proxy at the
meeting to present the business stated in the shareholders
notice; (3) the class, series and number of any securities
of the Corporation that are owned of record or beneficially by
each of these persons as of the date of the shareholders
notice; (4) a description of any material interests of any
of these persons in the business proposed and of all agreements,
arrangements and understandings between these persons and any
other person (including their names) in connection with the
business proposal of the shareholder; (5) a description of
any proxy, contract, arrangement, understanding or relationship
pursuant to which any of these persons has a right to vote any
shares of any securities of the Corporation; (6) a
description of any derivative positions related to any class or
series of securities of the Corporation owned of record or
beneficially by the shareholder or any Shareholder Associate;
(7) a description of whether and the extent to which any
hedging, swap or other transaction or series of transactions has
been entered into by or on behalf of, or any other agreement,
arrangement or understanding (including any short position or
any borrowing or lending of securities) has been made, the
effect or intent of which is to mitigate loss to, or manage risk
of stock price changes for, or to increase the voting power of,
the shareholder or any Shareholder Associate with respect to any
securities of the Corporation; and (8) a representation
that after the date of the shareholders notice and up to
the date of the meeting, each of these persons will provide
written notice to the Secretary of the Corporation as soon as
practicable following a change in the number of securities of
the Corporation held as described in response to
subclause (3) above that equals 1% or more of the
then-outstanding shares of the Corporation,
entry, termination, amendment or modification of the agreements,
arrangements or understandings described in response to
subclause (6) above that results in a change that equals 1%
or more of the then-outstanding shares of the Corporation or in
the economic interests underlying those agreements, arrangements
or understandings; and (C) a representation as to whether
or not the shareholder giving notice and any Shareholder
Associate intends, or intends to be part of a group that
intends: (1) to deliver a proxy statement
and/or form
of proxy to holders of at least the percentage of the
Corporations outstanding capital stock required to approve
or adopt the proposal;
(2) otherwise to solicit proxies from shareholders in
support of the proposal. For purposes of this Division C,
(x) public announcement means disclosure in a
press release reported by the Dow Jones News Service or
comparable national news service or in a document publicly filed
by the Corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission
pursuant to Section 13, 14, or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act),
or furnished to shareholders, and (y) Shareholder
Associate of any shareholder means (1) any person
controlling, directly or indirectly, or acting in concert with,
the shareholder; (2) any beneficial owner of securities of
the Corporation owned of record or beneficially by the
shareholder, and (3) any person controlling, controlled by
or under common control with the Shareholder Associate.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this
Division C, in order for a shareholder to submit a proposal
for inclusion in the Corporations proxy statement for an
annual meeting of shareholders, the shareholder must comply with
all applicable requirements of the Exchange Act, including
Rule 14a-8
(or any comparable successor rule or regulation under the
Exchange Act), and the rules and regulations thereunder. The
provisions of this Division C will not be deemed to prevent
a shareholder from submitting proposals for inclusion in the
Corporations proxy statement pursuant to those rules and
D. At a special meeting of shareholders, only such business
may be conducted or considered as is properly brought before the
meeting. To be properly brought before a special meeting, the
item of business must be (i) specified in the notice of the
meeting (or any supplement thereto) given in accordance with
Section 4 of Article I or (ii) otherwise properly
brought before the meeting by the chair of the meeting or by or
at the direction of the Board of Directors.
E. The determination of whether any business sought to be
brought before any annual or special meeting of the shareholders
has been timely and properly brought before such meeting will be
made by the chair of such meeting. If the chair determines that
any business has not been timely and properly brought before
such meeting, he or she will so declare to the meeting and any
such business will not be conducted or considered.
The shareholders present in person or by proxy at any meeting of
shareholders shall constitute a quorum for such meeting, but no
action required by law, the Articles, or these Regulations to be
authorized or taken by the holders of a designated proportion of
the shares of any particular class or of each class, may be
authorized or taken by a lesser proportion.
The holders of a majority of the voting shares represented at a
meeting, whether or not a quorum is present, may adjourn such
meeting from time to time.
Except as otherwise expressly provided in these Regulations, any
action which may be authorized or taken at a meeting of
shareholders may be authorized or taken without a meeting in a
writing or writings signed by all of the shareholders who would
be entitled to notice of a meeting of the shareholders held for
such purpose, which writing or writings shall be filed with or
entered upon the records of the Corporation.
The Corporation shall cause to be kept and maintained correct
and complete books and records of account, together with minutes
of the proceedings of the incorporators, shareholders,
directors, and committees of the directors, and records of the
shareholders showing their names and addresses and the number
and class of shares issued or transferred of record to or by
them from time to time.
Any shareholder of the Corporation, upon written demand stating
the specific purpose thereof, shall have the right to examine in
person or by agent or attorney at any reasonable time and for
any reasonable and proper purpose, the Articles of the
Corporation, its Regulations, its books and records of account,
minutes, the aforesaid records of shareholders, and voting trust
agreements, if any, on file with the Corporation, and to make
copies or extracts thereof.
At the annual meeting of shareholders, or the meeting held in
lieu thereof, the officers of the Corporation shall lay before
the shareholders a financial statement consisting of:
A. A balance sheet containing a summary of the assets,
liabilities, stated capital, and surplus (showing separately any
capital surplus arising from unrealized appreciation of assets,
other capital surplus, and earned surplus) of the Corporation as
of the end of the Corporations most recent fiscal year;
B. A statement of profit and loss and surplus, including a
summary of profits, dividends paid, and other changes in the
surplus accounts of the Corporation for the period commencing
with the date marking the end of the period for which the last
preceding statement of profit and loss required under this
section was made and ending with the date of said balance sheet.
The financial statement shall have appended thereto a
certificate signed by the President or a Vice President or the
Treasurer or an Assistant Treasurer of the Corporation or by a
public accountant or firm of public accountants to the effect
that the financial statement presents fairly the position of the
Corporation and the results of its operations in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis
consistent with that of the preceding period or to the effect
that the financial statements have been prepared on the basis of
accounting practices and principles that are reasonable in the
Upon the request of any shareholder made in writing or by any
other means of communication authorized by the Corporation prior
to the date of such annual meeting made, the Corporation shall
send a copy of such financial statement laid or to be laid
before the shareholders at the meeting of the shareholder by
mail, overnight delivery services, or any other means of
communication authorized by the shareholder to whom the copy is
sent on or before the later of the following:
(1) The fifth day after the receipt of the written request;
(2) The earlier of the following:
(a) The fifth day before the date of the meeting;
(b) The fifth day after the expiration of four months from
the date of the balance sheet contained in such financial
All the capacity of the Corporation shall be vested in and all
its authority, except as otherwise provided by law or by the
Articles in regard to action required to be taken, authorized or
approved by the shareholders, shall be exercised by the Board of
Directors, which shall manage and conduct the business of the
In discharging his or her duties, a director may, when acting in
good faith, rely on information, opinions, reports, or
statements, including financial statements and other financial
data, that are prepared or presented by any of the following:
A. One or more directors, officers, or employees of the
Corporation who the director reasonably believes are reliable
and competent in the matters prepared or presented;
B. Counsel, public accountants, or other persons as to
matters that the director reasonably believes are within the
persons professional or expert competence; or
C. A committee of the directors upon which the director
does not serve, duly established in accordance with a provision
of the Articles or these Regulations, as to matters within its
designated authority, which committee the director reasonably
believes to merit confidence.
Each person elected a director of the Corporation shall within
60 days from the date of his or her election qualify as
such by either (a) accepting in writing his or her election
as a director, or (b) being present and acting as a
director in a duly called meeting of the Board of Directors.
Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting of shareholders
or, if not so elected, at a special meeting of the shareholders
called for that purpose.
Only individuals who are nominated in accordance with the
procedures of this Section 2 shall be eligible for election
as directors. Nominations for the election of directors may be
made at an annual
meeting or a special meeting duly called for that purpose only:
(i) by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board; or
(ii) by any shareholder who is a shareholder of record at
the time of giving of notice of a meeting of shareholders who is
entitled to vote for the election of directors at such meeting
and who makes the nomination pursuant to timely notice in proper
written form to the Secretary in compliance with the procedures
set forth in this Section 2.
For nominations of persons for election as directors at an
annual meeting, to be timely, a shareholders notice must
be delivered to or mailed and received by the Secretary at the
principal executive offices of the Corporation not less than 60
nor more than 90 calendar days prior to the first anniversary of
the date on which the Corporation first mailed its proxy
materials for the preceding years annual meeting of
shareholders; provided, however, that in the case
of any annual meeting where the date of the annual meeting is
delayed by more than 60 calendar days after the anniversary of
the preceding years annual meeting, then notice by the
shareholder to be timely must be so delivered not later than the
close of business on the later of the 90th calendar day
prior to such annual meeting or the 10th calendar day
following the day on which public announcement of the date of
such meeting is first made. For nominations of persons for
election as directors at a special meeting duly called for that
purpose, a shareholders notice must be delivered to or
mailed and received by the Secretary at the principal executive
offices of the Corporation not less than 90 calendar days nor
more than 120 calendar days prior to the special meeting;
provided, however, that in the event that less
than 75 days notice or prior public disclosure of the
date of the meeting is given or made to shareholders, notice by
the shareholder must be so delivered not later than the close of
business on the 15th calendar day following the day on
which public announcement of the date of such meeting is first
To be in proper written form, a shareholders notice must
set forth:
(i) as to each person who is not an incumbent Director of
the Corporation whom the shareholder proposes to nominate for
election as a director, (A) the name, age, business address
and residence address of such person; (B) the principal
occupation or employment of such person; (C) the class,
series and number of securities of the Corporation that are
owned of record or beneficially by such person; (D) the
date or dates the securities were acquired and the investment
intent of each acquisition; (E) any other information
relating to such person that is required to be disclosed in
solicitations for proxies for election of directors pursuant to
Regulation 14A under the Exchange Act (or any comparable
successor rule or regulation under the Exchange Act); and
(F) any other information relating to such person that the
Board of Directors or any nominating committee of the Board of
Directors reviews in considering any person for nomination as a
director, as will be provided by the Secretary of the
Corporation upon request;
(ii) as to the shareholder giving the notice and any
Shareholder Associate, (A) the name and address of the
shareholder, as they appear on the Corporations stock
ledger, and, if different, the current name and address of the
shareholder, and the name and address of any Shareholder
Associate; (B) a representation that at least one of these
persons is a holder of record or beneficially of securities of
the Corporation entitled to vote at the meeting and intends to
remain so through the date of the meeting and to appear in
person or by proxy at the meeting to nominate the person or
persons specified in the shareholders notice; (C) the
class, series and number of securities of the Corporation that
are owned of record or beneficially by each of these persons as
of the date of the shareholders notice; (D) a
description of any material relationships, including legal,
compensatory, among the shareholder giving the notice, any
Shareholder Associate and the proposed nominee(s); (E) a
description of any derivative positions related to any class or
series of securities of the Corporation owned of record or
beneficially by the shareholder or any Shareholder Associate;
(F) a description of whether and the extent to which any
hedging, swap or other transaction or series of transactions has
been entered into by or on behalf of, or any other agreement,
arrangement or understanding (including any short position or
any borrowing or lending of securities) has been made, the
effect or intent of which is
to mitigate loss to, or manage risk of stock price changes for,
or to increase the voting power of, the shareholder or any
Shareholder Associate with respect to any securities of the
Corporation; and (G) a representation that after the date
of the shareholders notice and up to the date of the
meeting each of these persons will provide written notice to the
Secretary of the Corporation as soon as practicable following a
change in the number of securities of the Corporation held as
described in response to subclause (C) above that equals 1%
or more of the then-outstanding shares of the Corporation,
entry, termination, amendment or modification of the agreements,
arrangements or understandings described in response to
subclause (F) above that results in a change that equals 1%
or more of the then-outstanding shares of the Corporation or in
the economic interests underlying these agreements, arrangements
or understandings;
(iii) a representation as to whether the shareholder giving
notice and any Shareholder Associate intends, or intends to be
part of a group that intends: (A) to deliver a proxy
and/or form
of proxy to holders of at least the percentage of the
Corporations outstanding capital stock required to elect
the proposed nominee;
(B) otherwise to solicit proxies from shareholders in
support of the proposed nominee; and
(iv) a written consent of each proposed nominee to serve as
a director of the Corporation, if elected, and a representation
that the proposed nominee (A) does not or will not have any
undisclosed voting commitments or other arrangements with
respect to his or her actions as a director; and (B) will
comply with these Regulations and all applicable publicly
disclosed corporate governance, conflict of interest,
confidentiality and stock ownership and trading policies and
guidelines of the Corporation.
The determination of whether a nomination of a candidate for
election as a director of the Corporation has been timely and
properly brought before such meeting in accordance with this
Section 2 will be made by the presiding officer of such
meeting. If the presiding officer determines that any nomination
has not been timely and properly brought before such meeting, he
or she will so declare to the meeting and such defective
nomination will be disregarded.
The number of directors constituting the whole Board of
Directors will be not less than 9 nor more than 18. The exact
number of directors will be fixed from time to time within that
range by a duly adopted resolution of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall be divided into three classes. At
each annual or special election, the successors to the directors
of each class whose term shall expire in that year shall be
elected to hold office for a term of three years from the date
of their election and until their successors are chosen and
qualified. [Notwithstanding the foregoing, at the 2012 annual
meeting of shareholders, the successors of the directors whose
terms expire at that meeting shall be elected for a term
expiring at the 2013 annual meeting of shareholders; at the 2013
annual meeting of shareholders, the successors of the directors
whose terms expire at that meeting shall be elected for a term
expiring at the 2014 annual meeting of shareholders; at the 2014
annual meeting of shareholders, the successors of the directors
whose terms expire at that meeting shall be elected for a term
expiring at the 2015 annual meeting of shareholders; and at each
annual meeting of shareholders thereafter, the directors shall
be elected for terms expiring at the next annual meeting of
All directors, for whatever terms elected, shall hold office
subject to provisions of law, the Articles and these Regulations
as to removals and the creation of vacancies.
The number of directors of any such class may
be fixed or changed by resolution adopted by the vote of the
shareholders entitled to exercise
of the voting power of the shares represented at a meeting
called to elect directors in person or by proxy at such meeting
and entitled to vote at such election, but in no event
shall the number of directors of any class be less than
three. No reduction in the number of directors shall
have the effect of removing any director prior to the expiration
of his or her term of office. In the event of any
increase in the number of directors of any class, any additional
directors elected to such class shall hold office for a term
coincident with the term of such class.
The number of directors of any such class may also be changed by
a duly adopted resolution of the Board of Directors.
The office of a director shall become vacant if he or she dies
or resigns.
The Board of Directors may remove any director and thereby
create a vacancy in the Board:
If the director is declared of unsound mind by an order of
court, or is adjudicated a bankrupt;
If the director does not qualify within sixty days as provided
by these Regulations.
Any vacancy in the Board of Directors may be filled for the
unexpired term by the remaining director or directors, though
less than a majority of the whole Board, by a vote of a majority
of their number. Within the meaning of this section a vacancy or
vacancies shall be deemed to exist in case the shareholders
shall increase the authorized number of directors but shall fail
at the meeting at which such increase is authorized, or an
adjournment thereof, to elect the additional directors so
provided for, or in case the shareholders fail at any time to
elect the whole authorized number of directors. A vacancy or
vacancies shall also be deemed to exist within the meaning of
this section in case the directors shall increase the authorized
number of directors.
All the directors, or all the directors of a particular class,
or any individual director, may be removed from office for
cause by the vote of the holders of
of the voting power entitling them to elect directors in place
of those to be removed, provided that unless all the
directors, or all the directors of a particular class, are
removed, no individual director shall be removed in case the
votes of a sufficient number of shares are cast against his or
her removal which, if cumulatively voted at an election of all
the directors, or all the directors of a particular class, as
the case may be, would be sufficient to elect at least one
director. In case of any such removal, a new director
may be elected at the same meeting for the unexpired term of
each director removed. Failure to elect a director to fill the
unexpired term of any director removed shall be deemed to create
a vacancy in the board.
Meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any time
within or without the State of Ohio. Such meetings may be held
through any communications equipment if all persons
participating can hear each other and participation in a meeting
pursuant to this paragraph shall constitute presence at such
Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held
immediately after the annual meetings of the shareholders and at
such other stated times as may be fixed by the Board of
Directors, and such regular meetings may be held without further
Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the
Chairman of the Board or by the President of the Corporation, or
by not less than one-third of the directors. Notice of the time
and place of such meetings shall be served upon or telephoned to
each director at least twenty-four hours, or given by personal
delivery, mail, overnight delivery service or any other means of
communication authorized by the directors at least two days
before the meeting. Such notice may be waived in writing by any
director, either before or after the meeting. Attendance at the
meeting by a director without protesting, prior to or at the
commencement of the meeting, the lack of proper notice, shall
constitute waiver of such notice by such director. An electronic
mail, or an electronic or other transmission capable of
authentication that appears to have been sent by a person
described in this section and that contains a waiver by that
person is a writing for the purposes of this section.
A majority of the whole authorized number of directors is
necessary to constitute a quorum for a meeting of the directors,
except that a majority of the directors in office constitutes a
quorum for filling a vacancy in the Board. The act of a majority
of the directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is
present is the act of the Board, unless the act of a greater
number is required by the Articles or these Regulations.
Any action which may be authorized or taken at a meeting of the
Board of Directors may be authorized or taken without a meeting
with the affirmative vote or approval, and in a writing or
writings signed by all, of the directors, which writing or
writings shall be filed with or entered upon the records of the
A. For any lawful purpose, including, without limitation,
the determination of the shareholders who are entitled to:
(1) receive notice of or to vote at a meeting of
(2) receive payment of any dividend or distribution;
(3) receive or exercise rights of purchase of or
subscription for, or exchange or conversion of, shares or other
securities, subject to contract rights with respect
thereto; or
(4) participate in the execution of written consents,
waivers or releases, the directors may fix a record date which
shall not be a date earlier than the date on which the record
date is fixed and, in the cases provided for in clauses (1),
(2), and (3) above, shall not be more than sixty days
preceding the date of the meeting of the shareholders, or the
date fixed for the payment of any dividend or distribution, or
the date fixed for the receipt or the exercise of rights, as the
case may be.
B. If a meeting of the shareholders is called by persons
entitled to call the same, or action is taken by shareholders
without a meeting, and if the directors fail to refuse, within
such time as the persons calling such meeting or initiating such
other action may request, to fix a record date for the purpose
of clause (1) or (4) of division A of this
section, then the persons calling such meeting or initiating
such other action may fix a record date for such purpose,
subject to the limitations set forth in division A of this
C. The record date for the purpose of clause (1) of
division A of this section shall continue to be the record
date for all adjournments of such meeting, unless the directors
or the persons who shall have fixed the original record date
shall, subject to the limitations set forth in division A
of this section, fix another date, and in case a new record date
is so fixed, notice of the record date and of the date to which
the meeting shall have been adjourned shall be given to
shareholders of record as of said date in accordance with the
same requirements as those applying to a meeting newly called.
D. The directors may close the share transfer books against
transfers of shares during the whole or any part of the period
provided for in division A above, including the date of the
meeting of the shareholders and the period ending with the date,
if any, to which adjourned.
E. If no record date is fixed therefor, the record date for
determining the shareholders who are entitled to receive notice
of, or who are entitled to vote at, a meeting of shareholders,
shall be the date next preceding the day on which notice is
given, or the date next preceding the day on which the meeting
is held, as the case may be.
F. The record date for a change of shares shall be the time
when the certificate of amendment effecting such change is filed
in the office of the Secretary of State.
The Board of Directors may from time to time create an Executive
Committee, a Finance Committee and such other committees as it
may deem to be advisable and may delegate to any such committee
any of the powers of the Board of Directors, other than that of
filling vacancies among the directors or in any committee of the
directors. Any such committee shall be composed of not less than
three members of the Board of Directors to serve until otherwise
ordered by the Board of Directors and shall act only in the
interval between meetings of the Board of Directors and shall be
subject at all times to the control and direction of the Board
of Directors. The Board of Directors may appoint one or more
directors as alternate members of any such committee, who may
take the place of any absent member or members at any meeting of
such committee.
Any such committee may act by a writing or writings signed by
all its members or by a majority of any such committee present
at a meeting at which a quorum is present. Meetings of any
committee may be held at any time within or without Ohio and
through any communications equipment if all persons
participating can hear each other. Participation through use of
communications equipment shall constitute presence at the
meeting. A majority of the whole authorized number of members of
any such committee is necessary to constitute a quorum for a
meeting of that committee. Any act or authorization of an act by
any such committee within the authority delegated to it shall be
as effective for all purposes as the act or authorization of the
Board of Directors.
The Corporation shall have a Chairman of the Board of Directors
(who shall be a director) and a President, a Secretary, a
Treasurer and a Controller, all of whom shall be elected by the
Board of Directors. The Corporation may also have one or more
Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers,
Assistant Controllers and such other officers as the Board may
deem advisable, all of whom shall be elected by the Board of
Directors. All officers shall hold office for one year and until
their successors are elected and qualified, unless otherwise
specified by the Board of Directors, provided,
however, that any officer shall be subject to removal,
with or without cause, at any time by the vote of a majority of
the Board of Directors. The election of an officer for a given
term, or a general provision in the Articles or these
Regulations with respect to term of office, shall not be deemed
to create contract rights
Any two or more offices may be held by the same person, but no
officer shall execute, acknowledge or verify any instrument in
more than one capacity if such instrument is required by law or
by the Articles or these Regulations to be executed,
acknowledged or verified by two or more officers.
The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the
shareholders and of the Board of Directors, shall supervise and
direct the Corporations affairs and the administration
thereof by the other executive officers of the Corporation and
shall have such other powers and duties as may be assigned to or
vested in him or her by the Board of Directors.
The President, in the absence of the Chairman of the Board,
shall preside at all meetings of the shareholders and of the
Board of Directors. Subject to the direction of the Board of
Directors, the Executive Committee and the Chairman of the
Board, the President shall have general charge and authority
over the business of the Corporation. The President shall from
time to time make such reports of the business of the
Corporation as the Board of Directors may require. The President
shall perform such other duties and have such powers as are
assigned to or vested in him or her by the Board of Directors.
The Vice President, or, if there be more than one, the Vice
Presidents, in order of their seniority by designation (or if
not designated, in order of their seniority of election), shall
perform the duties of the President in his or her absence or
during his or her disability to act. The Vice Presidents shall
have such other duties and powers as may be assigned to or
vested in them by the Board of Directors or the Executive
The Secretary shall issue notices of all meetings for which
notice is required to be given, shall keep the minutes of all
meetings, shall have charge of the corporate seal and corporate
record books, shall cause to be prepared for each meeting of
shareholders the list of shareholders referred to in
Section 6 of Article I hereof, and shall have such
other powers and perform such other duties as are assigned to or
vested in him or her by the Board of Directors or the Executive
(a) The Treasurer shall be the financial officer of the
Corporation. The Treasurer shall have the custody of all moneys
and securities of the Corporation and shall keep adequate and
correct accounts of the Corporations receipts and
disbursements, including records of customers credits and
collections. The funds of the Corporation shall be deposited in
the name of the Corporation by the Treasurer in such
depositories as the Board of Directors may from time to time
designate. The Treasurer shall have such other powers and
perform such other duties as are assigned to or vested in him or
her by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
(b) The Controller shall be the accounting officer of the
Corporation. The Controller shall keep adequate and correct
accounts of the Corporations business transactions (except
those kept by the Treasurer as herein provided), including
accounts of its assets, liabilities, gains, losses, stated
capital and shares. He or she shall prepare and lay before the
shareholders meetings the data referred to in
Section 12 of Article I hereof, and shall mail copies
of such data as required in said section to any shareholder
requesting same. The Controller shall have such other powers and
perform such other duties as are assigned to or vested in him or
her by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
Other officers of the Corporation shall have such powers and
duties as may be assigned to or vested in them by the Board of
Directors or the Executive Committee.
Share certificates shall be signed as hereinafter in
Article V provided. Except as otherwise specifically
provided by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee of
the Corporation, checks, notes,
drafts, contracts or other instruments authorized by the Board
of Directors or the Executive Committee may be executed and
delivered on behalf of the Corporation by the Chairman of the
Board, the President or a Vice President and by the Secretary or
an Assistant Secretary or the Treasurer or an Assistant
In case of the absence or disability of an officer of the
Corporation, or for any other reason that may seem sufficient to
the Board, the Board of Directors may for the time being,
delegate his or her powers and duties to any other officer or to
any director.
The directors, by the affirmative vote of a majority of those in
office, and irrespective of any financial or personal interest
of any of them, shall have authority to establish reasonable
compensation, that may include pension, disability, and death
benefits, for services to the Corporation by directors and
officers, or to delegate such authority to one or more officers
or directors. The Board may also allow compensation to members
of any committee. The Board may vote compensation to any
director for attendance at meetings or for any special services.
(a) The Corporation shall indemnify any director, officer
or employee and any former director, officer or employee of the
Corporation and any such director, officer or employee who is or
has served at the request of the Corporation as a director,
officer, employee, member, manager or trustee of another
corporation, domestic or foreign, non-profit or for profit, a
limited liability company or partnership, joint venture, trust
or other enterprise (and his or her heirs, executors and
administrators) against expenses, including attorneys
fees, judgments, fines and amounts paid in settlement, actually
and reasonably incurred by such person by reason of the fact
that he or she is or was such director, officer, employee or
trustee in connection with any threatened, pending or completed
action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal,
administrative or investigative, to the full extent permitted by
applicable law. The indemnification provided for herein shall
not be deemed to restrict the right of the Corporation to
indemnify agents and others to the extent not prohibited by law.
The Corporation may purchase and maintain insurance or furnish
similar protection on behalf of or for any person who is or was
a director, officer, employee or agent of the Corporation, or
any person who is or was serving at the request of the
Corporation as a director, officer, trustee, employee, member,
manager or agent of another corporation, joint venture,
partnership, trust or other enterprise against any liability
asserted against such person or incurred by him or her in any
such capacity or arising out of his or her status as such.
(b) The Corporation is expressly authorized to enter into
any indemnification or insurance agreements with or on the
behalf of any person who is or was a director, officer, employee
or designated agent of the Corporation or is or was serving at
the request of the Corporation as a director, officer, employee,
member, manager or designated agent of another corporation,
domestic or foreign, non-profit or for profit, a limited
liability company, partnership, joint venture, trust or other
enterprise, in accordance with the terms of this Article IV
or the laws of the State of Ohio. Such agreements may include,
but are not limited to, agreements providing for indemnification
or the advancement of expenses, agreements providing for
insurance, indemnification or the advancement of expenses by way
of self-insurance, whether or not funded through the use of a
trust, escrow agreement, letter of credit, or
other arrangement, in accordance with subsection (a) of
this Section 2, and agreements providing for insurance or
indemnification through the commercial insurance market.
Each shareholder of the Corporation shall, upon request to the
Corporation, be entitled to a certificate signed by the Chairman
of the Board, the President or a Vice President and by the
Secretary or an Assistant Secretary or the Treasurer or an
Assistant Treasurer, evidencing the number and class of
shares held by such shareholder in the Corporation, but no
certificate for shares shall be executed or delivered until such
shares are fully paid; provided, however, that
when any such certificate is countersigned by an incorporated
transfer agent or registrar, the signature of any such officer
upon such certificate may be facsimile, engraved, stamped or
In case any officer or officers, who shall have signed, or whose
facsimile signature shall have been engraved, stamped or printed
on any certificate or certificates for shares, shall cease to be
such officer or officers of the Corporation, because of death,
resignation, or otherwise, before such certificate or
certificates shall have been delivered by the Corporation, such
certificate or certificates, if authenticated by the endorsement
thereon of the signature of an incorporated transfer agent or
registrar, shall nevertheless be conclusively deemed to have
been adopted by the Corporation by the use and delivery thereof
and shall be effective in all respects when delivered.
Such certificates shall be in such form as shall be approved by
the Board of Directors and shall contain such statements as are
required by the Ohio General Corporation Law.
The Board of Directors shall have authority to make such rules
and regulations, not inconsistent with law, the Articles or
these Regulations, as it deems expedient concerning the
execution, delivery, transfer and registration of share
certificates and may appoint incorporated transfer agents and
registrars thereof.
Transfer books may be kept in any state of the United States or
in any foreign country for the purpose of transferring shares
issued by the Corporation; but if no transfer agent is appointed
to act in the State of Ohio, the Corporation shall keep an
office in the State of Ohio at which shares shall be
transferable, and at which it shall keep books in which shall be
recorded the names and addresses of all shareholders, and all
transfers of shares.
Any person claiming a share certificate to have been lost,
destroyed or stolen, shall make an affidavit or affirmation of
that fact, and if required by the Board of Directors shall
advertise the same in such manner as the Board of Directors may
require, and shall give the Corporation, its transfer agents and
its registrars a bond of indemnity, in form and with one or more
sureties satisfactory to the Board or anyone designated by the
Board with authority to act thereon, whereupon a new certificate
may be executed and delivered of the same tenor and for the same
number of shares as the one alleged to have been lost, destroyed
or stolen.
Unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Directors, the Chairman
of the Board, the President, a Vice President, the Secretary or
the Treasurer of the Corporation, or a proxy appointed by any
such officer, shall have full power and authority on behalf of
the Corporation to attend, to act and to vote at any meeting of
shareholders and to execute consents, waivers and releases
relating to the affairs of any other corporation, domestic or
foreign, non-profit or for profit, in which the Corporation may
hold stock or membership, and at any such meeting shall possess
and may exercise any and all of the rights and powers incident
to the ownership of such stock and which as the owner thereof
the Corporation would have possessed and might have exercised if
present. The Board of Directors by resolution from time to time
may confer like powers upon any other person or persons.
The seal of the Corporation shall be circular in form with the
name of the Corporation followed by the words Cleveland,
Ohio stamped around the margin, and the words
Corporate Seal stamped across the center.
These Regulations may be amended or added to by the Board of
Directors (to the extent permitted by the Ohio General
Corporation Law) or by the affirmative vote of the shareholders
of record entitled to exercise a majority of the voting power on
such proposal or, without a meeting, by the written consent of
the shareholders of record entitled to exercise
of the voting power on such proposal. Notwithstanding anything
to the contrary contained herein, to amend, repeal or add to
Article I Section 2,
Article II Section 2, the last paragraph
of Article II Section 3 or this paragraph
of Article VIII Section 1, shall require
the affirmative vote at a meeting of the shareholders of record
entitled to exercise
of the voting power on such proposal, unless such action is
recommended by two-thirds of the members of the Board of
If an amendment is adopted by written consent without a meeting
of the shareholders, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to
enter the amendment in the records of the Corporation and to
mail a copy of such amendment to each shareholder of record who
would be entitled to vote thereon and did not participate in the
adoption thereof.
Board of Directors Governance Policies
July 28, 2010)
A. Size and Structure of Board. The size of the
Board should be in the range of 9-15. Only one Director should
be an employee of the Company. The Board believes that it is
desirable for the Companys Board to be divided into three
approximately equal classes, one of which is elected each year,
since this structure assures continuity and has worked well
B. Director Independence. Except for any Director
who is a Company employee, all Directors should be independent.
A Director will be considered independent if the Director meets
the criteria set forth in the independence standards of the New
York Stock Exchange and the independence criteria adopted by the
Companys Board of Directors.
C. Director Tenure. Toward the end of a
Directors term, the Board of Directors, with the advice of
the Governance Committee, reviews the Directors candidacy
for re-election. In advising the Board, the Governance Committee
considers, among other things, (i) the results of a peer
review of the Directors performance by all other outside
Directors, (ii) self-evaluation by the Director,
(iii) input by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
relating to the Directors performance, (iv) input by
the Chair of each Board Committee on which the Director serves
and (v) the Governance Committees assessment of the
Directors skills, talents, competencies and experience in
comparison with the Companys strategy and the anticipated
needs of the Board. There is no limit to the number of terms a
Director may serve. However, the Boards retirement policy
calls for each outside Director to retire at the Annual
Shareholders Meeting following the Directors
72nd birthday and for the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer to retire from the Board when he or she retires as an
employee, no later than the end of the month in which he or she
reaches age 65. Directors who retire from their employment,
change their employment or occupation, or otherwise make a
material change in their non-Eaton responsibilities should
tender their resignation from the Board of Directors. The Board,
with the advice of the Governance Committee, will then decide
whether to accept the resignation.
D. Membership on Other Boards. Each Director is
responsible to notify the Chair of the Governance Committee
before accepting invitations to join other Boards of Directors.
The Governance Committee then determines whether there would be
any potential concerns with the Directors doing so. One
purpose of this policy is to avoid actual or potential conflicts
of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest.
Appropriate legal advice will be obtained as necessary. Another
purpose of this policy is to insure that Directors do not have
an excessive number of Board assignments that would put the
Directors effectiveness at risk. Directors who are Chief
Executive Officers of publicly-held companies may serve on a
maximum of three public company Boards, including the
Companys Board. Other Directors may serve on a maximum of
six public company Boards, including the Companys Board.
E. New Directors. Director candidates will be
selected on the basis of their ability to make contributions to
the Board of Directors and to the Companys governance
activities. Among the most salient strengths to be considered
are personal ability, integrity, intelligence, relevant business
background, independence, expertise in areas of importance to
the Companys objectives, and a sensitivity to the
Companys corporate responsibilities. In deciding upon
Director candidates to recommend to the Board, the Governance
Committee compares each candidates skills, talents,
competencies and experience to the Companys strategy and
the anticipated needs of the Board. The Committee takes into
account input from all Directors in the review of Director
candidates. The initial screening of Director candidates is
conducted by the Chair of the Governance Committee in
consultation with the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The
Governance Committee then identifies the recommended candidate
for possible approval by the Board of Directors.
F. The Positions of Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer. The Board recognizes that the determination of the
leadership structure for the Company is a critical decision.
Currently, the positions of Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer are held by the same person. The Board
believes that this structure provides the most efficient and
effective leadership model for the Company at the present time.
The Board will evaluate this leadership structure periodically,
including when a new Chief Executive Officer is elected.
G. Lead Director. The Board has an independent Lead
Director. The Lead Director has specific responsibilities,
including chairing Executive Sessions of the Board, coordinating
the agenda for Board meetings with the Chairman on behalf of the
independent directors, ensuring the quality and timeliness of
information sent to the Board, and serving as a Board focal
point for communications with shareholders and other Company
stakeholders. The Lead Director has the authority to call
meetings of the independent directors, and to retain outside
advisors who report directly to the Board of Directors.
A. Membership of Committees. All Board Committees
are comprised entirely of outside independent Directors, except
for the Executive Committee, which is chaired by the Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer.
B. Rotation of Committee Memberships and Chairs. In
order to assure that each Director has a broad exposure to the
work of the various Board Committees, and at the same time to
provide for continuity in the membership of each Committee, the
Board has adopted the practice of rotating each outside
Directors Committee assignments approximately every four
to six years, except that, for continuity, Committee Chairs
normally continue on their Committees for up to ten years. The
Director who will become the Chair of a Committee should be
selected from among the current members of the Committee and
should be designated at least one year in advance in order to
permit adequate preparation time and a smooth transition.
C. Committee Descriptions. Committees of the Board
include: the Audit Committee, Compensation and Organization
Committee, Finance Committee and Governance Committee. The
responsibilities and membership of these Committees are
described in their charters, which are posted on the
Companys web site. The Executive Committee acts upon
matters requiring Board action during the intervals between
Board meetings. The Executive Committee is chaired by the
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Each of the non-employee
Directors serve rotating four-month terms on the Committee.
A. Board and Committee Assessments . Performance
self-assessments are conducted annually by the Board and the
Audit, Compensation and Organization, Finance and Governance
B. Outside Director Performance Assessment. A
thorough performance assessment of each outside Director is
conducted when the Director is considered for re-election as
described in Section I (C) of these Policies.
C. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Performance
Assessment. The performance of the Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer is thoroughly assessed annually by the
Compensation and Organization Committee, taking into account
input from all outside Directors. Key performance and leadership
categories are established. As to each category, each outside
Director answers a set of specific questions, provides written
comments, suggests opportunities for improvement, and comments
on individual strengths. An external third party consolidates
the feedback and provides a summary report to the Chair of the
Compensation and Organization Committee who, in turn, reviews it
with the outside Directors. The Chair of the Committee then
reviews the report with the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
D. Chief Executive Officer Succession Planning. It
is the policy of the Board to be adequately prepared to deal
with Chief Executive Officer succession, should the need arise,
whether via emergency, resignation, retirement or termination.
The Board has established several processes that work together
to achieve this result. The Chief Executive Officer annually
leads a formal discussion with the Board to review all key
executives, including each executives performance,
leadership attributes and readiness to assume additional
responsibility. The Board also utilizes the annual review to
discuss short- and long-term succession planning and emergency
succession issues. By focusing on both the short and the long
term, the Board identifies specific individual development
needs, that are then communicated to each executive by the Chief
Executive Officer in annual performance reviews and ongoing
coaching sessions. In addition to the annual review, the Board
feels it is important for each Director to interact personally
and frequently with the key executives. For this purpose, the
Board has established a formal process for each Director to meet
with key executives individually so that all Directors are able
to evaluate first-hand the executives readiness and
potential to assume greater responsibility within the Company or
to step into the Chief Executive Officer role, if needed.
E. Senior Management Performance Assessment. One of
the most important responsibilities of the Board is to assure
that the Companys senior management is well qualified to
conduct the Companys business affairs. The Boards
process begins with an assessment by the Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of all officers on the senior management team.
The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, then, reports annually
to the Board, giving his or her assessment of each
officers performance and his or her thoughts on succession
planning. The Board of Directors takes these thoughts into
account in its evaluation and direction of succession planning,
especially in regard to the position of Chief Executive Officer.
A. Director Responsibilities. The Board expects all
Directors to fulfill the following basic responsibilities:
(1) attend all meetings of the Board, relevant Board
Committees and Annual Shareholders Meetings,
(2) participate actively in meetings of the Board and
relevant Board Committees after review of materials that are
provided to the Directors in advance of meetings, (3) act
in a manner consistent with the best interests of the Company
and its shareholders (avoiding conflicts of interest that would
interfere with their doing so) and (4) exercise proper
diligence and business judgment in performing their duties as
members of the Board and its Committees.
B. Agendas and Background Information. A proposed
Agenda for each meeting of a Board Committee is drafted on the
basis of the Committees annual calendar, approved by the
Committee Chair and sent to the Committee members in advance of
the meeting, along with background information on important
subjects, advance copies of presentation materials, and proposed
resolutions. Similarly, a proposed Agenda for each meeting of
the Board is drafted, approved by the Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer in consultation with the Lead Director, and
sent to all Directors in advance of the meeting, along with
background information on important subjects, proposed
resolutions, and advance copies of presentation materials. Any
Board or Committee member may ask for additions or changes in
the Agenda.
C. Access to Management and Independent Advisors.
Directors should request from management, or any other
sources they may desire, information that they consider helpful
in the performance of their duties. The Board and each Board
Committee may retain independent legal counsel, consultants or
other advisors as the Board or such Committee deems necessary
and appropriate, the cost of which is borne by the Company.
D. Executive Sessions. At each Board meeting, the
Board holds an executive session, in which only the Directors
are present. The Directors who meet the independence criteria of
the Board of Directors and of the New York Stock Exchange also
meet in executive session at each Board meeting, without the
inside Director present, to discuss whatever topics they may
deem appropriate. These executive
sessions are chaired by the Lead Director. In addition, at each
meeting of the Audit, Compensation and Organization, Finance and
Governance Committees, an executive session is held, which is
attended only by the Committee members, all of whom are
independent Directors, without any members of the Companys
management present, to discuss whatever topics they may deem
E. Board Meetings on Strategic Planning. The Board
devotes one extended meeting per year to strategic planning,
along with portions of additional meetings throughout the year.
Company performance is to be measured in terms of the
Companys strategic objectives and its relative performance
among its peers.
F. Concurrent Committee Meetings. Because of
scheduling constraints, certain meetings of Board Committees are
held concurrently, although doing so requires the inside
Director to be absent from certain Committee meetings.
G. Minutes. Minutes of all Committee meetings are
sent to all Directors for their information in advance of the
following Board meeting, together with the minutes of the prior
Board meeting.
H. Company Spokesperson. The Board of Directors has
delegated to the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, or his or
her designees, the responsibility to serve as Company
I. Orientation for New Directors. An orientation
process has been developed for new Directors, including
background briefings by the Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, other senior officers and the Secretary, and
information relating to the Board Committees that the Director
will join.
J. Continuing Education for Directors. The
Governance Committee reviews the continuing education needs of
the Directors relating to their roles and responsibilities as
members of the Board and its Committees. All Directors are
expected to stay well informed on relevant issues to maximize
their effectiveness.
A. Director Compensation. The Board of Directors
with the advice of its Governance Committee determines the
compensation of the outside Directors. The form and amount of
Director compensation are intended to be competitive with
Director compensation at peer companies, appropriate to the time
and energy required of the Directors (as members of the Board
and as members or Chairs of Board Committees) and consistent
with the Directors independence from the Company and its
B. Regular Reviews of Compensation. Regularly
scheduled reviews of outside Director compensation are conducted
by the Governance Committee to assure that the compensation
remains competitive and appropriate.
C. Restricted Shares. Each outside Director annually
receives a number of restricted shares of the Company equal in
value to the amount of the Directors annual retainer.
D. Share Ownership Guidelines. The Board has adopted
guidelines calling for each outside Director to acquire within
five years a number of Company shares with a market value equal
to three times the amount of the outside Directors annual
These Policies will be reviewed by the Governance Committee
annually and may be amended by the Board of Directors from time
to time.
VOTE BY INTERNET Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and
for electronic delivery of information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off
date or meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and follow the
instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting instruction form. EATON
you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy ATTENTION:Corporate
Secretary 25th Floor materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy
cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic
delivery, please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet 1 Investor Address Line 1
and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials Investor
Address Line 2 electronically in future years. Investor Address Line 3 1 1 OF Investor Address Line
4 VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903 Investor Address Line 5 Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit
your voting instructions up until 11:59 John Sample P.M. Eastern Time the day before the
cut-off date or meeting date. Have your 1234 ANYWHERE STREET 2 proxy card in hand when you call and
then follow the instructions. ANY CITY, ON A1A 1A1 VOTE BY MAIL Mark, sign and date your proxy
card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it to Vote Processing,
c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717. CONTROL # 000000000000 NAME THE COMPANY NAME
INC. COMMON SHARES 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS A 123,456,789,012.12345
123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS D 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. -
CLASS E 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS F 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY
NAME INC. 401 K 123,456,789,012.12345 PAGE 1 OF 2 x TO VOTE, MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR
PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED AND DATED. The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR 02
the following: 1. Election of Directors For Against Abstain 1a. George S. Barrett 0 0 0 0000000000
1b. Todd M. Bluedorn 0 0 0 For Against Abstain 1c. Ned C. Lautenbach 0 0 0 4. Ratifying the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP 0 0 0 as independent auditor for 2011. 1d. Gregory R. Page 0 0
0 5. Approving, by non-binding vote, executive 0 0 0 compensation. The Board of Directors
recommends you vote FOR The Board of Directors recommends you proposals 2, 3, 4 and 5. For Against
Abstain vote 1 YEAR on the following proposal: 1 year 2 years 3 years Abstain 2. Approving
amendments to the Amended Regulations 0 0 0 6. To recommend, by non-binding vote, the 0 0 0 0
to provide for the annual election of all frequency of future non-binding directors.
Implementation of this Proposal 2 is executive compensation votes. conditioned upon the
approval of Proposal 3. 3. Approving amendments to the Amended and 0 0 0 NOTE: IN THEIR DISCRETION,
Articles of Incorporation and the REVERSE SIDE OF THIS CARD ARE AUTHORIZED TO VOTE Amended
Regulations to eliminate cumulative UPON SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME voting for
directors. BEFORE THE MEETING. For address change/comments, mark here. 0 R1.0.0.11699 (see reverse
for instructions) Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should
each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full
corporate or partnership name, by authorized officer. 000008427
Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date |
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting: The Notice &
Proxy Statement, Annual Report is/ are available at . EATON CORPORATION Annual
Meeting of Shareholders April 27, 2011 10:30 AM This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors
The undersigned hereby appoints A. M. Cutler, M. M. McGuire and T. E. Moran as proxies, each with
the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them to represent and to vote, as
indicated on the reverse side of this card, all of the Eaton common shares held by the undersigned
on February 28, 2011, at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at Eaton Center, 1111
Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, on April 27, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. local time and at any
adjournments thereof. This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed
herein. If no such direction is made, this proxy will be voted in accordance with the Board of
Directors recommendations. R1.0.0.11699 Address change/comments: 00000842772 (If you noted any
Address Changes and/or Comments above, please mark corresponding box on the reverse side.) This
form must be completed, signed and dated on reverse side |
VOTE BY INTERNET Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for
electronic delivery of information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date
or meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and follow the
instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting instruction form. EATON
you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy ATTENTION:Corporate
Secretary 25th Floor materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy
cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic
delivery, please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet 1 Investor Address Line 1
and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials Investor
Address Line 2 electronically in future years. Investor Address Line 3 1 1 OF Investor Address Line
4 VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903 Investor Address Line 5 Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit
your voting instructions up until 11:59 John Sample P.M. Eastern Time the day before the
cut-off date or meeting date. Have your 1234 ANYWHERE STREET 2 proxy card in hand when you call and
then follow the instructions. ANY CITY, ON A1A 1A1 VOTE BY MAIL Mark, sign and date your proxy
card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it to Vote Processing,
c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717. CONTROL # 000000000000 NAME THE COMPANY NAME
INC. COMMON SHARES 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS A 123,456,789,012.12345
123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS D 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. -
CLASS E 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS F 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY
NAME INC. 401 K 123,456,789,012.12345 PAGE 1 OF 2 x TO VOTE, MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR
PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED AND DATED. The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR 02
the following: 1. Election of Directors For Against Abstain 1a. George S. Barrett 0 0 0 0000000000
1b. Todd M. Bluedorn 0 0 0 For Against Abstain 1c. Ned C. Lautenbach 0 0 0 4. Ratifying the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP 0 0 0 as independent auditor for 2011. 1d. Gregory R. Page 0 0
0 5. Approving, by non-binding vote, executive 0 0 0 compensation. The Board of Directors
recommends you vote FOR The Board of Directors recommends you proposals 2, 3, 4 and 5. For Against
Abstain vote 1 YEAR on the following proposal: 1 year 2 years 3 years Abstain 2. Approving
amendments to the Amended Regulations 0 0 0 6. To recommend, by non-binding vote, the 0 0 0 0
to provide for the annual election of all frequency of future non-binding directors.
Implementation of this Proposal 2 is executive compensation votes. conditioned upon the
approval of Proposal 3. 3. Approving amendments to the Amended and 0 0 0 NOTE: IN THEIR DISCRETION,
Articles of Incorporation and the REVERSE SIDE OF THIS CARD ARE AUTHORIZED TO VOTE Amended
Regulations to eliminate cumulative UPON SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME voting for
directors. BEFORE THE MEETING. For address change/comments, mark here. 0 R1.0.0.11699 (see reverse
for instructions) Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should
each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full
corporate or partnership name, by authorized officer. 000008432
Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date |
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting: The Notice &
Proxy Statement, Annual Report is/ are available at . EATON CORPORATION Annual
Meeting of Shareholders April 27, 2011 10:30 AM This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors
The undersigned, as a participant in the (a) Eaton Savings Plan or (b) Eaton Personal Investment
Plan [(a) and (b) collectively called the Plans"], hereby directs the Trustee, Fidelity Management
Trust Company, to vote all common shares of Eaton Corporation attributable to the account of the
undersigned under the Plans on February 28, 2011, in the manner indicated on the reverse side of
this form, at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at Eaton Center, 1111 Superior Avenue,
Cleveland, Ohio, on April 27, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. local time and at any adjournments thereof. Under
each of the Plans, if the Trustee does not receive your voting instructions by 11:59 p.m. EDT on
April 24, 2011 instructing the Trustee how to vote the Eaton shares in the account of the
undersigned, the Trustee will vote those shares in the same proportion, on each issue, as it votes
other Eaton shares according to instructions received from other participants in the Plans. This
proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein. If no such direction is
made, this proxy will be voted in accordance with the Board of Directors recommendations.
R1.0.0.11699 Address change/comments: 00000843252 (If you noted any Address Changes and/or Comments
above, please mark corresponding box on the reverse side.) This form must be completed, signed and
dated on reverse side |
VOTE BY INTERNET Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for
electronic delivery of information up until 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date
or meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and follow the
instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting instruction form. EATON
you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy ATTENTION:Corporate
Secretary 25th Floor materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy
cards and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for electronic
delivery, please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet 1 Investor Address Line 1
and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials Investor
Address Line 2 electronically in future years. Investor Address Line 3 1 1 OF Investor Address Line
4 VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903 Investor Address Line 5 Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit
your voting instructions up until 11:59 John Sample P.M. Eastern Time the day before the
cut-off date or meeting date. Have your 1234 ANYWHERE STREET 2 proxy card in hand when you call and
then follow the instructions. ANY CITY, ON A1A 1A1 VOTE BY MAIL Mark, sign and date your proxy
card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we have provided or return it to Vote Processing,
c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, NY 11717. CONTROL # 000000000000 NAME THE COMPANY NAME
INC. COMMON SHARES 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS A 123,456,789,012.12345
123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS D 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. -
CLASS E 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY NAME INC. CLASS F 123,456,789,012.12345 THE COMPANY
NAME INC. 401 K 123,456,789,012.12345 PAGE 1 OF 2 x TO VOTE, MARK BLOCKS BELOW IN BLUE OR
PROXY CARD IS VALID ONLY WHEN SIGNED AND DATED. The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR 02
the following: 1. Election of Directors For Against Abstain 1a. George S. Barrett 0 0 0 0000000000
1b. Todd M. Bluedorn 0 0 0 For Against Abstain 1c. Ned C. Lautenbach 0 0 0 4. Ratifying the
appointment of Ernst & Young LLP 0 0 0 as independent auditor for 2011. 1d. Gregory R. Page 0 0
0 5. Approving, by non-binding vote, executive 0 0 0 compensation. The Board of Directors
recommends you vote FOR The Board of Directors recommends you proposals 2, 3, 4 and 5. For Against
Abstain vote 1 YEAR on the following proposal: 1 year 2 years 3 years Abstain 2. Approving
amendments to the Amended Regulations 0 0 0 6. To recommend, by non-binding vote, the 0 0 0 0
to provide for the annual election of all frequency of future non-binding directors.
Implementation of this Proposal 2 is executive compensation votes. conditioned upon the
approval of Proposal 3. 3. Approving amendments to the Amended and 0 0 0 NOTE: IN THEIR DISCRETION,
Articles of Incorporation and the REVERSE SIDE OF THIS CARD ARE AUTHORIZED TO VOTE Amended
Regulations to eliminate cumulative UPON SUCH OTHER BUSINESS AS MAY PROPERLY COME voting for
directors. BEFORE THE MEETING. For address change/comments, mark here. 0 R1.0.0.11699 (see reverse
for instructions) Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney,
executor, administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should
each sign personally. All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign i
n full
corporate or partnership name, by authorized officer. 00000843261 SHARES CUSIP # JOB # SEQUENCE #
Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date |
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting: The Notice &
Proxy Statement, Annual Report is/ are available at . EATON CORPORATION Annual
Meeting of Shareholders April 27, 2011 10:30 AM This proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors
The undersigned, as a participant in the Eaton Puerto Rico Retirement Savings Plan, hereby directs
the Trustee, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, to vote all common shares of Eaton Corporation
attributable to the account of the undersigned under the Plan on February 28, 2011, in the manner
indicated on the reverse side of this form, at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held at
Eaton Center, 1111 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, on April 27, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. local time
and at any adjournments thereof. If the Trustee does not receive your voting instructions by 11:59
p.m. EDT on April 24, 2011 instructing the Trustee how to vote the Eaton shares in the account of
the undersigned, the Trustee will vote those shares in the same proportion, on each issue, as it
votes other Eaton shares according to instructions received from other participants in the Plan.
This proxy, when properly executed, will be voted in the manner directed herein. If no such
direction is made, this proxy will be voted in accordance with the Board of Directors
recommendations. R1.0.0.11699 Address change/comments: 00000843262 (If you noted any Address
Changes and/or Comments above, please mark corresponding box on the reverse side.) This form must
be completed, signed and dated on reverse side |