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Washington, D.C. 20549


Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of June, 2009

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

Form 20-F ___X___ Form 40-F _______

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Yes _______ No___X____

(A free translation of the original report in Portuguese)
ITR - QUARTERLY INFORMATION - As of - 03/31/2009  Corporation Law 



3 - CNPJ (Taxpayers Record Number)
4 - NIRE 


Av. República do Chile, 65 - 24th floor 
4 - CITY 
Rio de Janeiro  
10 - TELEX
12 - FAX 
13 - FAX 
14 - FAX 
15 - E-MAIL 


1 - NAME 
Almir Guilherme Barbassa 
Av. República do Chile, 65 - 23rd floor 
5 - CITY 
Rio de Janeiro 
6 - STATE 
9 - PHONE NO. 
10 – PHONE NO. 
11 - TELEX
13 - FAX
14 - FAX
15 - FAX
16 - E-MAIL 


01/01/2009  12/31/2009  01/01/2009  03/31/2009  10/01/2008  12/31/2008 
KPMG Auditores Independentes 
Manuel Fernandes Rodrigues de Sousa 
12- CPF (Taxpayers registration)

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Capital Paid-in 
   1 - Common  5.073.347  5.073.347  2.536.674 
   2 - Preferred  3.700.729  3.700.729  1.850.364 
   3 - Total  8.774.076  8.774.076  4.387.038 
Treasury Stock 
   4 - Common 
   5 - Preferred 
   6 - Total 


Commercial, Industrial and Other 
State Holding Company 
1010 - Oil and Gas 
Prospecting Oil/Gas, Refining and Energy Activities 




01  RCA  12/19/2008  Interest on Capital Payable  04/29/2009  ON  0,3800000000 
02  RCA  12/19/2008  Interest on Capital Payable  04/29/2009  PN  0,3800000000 
03  RCA  12/19/2008  Interest on Capital Payable  06/24/2009  ON  0,3800000000 
04  RCA  12/19/2008  Interest on Capital Payable  06/24/2009  PN  0,3800000000 
05  RCA  12/19/2008  Interest on Capital Payable  08/14/2009  ON  0,0400000000 
06  RCA  12/19/2008  Interest on Capital Payable  08/14/2009  PN  0,0400000000 
07  AGO  04/08/2009  Dividends  08/14/2009  ON  0,3300000000 
08  AGO  04/08/2009  Dividends  08/14/2009  PN  0,3300000000 

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(R$ Thousand)
(R$ Thousand)  
01  04/04/2008  78.966.691    0,0000000000 


1 - DATE 

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1 - CODE  2 – DESCRIPTION  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008 
Total Assets  321.033.387  311.010.867 
1.01  Current Assets  52.323.508  51.256.607 
1.01.01  Cash and Cash Equivalents  15.176.814  11.268.314  Cash and Banks  424.094  394.220  Short Term Investments  14.752.720  10.874.094 
1.01.02  Accounts Receivable, net  13.529.380  17.370.050  Customers  13.529.380  17.370.050  Customers  3.185.868  3.550.726  Subsidiary and Affiliated Companies  8.289.369  12.042.894  Other Accounts Receivable  2.333.874  2.067.695  Allowance for Doubtful Accounts  (279.731) (291.265)  Miscellaneous Credits 
1.01.03  Inventories  14.577.473  13.847.969 
1.01.04  Other  9.039.841  8.770.274  Dividends Receivable  998.693  987.986  Recoverable Taxes  6.313.780  6.273.161  Prepaid Expenses  1.368.574  1.078.815  Other Current Assets  358.794  430.312 
1.02  Non-current Assets  268.709.879  259.754.260 
1.02.01  Long-Term Assets  107.713.078  107.619.248  Miscellaneous Credits  5.287.554  4.945.849  Petroleum and Alcohol Accounts – STN  813.257  809.673  Marketable Securities  3.809.490  3.597.762  Investments in Privatization Process  1.366  1.366  Other Accounts Receivable  663.441  537.048  Accounts Receivable, net  90.108.860  91.089.343  With Affiliates  With Subsidiaries  90.108.860  91.089.343  Other Companies  Other  12.316.664  11.584.056  Project Financing  2.346.393  2.039.293  Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution  351.409  477.183  Deferred Value-Added Tax (ICMS) 1.607.520  1.538.410  Deferred PASEP/COFINS  5.048.529  4.599.148  Judicial Deposits  1.578.115  1.542.378  Advance for Pension Plan  Advances to Suppliers  407.731  416.745  Prepaid Expenses  436.813  444.904  Inventories  305.711  303.929  Other Non-Current Assets  234.443  222.066 
1.02.02  Fixed Assets  160.996.801  152.135.012 

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1 - CODE  2 – DESCRIPTION  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008  Investments  30.785.528  28.306.947  In Affiliates  610.167  650.546  In Affiliates - Goodwill  1.692.453  1.692.453  In subsidiaries  28.588.268  26.060.508  In subsidiaries - Goodwill  (255.311) (256.840)  Other investmets  149.951  150.280  Property, Plant and Equipment  125.665.404  119.207.092  Intangible  3.750.649  3.781.716  Deferred Charges  795.220  839.257 

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1 - CODE  2 – DESCRIPTION  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008 
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity  321.033.387  311.010.867 
2.01  Current Liabilities  114.340.160  111.698.595 
2.01.01  Loans and Financing  3.441.135  2.506.156  Financings  2.964.614  2.276.822  Interest on Financing  476.521  229.334 
2.01.02  Debentures 
2.01.03  Suppliers  9.333.362  10.186.552 
2.01.04  Taxes, Contribution and Participation  10.101.377  10.537.882 
2.01.05  Dividends payable  9.631.176  9.914.707 
2.01.06  Accruals  3.947.455  3.825.367  Payroll and Related Charges  1.483.212  1.561.017  Provision for Contingencies  54.000  54.000  Pension plan  691.944  579.051  Healthcare benefits plan  493.221  493.221  Profit sharing for employees and management  1.225.078  1.138.078 
2.01.07  Debts with Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies  63.576.625  61.845.850  Suppliers  63.576.625  61.845.850 
2.01.08  Others  14.309.030  12.882.081  Advances from Customers  313.576  298.032  Project Financing  400.172  401.148  Undertakings with transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets  4.779.345  5.052.563  Deferred Income  Others  8.815.937  7.130.338 
2.02  Non-Current Liabilities  56.302.727  55.261.133 
2.02.01  Long-term Liabilities  56.302.727  55.261.133  Loans and Financing  10.942.907  11.456.564  Financing  10.942.907  11.456.564  Debentures  Accruals  25.395.278  23.501.300  Healthcare Benefits Plan  9.740.858  9.510.037  Provision for Contingencies  206.998  203.285  Pension Plan  2.871.119  2.966.084  Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution  12.576.303  10.821.894  Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies  876.396  1.100.528  Advance for Future Capital Increase  Others  19.088.146  19.202.741  Provision for Dismantling of Areas  6.040.615  5.975.787  Undertakings with transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets  12.582.505  12.701.708  Deferred Income  76.574  76.574  Others Accounts and Expenses Payable  388.452  448.672 
2.03  Deferred income 

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1 - CODE  2 – DESCRIPTION  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008 
2.05  Shareholders’ Equity  150.390.500  144.051.139 
2.05.01  Subscribed and Paid-In Capital  78.966.691  78.966.691  Paid in Capital  78.966.691  78.966.691  Monetary Restatement of Capital 
2.05.02  Capital Reserves  514.857  514.857  AFRMM and Other  Fiscal Incentive - Income Tax  514.857  514.857 
2.05.03  Revaluation Reserve  10.132  10.284  Own Assets  Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies  10.132  10.284 
2.05.04  Revenue Reserves  64.442.783  64.442.783  Legal  9.435.985  9.435.985  Statutory  899.378  899.378  For Contingencies  Unrealized Earnings  Retention of Earnings  53.550.237  53.550.237  Undistributed Dividends  Others Revenue Reserves  557.183  557.183 
2.05.05  Equity valuation adjustments  294.922  116.524  Adjustments of securities  (113.407) (336.180)  Accumulated translation adjustments  408.330  452.704  Adjustments of business combinations 
2.05.06  Retained Earnings/(Accumulated losses) 6.161.115 
2.05.07  Advance for Future Capital Increase 

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1 - CODE  2 – DESCRIPTION  3- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
3.01  Gross Operating Revenues  39.982.843  39.982.843  44.861.602  44.861.602 
3.02  Sales Deductions  (9.511.004) (9.511.004) (11.053.277) (11.053.277)
3.03  Net Operating Revenues  30.471.839  30.471.839  33.808.325  33.808.325 
3.04  Cost of Products and Services Sold  (17.216.584) (17.216.584) (19.316.193) (19.316.193)
3.05  Gross profit  13.255.255  13.255.255  14.492.132  14.492.132 
3.06  Operating Expenses  (4.815.768) (4.815.768) (4.152.199) (4.152.199)
3.06.01  Selling  (1.703.698) (1.703.698) (1.457.452) (1.457.452)
3.06.02  General and Administrative  (1.135.209) (1.135.209) (1.092.241) (1.092.241)  Management and Board of Directors Remuneration  (1.300) (1.300) (1.452) (1.452)  Administrative  (1.133.909) (1.133.909) (1.090.789) (1.090.789)
3.06.03  Financial  (80.543) (80.543) 95.563  95.563  Income  1.727.595  1.727.595  1.441.022  1.441.022  Expenses  (1.808.138) (1.808.138) (1.345.459) (1.345.459)
3.06.04  Other Operating Income 
3.06.05  Other Operating Expenses  (3.540.405) (3.540.405) (2.561.150) (2.561.150)  Taxes  (67.310) (67.310) (90.325) (90.325)  Cost of Research and Technological Development  (331.994) (331.994) (413.304) (413.304)  Impairment  Exploratory Costs for the Extraction of Crude Oil and Gas  (858.390) (858.390) (538.064) (538.064)  Healthcare and Pension Plan  (350.385) (350.385) (335.942) (335.942)  Monetary and Foreign Exchange Variations, Net  (682.767) (682.767) (260.509) (260.509)  Other Operating Expenses, Net  (1.249.559) (1.249.559) (923.006) (923.006)
3.06.06  Equity Pick-up  1.644.087  1.644.087  863.081  863.081 
3.07  Operating Income  8.439.487  8.439.487  10.339.933  10.339.933 
3.08  Non-operating Income 
3.08.01  Revenues 
3.08.02  Expenses 

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1 - CODE  2 - DESCRIPTION  3- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
3.09  Income before Taxes/Profit Sharing  8.439.487  8.439.487  10.339.933  10.339.933 
3.10  Income Tax and Social Contribution  (1.753.204) (1.753.204) (2.715.928) (2.715.928)
3.11  Deferred Income Tax  (525.320) (525.320) (565.034) (565.034)
3.12  Statutory Participations/Contributions 
3.12.01  Participations 
3.12.02  Contributions 
3.13  Reversal of Interest on Stockholders’ Capital 
3.15  Net Income for the period  6.160.963  6.160.963  7.058.971  7.058.971 
  Number of Shares. Ex-Treasury (Thousands) 8.774.076  8.774.076  4.387.038  4.387.038 
  Net Income per Share  0,70218  0,70218  1,60905  1,60905 
  Loss per Share         

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04.01 - STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS - INDIRECT METHOD (in thousands of reais)

1 - CODE  2 - DESCRIPTION  3- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
4.01  Net Cash - Operating Activities  11.957.308  11.957.308  13.075.432  13.075.432 
4.01.01  Cash provided by operating activities  7.069.851  7.069.851  9.063.512  9.063.512  Net income for the year  6.160.963  6.160.963  7.058.971  7.058.971  Minority interest  Equity in earnings (losses) of significant investments  (1.642.558) (1.642.558) (920.226) (920.226)  Goodwill/discount - Amortization  (1.529) (1.529) 57.145  57.145  Depreciation, exhaustion and amortization  2.146.982  2.146.982  1.774.358  1.774.358  Loss on recovery of assets  98.687  98.687  3.196  3.196  Write-off of dry wells  473.262  473.262  278.060  278.060  Residual value of permanent assets written off  4.537  4.537  36.923  36.923  Exchange and monetary variation and charges on financing  (695.812) (695.812) 210.052  210.052  Deferred income and social contribution taxes, net  525.319  525.320  565.033  565.033 
4.01.02  Changes in assets and liabilities  4.857.697  4.857.697  3.237.833  3.237.833  Accounts receivable  (39.248) (39.248) (1.176.627) (1.176.627)  Inventories  (871.606) (871.606) (2.515.426) (2.515.426)  Petroleum and alcohol accounts - STN  (3.584) (3.584) (1.511) (1.511)  Exchange variation of permanent assets  Accounts payable to suppliers  (483.970) (483.970) 328.531  328.531  Taxes, fees and contributions  296.595  296.595  (473.670) (473.670)  Project financing obligations  5.002  5.002  105.780  105.780  Healthcare and pension plans  248.749  248.749  295.002  295.002  Short term operations with subsidiaries and affiliated company  5.705.759  5.705.759  6.675.754  6.675.754 
4.01.03  Others  29.760  29.760  774.087  774.087  Other assets  (297.644) (297.644) 210.890  210.890  Other liabilities  327.404  327.404  563.197  563.197 
4.02  Net Cash - Investment Activities  (10.342.283) (10.342.283) (7.244.474) (7.244.474)
4.02.01  Investments in business segments  (9.737.534) (9.737.534) (6.912.606) (6.912.606)

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04.01 - STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS - INDIRECT METHOD (in thousands of reais)

1 - CODE  2 - DESCRIPTION  3- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
4.02.02  Investments in securities  81.150  81.150 
4.02.03  Other investments  (374.344) (374.344) (184.740) (184.740)
4.02.04  Dividends received  53.416  53.416  207.900  207.900 
4.02.05  Undertakings under negotiation  (364.971) (364.971) (355.028) (355.028)
4.03  Net Cash - Financing Activities  2.293.475  2.293.475  1.409.167  1.409.167 
4.03.01  Financing and loans, net  1.410.898  1.410.898  (3.673.057) (3.673.057)
4.03.02  Non standard Credit Rights Investment Fund  893.833  893.833  9.156.060  9.156.060 
4.03.03  Dividends paid to shareholders  (11.256) (11.256) (4.073.836) (4.073.836)
4.04  Exchange variation on cash and cash equivalents 
4.05  Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  3.908.500  3.908.500  7.240.125  7.240.125 
4.05.01  Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents  11.268.314  11.268.314  7.847.949  7.847.949 
4.05.02  Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents  15.176.814  15.176.814  15.088.074  15.088.074 

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9 - TOTAL 
5.01  Opening balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.02  Prior year adjustments 
5.03  Adjusted balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.04  Income / loss for the period  6.160.963  6.160.963 
5.05  Distributions 
5.05.01  Dividends 
5.05.02  Interest on shareholders' equity 
5.05.03  Other distributions 
5.06  Realization of profit reserves 
5.07  Equity evaluation adjustments  178.398  178.398 
5.07.01  Adjustments of marketable securities  222.773  222.773 
5.07.02  Accumulated translation adjustments  (44.375) (44.375)
5.07.03  Adjustments from business combinations 
5.08  Increase / decrease in capital 
5.09  Formation / realization of capital reserves 
5.10  Treasury shares 
5.11  Other capital transactions 
5.12  Others  (152) 152 
5.13  Closing balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.132  64.442.783  6.161.115  294.922  150.390.500 

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9 - TOTAL 
5.01  Opening balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.02  Prior year adjustments 
5.03  Adjusted balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.04  Income / loss for the period  6.160.963  6.160.963 
5.05  Distributions 
5.05.01  Dividends 
5.05.02  Interest on shareholders' equity 
5.05.03  Other distributions 
5.06  Realization of profit reserves 
5.07  Equity evaluation adjustments  178.398  178.398 
5.07.01  Adjustments of marketable securities  222.773  222.773 
5.07.02  Accumulated translation adjustments  (44.375) (44.375)
5.07.03  Adjustments from business combinations 
5.08  Increase / decrease in capital 
5.09  Formation / realization of capital reserves 
5.10  Treasury shares 
5.11  Other capital transactions 
5.12  Others  (152) 152 
5.13  Closing balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.132  64.442.783  6.161.115  294.922  150.390.500 

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1 - Code  2 - Description  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008 
Total Assets  304.426.305  292.163.842 
1.01  Current Assets  64.234.290  63.575.278 
1.01.01  Cash and Cash Equivalents  19.532.364  15.888.596  Cash and Banks  2.311.239  2.622.270  Short Term Investments  17.221.125  13.266.326 
1.01.02  Accounts Receivable, net  14.241.431  14.903.732  Customers  14.241.431  14.903.732  Customers  11.064.823  12.314.354  Credits with Affiliated Companies  1.068.292  1.003.734  Other Accounts Receivable  3.568.768  3.085.414  Allowance for Doubtful Accounts  (1.460.452) (1.499.770)  Miscellaneous Credits 
1.01.03  Inventories  17.957.134  19.977.171 
1.01.04  Other  12.503.361  12.805.779  Dividends Receivable  16.372  20.101  Recoverable Taxes  9.244.555  9.641.247  Prepaid Expenses  1.699.911  1.393.879  Other Current Assets  1.245.336  1.461.801  Marketable Securities  297.187  288.751 
1.02  Non-current Assets  240.192.015  228.588.564 
1.02.01  Long-Term Assets  23.164.962  21.254.843  Credits  7.405.757  6.061.630  Petroleum and Alcohol Accounts  813.257  809.673  Marketable Securities  4.295.940  4.066.280  Investments in Privatization Process  3.228  3.228  Accounts Receivable, net  2.293.332  1.182.449  Credits with Affiliated Companies  160.020  144.073  With Affiliates  160.020  144.073  With Subsidiaries  Other Companies  Other  15.599.185  15.049.140  Projects Financings  Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution  2.742.176  2.970.881  Deferred ICMS  2.251.058  1.998.157  Deferred PASEP/COFINS  5.308.835  4.842.359  Compulsory Loans - Eletrobras  10  10  Judicial Deposits  1.894.778  1.853.092  Advance for Migration - Pension Plan  Advance to Suppliers  444.116  453.237  Prepaid Expenses  1.273.125  1.400.072  Inventories  305.711  303.929 

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1 - Code  2 - Description  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008  Other Taxes  346.541  426.911  Other Non-current Assets  1.032.835  800.492 
1.02.02  Fixed Assets  217.027.053  207.333.721  Investments  5.083.978  5.106.495  In Affiliates  3.081.064  3.142.773  In Subsidiaries  Other Investments  198.242  92.415  Negative goodwill - Acquisition Investments  (326.393) (323.914)  Goodwill - Acquisition Investments  2.131.065  2.195.221  Property, Plant and Equipment  200.826.112  190.754.167  Intangible  7.845.878  8.003.213  Deferred Charges  3.271.085  3.469.846 

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1 - Code  2 - DESCRIPTION  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008 
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity  304.426.305  292.163.842 
2.01  Current Liabilities  63.584.421  62.557.161 
2.01.01  Loans and Financings  15.025.402  13.274.467  Financings  13.846.235  12.451.137  Interest on Financings  1.179.167  823.330 
2.01.02  Debentures 
2.01.03  Suppliers  15.881.715  17.027.579 
2.01.04  Taxes, Contribution and Participation  12.254.415  12.741.382 
2.01.05  Dividends Payable  9.631.176  9.914.707 
2.01.06  Accruals  4.560.011  4.566.658  Payroll and Related Charges  1.883.043  2.016.430  Provision for Contingencies  54.000  54.000  Pension Plan  725.274  627.988  Healthcare benefits plan  524.851  523.714  Profit sharing for employees and management  1.372.843  1.344.526 
2.01.07  Debts with Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies 
2.01.08  Other  6.231.702  5.032.368  Advances from Customers  710.937  666.107  Projects Financings  168.897  188.858  Undertakings with transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets  583.644  585.045  Deferred Income  6.240  5.929  Others  4.761.984  3.586.429 
2.02  Non-current Liabilities  93.938.218  88.588.325 
2.02.01  Long-term Liabilities  93.938.218  88.588.325  Loans and Financings  53.958.613  50.049.441  Debentures  Accruals  29.251.521  27.827.718 Healthcare Benefits Plan  10.542.729  10.296.679 Contingency Accrual  862.424  890.326 Provision for Pension plan  3.396.309  3.475.581 Deferred Income Tax and Social Contribution  14.395.998  13.100.459 Other Deferred Taxes  54.061  64.673  Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies  50.259  49.289  Advance for Future Capital Increase  Others  10.677.825  10.661.877 Provision for Dismantling of Areas  6.670.499  6.581.618 Undertakings with transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets  738.941  804.998 Deferred Income  1.215.038  1.292.906 Others Accounts and Expenses Payable  2.053.347  1.982.355 
2.03  Deferred Income 
2.04  Minority Interest  2.496.833  2.653.074 

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1 - Code  2 - DESCRIPTION  3 - 03/31/2009  4 - 12/31/2008 
2.05  Shareholders equity  144.406.833  138.365.282 
2.05.01  Realized capital  78.966.691  78.966.691  Paid in Capital  78.966.691  78.966.691  Monetary Restatement of Capital 
2.05.02  Capital Reserves  514.857  514.857  AFRMM subsidy  Fiscal Incentive - Income Tax  514.857  514.857 
2.05.03  Revaluation Reserve  10.132  10.284  Own Assets  Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies  10.132  10.284 
2.05.04  Revenue Reserves  58.802.089  58.643.049  Legal  9.435.985  9.435.985  Statutory  899.378  899.378  For Contingencies  Unrealized Earnings  Retained Earnings  48.466.726  48.307.686  Undistributed Dividends  Others Revenue Reserves 
2.05.05  Equity valuation adjustments  297.140  230.401  Adjustments of securities  (180.680) (405.863)  Accumulated translation adjustments  477.820  636.264  Adjustments of business combinations 
2.05.06  Retained Earnings/(Accumulated losses) 5.815.924 
2.05.07  Advance for Capital Increase 

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1 - Code  2 - DESCRIPTION  3 - 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4 - 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5 - 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6 - 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
3.01  Gross Operating Revenues  53.575.408  53.575.408  59.094.624  59.094.624 
3.02  Sales Deductions  (10.979.836) (10.979.836) (12.259.250) (12.259.250)
3.03  Net Operating Revenues  42.595.572  42.595.572  46.835.374  46.835.374 
3.04  Cost of Products and Services Sold  (25.780.270) (25.780.270) (29.516.218) (29.516.218)
3.05  Gross profit  16.815.302  16.815.302  17.319.156  17.319.156 
3.06  Operating Expenses  (7.814.887) (7.814.887) (5.918.609) (5.918.609)
3.06.01  Selling  (1.864.142) (1.864.142) (1.558.139) (1.558.139)
3.06.02  General and Administrative  (1.753.019) (1.753.019) (1.552.946) (1.552.946)  Management and Board of Directors Remuneration  (14.585) (14.585) (8.515) (8.515)  Administrative  (1.738.434) (1.738.434) (1.544.431) (1.544.431)
3.06.03  Financial  (433.784) (433.784) (59.703) (59.703)  Income  783.769  783.769  786.124  786.124  Expenses  (1.217.553) (1.217.553) (845.827) (845.827)
3.06.04  Other Operating Income 
3.06.05  Other Operating Expenses  (3.392.970) (3.392.970) (2.768.199) (2.768.199)  Taxes  (150.874) (150.874) (148.997) (148.997)  Cost of Research and Technological Development  (336.212) (336.212) (416.852) (416.852)  Impairment  Exploratory Costs for The Extraction of Crude Oil and Gas  (1.011.410) (1.011.410) (684.569) (684.569)  Healthcare and Pension Plan  (368.848) (368.848) (356.073) (356.073)  Net Monetary and Exchanges Variation  (415.589) (415.589) (176.583) (176.583)  Other Operating Expenses, Net  (1.110.037) (1.110.037) (985.125) (985.125)
3.06.06  Equity Pick-up  (370.972) (370.972) 20.378  20.378 
3.07  Operating income  9.000.415  9.000.415  11.400.547  11.400.547 
3.08  Non-operating income 
3.08.01  Income 
3.08.02  Expenses 

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1 - Code  2 - DESCRIPTION  3 - 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4 - 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5 - 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6 - 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
3.09  Income before Taxes/Employee profit sharing  9.000.415  9.000.415  11.400.547  11.400.547 
3.10  Income Tax and Social Contribution  (2.389.840) (2.389.840) (3.228.638) (3.228.638)
3.11  Deferred Income Tax  (452.734) (452.734) (702.409) (702.409)
3.12  Profit Sharing/ Statutory Contribution 
3.12.01  Participations 
3.12.02  Contributions 
3.13  Reversal of Interest on Stockholders’ capital 
3.14  Minority Interest  (342.069) (342.069) (230.283) (230.283)
3.15  Net Income/loss for the period  5.815.772  5.815.772  7.239.217  7.239.217 
  Number of Shares. Ex-Treasury (Thousands) 8.774.076  8.774.076  4.387.038  4.387.038 
  Net income per Share (Reais) 0,66284  0,66284  1,65014  1,65014 
  Loss per Share (Reais)        

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1 - CODE  2 - DESCRIPTION  3- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
4.01  Net Cash - Operating Activities  12.358.805  12.358.805  10.681.285  10.681.285 
4.01.01  Cash provided by operating activities  11.770.841  11.770.841  12.372.988  12.372.988  Net income for the year  5.815.772  5.815.772  7.239.217  7.239.217  Minority interest  342.069  342.069  230.283  230.283  Equity in earnings (losses) of significant investments  372.501  372.501  (95.406) (95.406)  Goodwill/discount - Amortization  (1.529) (1.529) 75.028  75.028  Depreciation, exhaustion and amortization  3.203.426  3.203.426  2.566.946  2.566.946  Loss on recovery of assets  244.131  244.131  3.196  3.196  Write-off of dry wells  561.845  561.845  265.623  265.623  Residual value of permanent assets written off  114.092  114.092  509.768  509.768  Exchange and monetary variation and charges on financing  665.800  665.800  875.924  875.924  Deferred income and social contribution taxes, net  452.734  452.734  702.409  702.409 
4.01.02  Changes in assets and liabilities  1.571.709  1.571.709  (1.270.795) (1.270.795)  Accounts receivable  226.626  226.626  (1.063.448) (1.063.448)  Inventories  1.820.736  1.820.736  (1.897.904) (1.897.904)  Petroleum and alcohol accounts - STN  (3.584) (3.584) (1.511) (1.511)  Exchange variation of permanent assets  Accounts payable to suppliers  (997.984) (997.984) 450.297  450.297  Taxes, fees and contributions  335.249  335.249  469.859  469.859  Project financing obligations  5.002  5.002  105.780  105.780  Healthcare and pension plans  265.201  265.201  330.158  330.158  Short term operations with subsidiaries / affiliated companies  (79.537) (79.537) 335.974  335.974 
4.01.03  Others  (983.745) (983.745) (420.908) (420.908)  Other assets  (1.593.952) (1.593.952) (1.108.030) (1.108.030)  Other liabilities  610.207  610.207  687.122  687.122 
4.02  Net Cash - Investment Activities  (14.426.355) (14.426.355) (10.761.165) (10.761.165)
4.02.01  Investments in business segments  (14.092.668) (14.092.668) (10.719.507) (10.719.507)

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1 - CODE  2 - DESCRIPTION  3- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  4- 01/01/2009 to 03/31/2009  5- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008  6- 01/01/2008 to 03/31/2008 
4.02.02  Investments in securities  84.875  84.875  148.520  148.520 
4.02.03  Other investments  (436.613) (436.613) (226.813) (226.813)
4.02.04  Dividends received  18.051  18.051  36.635  36.635 
4.02.05  Undertakings under negotiation 
4.03  Net Cash - Financing activities  5.598.333  5.598.333  (1.416.058) (1.416.058)
4.03.01  Financing and loans, net  5.609.589  5.609.589  2.657.778  2.657.778 
4.03.02  Non standard Credit Rights Investment Fund 
4.03.03  Dividends paid to shareholders  (11.256) (11.256) (4.073.836) (4.073.836)
4.04  Exchange variation on cash and cash equivalents  112.987  112.987  (15.300) (15.300)
4.05  Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  3.643.770  3.643.770  (1.511.238) (1.511.238)
4.05.01  Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents  15.888.594  15.888.594  13.070.848  13.070.848 
4.05.02  Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents  19.532.364  19.532.364  11.559.610  11.559.610 

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9 - TOTAL 
5.01  Opening balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.02  Prior year adjustments 
5.03  Adjusted balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.04  Income / loss for the period  6.160.963  6.160.963 
5.05  Distributions 
5.05.01  Dividends 
5.05.02  Interest on shareholders' equity 
5.05.03  Other distributions 
5.06  Realization of profit reserves  (152) 152 
5.07  Equity evaluation adjustments  178.398  178.398 
5.07.01  Adjustments of marketable securities  222.773  222.773 
5.07.02  Accumulated translation adjustments  (44.375) (44.375)
5.07.03  Adjustments from business combinations 
5.08  Increase / decrease in capital 
5.09  Formation / realization of capital reserves 
5.10  Treasury shares 
5.11  Other capital transactions 
5.12  Others    (5.640.694) (345.191) 2.218  (5.983.667)
5.12.01  Accumulated consolidation adjustments    (5.640.694) (345.191) 2.218  (5.983.667)
5.13  Closing balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.132  58.802.089  5.815.924  297.140  144.406.833 

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9 - TOTAL 
5.01  Opening balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.02  Prior year adjustments 
5.03  Adjusted balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.284  64.442.783  116.524  144.051.139 
5.04  Income / loss for the period  6.160.963  6.160.963 
5.05  Distributions 
5.05.01  Dividends 
5.05.02  Interest on shareholders' equity 
5.05.03  Other distributions 
5.06  Realization of profit reserves  (152) 152 
5.07  Equity evaluation adjustments  178.398  178.398 
5.07.01  Adjustments of marketable securities  222.773  222.773 
5.07.02  Accumulated translation adjustments  (44.375) (44.375)
5.07.03  Adjustments from business combinations 
5.08  Increase / decrease in capital 
5.09  Formation / realization of capital reserves 
5.10  Treasury shares 
5.11  Other capital transactions 
5.12  Others    (5.985.885) 2.218  (5.983.667)
5.12.01  Accumulated consolidation adjustments    (5.985.885) 2.218  (5.983.667)
5.13  Closing balance  78.966.691  514.857  10.132  58.456.898  6.161.115  297.141  144.406.833 

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00951-2 PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S.A. - PETROBRAS 33.000.167/0001-01 
06.01 - NOTES 

1 Presentation of the financial statements

The quarterly information includes the changes in the corporation law introduced by Law 11.638 of December 28, 2007 and Provisional Measure 449 of December 3, 2008, which amended the articles of Law 6.404/76 that referred to the preparation of the financial statements. Therefore, the amounts referring to the first quarter of 2008 were reclassified in order to adjust them to the statements for the current period, thus facilitating comparability, as presented below.

    R$ thousand 
    Results from Jan-Mar 2008 
    Consolidated    Parent Company 
Balances of the quarterly information as of March 31, 2008 prior to the application of Law 11.638/07 and Provisional Measure 449/08    6.925.062    6.751.225 
     Government subsidies and assistance    181.157    181.157 
     Financial instruments available for sale    80.058    80.058 
     Derivative financial instruments    (14.340)   (288)
     Contractual commitments with the transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets    18.803    18.803 
     Effects of the changes in the exchange rates and translation of financial statements    48.477    28.016 
    314.155    307.746 
Balances of the quarterly information as of March 31, 2008 adjusted for purposes of comparability    7.239.217    7.058.971 

At march 31, 2008, on the Shareholder’s equity the effects of the adoption of the new Law, on the January 1st, 2008, net from fiscal effects, when applicable, were disclosure at December 31, 2008.

The goodwill originating from expectations of future results, arising from acquisition of other companies will no longer be amortized as from fiscal year 2009, due to what is established in CPC 13 - Initial Adoption of Law 11.638/07 and Provisional Measure 449/08, and is subject to impairment testing. In the first quarter of 2008 the amount recorded under this heading was R$ 68.040 thousand in the Parent Company and R$ 148.040 thousand in the Consolidated statements.

The authorization for conclusion of the preparation of these financial statements took place in the Board of Directors' meeting held on May 11, 2009.

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1.1 Transitory Tax Regime

The amounts presented in the Quarterly Information as of March 31, 2009 take into consideration the adoption of the Transitory Tax Regime by the Company as permitted by Provisional Measure 449/08, the purpose of which is to maintain the fiscal neutrality of the changes in the Brazilian corporation law introduced by Law 11.638/07. The definitive option for the Transitory Tax Regime will be manifested later in the year at the time of delivery of the corporate economic and tax information return (DIPJ). The temporary tax effects generated on account on applying the Transitory Tax Regime, when applicable, are computed and presented in Deferred income and social contribution taxes.

2 Significant accounting policies

2.1 Accounting estimates

In the preparation of the financial statements it is necessary to use estimates for certain assets, liabilities and other transactions. Accordingly, the Company's financial statements include a number of estimates with respect to the selection of the useful lives of property, plant and equipment, of the intangible assets and the market value of financial instruments, provisions for contingent liabilities, the calculation of the provisions for income tax and other similar provisions.

2.2 Effects of changes in exchange rates and translation of financial statements

The Company’s Management has defined that its functional currency is the Real in accordance with the rules established in CPC 02, approved by CVM Resolution 534/08.

The adoption of CPC 02 changed the following procedures:

a) The exchange variations on investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies with a functional currency different from the parent company are now recorded in shareholders' equity as an accumulated translation adjustment and are transferred to the statement of income upon realization of the investments.

Until fiscal year 2007, this exchange variation affected the results for the year, as an equity adjustment.

b) The income statements of invested companies in a stable economic environment with a functional currency different from the parent company are now translated by the monthly average exchange rate, and the other items of shareholders' equity are now translated at the historic rate.

Until fiscal year 2007, the exchange rate at year-end was used for translation of these items.

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2.3 Intangible assets

The CPC 04 defines the accounting treatment to be given to intangible assets that are not specifically covered by other pronouncements.

The Company already presented its intangible assets in accordance with CVM Resolution 488/05, of October 3, 2005.

Goodwill from expectations of future profitability resulting from the acquisition of a controlling interest (subsidiaries and jointly controlled subsidiaries) is now presented as intangible assets and the goodwill resulting from acquisition of interests in affiliated companies continues to be presented in investments.

As from fiscal year 2009 this goodwill will no longer be amortized for the term of the projections that determined them, due to what is established in CPC 13 - Initial Adoption of Law 11.638/07 and Provisional Measure 449/08, and will be subject to impairment testing. In the first quarter of 2008 the amount recorded under this heading was R$ 68.040 thousand in the Parent Company and R$ 148.040 thousand in the Consolidated statements.

2.4 Disclosures regarding related parties

The Company increased the disclosure of transactions and balances with related parties, in notes to the financial statements, due to CPC 05.

2.5 Contracts with transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets

The CPC 06 establishes procedures for accounting and disclosure of transactions where there are contractual commitments, with and without transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets.

In 2008 the Company began to record the rights that have as their objects tangible assets intended for the maintenance of the Company's activities resulting from operations that transferred the benefits, risks and control of these assets, as well as their correlated liabilities, in its property, plant and equipment at their fair value or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum payments of the contract.

Until fiscal year 2007, these operations were addressed as costs/expenses for affreightments, leasing or providing services.

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2.6 Government subsidies and assistance

The CPC 07 establishes that tax incentives resulting from governmental donations or subsidies for investments, received as from January 1, 2008, are recognized as revenue during the period, compared with the expenses that it intends to offset on a systematic basis, which is applied in Petrobras in the following way:

Subsidies with re-investments: in the same proportion as the depreciation of the asset;

Direct subsidies related to the exploration profit: directly in the results.

The amounts allocated in the statement of income will be distributed to the Tax Incentive Reserve.

The balances of the capital reserves referring to donations and subsidies for investments at December 31, 2007 will be held in shareholders' equity until their total use, as established in Law 6.404/76.

2.7 Transaction costs and premiums on issuing securities

The CPC 08 establishes the accounting treatment applicable to the recognition, valuation and disclosure of the transaction costs incurred and the premiums received in the process of raising capital through issuing equity titles and/or instruments of indebtedness.

In 2008 the Company began to presents equity titles and instruments of indebtedness at the amount received, i.e. net of the transaction costs, discounts and premiums incurred.

2.8 Adjustment to present value

The CPC 12 establishes the basic requisites to be observed when applying the adjustment to present value to the valuation of assets and liabilities, resulting from long term operations and significant short-term operations. The Company already adopted this procedure for the significant transactions.

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2.9 Financial instruments

The CPC 14 establishes principles for the recognition and valuation of financial assets and liabilities and some purchase and sales agreements for non-financial items and for the disclosure of derivative financial instruments.

With the adoption of CPC 14 the following changes were made:

Cash flow hedges began to be recorded in the balance sheet at their fair value, when they are classified as effective hedge, with effects on shareholders' equity, and later reclassified to the statement of income when the transaction that is hedged has an impact on the results. Until fiscal year 2007, these operations were recorded in the statement of income upon their financial settlement.

The derivative financial instruments used for hedge against changes in prices of oil and oil products began to be marked to market during their periods of effectiveness, with impacts in the financial results. Until fiscal year 2007, these adjustments were recorded in the statement of income upon their financial settlement.

The adjustment to market value of the securities available for sale began to be presented in shareholders' equity until their settlement, when it will be transferred to the statement of income. Until fiscal year 2007, these adjustments impacted the results for the year.

2.10 Corporate investments

In accordance with Provisional Measure 449/08, the investments in affiliated companies over which management has significant influence, and in other companies which are part of the same group or under common control, will be valued by the equity accounting method. No material effects on this item were identified.

Until fiscal year 2007, the equity accounting method was applied only for material investments in affiliated companies in which management had an influence, or in which management had interests of 20% or more in the capital.

2.11 Deferred assets

Provisional Measure 449/08 extinguished deferred assets, but permits maintaining the balance of December 31, 2008, which will continue to be amortized, over a period of up to 10 years, subject to impairment testing.

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2.12 Deferred Income

Deferred income was extinguished as from fiscal year 2008, as a result of the amendment to Law 6.404/76 by Provisional Measure 449/08. However, the balance were reclassified to non-current liabilities - deferred income.

The discounts resulting from expectations of deferred income were reclassified, in the consolidated financial statements, to non-current liabilities.

2.13 Revaluation reserve

Law 11.638/07 does not allow new voluntary revaluations of property, plant and equipment.

The Company opted to maintain the balance of the respective revaluation reserves at December 31, 2007 until their total realization.

2.14 Non operating income and expenses

Non-operating income and expenses were extinguished as from financial year 2008, due to the amendments to Law 6.404/76 by Provisional Measure 449/08. However, the balances resulting from the disposal and write-off of assets of a permanent nature were reclassified to other operating income and expenses, while the balances resulting from capital gains and losses in investments were reclassified to results from interests in investments.

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3 Cash and cash equivalents

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent Company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Cash and banks    2.311.239    2.622.270    424.094    394.220 
Interest earning bank deposits                 
 - In Brazil                 
     Exclusive investment funds:                 
       . Interbank deposit    5.554.016    1.454.268    4.165.962    7.696 
       . Government bonds    3.636.752    3.492.197         
       . Credit rights            6.557.452    6.338.839 
     Financial investment funds:                 
         . Exchange    125.540    2.223         
         . Interbank deposit    1.800.835    1.685.713         
       Other    524.889    237.519    313.115    85.247 
    11.642.032    6.871.920    11.036.529    6.431.782 
 - Abroad                 
       . Time deposit    3.234.476    4.005.280    2.860.065    3.989.814 
       . Fixed interest security    2.344.617    2.389.126    856.126    452.498 
    5.579.093    6.394.406    3.716.191    4.442.312 
Total financial investments    17.221.125    13.266.326    14.752.720    10.874.094 
Total cash and cash equivalents    19.532.364    15.888.596    15.176.814    11.268.314 

The interest earning bank deposits in Brazil have immediate liquidity and comprise quotas in exclusive funds, whose proceeds are invested in federal government bonds and financial derivative operations, executed by the managers of the funds, with US dollar future contracts and interbank deposits (DI) guaranteed by the Brazilian Futures and Commodities Exchange (BM&F). The exclusive funds do not have material financial obligations and are limited to the obligations of daily adjustments of the positions on the BM&F, audit services, service fees related to the custody of assets and execution of financial operations and other administrative expenses. Financial investment balances are recorded at cost, plus accrued income, which is recognized proportionally up to the balance sheet date at amounts not exceeding their respective market values.

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At March 31, 2009, the Parent Company had amounts invested in the Petrobras System's non-standard credit investment fund (FIDC-NP). This investment fund is intended predominantly for acquiring performing and/or non-performing credit rights from operations carried out by companies in the Petrobras System, and aims at optimizing the financial management of the cash of the Parent company and its subsidiaries. Petrobras consolidates the FIDC-NP in its financial statements. The assignments of credit rights recorded in the current liabilities of the Parent Company in the amount of R$ 6.658.362 thousand (R$ 5.764.529 thousand at December 31, 2008) were offset in the Consolidated statements with the amounts invested in the FIDC-NP. The investments in government bonds in the FIDC-NP are recorded under cash and cash equivalents (Consolidated) according to their respective realization terms.

At March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, the Company and its subsidiary PifCo had amounts invested abroad in an investment fund that held, among other, debt securities of companies of the Petrobras System and a Specific Purpose Entity related mainly to CLEP and Malhas projects, equivalent to R$ 10.960.228 thousand and R$ 10.746.751 thousand, respectively. This amount refers to the consolidated companies and was offset against the balance of financing in current and non-current liabilities.

4 Trade accounts receivable, net

    R$ thousand     
    Consolidated    Parent Company     
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009        12.31.2008     
Trade accounts receivable                         
   Third parties    14.665.026    14.273.886    3.185.868        3.550.726     
   Related parties (Note 5.1)   1.228.312    1.198.572    98.398.229    (*)   103.132.237    (*)
Other    3.568.771    3.571.698    2.997.315        2.604.743     
    19.462.109    19.044.156    104.581.412        109.287.706     
Less: allowance for doubtful accounts    (2.767.326)   (2.813.902)   (279.731)       (291.265)    
    16.694.783    16.230.254    104.301.681        108.996.441     
Less: non-current trade accounts                         
receivable, net    (2.453.352)   (1.326.522)   (90.772.301)       (91.626.391)    
Short-term accounts receivable, net    14.241.431    14.903.732    13.529.380        17.370.050     

Does not include the balances of the dividends receivable of R$ 998.693 thousand as of March 31, 2009 (R$ 987.986 thousand as of December 31, 2008), reimbursements receivable of R$ 1.218.172 thousand as of March 31, 2009 (R$ 1.143.898 thousand as of December 31, 2008) and Credit Assignment Investment Fund of R$ 5.929.329 thousand as of March 31, 2009 (R$ 5.816.275 thousand as of December 31, 2008).

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    R$ thousand 
Change in allowance for    Consolidated    Parent Company 
    doubtful accounts    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Balance on January 1    2.813.902    2.509.121    291.265    202.692 
Additions (*)   21.749    320.482    1.977    99.315 
Write-offs (**)   (68.325)   (15.701)   (13.511)   (10.742)
Balance at December 31    2.767.326    2.813.902    279.731    291.265 
Current    1.460.452    1.499.770    279.731    291.265 
Non-current    1.306.874    1.314.132         

Includes exchange variation gain of allowance for doubtful accounts recorded in companies abroad.
Includes exchange variation loss of allowance for doubtful accounts recorded in companies abroad.

5 Related parties

Petrobras carries out commercial transactions with its subsidiaries and special purpose entities under normal market conditions. The transactions for the purchase of oil and oil products carried out by Petrobras with its subsidiary PifCo have longer settlement terms due to the fact that this is one of the main activities for which PifCo was created. The passing on of prepayments for exports and the raising of capital on the international market are carried out at the same rates as those obtained by the subsidiary. The earnings and/or charges in connection with other transactions, especially intercompany loans, are established based on normal market conditions and/or in accordance with specific legislation.

The allowance for doubtful accounts is recorded, when applicable, based on an analysis of the amounts receivable and in an amount considered sufficient to cover probable losses on the realization of the accounts receivable. At March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, losses are not expected on the realization of these accounts receivable.

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5.1 Assets

    R$ thousand 
receivable, mainly 
for sales 
  Cash and cash 
  Advance for 
future capital 
  Amounts related to 
the construction of 
a gas pipeline 
  Loans    Other
SUBSIDIARIES (*)                                    
Petroquisa    10.913        15.435                        26.348 
BR Distribuidora    1.051.858        504.026            229.566            1.785.450 
Gaspetro    816.188        180.784    348.029    922.708    13.666            2.281.375 
PifCo    3.612.289                    55.126.556    27.802        58.766.647 
PNBV    24.246            11.386            9.206        44.838 
Downstream    169.725                    381.519            551.244 
Transpetro    328.517        249.021                        577.538 
PIB-BV Netherlands    270.911                        86.087        356.998 
Brasoil    13.653                    31.680.897    5.000        31.699.550 
BOC    137                    396.578    173        396.888 
Refinaria Abreu e Lima    872            370.300                    371.172 
Ipiranga Asfaltos    16.345                    49.882            66.227 
Petrobras Comercializadora de Energia Ltda    64.577        25.742                        90.319 
Petrobras Biocombustível S.A.                66.182                    66.182 
Thermoelectric power plants    341.132        23.083    126.302        257.010            747.527 
Other subsidiaries    77.798        602                11        78.411 
    6.799.161        998.693    922.199    922.708    88.135.674    128.279        97.906.714 
SPECIFIC PURPOSE ENTITIES                                     
Nova Transportadora do Nordeste - NTN    414.285                            70.517    484.802 
Nova Transportadora do Sudeste - NTS    453.923                            34.871    488.794 
Transportadora Urucu Manaus - TUM    200.693                                200.693 
PDET Off Shore    61.390                            1.024.054    1.085.444 
Cayman Cabiúnas Investment                                88.602    88.602 
Fundo de Investimento em Direitos Creditórios (**)   (628.123)   6.557.452                            5.929.329 
Other jointly controlled subsidiaries    69.330                            128    69.458 
    571.498    6.557.452                        1.218.172    8.347.122 
AFFILIATED COMPANIES    290.587                                290.587 
03/31/2009    7.661.246    6.557.452    998.693    922.199    922.708    88.135.674    128.279    1.218.172    106.544.423 
12/31/2008    11.437.671    6.338.839    987.986    500.530    907.863    89.550.219    130.731    1.143.898    110.997.737 
(*) Includes its subsidiaries and jointly controlled subsidiaries. 
(**) Includes R$ 88.515 thousand in prepaid expenses. 

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Interest rates for active loans
    R$ thousand 
Index    March 09    December 08 
TJLP + 5% p.a.    53.448    54.587 
LIBOR + 1 to 3% p.a.    87.204.031    88.577.145 
1.70% p.a.    381.519    415.665 
101% of CDI    239.666    240.780 
14.5% p.a.    83.271    85.658 
IGPM + 6% p.a.    173.739    176.384 
Other rates         
    88.135.674    89.550.219 

Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline

The section of the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline in Bolivia is property of the company Gás Transboliviano S.A. (GTB), in which Gaspetro holds a minority interest (11%).

A US$ 350 million turnkey contract for the construction of the Bolivian section of the pipeline was entered into with Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), which was subsequently passed on to GTB, and it will be paid off in the form of transport services over 12 years, starting in January 2000.

At March 31, 2009 the balance of the rights to future transport services, on account of costs already incurred in the construction up to that date, plus interest 10,7% p.a., is R$ 541.475 thousand (R$ 560.369 thousand at December 31, 2008 ), of which R$ 407.731 thousand is classified in long term receivables as an advance to suppliers (R$ 416.745 thousand at December 31, 2008) which includes the amount of R$ 139.428 thousand (R$ 141.530 thousand at December 31, 2008) related to the anticipated acquisition of the right to transport 6 million cubic meters of gas for a period of 40 years (TCO - Transportation Capacity Option).

The Brazilian section of the gas pipeline is property of Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil S.A. (TBG), a subsidiary of Gaspetro. At March 31, 2009, Petrobras' total receivable from TBG for management, forwarding of costs and financing related to the construction of the gas pipeline and the anticipated acquisition of the right to transport 6 million cubic meters of gas for a period of 40 years (TCO) was R$ 922.708 thousand (R$ 907.862 thousand at December 31, 2008), and is classified under long-term assets as accounts receivable, net.

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5.2 Liabilities

    R$ thousand 
    Suppliers, mainly 
for purchases of oil 
and oil products 
  Advances from 
  Affreightment of 
with transfer of 
benefits, risks and 
control of assets 
receivables flow - 
commitments with 
transfer of 
benefits, risks and 
control of assets
  Loans    Other 
SUBSIDIARIES (*)                                        
Petroquisa    (29.556)                   (27)               (29.583)
BR Distribuidora    (241.648)   (18.534)                           (100.863)   (361.045)
Gaspetro    (585.736)   (191.645)                               (777.381)
PifCo    (58.548.165)   (182.466)                           (728.258)   (59.458.889)
PNBV    (418.079)   (8.694)   (1.625.428)                           (2.052.201)
Downstream    (80.303)                                   (80.303)
Transpetro    (734.179)                   (50)               (734.229)
PIB-BV Netherlands    (362.360)   (8.171)               (5)               (370.536)
Brasoil    (21.663)   (1.111)   (49.625)                           (72.399)
Thermoelectric power plants    (389.240)           (13.879)           (656.543)           (1.059.662)
Other subsidiaries    (10.189)                                   (10.189)
    (61.421.118)   (410.621)   (1.675.053)   (13.879)       (82)   (656.543)       (829.121)   (65.006.417)
SPECIFIC PURPOSE ENTITIES                                         
PDET Offshore                (266.603)       (200.333)   (1.778.788)           (2.245.724)
Nova Transportadora do Nordeste - NTN                (699.321)           (928.257)           (1.627.578)
Nova Transportadora do Sudeste - NTS                (948.130)           (921.715)           (1.869.845)
Cayman Cabiunas Investiment Co.                (148.300)           (179.334)           (327.634)
Cia Locadora de Equipamentos Petrolíferos                (892.672)           (2.518.497)           (3.411.169)
Companhia Petrolífera Marlim                (245.834)           (332.548)           (578.382)
Charter Development LLC                (336.535)           (3.744.500)           (4.081.035)
Barracuda Caratinga Leasing Co BV                (975.728)           (226.494)           (1.202.222)
Gasene Participações S/A    (9.130)           (170.339)           (1.249.524)           (1.428.993)
Credit Rights Investment Fund                         (6.658.362)                   (6.658.362)
Other jointly controlled subsidiaries                (11.688)       (5.978)               (17.666)
    (9.130)   0    0    (4.695.150)        (6.658.362)   (206.311)   (11.879.657) 0        0    (23.448.610)
AFFILIATED COMPANIES    (72.720)   (11.329)                       (47.276)       (131.325)
03/31/2009    (61.502.968)   (421.950)   (1.675.053)   (4.709.029)        (6.658.362)   (206.393)   (12.536.200)   (47.276)   (829.121)   (88.586.352)
12/31/2008    (56.782.638)   (3.567.680)   (1.433.066)   (5.068.182)        (5.764.259)   (212.371)   (12.654.967)   (46.261)   (1.054.267)   (86.583.691)

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5.3 Results

    R$ thousand 
    Operating    Net financial    Exchange and     
    income, mainly    income    monetary     TOTAL 
    from sales    (expenses)   variations, net    RESULTS 
SUBSIDIARIES (*)                
Petroquisa    76.618        454    77.072 
BR Distribuidora    11.334.375    (2.686)   14.212    11.345.901 
Gaspetro    919.808    (690)   (4.581)   914.537 
PifCo    2.767.882    64.246    (455.212)   2.376.916 
PNBV            17.342    17.342 
Downstream    644.841    1.534    (36.546)   609.829 
Transpetro    119.921        7.021    126.942 
PIB-BV Netherlands    24.466        (2.004)   22.462 
Brasoil        421.273    (278.954)   142.319 
BOC        8.061    (4.824)   3.237 
ALVO    680.129            680.129 
Ipiranga Asfaltos    42.080    1.425        43.505 
Petrobras Comercializadora Energia Ltda    76.130        726    76.856 
Thermoelectric power plants    17.050    (14.872)   9.115    11.293 
Other subsidiaries    44.637        (5)   44.632 
    16.747.937    478.291    (733.256)   16.492.972 
Nova Transportadora do Nordeste - NTN        (26.680)   28.942    2.262 
Nova Transportadora do Sudeste - NTS        (26.519)   31.159    4.640 
Companhia Petrolífera Marlim        (26.861)       (26.861)
Cia. Locadora de Equipamentos Petrolíferos        (129.711)       (129.711)
PDET Offshore        (132.096)       (132.096)
Charter Development LLC        (72.440)   38.144    (34.296)
Cayman Cabiunas Investiment Co.        (8.866)   3.994    (4.872)
Gasene Participações S/A    19.187    6.143        25.330 
Credit Rights Investment Fund        192.716        192.716 
Other jointly controlled subsidiaries        (10.021)   9.785    (236)
    19.187    (234.335)   112.024    (103.124)
AFFILIATED COMPANIES    1.494.295    (1.015)   39    1.493.319 
03/31/2009    18.261.419    242.941    (621.193)   17 883.167 
03/31/2008    18.957.296    (119.847)   (138.282)   18.699.167 

(*) Includes its subsidiaries and jointly controlled subsidiaries

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5.4 Guarantees obtained and granted

Petrobras has a policy of granting guarantees to its subsidiaries for certain financial operations carried out abroad.

The guarantees offered by Petrobras are made based on contractual clauses that support the financial operations between the subsidiaries and third parties, guaranteeing the purchase of the debt in the event of default on the part of the subsidiaries.

At March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, the financial operations carried out by these subsidiaries and guaranteed by Petrobras present the following balances to be settled:

    R$ thousand 
Date of maturity    2009    2008 
of the operation    Brasoil    PNBV       PifCo    PIB BV    Total    Total 
2009        1.840.584    104.184        1.944.768    2.068.245 
2010    200.170        752.440        952.610    1.004.429 
2011        1.098.794    2.885.550        3.984.344    1.684.860 
2012        1.071.938            1.071.938    1.103.064 
2013        196.792    866.373        1.063.165    1.073.176 
2014        787.168    1.833.326        2.620.494    2.645.169 
2015 onwards        4.646.714    14.373.085    694.560    19.714.359    16.679.468 
    200.170    9.641.990    20.814.958    694.560    31.351.678    26.258.411 

In conformity with Decree 4.543/2002, which established the special customs regime for exporting and importing assets intended for research activities and exploitation of oil and natural gas deposits (Repetro), Petrobras has been importing and exporting equipment and material under this regime. The benefit for these operations made via Repetro is the temporary suspension of federal taxes for the period in which the aforementioned materials and equipment remain in Brazil. A competent surety, signed by third parties, as a way of guaranteeing the payment of the suspended taxes, is required.

The competent sureties are being granted by Petrobras Distribuidora S/A - BR and Petrobras Gás S/A – Gaspetro and the remuneration charged is fixed at 0,30% p.a. on the amount of federal taxes that are suspended.

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At March 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008, the annual expenses incurred by Petrobras for obtaining the competent sureties were:

    R$ thousand 
    March -09    December -09 
BR    5.068    21.582 
Gaspetro        1.297 
Total    5.068    22.879 

5.5 Transactions with government entities and pension funds

The Company is controlled by the Federal Government and carries out various transactions with government entities in the normal course of its operations.

Significant transactions with government entities and pension fund resulted in the following balances:

    R$ thousand 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
    Assets    Liabilities    Assets    Liabilities 
Petros (Pension fund)       297.839        479.581 
Banco do Brasil S.A.    1.376.303    6.130.780    750.798    5.100.281 
BNDES        10.788.448        10.726.041 
Caixa Econômica Federal    416    3.615.883    1.669    3.617.670 
Federal government - Proposed dividends        3.286.631        3.193.964 
Deposits tied to legal proceedings (CEF and BB)   1.626.134    85.873    1.581.541    82.489 
Petroleum and alcohol account - Federal government credits    813.257        809.673     
Government bonds    7.783.284        7.412.913     
Others    605.709    383.806    730.158    589.065 
    12.205.103    24.589.260    11.286.752    23.789.091 
Current    5.439.487    7.918.194    4.782.062    7.366.018 
Non-current    6.765.616    16.671.066    6.504.690    16.423.073 

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The balances are classified in the Balance Sheet as follows:

        R$ thousand     
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
    Assets    Liabilities    Assets    Liabilities 
Current:    5.439.487        4.782.062     
Cash and cash equivalents    4.934.973        4.168.488     
Trade accounts receivable, net    64.358        62.305     
Other current assets    440.156        551.269     
Non-current:    6.765.616        6.504.690     
Petroleum and alcohol account - STN    813.257        809.673     
Deposits in court    1.625.024        1.580.435     
Advance for pension plan               
Marketable securities    4.168.445        3.941.889     
Other long-term realized assets    158.890        172.693     
Current:        7.918.194        7.366.018 
   Financing        3.332.616        2.617.666 
   Proposed dividends        4.020.430        3.949.365 
   Other current liabilities        565.148        798.987 
Non-current:        16.671.066        16.423.073 
   Financing        16.523.272        16.278.387 
   Other non-current liabilities        147.794        144.686 
    12.205.103    24.589.260    11.286.752    23.789.091 

5.6 Remuneration of the Company's key personnel

The total remuneration for short-term benefits for the Company's key personnel during the first quarter of 2009 was R$ 1.591 thousand (R$ 1.559 thousand in the first quarter of 2008), referring to seven officers and eight board members.

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6 Inventories

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Oil products (*)   5.354.929    5.587.327    4.342.377    3.993.002 
Alcohol (*)   675.219    598.382    343.794    281.180 
    6.030.148    6.185.709    4.686.171    4.274.182 
Raw materials, mainly crude oil (*)   6.482.945    8.363.429    5.454.570    5.297.904 
Maintenance materials and supplies (*)   3.436.294    3.362.265    2.986.010    2.865.459 
Advances to suppliers    1.752.712    1.654.610    1.686.313    1.609.257 
Others    560.746    715.087    70.120    105.096 
Total    18.262.845    20.281.100    14.883.184    14.151.898 
Current    17.957.134    19.977.171    14.577.473    13.847.969 
Non-current    305.711    303.929    305.711    303.929 

(*) Includes imports in transit.

7 Petroleum and alcohol accounts - STN

In order to settle accounts with the Federal Government, pursuant to Provisional Measure 2.181, of August 24, 2001, after providing all the information required by the National Treasury Department (STN), Petrobras is seeking to settle the remaining differences between the parties.

At March 31, 2009, the balance of the account was R$ 813.257 thousand (R$ 809.673 thousand at December 31, 2008) and this can be settled up by the Federal Government by issuing National Treasury Notes in an amount equal to the final balance for the settling of accounts or through offsetting against other amounts that Petrobras may be owing the Federal Government at the time, including tax related amounts or a combination of the foregoing operations.

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8 Marketable securities

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Available for sale    3.996.469    3.773.133    3.801.004    3.589.343 
Trading    109.917    132.178         
Held until maturity    486.741    449.720    8.486    8.419 
    4.593.127    4.355.031    3.809.490    3.597.762 
Less: current portion of securities    297.187    288.751         
Long-term portion of securities    4.295.940    4.066.280    3.809.490    3.597.762 

The securities, classified as long-term, are composed as follows:

        R$ thousand     
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
NTN-B    4.001.504    3.778.198    3.801.004    3.589.343 
B Certificates    117.921    119.032         
Other    176.515    169.050    8.486    8.419 
    4.295.940    4.066.280    3.809.490    3.597.762 

The Series B National Treasury Notes (NTN-B) were given as a guarantee to Petros, on October 23, 2008, after signing the Financial Commitment Agreement entered into between Petrobras and subsidiaries that are sponsors of the Petros Plan, unions and Petros, for settling of obligations with the pension plan. The face value of the NTN-B is indexed to the variation of the Amplified Consumer Price Index - IPCA. The coupon interest will be paid half-yearly at the rate of 6% p.a. of the updated nominal value of these papers and their maturities are in 2024 to 2035. At March 31, 2009, the balances of the NTN-B are updated in accordance with their market value, based on the average price disclosed by the National Association of Open Market Institutions - ANDIMA.

The B certificates were received by Brasoil on account of the sale of platforms in 2000 and 2001, with half-yearly maturities until 2011 and yielding interest equivalent to Libor plus 0,70% p.a. to 4,25% p.a.

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9 Project financing

Petrobras carries out projects jointly with Brazilian and international finance agents and companies in the petroleum and energy sector for the purpose of making feasible the investments needed in the business areas in which the Company operates.

Considering that the project financing is made feasible through Special Purpose Entities (SPE), the activities of which are essentially controlled by Petrobras, the expenditure incurred by the Company on the projects being negotiated or already negotiated with third parties is classified in the consolidated financial statements as non-current assets - Property, plant and equipment.

9.1 Specific purpose entities

a) Project financing

Project / Estimated 
  Purpose    Main 
  Current stage 
Barracuda and Caratinga 

US$ 3,1 billion 
To make the development of the production of the Barracuda and Caratinga fields, in the Campos Basin viable. SPE Barracuda e Caratinga Leasing Company B.V. (BCLC) is in charge of setting up all the assets (wells, submarine equipments and production units) required for the project. It is also the owner of them. 
Guarantee provided by Brasoil to cover BCLC's financial needs. 

US$ 1,5 billion 
Consortium with Companhia Petrolífera Marlim (CPM), which provides Petrobras with the submarine equipment for petroleum production in the Marlim field. 
70% of the production of the field limited to 720 days. 
Operating. See note 28.5 on the purchase option of MarlimPar by Petrobras. 

US$ 834 million 
Consortium with NovaMarlim Petróleo S.A. (NovaMarlim) which provides submarine equipment for petroleum production and reimburses operating costs arising from operating and maintenance the field assets through an advance already made to Petrobras. 
30% of the production of the field limited to 720 days. 

US$ 1,25 billion 
Companhia Locadora de Equipamentos Petrolíferos (CLEP) provides, for the use of Petrobras, assets linked to petroleum production located in the Campos Basin, through a lease agreement for a period of 10 years, at the end of which Petrobras will have the right to acquire the shares of the SPE or the project's assets. 
Lease prepayments, in the event the revenue is not sufficient to meet obligations with financiers. 
PDET Offshore S.A. is the owner of the project’s assets and its objective is to improve the infrastructure for transference 
All the project's assets. 

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Project / Estimated 
  Purpose    Main 
  Current stage 
US$ 1,18 billion 
of the oil produced in the Campos Basin to the refineries in the Southeast Region and for exporting. These assets were leased to Petrobras until 2019. 

US$ 1,11 billion 
A consortium between Transpetro, Transportadora Associada de Gás (TAG), Nova Transportadora do Sudeste (NTS)and Nova Transportadora do Nordeste (NTN). NTS and NTN contribute to the consortium through setting up assets related to the transport of natural gas. TAG (a company fully owned by Gaspetro)provides assets that were already built previously. Transpetro contributes as an operator of the gas pipelines. 
Prepayments based on transport capacity to cover any eventual consortium cash shortages. 
The Campinas-Rio and Catu-Carmópolis sections are in operation. 
Modernization of Revap 

US$ 1,2 billion 
The objective of this project is to increase the heavy oil processing capacity of the Henrique Lage Refinery (Revap), bringing the diesel it produces into line with new Brazilian specifications and reducing pollution emission levels. To do this, the SPE, Cia. de Desenvolvimento e Modernização de Plantas Industriais - CDMPI was created, which will build and lease to Petrobras a delayed coking plant, a coke naphtha hydro-treatment unit and the related units to be installed in this refinery. The Executive Committee has authorized an increase of US$ 300 million in the investment. 
Prepayments of leasing to cover any eventual cash shortages of CDMPI. 
In the stage of setting up the assets. 

US$ 850 million Consolidated in the leasing agreement 
Project with the object of increasing the transport capacity for the Campos Basin gas production. Cayman Cabiunas Investment Co. Ltd. (CCIC) provides the assets to Petrobras under an international lease agreement. 
Pledge of 10.4 billion m3 of gas. 

US$ 3 billion 
Transportadora Gasene S.A. is responsible for the construction and future ownership of pipelines for transport of natural gas with a total length of 1,4 thousand kilometers and a transport capacity of 20 million cubic meters per day, connecting the Cabiúnas Terminal in Rio de Janeiro to the city of Catu, in the state of Bahia. 
Pledge of credit rights. 

Pledge of the shares of the SPE. 
Long-term financing was signed with BNDES in December 2007 in an amount equivalent to R$ 4,51 billion, including funds transferred from the China Development Bank (CDB) in the amount of US$ 750 million. A loan was obtained from the BB Fund SPC of up to R$ 800 million for construction of the gas pipeline with the issuing of US$ 210 million in promissory notes in October 2006 and US$100 million in December 2008. The first segment of the Gasene project, the Cabiúnas-Vitóriagas pipeline, entered into operation on November 10, 2008. The second segment, the Cacimbas-Catugas pipeline, is in the construction stage. 

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Project / Estimated 
  Purpose    Main 
  Current stage 
Marlim Leste (P-53)

US$ 1,8 billion 
To develop the production of the Marlim Leste field, Petrobras will use a stationary production unit, P-53, which will be chartered from Charter Development LLC. The bare boat charter agreement will be executed for a period of 15 years as from the date of signing. 
All the project's assets will be given in guarantee. 
The project entered into operation at the end of November 2008. 
Other (Albacora, Albacora/Petros and PCGC)

US$ 495,5 million 
Ownership of the assets or payment of an additional lease in the event the revenue is not sufficient to meet obligations with financiers. 

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b) Project financing in progress

Project / Estimated 
  Purpose    Main 
  Current stage 

US$ 1,4 billion 
Construction of 385 km of gas pipeline between Coari and Manaus, and 285 kilometers of LPG pipeline between Urucu and Coari, both of which are under the responsibility of Transportadora Urucu Manaus S.A.; and the construction of a 488 MW thermal electric power station through Companhia de Geração Termelétrica Manauara S.A. 
Pledge of credit rights. 

Pledge of the shares of the SPE. 
Long-term financing in the amount of R$ 2,49 billion was signed with BNDES in December 2007. A loan has been obtained from BB Fund SPC of up to R$ 1 billion, fully represented by issuing promissory notes. The LPG pipeline and the gas pipeline are in the construction stage, while the Aparecida and Mauá branch lines are in the contracting stage. 

US$ 756 million 
Construction of a platform (PMXL-1)for production of natural gas in the Mexilhão and Cedro fields in the Santos Basin, which will be held by Companhia Mexilhão do Brasil (CMB), which will be responsible for obtaining the funds needed to build the platform. After it has been built, PMXL-1will be leased to Petrobras, which holds the concession for exploration and production in the aforementioned fields. 
Pledge of credit rights. 

Pledge of the shares of the SPE. 
Obtaining of short term funding in an amount up to US$ 566 million, through issuing promissory notes acquired by the BB Fund. 
Obtaining of short-term financing from BNDES in the amount of R$528 million in December 2008. 
Building of assets in progress. 

9.2 Reimbursements receivable and Undertakings under negotiation

The balance receivable, net of advances received, referring to the costs incurred by Petrobras on account of projects already negotiated with third parties, is classified in non-current assets as Project financing and is broken down as follows:

    R$ thousand 
    Parent Company 
Projects    03.31.2009    03.31.2008 
   Cabiúnas    752.926    752.926 
   PDET    1.024.054    953.794 
   Malhas-Nordeste    93.377    96.353 
   Malhas-Sudeste    79.380    78.645 
   Other    128    128 
Total    1.949.865    1.881.846 
Advances    (731.693)   (737.948)
Total net reimbursements receivable    1.218.172    1.143.898 
Undertakings under negotiation (*)   1.128.221    895.395 
Total project financing    2.346.393    2.039.293 

(*) Comprises the expenses already incurred by Petrobras on projects for which partners have not been specified.

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9.3 Project financing obligations

        R$ thousand 
        Parent company 
    Project    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
PDET Offshore S.A.    PDET    200.333    200.333 
NovaMarlim Petróleo S.A.    NovaMarlim    5.978    11.957 
Total        206.311    212.290 

a) PDET Project

PDET Offshore S.A. passed R$ 1.198.357 thousand on to Petrobras as an advance for the future sale of assets and reimbursement of expenses incurred by Petrobras. In December 2007, Petrobras gave a contract with Consórcio Norberto Odebrecht Engenharia S.A. (CNO) to PDET Offshore S.A in the total amount of R$ 998.024 thousand. This left Petrobras with the balance of R$ 200.333 thousand, classified under current liabilities as Project financing.

b) NovaMarlim Project

NovaMarlim Petróleo S.A. provided funding for the project, the balance of which, net of operating expenses already incurred by Petrobras is around R$ 2.108.557 thousand (R$ 2.102.579 thousand at December 31, 2008) and transferred assets of around R$ 49.465 thousand, reached R$ 5.978 thousand (R$ 11.957 thousand at December 31, 2008) classified under current liabilities as Project financing.

9.4 Accounts payable related to consortiums

    R$ thousand 
    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Nova Marlim Petróleo    24.540     
Cia. Petrolífera Marlim    153.679    115.515 
Fundação Petrobras de Seguridade Social - Petros    15.642    73.343 
Total    193.861    188.858 

Petrobras maintains consortium agreements for the purpose of supplementing the development of oil field production, for which the balance payable to consortium partners at March 31, 2009, totaled R$ 193.861 thousand (R$ 188.858 thousand at December 31, 2008), classified under current liabilities as Project financing.

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10 Deposits in court

The judicial deposits in court are presented according to the nature of the corresponding lawsuits:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    03.31.2008    03.31.2009    03.31.2008 
Labor    618.316    608.383    589.382    581.623 
Tax (*)   908.938    895.430    659.294    659.053 
Civil (*)   358.434    339.508    326.588    298.944 
Other    9.090    9.771    2.851    2.758 
Total    1.894.778    1.853.092    1.578.115    1.542.378 

(*) Net of deposits related to judicial proceedings for which a provision is recorded, when applicable.

Other information

Search and apprehension of ICMS/tax substitution considered not to be due.

In the period from 2000 to 2001, Petrobras was sued in the courts of the States of Goiás, Tocantins, Bahia, Pará, Maranhão and the Federal District, by petrol distribution companies under the supposed allegation that it did not pass on to the state governments the tax on circulation of goods and services (ICMS) withheld by law on the sale of fuels.

Of the total amount of these lawsuits, approximately R$ 80.159 thousand was effectively withdrawn from the Company's accounts, through legal decisions of advance relief. On appeal, these judicial rulings of advance relief were annulled.

Petrobras, with the support of the state and federal authorities, in addition it to succeeding in stopping the execution of other withdrawals, is making every possible effort to obtain reimbursement of the amounts that have been unduly withdrawn from its accounts.

The current position of our legal advisers is that there is no expectation of future disbursements for the Company under these proceedings.

Other restricted deposits

The courts have blocked other amounts due to labor grievances that totaled R$ 28.117 thousand at March 31, 2009 (R$ 34.767 thousand at December 31, 2008), classified under non-current assets as restricted deposits.

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11 Investments

11.1 Information on subsidiaries, jointly controlled subsidiaries and affiliated companies

    R$ thousand 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. - BR    7.456.187    7.139.944 
Petrobras Gás S.A. - Gaspetro    5.010.918    4.088.640 
Petrobras Netherlands B.V. - PNBV    3.472.475    2.882.200 
Termorio S.A.    2.865.565    2.811.810 
Petrobras Transporte S.A. - Transpetro    2.052.779    1.832.850 
Petrobras Química S.A. - Petroquisa    1.657.627    1.656.090 
Braspetro Oil Services Company - Brasoil    1.407.238    1.421.877 
Termomacaé Ltda    833.503    832.510 
Refinaria Abreu e Lima S.A.    668.576    474.859 
Alvo Distribuidora de Combustíveis Ltda    637.047    634.060 
Downstream Participações Ltda.    319.461    168.835 
Petrobras Comercializadora de Energia Ltda. - PBEN    239.648    242.996 
FAFEN Energia S.A.    231.505    219.074 
Sociedade Fluminense de Energia Ltda. - SFE    216.649    183.279 
Termoceará Ltda.    210.706    200.754 
Baixada Santista Energia Ltda.    209.495    198.512 
Usina Termelétrica de Juiz de Fora S.A.    153.030    148.106 
Termobahia S.A.    55.795   
Ipiranga Asfalto S.A.    39.915    40.860 
Petrobras Negócios Eletrônicos S.A. - E-Petro    23.817    23.674 
Petrobras Biocombustível S.A.    19.721    40.010 
Cordoba Financial Services GmbH    188    281 
Comperj Participações S.A.     
Comperj Petroquimicos Básicos S.A.     
Comperj PET S.A.     
Comperj Estirênicos S.A.     
Comperj MEG S.A.     
Comperj Poliolefinas S.A.     
Goodwill/discounts in subsidiaries    (255.311)   (256.840)
    27.526.540    24.984.381 
Jointly controlled subsidiaries         
Termoaçu S.A.    505.373    503.200 
Ibiritermo S.A.    94.238    90.428 
UTE Norte Fluminense S.A.    59.126    55.740 
Brasil PCH S.A.    58.755    59.339 
Breitener Energética S.A.    45.279    45.582 
Cia Energética Manauara S.A.    13.871    12.489 
Brasympe Energia S.A.    13.561    14.392 
Other companies    16.214    38.117 
    806.417    819.287 
Affiliated companies         
Quattor Participações S.A.*    438.127    489.131 
UEG Araucária Ltda.    132.051    132.383 
Energética Camaçari Muricy I Ltda    19.456    21.284 
Arembepe Energia S.A.    13.565    13.565 
Other companies    6.968    4.183 
Goodwill/discounts in affiliated companies    1.692.453    1.692.453 
    2.302.620    2.352.999 
Other investments    149.951    150.280 
    30.785.528    28.306.947 

* New name of Dapean Participações S.A., after the merger of Fasciatus Participações S.A.

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11.2 Consolidated investments

    R$ thousand 
    03.31.2009    03.31.2008 
Affiliated companies         
Braskem    878.516    911.311 
Quattor Participações S.A.    549.282    613.228 
Petroritupano - Orielo    414.351    409.054 
Petrowayu - La Concepción    303.618    269.821 
Petrokariña - Mata    132.196    121.657 
UEG Araucária Ltda.    129.449    129.781 
Ciesa    107.087    114.240 
Refinor    82.542    90.390 
Copergás - Cia Pernambucana de Gás    76.001    77.274 
Deten Química S.A.    71.471    67.183 
OCP    62.517    63.690 
Inv. Mata    59.093    58.500 
Petrovenbras - Acema    52.511    53.015 
Oldelval    48.409    52.365 
GTB - Gás Transboliviano S.A.    24.254    24.254 
Energética Camaçari Muricy S.A.    19.456    21.284 
Coroil    15.503    14.137 
Other affiliated companies    54.808    51.589 
    3.081.064    3.142.773 
Subsidiaries    (326.393)   (323.914)
Affiliated companies    2.131.065    2.195.221 
    1.804.672    1.871.307 
Other investments    198.242    92.415 
    5.083.978    5.106.495 

Changes in goodwill/discount:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
Balance of goodwill/discount at 12/31/2008    944.448    1.435.613 
Amortization of goodwill    (2.479)    
Amortization of discount    1.529    1.529 
Transfer    (1.529)    
Other (*)   (70)    
Balance of goodwill/discount at 03/31/2009    941.899    1.437.142 

(*) Includes exchange variation on balances of companies abroad

In the parent company, the balance of the discount in the amount of R$ 256.507 thousand is recorded in investments and in the consolidated statements the amount of R$ 58.464 thousand is presented as deferred income in non-current liabilities.

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11.3 Investments in listed companies

We present below the investments in publicly-held companies with shares traded on the stock market:

    Lot of a thousand shares        Quotation on stock 
(R$ per share)
  Market value 
R$ thousand 
Company    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    Type    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Pepsa (**)       1.249.717    ON        1,50        1.874.576 
Pesa (*)   678.396    229.729    ON    2,33    4,40    1.580.663    1.010.808 
                        1.580.663    2.885.384 
Affiliated companies                             
Braskem    59.014    59.014    ON    4,50    5,57    265.563    328.708 
Braskem    62.965    62.965    PNA    4,81    5,55    302.862    349.456 
Quattor Petroquímica    51.111    51.111    PN    7,00    8,40    357.777    429.332 
                        926.202    1.107.496 

These shares due not include Pepsa’s interest.
On January 1, 2009 Petrobras Energia Participaciones S.A. (PEPSA) was taken over by its subsidiary Petrobras Energia S.A. (PESA), which changed its company name to Petrobras Argentina S.A. (PAR). This corporate restructuring is subject to approval by the Argentine government.

The market value of these shares does not necessarily reflect the realizable value of a representative lot of shares.

11.4 Other information

a) New investments abroad

a.1) In Chile

On April 30, 2009, Petrobras, through its wholly owned subsidiaries Petrobras Venezuela Investments & Services B.V e Petrobras Participaciones, S.L., located in the Netherlands and Spain, respectively, concluded the process for the acquisition of the distribution and logistics businesses of ExxonMobil in Chile, with the payment of approximately US$ 400 million.

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With this acquisition, Petrobras has guaranteed its participation in the Chilean fuel distribution market with a network of around 230 service stations, an interest in six distribution terminals, four of which are its own and two of which are joint ventures, and a 22% interest in the company Sociedad Nacional de Oleodutos and a 33,3% interest in the company Sociedad de Inversiones de Aviación.

b) Ipiranga Group

On March 18, 2007, Ultrapar, on its own behalf, with the intervention and consent of Braskem S.A and PETROBRAS, based on a commission agreement entered into between them, acquired the control of the companies of the Ipiranga Group.

The operation was duly reported to the Brazilian System for Defense of Competition (SBDC), and as this was correct, on May 16, 2007, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) issued LFRV 009/2007, approving the Agreement for Preservation of Reversibility of the Transaction (APRO), in which PETROBRAS and Ultrapar undertook to implement a governance structure that permitted the separation of the strategic and trading activities from the distribution assets, a commitment that implied establishing the company Alvo Distribuidora de Combustíveis Ltda.

On December 17, 2008 CADE definitively approved the acquisition of the distribution assets and asphalt assets of the Ipiranga Group by Petrobras, conditioned to the signing of and complete compliance with the Performance Commitment Agreement entered into by Petrobras and Alvo, thus making the immediate, direct management of these assets possible.

Due to these favorable results, Petrobras began the process of transferring the assets represented by the companies IASA and Alvo to Petrobras Distribuidora.

On March 6, 2009, the Board of Directors of Petrobras and BR Distribuidora authorized the transfer of the interests in Alvo and IASA, through a capital increase corresponding to the net equity of these companies.

On April 9, 2009, the Special General Shareholders' Meeting of BR Distribuidora approved the proposed capital increase in the amount of R$ 670,966 thousand, thus concluding the process for transfer of Alvo and IASA, which became subsidiaries of BR Distribuidora.

The receipt of the assets of Refino, acquired from the Ipiranga Group, was also finalized in March 2009 with the effective delivery of the shares of Refinaria de Petróleo Riograndense S.A. belonging to Petrobras and Braskem.

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The delivery of the shares occurred concomitantly with the Refinery's capital increase through the subscription and consequent payment for new shares by Petrobras, Braskem and Ultrapar, in order to equalize the corporate interests between these companies. On March 18, 2009 a shareholders' agreement was executed between Petrobras, Ultrapar and Braskem, in which the governance rules for making the joint control and management between the signatories viable, were established.

c) Braskem Investment Agreement

On November 30, 2007 an investment agreement was entered into between Braskem, Odebrecht, Petrobras, Petroquisa and Norquisa, in which it was agreed that the petrochemical assets held by Petrobras and Petroquisa would be transferred to Braskem, which would permit Petrobras and Petroquisa to increase their share in the voting capital of Braskem to 30% and in the total capital to 25%.

The petrochemical assets involved in the transaction were: (i) 37,3% of the voting and total capital of Copesul; (ii) 40% of the voting and total capital of Ipiranga Petroquímica S.A. (IPQ), a wholly owned subsidiary of Ipiranga Química (IQ); (iii) 40% of the voting and total capital of IQ; (iv) up to 100% of the voting and total capital of Petroquímica Triunfo (Triunfo); and (v) 40% of the voting and total capital of Petroquímica Paulínia (PPSA).

On May 14, 2008 an Addendum to the Investment Agreement was signed, which divided the operation for integration into two stages. The first stage was carried out on May 30, 2008, when Petrobras and Petroquisa integrated into Braskem their interests of 36,5% in Copesul, 40% in IQ and 40 % in PPSA, therefore, now holding 30% of the voting capital and 23,1% of the total capital of Braskem.

With the implementation of the first stage, Petrobras, Petroquisa, Odebrecht and Norquisa, with the intervention of Braskem, on May 30, 2008, executed a new agreement with the shareholders of Braskem, extending the governance levels and enabling greater participation by Petrobras in the decision making process, where Petrobras now indicates three members for the Board of Directors as well as representatives for all the advisory committees to the Board.

The transaction established in the investment agreement was approved on July 9, 2008, by CADE.

Continuing the process for integration of the assets, on September 11, 2008, IPQ took over 100% of the total capital of Copesul and on September 30, Braskem took over 100% of the total capital of IPQ and PPSA, which became operating units.

On December 22, 2008 Braskem cancelled treasury shares corresponding to 6.251.744 registered common shares (ON), 10.389.665 registered preferred class A shares (PNA) and 209.248 registered preferred class B shares (PNB), and thus Petroquisa now holds 31,0% of the voting capital and 23,8% of the total capital of Braskem.

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Initiating the implementation of the second stage, on April 7, 2009 Braskem and Petroquímica Triunfo (Triunfo) executed a protocol and justification for merger of Triunfo by Braskem, through which Braskem takes over the net assets of the equity of Triunfo and will also succeed in all its rights and obligations, through issuing Braskem's preferred A class shares to the shareholders of Triunfo.

The merger also received the necessary corporate approvals of Petroquisa and Petrobras, direct and indirect parent companies, respectively, of Triunfo.

On May 5, 2009, the Special General Shareholders' Meeting of Triunfo S.A. approved the merger of the aforementioned company by Braskem, in the terms of the Protocol and Justification for merger executed on April 7, 2009. Upon conclusion of the transaction Petroquisa will hold 31,0% of the voting capital and 25,4% of the total capital of Braskem.

d) Creation of companies of the Rio de Janeiro petrochemical complex (COMPERJ)

On February 5, 2009, Petrobras, in continuation with the implementation of the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex (COMPERJ), established six (6) joint stock companies in Rio de Janeiro, as follows:

• Comperj Participações S.A.: a specific purpose entity that will hold the interests of Petrobras in the producing companies of COMPERJ;

• Comperj Petroquímicos Básicos S.A.: A company producing Basic Petrochemicals;

• Comperj PET S.A.: A company producing PTA/PET;

• Comperj Estirênicos S.A.: A company producing styrene;

• Comperj MEG S.A.: A company producing glycol ethylene and ethylene oxide; and

• Comperj Poliolefinas S.A.: A company producing polyolefines (PP/PE).

At first, Petrobras will hold 100% of the total and voting capital of these companies, when the implementation of the integration and relationship model of the companies of COMPERJ will be made. This model seeks to capture the synergies arising from locating a number of companies in the same production site. The assets, obligations and rights related to COMPERJ will be transferred to these companies by Petrobras at an opportune moment.

With the forming of these companies, Petrobras is initiating the preparation stage of the project for the entry of potential partners.

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12 Property, plant and equipment

12.1 By business segment (1)

    R$ thousand 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
    Cost    Accumulated 
  Net    Net 
Exploration and production    162.602.071    (55.154.445)   107.447.626    102.289.658 
Supply    58.382.824    (19.495.481)   38.887.343    35.844.947 
Distribution    5.597.707    (2.386.273)   3.211.434    3.192.563 
Gas and energy    34.167.625    (5.240.527)   28.927.098    27.024.526 
International    32.435.119    (12.486.407)   19.948.712    20.084.131 
Corporate    3.587.526    (1.183.627)   2.403.899    2.318.342 
    296.772.872    (95.946.760)   200.826.112    190.754.167 

(1) It includes assets arising from contracts that transfer the benefits, risks and and control, as follows:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008     03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
    Cost    Accumulated 
  Net    Net    Cost    Accumulated 
  Net    Net 
Exploration and production    2.137.479    (999.663)   1.137.816    1.171.423    18.022.879    (6.175.796)   11.847.083    12.013.387 
Supply    517.476    (184.399)   333.077    340.272                 
Distribution    80.653    (7.386)   73.267    74.046                 
Gas and energy                    6.002.067    (647.593)   5.354.474    5.404.165 
    2.735.608    (1.191.448)   1.544.160    1.585.741    24.024.946    (6.823.389)   17.201.557    17.417.552 

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12.2 By type of asset

        R$ thousand 
         31.03.2009    31.12.2008 
    useful life        Accumulated         
    in years         Cost    depreciation    Net    Net 
Buildings and improvements    25 to 40    9.724.748    (3.112.288)   6.612.460    6.267.055 
Equipment and other assets    3 to 30    125.395.206    (57.093.890)   68.301.316    64.145.157 
Land        1.060.807        1.060.807    1.138.720 
Material        6.866.368      6.866.368    6.034.143 
Advances to suppliers        4.698.222      4.698.222    5.189.735 
Expansion projects        62.894.579      62.894.579    59.238.898 
Petroleum and gas exploration and                     
production development costs (E&P)       86.132.942    (35.740.582)   50.392.360    48.740.459 
        296.772.872    (95.946.760)   200.826.112    190.754.167 

        R$ thousand 
        Parent company 
         31.03.2009    31.12.2008 
    useful life        Accumulated         
    in years         Cost    depreciation    Net    Net 
Buildings and improvements    25 to 40    5.692.295    (1.637.069)   4.055.226    3.731.538 
Equipment and other assets    3 to 30    72.444.541    (37.946.955)   34.497.586    34.122.523 
Land        407.824        407.824    478.350 
Material        5.387.214        5.387.214    4.579.142 
Advances to suppliers        1.627.305        1.627.305    1.602.179 
Expansion projects        40.445.018        40.445.018    36.977.682 
Petroleum and gas exploration and                     
production development costs (E&P)       68.639.112    (29.393.881)   39.245.231    37.715.678 
        194.643.309    (68.977.905)   125.665.404    119.207.092 

The equipment and facilities for petroleum and gas production, related to the respective developed wells are appreciated according to the monthly volume of production in relation to the proven and developed reserves of each producing field. The straight line method is used for assets with a useful life shorter than the life of the field or for assets that are linked to fields in various stages of production. Other equipment and assets not related to petroleum and gas production are appreciated according to their estimated useful life.

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Material expenses incurred with programmed stoppages for maintenance of the industrial units and ships, which includes spare parts, dismantling and assembly services, amongst others, are recorded in Property, plant and equipment.

These stoppages occur in programmed periods, on average every four years, and the respective expenses are depreciated as a production cost until the beginning of the following stoppage.

12.3 Petroleum and gas exploration and production development costs

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Capitalized expenditure    86.132.942    83.883.258    68.639.112    66.557.820 
Accumulated depreciation    (34.537.945)   (34.081.244)   (28.306.482)   (27.885.150)
Amortization of abandonment expenses    (1.202.637)   (1.061.555)   (1.087.399)   (956.992)
Net investment    50.392.360    48.740.459    39.245.231    37.715.678 

Expenditure on exploration and development of petroleum and gas production is recorded according to the successful efforts method. This method establishes that the development costs of the production wells and the successful exploration wells, linked to economically viable reserves, are capitalized, while the geology and geophysics costs are considered expenses for the period in which they occur and the cost of dry exploration wells and the costs linked to non-commercial reserves should be recorded in the income statement when they are thus identified.

Capitalized costs and related assets, rights and concessions are reviewed annually, field by field, in order to identify possible losses on recovery based on the estimated future cash flow.

Capitalized costs are depreciated using the method of units produced in relation to the proven, developed reserves. These reserves are estimated by the Company's geologists and petroleum engineers according to international standards and are reviewed annually or when there are indications of material changes.

In accordance with the accounting practice that has been adopted, based on SFAS Pronouncement 143 – Accounting for Asset Retirement, issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Boards (FASB), the future liability for abandonment of wells and dismantling the production area is stated at its present value, discounted at a risk free rate and is fully recorded at the time of the declaration of commercial viability of each field, as part of the costs of the related assets (property, plant and equipment) as a balancing item to the provision recorded in liabilities that will bear these expenses.

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The expense with the interest incurred on the provision for the liability, in the amount of R$ 77.816 thousand in the period from January to March 2009, is classified as Operating expenses - expenses with prospecting and drilling for extracting oil (item of the Income Statement - Interim Financial Statements - Parent company).

12.4 Depreciation

The depreciation for the first quarter of 2009 and 2008 is presented as follows:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    Jan-Mar 2009    Jan-Mar 2008    Jan-Mar 2009    Jan-Mar 2008 
Portion absorbed in the costing:                 
 Of assets    1.775.963    1.357.793    1.072.776    814.157 
 Of exploration and production expenses    885.301    515.949    678.068    480.260 
 Capitalized/provisioned cost for abandonment of wells    140.027    198.986    140.037    196.133 
    2.801.291    2.072.728    1.890.881    1.490.550 
   Portion recorded directly in the statement of income    229.584    309.190    121.950    166.091 
    3.030.875    2.381.918    2.012.831    1.656.641 

12.5 Decrease to recoverable value of assets

When applying the reduction test to the recoverable value of assets, the carrying value of an asset or a cash generating unit is compared with its recoverable value. The recoverable value is the higher value between the net sales value of an asset and its value in use. Considering the particularities of the Company's assets, the recoverable value used for valuing the test of reduction to recoverable value is the value in use, except when specifically indicated.

This use value is estimated based on the present value of future cash flows, resulting from the Company's best estimates. The cash flows arising from continuous use of the related assets are adjusted by the specific risks and use the pre-tax discount rate. This rate is derived from the structured post-tax rate in the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). The main assumptions of the cash flows are: prices based on the last strategic plan published, production curves associated with existing products in the Company's portfolio, market operating costs and investments needed for carrying out the projects.

There were no losses through devaluation of assets in 2009.

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12.6 Litigations abroad

a) In the United States - P-19 and P-31

On July 25, 2002, Braspetro Oil Service Company (Brasoil) and Petrobras won related lawsuits filed with the US Lower Courts by the insurance companies United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company and American Home Assurance Company since 1997. A court decision by the Federal Court of the Southern District of New York recognized the right of Brasoil and Petrobras to receive indemnity for losses and damages in the amount of US$ 237 million, plus interest and reimbursement of legal expenses on the date of effective receipt related to the performance bond, totaling approximately US$ 370 million. However, an appeal filed by the insurance companies removed the obligation by the insurance companies with respect to payment of the fine, legal fees and costs, thus reducing the amount of the indemnity to US$ 245 million.

On July 21, 2006, the US Court handed down an executive decision, conditioning the payment of the amounts owed to Brasoil to the permanent closing of legal proceedings involving identical claims in progress before the Brazilian Courts, which the parties proceeded to do.

b) In London - P-36

In relation to the sinking of Platform P-36 in 2001, in the contracts related to the building of the platform, Brasoil and Petrobras, in accordance with a mechanism agreed to contractually, are obliged to deposit the compensation in the event of a claim in favor of a Security Agent for payment to the creditors. Litigation filed by creditors of part of these payments, which Brasoil and Petrobras understand to be their rights, is in progress in the London Courts.

At the current stage of the litigation, Petromec, the contractual party involved, filed a claim against Brasoil and Petrobras in the amount of US$ 154 million, plus interest, on September 29, 2008. The defense for Brasoil and Petrobras should be filed in May 2009. The hearing of Petromec's claim should take place in 2010.

c) Other litigation for indemnification

In the construction/conversion of ships into vessels for FPSO and FSO, Brasoil transferred financial resources in the amount of US$ 627 million, equivalent to R$ 1.451.849 thousand at March 31, 2009 (R$ 1.460.583 thousand at December 31, 2008) directly to its suppliers and subcontractors, with the aim of avoiding delays in the construction/conversion of vessels and, consequently, losses to Brasoil.

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Based on the opinions of Brasoil's legal advisers, these expenditures are liable to reimbursement by the constructors, which is the reason why litigations for financial indemnification were filed in international courts. However, conservatively, the portion of this balance not covered by real guarantees, in the amount of US$ 555 million, equivalent to R$ 1.285.058 thousand at March 31, 2009 (R$ 1.292.223 thousand at December 31, 2008) is recorded as an allowance for doubtful accounts.

12.7 Devolution of exploration areas to ANP

During the first quarter of 2009, Petrobras returned to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) the rights to:

• The exploration titles for the Potiguar Terra Basin: BT-POT-51 (block POT-T-447) and BT-POT-59 (blocks POT-T-650, POT-T-651, POT-T-696 and POT-T-697) - total devotion of the blocks;

• The exploration titles for the Recôncavo Terra Basin: BT-REC-24 (blocks REC-T-66, REC-T-67, REC-T-77 and REC-T-103), BT-REC-29 (block BT-REC-126) - total devolution of the blocks;

• The exploration titles for the Sergipe Terra Basin: BT-SEAL-4 (blocks SEAL-T-357 and SEAL-T-371), BT-SEAL-13 (block SEAL-T-419) and BT-SEAL-18 (block SEAL-T-461) - to the devolution of the blocks;

• The exploration concession of the Espírito Santo Basin: BT-ES-28 (blocks ES-T-107, ES-T-108 and ES-T-125) - total devolution of the blocks;

• The exploration titles for the Santos Basin: BM-S-42 (block S-M-237) - total devolution of the block.

12.8 Devolution to ANP of fields in the production stage operated by Petrobras

During the first quarter of 2009, Petrobras returned to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP the rights to fields in the production stage.

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13 Intangible assets

13.1 By business segment

    R$ thousand 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
    Cost    Accumulated 
  Net    Net 
Exploration and production    2.089.320    (310.359)   1.778.961    1.792.716 
Supply    298.245    (100.548)   197.697    192.578 
Distribution    1.282.216    (591.390)   690.826    692.249 
Gas and energy    377.616    (42.109)   335.507    335.072 
International    5.368.692    (1.619.915)   3.748.777    3.866.964 
Corporate    2.021.445    (927.335)   1.094.110    1.123.634 
    11.437.534    (3.591.656)   7.845.878    8.003.213 

13.2 By type of asset

    R$ thousand 
    Rights and 
  Acquired    Developed 
  Goodwill from 
expectations of 
Balance at December 31, 2007    3.828.871    466.223    1.236.959        5.532.053 
Addition    1.102.797    154.864    398.416    27.158    1.683.235 
Write-off    (87.772)   (74.426)   (473)   (9.438)   (172.109)
Transfers    8.886    (25.257)   (5.764)   1.221.814    1.199.679 
Amortization    (196.263)   (131.053)   (278.864)   (118.257)   (724.437)
Impairment - formation                (384.431)   (384.431)
Accumulated translation adjustment    630.059    43.639        195.525    869.223 
Balance at December 31, 2008    5.286.578    433.990    1.350.274    932.371    8.003.213 
Addition    9.092    13.848    67.794      90.734 
Write-off    (15.403)   (74)   (32)     (15.509)
Transfers    (1.271)   7.229    (5.473)   3.438    3.923 
Amortization    (68.127)   (39.683)   (67.156)     (174.966)
Impairment - formation           
Accumulated translation adjustment    (58.366)   (1.670)     (1.481)   (61.517)
Balance at March 31, 2009    5.152.503    413.640    1.345.407    934.328    7.845.878 
Estimated useful life - years           25           5           5    Not defined     

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    R$ thousand 
    Parent Company 
                Goodwill from    
                expectations of    
    Rights and        Developed    future    
    Concessions    Acquired    internally    profitability   Total 
Balance at December 31, 2007    1.655.632    197.171    1.221.872        3.074.675 
Addition    98.927    80.951    389.542    27.158    596.578 
Write-off    (43.858)   (86)   (473)       (44.417)
Transfers    (640)   (8.968)   (450)   553.853    543.795 
Amortization    (2.200)   (75.309)   (278.864)   (32.542)   (388.915)
Impairment - formation                     
Accumulated translation adjustment                     
Balance at December 31, 2008    1.707.861    193.759    1.331.627    548.469    3.781.716 
Addition    3.219    4.552    65.817        73.588 
Write-off    (14.208)       (10)       (14.218)
Transfers    (348)   (269)   (34)       (651)
Amortization    (499)   (22.156)   (67.131)       (89.786)
Impairment - formation                   
Accumulated translation adjustment                   
Balance at March 31, 2009    1.696.025    175.886    1.330.269    548.469    3.750.649 
Estimated useful life - years    25        Not defined     

The expenditure with rights and concessions that include, mainly, the signature bonds corresponding to the offers for obtaining a concession for petroleum or natural gas exploration, are recorded at the cost of acquisition, adjusted, when applicable, to their recovery value and amortized by the produced unit method with respect to the total proven reserves. In addition, software, trademarks and patents are also included in this group, amortized according to the straight-line method for their estimated useful life.

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14 Financing

    R$ thousand 
    Current    Non-current 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
   Financial institutions    9.149.845    8.216.007    18.323.660    17.144.130 
   Bearer bonds - Notes, Global Notes                 
   and Global Step-up Notes    817.013    740.483    16.118.482    12.989.912 
   Trust Certificates - Senior/Junior    158.618    159.719    717.086    762.432 
   Other    240.625    253.346    231.520    233.700 
   Subtotal    10.366.101    9.369.555    35.390.748    31.130.174 
In Brazil                 
   Export Credit Notes    1.505.012    578.559    3.061.148    3.367.472 
   Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico                 
   e Social - BNDES    1.215.868    1.137.540    7.720.440    7.642.362 
   Debentures    387.524    328.590    3.654.347    3.740.615 
   FINAME - Earmarked for construction of Bolivia-                 
   Brazil gas pipeline    103.923    99.475    241.791    244.967 
   Bank Credit Certificate    9.949    11.735    3.605.934    3.605.934 
   Advance on export contracts (ACC)   1.369.193    1.614.543         
   Other    67.832    134.470    284.205    317.917 
   Subtotal    4.659.301    3.904.912    18.567.865    18.919.267 
    15.025.402    13.274.467    53.958.613    50.049.441 
Interest on financing    (1.179.167)   (823.330)        
   Principal    13.846.235    12.451.137         
   Current portion of the financing in                 
   non-current liabilities    (9.446.610)   (8.541.232)        
Total short-term financing    4.399.625    3.909.905         

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    R$ thousand 
    Parent company 
    Current    Non-current 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
   Financial institutions    388.866    423.041    1.038.621    1.186.744 
   Subtotal    388.866    423.041    1.038.621    1.186.744 
In Brazil                 
   Export Credit Notes    1.505.012    578.559    3.061.148    3.367.472 
   Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico                 
   e Social - BNDES                 
   Debentures    234.066    175.858    2.999.456    3.056.412 
   FINAME - Earmarked for construction of Bolivia-                 
   Brazil gas pipeline    100.839    96.427    237.748    240.002 
   Bank Credit Certificate    9.949    11.735    3.605.934    3.605.934 
   Advance on export contracts (ACC)   1.186.083    1.179.159         
   Other    16.320    41.377         
   Subtotal    3.052.269    2.083.115    9.904.286    10.269.820 
    3.441.135    2.506.156    10.942.907    11.456.564 
Interest on financing    (476.521)   (229.334)        
   Principal    2.964.614    2.276.822         
   Current portion of the financing in                 
   non-current liabilities    (1.807.014)   (1.108.321)        
Total short-term financing    1.157.600    1.168.501         

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14.1 Maturities of the principal and interest of the financing in non-current liabilities

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
2010    6.603.585    1.666.311 
2011    13.172.916    7.108.436 
2012    5.232.786    1.873.258 
2013    4.142.452    188.938 
2014 onwards    24.806.874    105.964 
Total    53.958.613    10.942.907 

14.2 Interest rates of the financing in non-current liabilities

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Up to 6%    23.331.946    21.952.589    833.163    924.473 
   From 6 to 8%    8.558.666    5.361.720    205.458    262.271 
   From 8 to 10%    3.047.897    3.207.172         
   From 10 to 12%    141.912    245.882         
More than 12%    310.327    362.811         
    35.390.748    31.130.174    1.038.621    1.186.744 
In Brazil                 
Up to 6%    2.556.961    2.630.226    237.748    240.002 
   From 6 to 8%    762.145    769.745         
   From 8 to 10%    5.656.449    5.563.772    334.713    367.966 
   From 10 to 12%    2.819.897    2.840.893    2.664.743    2.688.447 
More than 12%    6.772.413    7.114.631    6.667.082    6.973.405 
    18.567.865    18.919.267    9.904.286    10.269.820 
    53.958.613    50.049.441    10.942.907    11.456.564 

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14.3 Balances per currencies in non-current liabilities

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
US dollars    35.102.559    30.516.815    956.599    1.043.814 
Yen    2.795.885    3.211.342    319.769    382.237 
Euro    114.373    109.031        695 
Real    15.621.202    15.828.040    9.666.539    10.029.818 
Other    324.594    384.213         
    53.958.613    50.049.441    10.942.907    11.456.564 

The estimated fair values for long-term loans of the Parent Company and Consolidated at March 31, 2009 were, respectively, R$ 10.001.931 thousand and R$ 52.386.953 thousand calculated at the prevailing market rates, considering the nature, term and risks similar to the registered contracts, and may be compared to the carrying values of R$ 10.942.907 thousand and R$ 53.958.613 thousand.

The hedges contracted for coverage of notes issued abroad in foreign currencies are disclosed in Note 26.

14.4 Prepayment of exports

Petrobras and PFL hold Master Export Contracts and Prepayment Agreements between themselves and also with a Specific Purpose Entity not related to Petrobras, called PF Export Receivables Master Trust (PF Export), related to the prepayment of export receivables to be generated by PFL, through intermediation of sales on the international market of fuel oil acquired from Petrobras.

At March 31, 2009 the balance of export prepayments totaled R$ 728.258 thousand in non-current liabilities (R$ 813.358 thousand at December 31, 2008) and R$ 174.486 thousand in current liabilities (R$ 176.336 thousand at December 31, 2008).

14.5 Contracting of financing for exports

On March 6, 2009, Petrobras took out financing of R$ 500.000 thousand with Banco do Brasil. The transaction was made viable through the issuing of Export Credit Notes (NCE), the purpose of which was to increase Petrobras' exports of oil and oil products. This transaction was negotiated with the following conditions:

• Term: Maturity of the principal on February 24, 2011 and maturities of the payments of financial charges half-yearly as from September 24, 2009;

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• Rate of interest: 113% of average rate of CDI + Flat Fee of 0,85%;

• Prepayment clause as of 180 days of the drawdown;

• Exemption of Tax on Financial Operations (IOF) upon proof of the export transactions; and

• Waiver of guarantees.

14.6 Financing for Project Amazônia

In 2008, Transportadora Urucu Manaus S/A (TUM) raised from the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) the amount of R$ 1.028.170 thousand referring to the long term line of credit contracted on December 6, 2007 in the amount of R$ 2.489.500 thousand, with the intervention of Codajás Coari Participações Ltda. (Codajás).

The purpose of the raising of these funds was the construction by TUM of a gas pipeline of approximately 383 km for transport of natural gas, linking Coari to Manaus, as well as distribution lines to seven municipalities located along the pipeline, as well as other assets related to it, and a pipeline of approximately 279 km for transport of liquid petroleum gas (LPG), linking the Arara industrial park in Urucu to the Solimões Terminal, in Coari, and assets related to it, which are all in the State of Amazonas. Part of the funds of R$1.295.394 thousand released in December 2007 was used for payment on December 17, 2007 of the bridge loan of R$ 800.000 thousand until then granted to TUM by the same bank.

This loan was negotiated with the following conditions:

• Term: Maturity of the principal and payment of the financial charges in 48 quarterly installments (12 years);

• Grace period for the principal and interest: until August 15, 2010

• Effective rate of interest: TJLP + 1,96% p.a., with the establishment of guarantees at least 60 days before the termination of the grace period;

• Transaction costs and premiums: 0,2% due on the amount of the loan, as a fee for studies and structuring.

The amount of R$ 60.000 thousand was released in January 2009 and R$ 50.000 thousand was released in February 2009. From the contracted line of credit, there is still R$ 55.936 thousand to be released by BNDES, through proof of the investments made in the Project.

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14.7 Program for Modernization and Expansion of the Fleet (PROMEF)

In 2007 Transpetro signed agreements for conditioned purchase and sale with three Brazilian shipyards for the construction of 23 tankers, in the amount of R$ 5.507.059 thousand. These funds were raised from BNDES with the following conditions:

Ships        thousand         
Qt.               Type    Shipyard    Amount    Rate of interest    Term 
10    Suezmax    Estaleiro Atlântico Sul S.A.    2.753.063    TJLP + 2,5%
  20 years and a grace period of 48 months as from the first drawdown
  Aframax    Estaleiro Atlântico Sul S.A.    1.266.902     
  Tank /Product    Estaleiro Mauá - Petro UM S.A.    630.688     
  Panamax    EISA - Estaleiro Ilha S.A.    856.406     

In the period from January to March 2009, Transpetro made payments referring to the advances in the total amount of R$ 13.387 thousand, as follows:

• R$ 11.756 thousand - Funds financed by BNDES/Transpetro (36% of the price of the ship);

• R$ 1.631 thousand - Transpetro's own funds (5% of the price of the ship).

In the period from January to March 2009, Estaleiro Atlântico Sul recorded financial transactions in the total amount of R$ 3.406 thousand, as follows:

• R$ 3.406 thousand - the shipyard's own funds (8% of the price of the ship);

14.8 Raising of capital of PifCo

On February 11, 2009, Petrobras International Finance Company - PifCo, a wholly owned subsidiary of Petrobras, concluded the issuing of US$ 1,5 billion in Global Notes on the international capitals market with maturity on March 15, 2019, an interest rate of 7,875% p.a. and a half-yearly payment of interest as from September 1, 2009. The funds raised will be earmarked for general corporate purposes, including the financing of the Petrobras Business Plan for 2009-2013.

This financing had issuing costs estimated at US$ 6 million, a premium of US$ 26 million and an effective tax rate of 8,187% p.a.. Global Notes constitute unsecured and unsubordinated obligations for PifCo and have the complete and unconditional guarantee of Petrobras.

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14.9 Line of Credit for REFAP

REFAP used short term lines known as FINIMP to finance imports of crude oil. In the first quarter of 2009 a number of operations of up to 180 days were carried out in various financial institutions in Brazil in the amount of US$ 462 millions, equivalent to R$ 1.071.095 thousand, for which the effective average funding rate (LIBOR + spread) was 7,19% p.a.

14.10 Raising of funds for the international segment

In the first quarter of 2009 the subsidiaries of Petrobras abroad raised funds in the amount of US$ 278.146 thousand, equivalent to R$ 645.440 thousand, basically to finance working capital and projects associated with exploration and production of oil and gas

The most significant funds were raised by the following companies, indirect subsidiaries of Petrobras:

Refinery Nansei Sekiyu K.K. - It raised short-term funds in the total amount of US$ 100.628 thousand, equivalent to R$ 232.743 thousand, in March 2009, through Development Bank Japan, with average maturity of the 360 days at an average rate of 2,66% p.a., basically to finance the company's working capital.

Petrobras Energia S.A. - It raised long-term funding in the amount of US$ 154.819 thousand, equivalent to R$ 358.406 thousand, through Banco HSBC, Itaú, BBVA and Banco Santander, mainly through advances on export contracts (ACC) and exchange contracts (ACE), aiming at maintaining the company's working capital and replacing inventories. The long-term loans have final maturity in 2010 and an average interest rate between 6% p.a. and 10% p.a.

Cia Mega raised short-term funds in the amount of US$ 12.133 thousand corresponding to R$ 28.109 thousand through the banks Itaú, Santander Rio, Citibank and BBVA, at an average rate ranging between 5,50% and 8,50% and an average term of 180 days for the purpose of financing the company's working capital.

14.11 Financing for the Gasene Project

In 2008, Transportadora Gasene raised from the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) , the following amounts referring to the long-term credit lines contracted on December 27, 2007: (i) the amount of US$ 750.000, from the financing contract through onlending of foreign funds from BNDES (from the China Development Bank), and (ii) the amount R$ 907.671 thousand from the financing contract through funds of BNDES, itself, related to sub-loan “A” for GASCAV, and the amount of R$ 1.032.410 thousand related to sub-loan “B” for GASCAC.

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On February 26, 2008, the bridge loans taken out from BNDES, in the amount of R$ 2.028.099 thousand, were fully paid off with the bank, in consideration for the first receipt of the lines of credit.

The reason for raising these funds is the construction of the Cabiúnas-Vitória pipeline for transport of natural gas, which is approximately 300 km long and links Cabiúnas, in the municipality of Macaé in the state of Rio de Janeiro, to the municipality of Vitória in the state of Espirito Santo, and other related assets (“GASCAV”), as well as the Cacimbas-Catu pipeline for transport of natural gas, which is approximately 940 km long and links Cacimbas, in the state of Espírito Santo, to Catu, in the state of Bahia, and related assets (“GASCAC”), both of which are integral parts of Projeto Gasoduto Sudeste-Nordeste (the GASENE project).

These lines of credit were negotiated with the following conditions:

a) Financing through BNDES foreign funds

• Amount of the contract: US$ 750.000;

• Term: Maturity of the principal and payment of the financial charges on 12/20/2022;

• Effective rate of interest: 3,20% p.a.+ exchange variance;

• Transaction costs and premiums: 0,2% (due on the value of the loan), as a fee for studies and structuring, totaling US$ 1.500, equivalent to R$ 2.513 thousand, + an up front fee of 5,0% of US$ 750.000, totaling US$ 37.500, equivalent to R$ 62.832 thousand + a commitment fee of 0,3% p.a., totaling US$ 885, equivalent to R$ 1.464 thousand.

b) Financing through BNDES' own funds

• Amount of the contract: R$ 3.164.312 thousand, of which R$ 949.491 thousand refers to sub-loan “A” for GASCAV, and R$ 2.214.821 thousand refers to sub-loan “B” for GASCAC;

• Term: (i) Sub-loan “A” - Maturity of the principal and payments of the financial charges on 10/15/2020, and (ii) sub-loan “B” - Maturity of the principal and payment of the financial charges in 48 quarterly payments (12 years) after the start-up of operation of GASCAC;

• Effective rate of interest: TJLP + 1,96% p.a., with the establishment of guarantees at least 60 days before the termination of the grace period;

• Transaction costs and premiums: 0,2% due on the amount of the loan, as a fee for studies and structuring, in the amount of R$ 6.329 thousand.

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From the contracted line of credit, there is still R$ 41.820 thousand to be released by BNDES referring to sub-loan “A”, and R$ 1.182.411 thousand referring to sub loan “B”, through proof of the investments made in the Project.

14.12 Other information

The loans and the financing are intended mainly for the purchase of raw material, development of oil and gas production projects, construction of ships and pipelines, as well as expansion of industrial units.

a) Debentures

The debentures issued through BNDES to finance the anticipated acquisition of the right to use the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline over a period of 40 years to transport 6 million cubic meters of gas per day (TCO - Transportation Capacity Option) totaled R$ 430.000 (43.000 debentures with a face value of R$ 10,00) with maturity on February 15, 2015. These debentures are secured by common shares of TBG.

In August 2006, the Alberto Pasqualini - Refap S.A. issued simple, registered, book entry debentures with the aim of expanding and modernizing its industrial park, with the following characteristics (basic conditions approved by BNDES and BNDESPAR on June 23, 2006): amortization over 96 months plus a six-month grace period; 90% of the debentures subscribed by BNDES at the Brazilian long-term interest rate (TJLP) + 3,8% p.a.; 10% of the debentures subscribed by BNDESPAR with BNDES basket of currencies interest plus 2,3% p.a. In May 2008, REFAP made a second issue with similar characteristics in the total amount of R$ 507.989 thousand, and raised R$ 54.841 thousand in 2008. The balance at March 31, 2009 was R$ 705.562 thousand, with R$ 119.937 thousand in current liabilities.

a.1) Guarantees

Petrobras is not required to provide guarantees to financial institutions abroad. Financing obtained from BNDES is secured by the assets being financed (carbon steel pipes for the Bolivia-Brazil gas pipeline and vessels).

On account of a guarantee agreement issued by the Federal Government in favor of multilateral loan agencies, motivated by financings raised by TBG, counter guarantee agreements were entered into, having as signatories the Federal Government, TBG, Petrobras, Petroquisa and Banco do Brasil S.A., where TBG undertakes to entail its revenues to the order of the Brazilian treasury until the settlement of the obligations guaranteed by the Federal Government

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In guarantee of the debentures issued, Refap has a short-term investment account (deposits tied to loans), indexed to the variation of the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI). Refap has to maintain three times the value of the sum of the last installment due for the amortization of the principal and related charges.

b) Indebtedness of CIESA and TGS

In order to clear the financial encumbrances of Compañia de Inversiones de Energia S.A. - CIESA (a jointly controlled company), Pesa transferred its 7,35% interest in the capital of Transportadora de Gás Del Sur S.A. - TGS (a subsidiary of CIESA) to ENRON and, simultaneously, ENRON transferred 40% of its interest in the capital of CIESA to a trustee.

In the second stage of the process, in conformity with the agreement for restructuring the financial debt, once the necessary approvals have been obtained from Ente Nacional Regulador Del Gas ENARGAS and Comisión Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia, ENRON would transfer the remaining 10% interest in CIESA to the financial creditors in exchange for 4,3% of the class “B” common shares of TGS that CIESA would deliver to its financial creditors as partial payment of the debt. The remaining balance of the financial debt would be capitalized by the creditors.

The restructuring agreement established a period of validity until December 31, 2008, as from which date any one of the parties could consider the agreement as unilaterally terminated.

The period of validity of the agreement expired without the government approvals having been obtained and on January 9, 2009, Ashmore Energy International Limited (currently AEI) declared that it was the sole owner of the negotiable obligations of CIESA in 1997, and notified its decision to terminate the restructuring agreement.

On January 28, 2009, CIESA filed litigation in the courts of the State of New York in the United States of America, challenging the lapse of the abovementioned negotiable obligations.

As it is operating under long-term constraints which significantly hinder its ability to transfer capital to its investors and while the process for clearing the company's financial encumbrances is not concluded, CIESA will continue to be excluded from the consolidation process of Petrobras, in conformity with CVM Instruction 247/96.

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15 Contractual commitments

At March 31, 2009 the Company had financial commitments due to rights resulting from transactions with and without transfer of benefits, risks and control of these assets.

a)Future minimum payments of contractual commitments with transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Company 
2009    560.969    4.962.924 
2010 - 2013    819.513    4.001.343 
2014 onwards    42.309    17.739.638 
Estimated future payments of commitments    1.422.791    26.703.905 
Less amount of annual interest    100.206    9.342.055 
Present value of the minimum payments    1.322.585    17.361.850 
Less current portion of the obligations    583.644    4.779.345 
Long term portion of the obligations    738.941    12.582.505 

b)Future minimum payments of contractual commitments without transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
2009    9.612.277    14.230.497 
2010 - 2013    35.564.682    47.278.714 
2014 onwards    10.481.293    35.607.747 
Total    55.658.252    97.116.958 

At March 31, 2009, the company paid an amount of R$1.939.114 thousand in Consolidated (R$ 3.222.767 thousand in the Parent company) recognized as an expense for the year.

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16 Financial income and expenses

Financial charges and net monetary and exchange variations, allocated to the statement of income for 2009 and 2008, are presented as follows:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    Jan-Mar/2009    Jan-Mar/2008    Jan-Mar/2009    Jan-Mar/2008 
Exchange income (expenses) on cash and cash equivalents    214.269    (11.033)   82.843    (34.929)
Exchange income (expenses) on financing    (55.221)   (32.178)   60.547    (37.501)
Exchange income (expenes) on contractual commitments with                 
transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets with third                 
parties    880    1.319    880    1.319 
    159.928    (41.892)   144.270    (71.111)
Monetary variation on financing    38.940    (61.330)   38.071    (57.545)
Financing expenses    (1.136.105)   (580.655)   (363.741)   (129.141)
Expense with contractual commitments with                 
transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets    (568)   (1.380)   (568)   (1.380)
Earnings on short-term investments    298.310    181.767    68.741    44.652 
Net income (loss) from FIDC            (1.549)   27.470 
    (838.363)   (400.268)   (297.117)   (58.399)
Debt restructuring expenses                 
Financial expenses on net indebtedness    (639.495)   (503.490)   (114.776)   (187.055)
Exchange variation loss on assets abroad    (471.574)   (128.050)   (730.038)   (211.800)
Exchange variation gain on contractual commitments with                 
transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets with                 
subsidiaries    51.535    34.139    51.535    34.139 
Hedge on sales and financial operations    (13.851)   129.507    51.632    59.391 
Marketable securities    228.838    269.723    108.601    184.007 
Interest on contractual commitments with transfer of benefits,                 
risks and control of assets with companies of the system            (490.059)   (410.199)
Other financial income and expenses, net    189.592    (58.666)   546.398    320.761 
Other exchange and monetary variations, net    (194.418)   20.551    (186.603)   45.810 
Net financial results    (849.373)   (236.286)   (763.310)   (164.946)

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17 Other operating expenses, net

        R$ thousand     
    Consolidated    Parent company 
       Jan-       Jan-       Jan-       Jan- 
    Mar/2009    Mar/2008    Mar/2009    Mar/2008 
Institutional relations and cultural projects    (193.047)   (279.132)   (185.576)   (268.004)
Operating expenses with thermoelectric                 
 power station    (177.133)   (161.059)   (321.741)   (181.415)
Expenses with corporate security,                 
 environment and health    (82.353)   (79.050)   (81.433)   (79.050)
Losses and contingencies with judicial                 
 proceedings    (78.179)   (153.911)   (51.534)   (23.960)
Contractual and regulatory fines    (23.334)   (252.506)   (29.250)   (284.205)
Contractual charges with transport                 
 services - ship or pay    (13.599)   (21.312)        
Unscheduled stoppages in production                 
 facilities and equipment    (117.749)   (52.559)   (116.705)   (52.385)
Adjustment to market value of inventories    (244.131)       (98.687)    
Others    (180.512)   14.404    (364.633)   (33.987)
    (1.110.037)   (985.125)   (1.249.559)   (923.006)

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18 Taxes and contributions 18.1 Recoverable taxes

        R$ thousand     
Current assets    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
In Brazil:                 
ICMS    2.593.783    2.527.495    1.974.995    1.916.608 
PASEP/COFINS    1.252.180    1.323.099    941.071    883.206 
CIDE    35.880    222.938    34.584    34.008 
Income tax    2.039.717    2.005.575    1.510.294    1.460.462 
Social contribution    797.605    801.491    664.238    663.702 
Deferred income and social contribution taxes    1.405.267    1.658.708    962.053    1.090.270 
Other taxes    411.120    408.943    226.545    224.905 
    8.535.552    8.948.249    6.313.780    6.273.161 
Added value tax - VAT    255.166    313.039         
Deferred income and social contribution taxes    42.685    113.370         
Other taxes    411.152    266.589         
    709.003    692.998     
    9.244.555    9.641.247    6.313.780    6.273.161 

18.2 Taxes and contributions payable

        R$ thousand     
Current liabilities    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
ICMS    1.488.386    1.741.030    1.157.911    1.402.632 
PASEP/COFINS    1.905.931    1.064.304    1.669.628    901.787 
CIDE    715.072    447.324    680.737    411.103 
Special participation programme /Royalties    2.006.624    2.528.153    1.974.668    2.491.731 
Income and social contribution taxes withheld                 
 at source    209.372    1.221.996    145.842    872.235 
Current income and social contribution taxes    2.387.810    793.687    1.527.938     
Deferred income and social contribution taxes    2.760.494    4.196.372    2.649.724    4.070.151 
Other taxes    780.726    748.516    294.929    388.243 
    12.254.415    12.741.382    10.101.377    10.537.882 

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For purposes of calculating the income tax and social contribution on the net income, the Company adopted the Transition Tax Regime (RTT), as established in the Provisional Measure 449/08, i.e. for calculating taxable income it considered the criteria of Law 6.404/76 before the amendments of Law 11.638/07 and Provisional Measure 449/08. Confirmation of the option for this regime will be given at the time of delivery of the Corporate Income Tax Return (DIPJ) for calendar year 2008. Accordingly, the taxes on temporary differences, generated by adopting the new corporate law, were provisioned for as deferred taxes and social contributions in assets and liabilities.

18.3 Deferred income and social contribution taxes - non-current

        R$ thousand     
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Deferred income and social contribution taxes    2.742.176    2.970.881    351.409    477.183 
Deferred ICMS    2.251.058    1.998.157    1.607.520    1.538.410 
Deferred PASEP and COFINS    5.308.835    4.842.359    5.048.529    4.599.148 
Others    346.541    426.911         
    10.648.610    10.238.308    7.007.458    6.614.741 
Deferred income and social contribution taxes    14.395.998    13.100.459    12.576.303    10.821.894 
Others    54.061    64.673         
    14.450.059    13.165.132    12.576.303    10.821.894 

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18.4 Deferred income and social contribution taxes

The grounds and expectations for realization are presented as follows:

a) Deferred income and social contribution tax assets

    R$ thousand     
Nature    Consolidated    Parent company   Grounds for realization 
Pension plan    234.170    208.091    Payment of the contributions by the sponsor. 
Unearned income between companies of the system    1.337.800        Effective realization of income. 
Provisions for contingencies and doubtful accounts    521.476    319.099    Consummation of the loss and filing of lawsuits and overdue credits. 
Tax losses    886.271        Future taxable income 
Provision for profit sharing    566.690    509.961    Through payment 
Provision for investment in research and development    148.471    148.471    Realization of the expenditures. 
Temporary difference between accounting and fiscal depreciation criteria.    163.550    91.630    Realization in the term of straight-line depreciation of the assets. 
Absorption of conditional financing    74.853        Expiration of the financing agreements 
Temporary difference between payments of contractual commitments with transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets and depreciation   (217.980)   (217.980)   Realization of the assets 
Foreign exchange variation on financing    19.698         
Provision for exports in transit    128.504    128.504    Recognition of the revenue. 
Others    326.625    125.686     
Total    4.190.128    1.313.462     
Non-current    2.742.176    351.409     
Current    1.447.952    962.053     

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b) Deferred income and social contribution tax liabilities

    R$ thousand     
Nature    Consolidated    company    Grounds for realization 
Costs with exploration and drilling for petroleum    12.254.868    12.254.868    Depreciation based on the units produced method in relation to proven/developed reserves of oil fields. 
Temporary difference between accounting and fiscal depreciation criteria    674.130    44.270    Depreciation over the useful life of the asset or disposal. 
Income and social contribution taxes - foreign operations    362.559    219.483    Occurrence of triggering events for availability of income. 
Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies    282.038        Occurrence of triggering events for availability of income. 
Foreign exchange variation    2.753.989    2.643.545    Settlement of the contracts. 
Tax losses    22.747        With future taxable income. 
Others    806.161    63.861     
Total    17.156.492    15.226.027     
Non-current    14.395.998    12.576.303     
Current    2.760.494    2.649.724     

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c) Realization of deferred income and social contribution taxes

In the Parent company, the realization of deferred tax credit assets in the amount of R$ 1.275.803 thousand does not depend on future income because they will be absorbed annually by the realization of the deferred tax liability. In the consolidated statements, for the portion that exceeds the Parent Company's balance, when applicable, the managements of the subsidiaries, based on projections that they have made, expect to offset these credits within a period of up to ten years.

    R$ thousand 
    Expectations of realization 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    Deferred income tax and  CSLL  assets   Deferred income  tax and CSLL liabilities   Deferred income tax and CSLL assets   Deferred income tax and CSLL liabilities
2009    1.435.799    2.739.825    962.054    2.649.724 
2010    671.428    425.194    174.621    13.476 
2011    252.009    173.113    77.886    20.892 
2012    138.091    122.530    2.401    20.585 
2013    215.016    213.848    86.824    9.588 
2014    64.133    132.806    1.585    18.508 
2015 onwards    1.413.652    13.349.176    8.091    12.493.254 
Portion recorded in the accounting    4.190.128    17.156.492    1.313.462    15.226.027 
Portion not recorded in the accounting    2.112.828    20.958    629.284     
Total    6.302.956    17.177.450    1.942.746    15.226.027 

The subsidiary Petrobras Argentina S.A. - PAR (formerly PESA) and its subsidiaries have tax credits arising from accumulated tax losses amounting to approximately R$ 266.248 thousand (US$ 115.000 thousand) which were not recorded in their assets. In accordance with specific tax legislation in Argentina and other countries where PAR has investments that define the expiration date for such credits, these credits may only be offset against future taxes payable, until 2009, limited to R$ 206.053 thousand (US$ 89.000 thousand), and from 2010 onwards RS$ 60.195 thousand (US$ 26.000 thousand).

In addition, the subsidiary Petrobras America Inc. (PAI) has unrecorded tax credits amounting to the equivalent of R$ 1.071.896 thousand (US$ 462.982 thousand) resulting from accumulated tax losses, arising, mainly, from oil and gas exploration and production activities. In accordance with specific legislation in the United States, where PAI has its headquarters, tax credits expire in 20 years. Accordingly, the amounts of R$ 5.644 thousand (US$ 2.438 thousand) may be offset until 2024, R$ 20.774 thousand (US$ 8.973 thousand) until 2025, R$ 262.185 thousand (US$ 113.245 thousand) until 2026, R$ 305.718 thousand (US$ 132.048 thousand) until 2027, R$ 449.964 thousand (US$ 194.352 thousand) until 2028 and R$ 27.611 thousand (US$ 11.926 thousand) in 2029.

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Some subsidiaries abroad have accumulated tax losses in the exploration stage. These credits will be recognized through the generation of future taxable income if the venture is successful.

18.5 Reconciliation of income tax and social contribution on profit

The reconciliation of the taxes calculated in accordance with statutory rates and the amount of the taxes recorded in the years 2009 and 2008 are presented as follows:

a) Consolidated

    R$ thousand 
    Jan-Mar 2009    Jan-Mar 2008 
Income for the year before taxes and after employee profit sharing    9.000.414    11.400.547 
Income and social contribution taxes at nominal rates (34%)   (3.060.141)   (3.876.186)
Adjustments for calculation of the effective rate:         
        Permanent additions, net    719    (155.974)
        Tax incentives    8.780    (59.070)
        Tax credits of companies abroad in the exploration stage    (114.560)   (59.070)
        Others    322.628    135.456 
Expense for provision for income and social contribution taxes    (2.842.574)   (3.931.047)
                 Deferred income tax/social contribution    (452.734)   (702.409)
                 Current income tax/social contribution    (2.389.840)   (3.228.638)
    (2.842.574)   (3.931.047)
Effective rate for income and social contribution taxes    32%    34% 

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b) Parent company

    R$ thousand 
    Jan-Mar/2009    Jan-Mar/2008 
Income for the year before taxes and after employee profit sharing    8.439.487    10.339.933 
Income and social contribution taxes at nominal rates (34%)   (2.869.425)   (3.515.577)
Adjustments for calculation of the effective rate:         
       • Permanent additions, net    705.515    182.422 
       • Tax incentives    8.403    24.359 
       • Other items    (123.017)   27.834 
Expense for provision for income and social contribution taxes    (2.278.524)   (3.280.962)
                 Deferred income tax/social contribution    (525.320)   (565.034)
                 Current income tax/social contribution    (1.753.204)   (2.715.928)
    (2.278.524)   (3.280.962)
Effective rate of income and social contribution taxes    27%    32% 

19 Employee benefits

19.1 Pension Plan - Fundação Petrobras de Seguridade Social (Petros)

a) Petros Plan

Fundação Petrobras de Seguridade Social - Petros is a defined benefit plan set up by Petrobras in July 1970 to ensure that members of the plan will receive a supplement to the benefits provided by the Social Security system. The Petros Plan is a closed plan for the employees of the Petrobras system, hired since September 2002.

At March 31, 2009, the Petros Plan is represented by the following sponsors within the ambit of the Petrobras system: Petrobras, Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. (BR), Petroquisa and Alberto Pasqualini - Refap S.A.

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The evaluation of the costing plan for Petros is done by independent actuaries on a capitalization basis for the majority of the benefits. With the most recent regulatory adjustments to the Petros Plan, this plan started to receive regular contributions from the sponsoring companies, instead of the 12,93% on the payroll of the employees who were members of the plan practiced up until then, regular contributions in amounts equal to the amounts of the contributions from the members (employees) and assisted persons (retired employees and pensioners), equally for everyone.

In the event of a deficit in the defined benefit plan, as established by constitutional amendment 20 of 1998, this should be resolved through an adjustment in the costing plan, through extraordinary contributions calculated by the added value method and these costs should be shared equally between the sponsors and the members of the plan.

The actuarial commitments to the pension and retirement plan benefits are provisioned for in the company's balance sheet in accordance with the projected credit unit method. This method considers each period of service as generating an additional unit of benefit, net of the assets guaranteeing the plan, when applicable, and the costs referring to the increase in the present value of the obligation resulting from the service provided by the employees are recognized during his period of work.

The actuarial gains and losses generated by the differences between the amounts of the obligations and assets calculated based on actuarial assumptions (biometric and economic hypotheses), amongst other estimates and those effectively incurred are, respectively, included or excluded in the determination of the net actuarial commitment. These gains and losses are amortized over the average remaining period of service of the active employees.

On October 23, 2008, Petrobras and the subsidiaries that are sponsors of the Petros Plan, union entities and Petros signed a financial commitment agreement, after legal ratification on August 25, 2008, to cover obligations with the pension plan in the amount of R$5.801.740 thousand (R$ 5.572.477 thousand in the Parent company), updated retroactively to December 31, 2006 by the Amplified Consumer Price Index (IPCA) + 6% p.a., which will be paid in half-yearly installments of interest of 6% p.a. on the debit balance, updated actuarially and by the IPCA, for the next 20 years, as previously established in the renegotiating process. On the same date, Petrobras used the balance of an advance for the pension plan in the amount of R$ 1.393.906 thousand, to pay off part of the obligations with the Petros Plan, as established in the financial commitment agreement.

The company's obligation, through the financial commitment agreement, presents a counterpart to the concessions made by the members/beneficiaries of the Petros Plan in the amendment of the plan's regulations, in relation to the benefits, and in the closing of existing litigations.

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At March 31, 2009, the balance of the obligation of Petrobras and subsidiaries referring to the financial commitment agreement was R$ 4.443.481 thousand (R$ 4.204.570 thousand in the Parent company), of which R$ 218.141 thousand (R$ 192.159 thousand in the parent company) matures in 2009.

At March 31, 2009, Petrobras and its subsidiaries held long-term National Treasury Notes in the amount of R$ 3.996.350 thousand (R$ 3.801.004 thousand in the Parent company), acquired to balance liabilities with Petros, which will be held in the company's portfolio as a guarantee for the financial commitment agreement.

On April 16, 2009, the Regional Federal Court of the First Region, in Brasilia, suspended the effects of an injunction granted on March 24, 2009 to petrol worker unions, retired workers' associations and other associations, which annulled the renegotiation process. Accordingly, all the changes in the regulations of the plan arising from this process were maintained.

b) Petros Plan 2

As from July 1, 2007, Petrobras, Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. (BR), Petroquisa and Alberto Pasqualini - Refap S.A., implemented a new complementary pension plan, called Petros Plan 2, in the form of a variable contribution or mixed plan for the employees with no supplementary pension plan. In 2008, the following companies adhere to the aforementioned plan: Ipiranga Asfaltos S.A. - IASA, Alvo Distribuidora de Combustíveis Ltda. and FAFEN Energia S.A.

The portion of this plan with defined benefit characteristics refers to risk coverage for disability and death, a guarantee of a minimum benefit and a lifetime income, and the related actuarial commitments are recorded according to the projected credit unit method. The portion of the plan with defined contribution characteristics, earmarked for forming a reserve for programmed retirement, was recognized in the results for the year as the contributions are made. At March 31, 2009, the contribution of Petrobras and subsidiaries to the defined contribution portion of this plan was R$ 50.040 thousand (R$ 47.839 thousand in the Parent company).

The sponsors Petrobras, Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. (BR), Petroquisa and Alberto Pasqualini - Refap S.A. assumed the past service of the contributions corresponding to the period in which the members had no plan, as from August 2002, or from later hiring, until August 29, 2007. The plan will continue to be open for inscriptions after this date, but there will no longer be payment for past service.

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The disbursements related to the cost of past service will be made on a monthly basis over the same number of months during which the member had no plan and, therefore, will cover the part related to the members and the sponsors.

19.2 Petrobras Internacional Braspetro B.V. - PIB BV

19.2.1 Petrobras Energia S.A.

a) Defined contribution pension plan

In 2005, Petrobras Argentina S.A. - PAR (formerly PESA), implemented a voluntary plan for all employees who met certain conditions. The company contributes with amounts equal to the contributions made by the employees in accordance with the contributions specified for each salary level.

The cost of the plan is recognized in accordance with the contributions that the company makes, which at March 31, 2009 was R$ 1.438 thousand (R$ 929 thousand in March,31 2008).

b) Defined benefit pension plan

b.1) Termination Indemnity Plan

This is a benefit plan in which employees who meet certain targets are eligible on retirement to receive one month's salary for each year they have worked in the Company, according to a decreasing scale, according to the number of years the plan has existed.

b.2) "Compensator Fund" Plan

This plan is available for all PAR employees who joined the defined contribution plans in force in the past and who joined the company prior to May 31, 1995 and have accumulated the required time of service. The benefit is calculated as a supplement to the benefits granted by these plans and by the retirement system, so that the total benefit received by each employee is equivalent to the amount defined in this plan in the moment of the retirement.

If a surplus is recorded in the funds allocated to trusts for payment of the defined benefits awarded by the plans and it is duly certified by an independent actuary, PAR may use these funds simply by notifying the trustee of this fact.

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19.2.2 Nansei Sekiyu S.A.

a) Defined benefit pension plan

The Nansei Sekiyu Refinery offers its employees a programmed supplementary retirement benefit plan, a defined benefit plans, where the members in order to become eligible for the benefit need to be at least 50 years old and have 20 years service in the company. Contributions are made only by the sponsor. The plan is managed by the Sumitono Trust.

19.3 Healthcare benefits plan

a) Multi disciplinary Healthcare (AMS)

Petrobras and its subsidiaries, Petrobras Distribuidora, Petroquisa and Alberto Pasqualini - Refap S.A. have a health care (AMS) plan that has defined benefits and covers all present and retired employees of the companies in Brazil and their dependents. The plan is managed by the company, itself, and the employees contribute a fixed amount to cover the main risks and a portion of the costs related to the other types of coverage in accordance with a participation table based on specified parameters, including salary levels, in addition to a pharmacy benefit that provides special terms for plan holders to buy certain medications in registered pharmacies throughout Brazil.

The company's commitment with respect to future benefits due to the employees participating in the plan is calculated annually by an independent actuary, based on the projected credit unit method, in a manner similar to the calculations made for the commitments to pensions and retirements described earlier.

The health care plan is not covered by guarantor assets. The benefits are paid by the company, based on the costs incurred by the plan members.

19.4 Other defined contribution plans

The subsidiary Transpetro and subsidiary of Petrobras, Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolívia-Brasil (TBG), sponsor defined contribution retirement plans for their employees.

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19.5 The balance of the liabilities for expenses with post-employment benefits, calculated by independent actuaries, presents the following changes:

            R$ thousand         
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    Pension plan Defined benefit    Pension plan    Supplementary    Pension plan Defined benefit    Pension plan    Supplementary 
      Variable    Healthcare      Variable    Healthcare 
      contrib.    Benefits      contrib.    Benefits 
Balance at January 1    3.982.439    121.130    10.820.393    3.429.502    115.633    10.003.258 
(+) Costs incurred in the period    181.613    21.871    350.308    166.359    20.755    329.341 
(-) Payment of contributions    (103.766)   (71.768)   (103.119)   (100.508)   (68.665)   (98.520)
 Others    (10.874)   891    (2)     (11)  
Balance at March 31    4.049.412    72.124    11.067.580    3.495.353    67.712    10.234.079 

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated       Parent company 
    Pension plan Defined benefit    Pension plan    Supplementary    Pension plan Defined benefit    Pension plan    Supplementary 
      Variable    Healthcare      Variable    Healthcare 
      contrib.       Benefits      contrib.    Benefits 
Present value of the obligations in excess of the fair                         
value of the assets    4.691.215    164.836    10.119.559    4.225.992    153.856    9.461.986 
Unrecognized actuarial gains/(losses)   (462.836)   22.265    987.593    (584.210)   22.848    808.369 
Unrecognized past service cost    (178.967)   (114.977)   (39.572)   (146.429)   (108.992)   (36.276)
Net actuarial liability    4.049.412    72.124    11.067.580    3.495.353    67.712    10.234.079 

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        R$ thousand     
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    Pension plan    Supplementary    Pension plan    Supplementary 
      Healthcare      Healthcare 
           Benefits      Benefits 
Current liabilities:                 
   Defined benefit plan    679.795    524.851    647.109    493.221 
   Variable contribution plan    45.479        44.836     
    725.274    524.851    691.945    493.221 
Non-current liabilities                 
   Defined benefit plan    3.369.617    10.542.729    2.848.244    9.740.858 
   Variable contribution plan    26.645        22.876     
    3.396.262    10.542.729    2.871.120    9.740.858 
Total    4.121.536    11.067.580    3.563.065    10.234.079 

The net expenditure with pension and retirement benefit plans granted and to be granted to employees, retired employees and pensioners, and healthcare plans for the period from January up to March 2009, according to the calculations made by independent actuaries, includes the following components:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    Pension plan Defined benefit    Pension plan    Supplementary    Pension plan   Pension plan    Supplementary 
      Variable    Healthcare     Defined    Variable    Healthcare 
      contrib.    Benefits       benefit    contrib.    Benefits 
Current service cost    81.331    25.899    37.452    73.299    24.914    34.363 
Cost of interest:                         
 · With a financial commitment agreement    119.308            112.893         
 · Actuarial    1.066.781    9.668    314.567    993.621    9.244    294.020 
Estimated income from the plan's assets    (998.168)   (4.027)       (933.147)   (3.882)    
Unrecognized amortization of actuarial                         
(gains)/losses    506    92    (2.740)            
Contributions by members    (93.079)   (11.542)          (85.953)   (11.209)    
Unrecognized past service cost    5.697    1.685    1.019    5.646    1.682    949 
Others    (763)   96    10         
Net costs of the period    181.613    21.871    350.308    166.359    20.755    329.341 

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The updating of the liabilities was recorded in the results of the period, shown below:

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    Pension plan Defined benefit    Pension plan    Supplementary    Pension plan Defined benefit    Pension plan Variable contrib.    Supplementary 
      Variable    Healthcare        Healthcare 
      contrib.    Benefits        Benefits 
Related to present employees:                         
   Absorbed in the costing of operating activities    41.573    10.608    55.518    40.766    10.399    54.269 
   Directly to income    21.955    11.048    44.240    12.700    10.210    37.726 
   Related to retired employees    118.085    215    250.550    112.893    146    237.346 
Net costs of the period    181.613    21.871    350.308    166.359    20.755    329.341 

20 Tax incentives

At March 31, 2009, the balance of R$ 76.574 thousand originates from the part of the reinvestment project approved by SUDENE and will be allocated to the results for the year in the same proportion that the corresponding asset is depreciated.

21 Shareholders' equity

21.1 Realized capital

At March 31, 2009 subscribed and the fully paid in the capital in the amount R$ 78.966.691 thousand is represented by 5.073.347.344 common shares and 3.700.729.396 preferred shares all of which are registered and have no par value.

21.2 Tax incentives

It includes an incentive for investments in the North East, within the ambit of the Superintendência de Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (SUDENE), with a 75% reduction in the income tax due, calculated on the working profits of activities with incentives, in the amount of R$ 514.857 thousand until March 31, 2009, which may only be used to offset losses or for a capital increase, as established in article 545 of the Income Tax Regulations.

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21.3 Dividends

The General Shareholders' Meeting of April 8, 2009 approved dividends referring to 2008 in the amount of R$ 9.914.707 thousand corresponding to 29,04% of the basic profit for dividends and R$ 1,13 per common and preferred share, without distinction, that compose the capital, the value of which should be monetarily restated in accordance with the variation of the Selic rate as from December 31, 2008 until the date of the beginning of payment.

The dividend is being distributed as follows:

Shareholding position    Amount per share    Payment 
Date    common and preferred    Date 
12.26.2008    R$ 0,38    04.29.2009 
12.26.2008    R$ 0,38    06.24.2009 
04.08.2009    R$ 0,37    08.14.2009 

Interest on shareholders' equity in the amount of R$ 7.019.261 thousand, subject to the withholding of income tax at source at the rate of 15% (fifteen percent), except for shareholders who are immune or exempt, equivalent to R$ 0,80 (eighty centavos) per common and preferred, without distinction, is included in this dividend.

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22 Legal proceedings and contingencies

22.1 Provisions for legal proceedings

Petrobras and its subsidiaries are parties to legal proceedings involving labor, tax, civil and environmental issues. The company recorded provisions for legal proceedings in amounts considered by its legal counsel and management as sufficient to cover probable losses. At March 31, 2009, these provisions are presented as follows, according to the nature of the corresponding lawsuits:

        R$ thousand     
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008 
Social security contingencies    54.000    54.000    54.000    54.000 
Labor grievances    96.236    96.640    13.698    13.233 
Tax proceedings    132.895    141.677    1.638    1.592 
Civil proceedings (*)   510.920    500.759    191.662    188.460 
Other contingencies    122.373    151.250         
Total non-current liabilities    862.424    890.326    206.998    203.285 
Total contingencies    916.424    944.326    260.998    257.285 
(*) Net of deposit in court, when applicable.             

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Federação dos Pescadores do Rio de Janeiro - FEPERJ

On behalf of its members, FEPERJ is making a number of claims for indemnification as a result of an oil spill in Guanabara Bay which occurred on January 18, 2000. At the time, Petrobras paid out extrajudicial indemnification to all who proved they were fishermen when the accident happened. According to the records of the national fishermen's registry, only 3.339 people were eligible to claim an indemnification.

On February 2, 2007, the decision, partially accepting the expert report, was published and, on the pretext of qualifying the amount of the conviction, established that the parameters for the respective calculation based on the criteria would result in an amount of R$1.102.207 thousand. Petrobras appealed against this decision before the Court of Appeals of Rio de Janeiro, as the parameters stipulated in the decision had already been specified by the Court of Appeals of Rio de Janeiro, itself. The appeal was accepted. On June 29, 2007, the decision of the First Civil Chamber of the Court of Appeals of the State of Rio de Janeiro was published, denying approval of the appeal filed by Petrobras and approving the appeal lodged by FEPERJ, which presents a significant increase in the value of the damages, since in addition to having maintained the 10-year indemnification period, it increased the number of fishermen included in the claim. Special appeals were lodged against the decision by the Company, which are awaiting a hearing before the Superior Court of Justice (STJ). Based on the calculations prepared by the company's experts, the amount of R$ 37.588 thousand, updated to March 31, 2009, was maintained as representing the amount that we understand will be established by the higher courts at the end of the proceedings.

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22.2 Legal proceedings not provisioned for

We present below the updated situation of the main legal proceedings with chances of possible loss:

Description    Current situation 
Plaintiff: Porto Seguro Imóveis Ltda.
Nature: Civil
Porto Seguro, a minority shareholder of Petroquisa, filed a lawsuit against Petrobras, related to alleged interests of Petroquisa in various petrochemical companies included in the National Privatization Program. The plaintiff filed the aforesaid lawsuit to obtain an order obliging Petrobras, as the majority shareholder of Petroquisa, to compensate for the "loss" inflicted on the equity of Petroquisa, through the acts which approved the minimum sales price of its shareholding interest in the capital of the privatized companies.
  On March 30, 2004 the Court of Appeals of Rio de Janeiro unanimously granted the new appeal lodged by Porto Seguro, ordering Petrobras to indemnify an amount equal to US$ 2.370 million, plus 5% as a premium and 20% as lawyers' fees.
Petrobras filed a special, extraordinary appeal before the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and the Federal Supreme Court (STF), which were rejected. Petrobras then filed an interlocutory appeal against the decision before the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court. In accordance with the decision published on June 5, 2006, Petrobras is now awaiting assignment of the agenda to re- examine the matter related to the blocking of Petrobras' special appeal before the STJ and STF.
Based on the opinion of its legal counsel, the company does not expect an unfavorable outcome to these proceedings.
If the situation is not reversed, the estimated indemnification to Petroquisa, including monetary correction and interest, wo uld be R$ 14.260.404 thousand as of March 31, 2009. As Petrobras owns 100% of the capital of Petroquisa, part of the indemnification to Petroquisa, estimated at R$ 9.411.866 thousand, will not represent an actual disbursement from the Petrobras System. Additionally, Petrobras would have to indemnify Porto Seguro, the plaintive, R$ 713.020 thousand as a premium and R$ 2.852.081 thousand as lawyers' fees to Lobo & Ibeas Advogados.
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Department of Rio de Janeiro 
Nature: Tax
Tax deficiency notice related to withholding income tax (IRRF) calculated on remittances of payments for affreightments of vessels referring to the period from 1999 to 2002. 
  Petrobras submitted new administrative appeals to the Higher Chamber of Tax Appeals, the highest administrative level, which are awaiting a hearing.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 4.291.046 thousand.
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Inspectorate in Macaé 
Nature: Tax 
Interest and fines on import duty (II) and excise tax (IPI) - Sinking of the P-36 platform. 
  Lower court decision against Petrobras
A spontaneous appeal has been filed which is awaiting a hearing. Petrobras filed a writ of security and obtained a favorable decision to stay any tax collections until the investigations determining the reasons that caused the

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Description    Current situation 
    platform to sink have been concluded. The Federal Government/National Treasury has filed an appeal which is awaiting a hearing. 
With the decision of the Maritime Court, the company filed a tax debt annulment lawsuit and an injunction suspending collection of the tax.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 359.339 thousand.
Plaintiff: SRP - Social Security Department
Nature: Tax 
Tax deficiency notices related to social security charges arising from administrative proceedings brought by the INSS which attributed joint liability to the company for the contracting of a civil construction and other services.
  Of the amount the company disbursed to guarantee the filing of appeals and/or obtaining of the debt clearance certificate from the INSS, R$ 115.465 thousand is recorded as deposited in court, which could be recovered in the proceedings in progress, related to 331 tax deficiency notices amounting to R$ 363.293 thousand at March 31, 2009. Petrobras' legal department classifies the chances of loss with respect to these deficiency notices as possible, as it considers the risk of future disbursement to be minimal.
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Department of Rio de Janeiro 
Nature: Tax 
Tax deficiency notice referring to import duty (II) and excise tax (IPI), contesting the tax classification as Other Electricity Generation Groups for the importing of equipment belonging to the thermoelectric power station Termorio S.A. 
  On August 15, 2006, the Company filed in the Federal Revenue Inspectorate of Rio de Janeiro a refutation of this notice of infraction as it considers that the tax collecting classifications that were made were supported by a technical report from a renowned institute. In a session on October 11, 2007, the First Panel of Judges considered the tax assessment as invalid, overcoming one judge who voted for partial validity. The Federal Revenue Inspectorate filed an ex officio appeal to the Taxpayers' Council and this request has not yet been heard.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 665.889 thousand. 
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Department
Nature: Tax 
CIDE – Fuels. Non-payment in the period from March 2002 to October 2003, pursuant to court orders obtained by distributors and petrol stations protecting them from levying this charge.
  The lower court considered the assessment to have grounds. 
The company filed a spontaneous appeal. 
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 1.120.144 thousand. 
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Department 
Nature: Tax 
Withholding income tax (IRRF) on remittances for payment of petroleum imports.
  The lower court considered the assessment to have grounds.
There was an appeal by the Federal Revenue Department to the Taxpayers' Council that was approved. Petrobras is awaiting a summons in order to file a spontaneous appeal.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 845.753 thousand. 
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Department of Rio de Janeiro 
Nature: Tax 
Corporate income tax (IRPJ) and social contribution (CSLL) 2003 - fine on arrears on payment made through voluntary disclosure.
  The lower court considered the assessment to have grounds.
Petrobras filed a spontaneous appeal.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 245.863 thousand.
Plaintiff: IBAMA 
Nature: Civil 
  Sentence handed down at the lower administrative level, ordering Petrobras to pay for non-compliance with the TAC. The company filed a hierarchical appeal to the

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Description    Current situation 
Non-compliance with the Settlement and Commitment Agreement (TAC) clause related to the Campos Basin, of August 11, 2004, for continuing to drill without prior approval.   Ministry of the Environment which is awaiting judgment. 
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 136.677 thousand. 
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Department
Nature: Tax 
Payment of CIDE (Contribution for intervention in the economic domain) on importing propane and butane.
  The lower court considered the assessment to have grounds.
Process issued on January 9, 2009. Awaiting raising of the appeal of deposit.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 184.702 thousand. 
Plaintiff: Federal Revenue Department
Nature: Tax 
Non payment of CIDE by Petrobras on imports of naphtha resold to Braskem. 
  The lower court ruled by a majority decision that the assessment had grounds. Petrobras filed a spontaneous appeal which is awaiting a hearing. 
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 1.516.870 thousand. 
Plaintiff: State of Rio de Janeiro 
Nature: Tax 
ICMS – Sinking of Platform P-36. 
  Lower court decision favorable to Petrobras Appeal filed by the State of Rio de Janeiro and by Petrobras, with respect to the amount of the fees. By a majority decision the appeal of the State of Rio de Janeiro was approved and the appeal by the company was considered invalid. Awaiting publication of the court decision. 
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 830.193 thousand. 
Plaintiff: State of São Paulo 
Nature: Tax 
Termination of payment of ICMS on imports from Bolivia. 
  The lower court considered the assessment to have grounds.
The company filed a spontaneous appeal. 
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 714.356 thousand. 
Plaintiff: Municipal governments of Anchieta, Aracruz, Guarapari, Itapemirim, Jaguaré, Marataízes, Serra, Vila Velha and Vitória. 
Nature: Tax 
Not withholding and paying service tax ISS on services provided in maritime waters. 
Some municipalities in the State of Espírito Santo filed notices of infraction against Petrobras for the supposed lack of withholding of ISSQN (service tax of any nature) on services provided in maritime waters. Petrobras withheld this ISSQN; however it paid the municipalities where the respective service providers are established, in conformity with Complementary Law 116/03.
  Petrobras presented administrative defenses with the aim of cancelling the assessments and the majority are in the process of being heard. The municipalities where the defenses have already been heard at the administrative level have not filed any measure for judicial execution of their credits. The company studies the best strategy to repeal in court these credits and avoid futures tax deficiency notices. 
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 743.170 thousand. 

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Description    Current situation 
Plaintiff: National Petroleum Agency ANP 
Nature: Tax 
Special participation of the Marlim field - Campos Basin. 
The special participation was established by Brazilian Petroleum Law 9.478/97 and is paid as a form of compensation for oil production activities and is levied on high volume production fields.
The method used by Petrobras to calculate the special participation due for the Marlim field is based on a legally legitimate interpretation of Ordinance 10 of January 14, 1999, approved by the National Petroleum Agency - ANP. 
On August 16, 2006 the full Board of Directors of the ANP approved the report on the certification of the payment of the special participation in the Marlim field that established the methodology to be applied with regard to the special participation in Marlim, and also determined that Petrobras should make an additional payment in the amount of R$ 400 million, related to underpayment by Petro bras as a result of having used the calculation method initially determined by the ANP. 
Petrobras accepted the order of the ANP on the grounds that the new methodology would not be applied retroactively, thus ensuring compliance with constitutional principles such as legal security and perfect legal act and paid the additional amount charged in accordance with the final decision of the highest level of decision-making of the ANP – its Full Board of Directors. 
  On July 18, 2007, Petrobras was notified of a new ANP board resolution, establishing the payment of further sums considered due, retroactively to 1998, annulling the earlier board resolution.
Petrobras filed a writ of security and obtained an injunction suspending the payment of the differences with respect to the special participation mentioned in ANP Board Resolution 400/2007, until the legal proceedings currently in progress in the Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro are concluded.
The administrative collection, which had been suspended due to the injunction granted in a writ of security, was resumed due to the dismissal of the appeal by Petrobras. The company filed an appeal with the Civil Appeals Court and also filed for a temporary stay, both of which are awaiting a hearing by the court.
Question decided judicially. The amount claimed is R$ 3.231.458 thousand. 

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a)Environmental questions

The company is subject to various environmental laws and regulations that regulate activities involving the unloading of oil, gas and other materials and that establish that the effects on the environment caused by the company's operations must be remedied or mitigated by the company. We present below the updated situation of the main environmental proceedings with chances of possible loss.

In 2000, an oil spill at the São Francisco do Sul Terminal of the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (Repar) discharged approximately 1,06 million gallons of crude oil into the surrounding area. At that time approximately R$ 74.000 thousand was spent to clean up the affected area and to cover the fines applied by the environmental authorities. The following lawsuit refers to this spill:

Description    Current situation 
Plaintiff: AMAR - Association for Environmental Defense of Araucária
Nature: Environmental 
Indemnification for moral and property damage to the environment. 
  No decision handed down in the lower court. It is awaiting the start of the expert investigation to quantify the amount.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 113.980 thousand.
The court determined that this suit and the suit brought by the Paraná Environmental Institute - IAP are heard together. 

In 2001, the Araucária - Paranaguá oil pipeline ruptured as a result of an earthquake, causing a spill of approximately 15.059 gallons of fuel oil into a number of rivers in the State of Paraná. At that time, services to clean the river surfaces were performed, recovering approximately 13.738 gallons of oil. As a result of the accident the following suit was filed against the company:

Description    Current situation 
Plaintiff: Paraná Environmental Institute (IAP)
Nature: Environmental 
Fine applied for alleged environmental damages. 
  The lower court partially accepted the defense and reduced the fine. Appeal by Petrobras awaiting a hearing at the Court of Appeals.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 117.662 thousand.
The court determined that this suit and the suit brought by AMAR are heard together.

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On March 20, 2001, platform P-36 sank in the Campos Basin. As a result of the accident the following suit was filed against the company:

Description    Current situation 
Plaintiff: Federal Public Attorney's Office - Rio de Janeiro 
Nature: Civil 
Indemnification for environmental damages - P-36. 
  As published on May 23, 2007 the claim was considered partially to have grounds and Petrobras was ordered to pay damages in the amount of R$ 100.000 thousand, for the damage caused to the environment, to be restated monthly with 1% interest on arrears as from the date on which the event occurred. Petrobras filed a civil appeal against this decision which is awaiting a hearing.
Maxim updated exposure: R$ 221.947 thousand. 

b)Recovery of PIS and COFINS

Petrobras and its subsidiary Gaspetro filed a civil suit against the Federal government before the judiciary of Rio de Janeiro, referring to recovery, through offsetting, of the amounts paid as PIS on financial revenue and exchange gains in the period between February 1999 and November 2002 and COFINS between February 1999 and January 2004, in light of the ruling that paragraph 1 of article 3 of Law 9.718/98 is unconstitutional.

On November 9, 2005, the Federal Supreme Court considered that the aforementioned paragraph 1 of article 3 of Law 9.718/98 is unconstitutional.

On January 9, 2006, in view of the final decision by the Federal Supreme Court, Petrobras filed a new suit aiming at recovering the COFINS related to the period from January 2003 to January 2004.

At March 31, 2009, the amount of R$ 2.139.603 thousand in Petrobras and R$ 69.666 thousand in Gaspetro with respect to the aforementioned suits are not reflected in the financial statements.

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23 Commitments assumed by the energy segment

Commitments for purchase of natural gas

Petrobras entered into an agreement with Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) to purchase a total of 201,9 billion m3 of natural gas during the term of the agreement, undertaking to purchase minimum annual volumes at a price calculated according to a formula indexed to the price of fuel oil. The agreement is valid until 2019, and will be renewed until the total contracted volume has been consumed.

Additional values are being negotiated with YPFB, with respect to the quantity of liquids (heavy hydrocarbonates) present in the natural and gas acquired through the Gas Supply Agreement - GSA. The amendment to the GSA will take into consideration additional values between US$100 million and US$180 million per year, applied to the volumes of gas delivered as from May 2007.

In the period between 2002 and 2005, Petrobras bought less than the minimum volume established in the agreement with YPFB and paid US$ 81.409 (equivalent to R$ 188.414 thousand at March 31, 2009) referring to the volumes not transported, the credits for which will be realized through the drawing of future volumes.

The commitments for purchase of gas up to the end of the agreement represent volumes of 24 million cubic meters per day.

24 Guarantees for concession agreements for petroleum exploration

Petrobras gave guarantees to the National Petroleum Agency - ANP in the total amount of R$ 5.660.478 thousand for the Minimum Exploration Programs established in the concession agreements for exploration areas, with R$ 3.749.861 thousand, net of commitments already undertaken, remaining in force. Of this amount, R$ 2.694.288 thousand corresponds to a lien on the oil from previously identified fields already in production, and R$ 1.055.573 thousand refers to bank guarantees.

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25 Segment reporting

Petrobras is an operationally integrated Company and the major part of the production of petroleum and gas from the Exploration and Production Department is transferred to other departments of Petrobras.

In the statements by business segment, the company's operations are presented according to the new organization and management structure approved on October 23, 2000 by the Board of Directors of Petrobras, comprising the following departments:

a) Exploration and Production: This comprises, through Petrobras, Brasoil, PNBV, PifCo, PIB B.V., BOC, the Real Estate Investment Fund and Special Purpose Entities, the activities of exploration, production and development and production of oil, LNG ( liquefied natural gas) and natural gas in Brazil, for the purpose of supplying, as a priority, refineries in Brazil and the selling of surplus petroleum and byproducts produced in their natural gas processing plants.

b) Supply: This comprises, through Petrobras, Downstream (Refap), Transpetro, Petroquisa, PifCo, PIB B.V., Refinaria de Petróleo Riograndense, Quattor Participações, PNBV, Refinaria Abreu Lima, Projetos de Transporte de Álcool - PMCC and Specific Purpose Entities, the activities of refining, logistics, transport and selling of oil products, petroleum and alcohol, as well as holding interests in petrochemical companies in Brazil and in two fertilizer plants.

c) Gas and Energy: This comprises, through Petrobras, Gaspetro, Petrobras Comercializadora de Energia, Petrobras Distribuidora, PifCo, Petrobras Biocombustível, Participações em Complexos Bioenergéticos – PCBIOS, GNL do Nordeste, Specific Purpose Entities and Thermoelectric Power Stations, the activities of transport and trading of natural gas produced in Brazil and imported, as well as the transport and trading of LNG that is imported, the generation and trading of electric power, and holding interests in national gas transporters and distributors and in thermoelectric power stations.

d) Distribution: It is responsible for the distribution of oil products, fuel alcohol and compressed natural gas in Brazil, represented by the operations of Petrobras Distribuidora and Alvo Distribuidora.

e) International: It comprises, through PIB B.V., PifCo, 5283 Participações, BOC and Petrobras, the activities of exploration and production of oil and gas, supply, gas and energy, and distribution, carried out abroad in a number of countries in the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia.

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The items that cannot be can attributed to the other departments are allocated to the corporate entities group, especially those connected to corporate financial management, overheads related to central administration and other expenses, including actuarial expenses related to the pension and healthcare plans for retired employees and pensioners.

The accounting information per business segment was prepared based on the assumption of controllability, for the purpose of attributing to the business sectors only those items over which these segments have effective control.

26 Derivative financial instruments, hedge and risk management activities

The company is exposed to a series of market risks arising from its operations. These risks mainly involve the fact that eventual variations in the prices of oil and oil products, in exchange rates or in interest rates may negatively affect the value of the company's financial assets and liabilities or future cash flows and profits.

26.1 Risk management objectives and strategies

Petrobras has a global risk management policy that it is being developed under the management of the Company's officers. In 2004, the Executive Committee of Petrobras set up the Risk Management Committee composed of executive managers from all the business departments and from a number of corporate departments. This committee, as well as having the purpose of assuring integrated management of exposures to risks and formalizing the main guidelines for the company's operation, aims at concentrating information and discussing actions for risk management, facilitating communication with the executive officers and the board of directors in aspects related to best corporate governance practices.

The risk management policy of the Petrobras System aims at contributing towards an appropriate balance between its objectives for growth and return and its level of risk exposure, whether inherent to the exercise of its activities or arising from the context within which it operates, so that, through effective allocation of its physical, financial and human resources the company may attain its strategic goals.

In addition to assuring adequate protection for its fixed assets, facilities, operations and officers, and orientating financial, tax, regulatory, market and loan exposure evaluations, amongst others, the Petrobras risk management policy seeks to make explicit its character of complementariness to its structural actions, which will create solid economic and financial grounds, capable of assuring that the opportunities for growth will be taken advantage of, even in adverse external circumstances.

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26.2 Market risk management of oil and oil products

a) Hedge policy

Considering that the company's business plan uses conservative price assumptions and the fact that, in normal conditions, price fluctuations of commodities do not present a substantial risk to the carrying out of its strategic objectives, Petrobras maintains exposure to the price cycle and does not use derivatives for hedging systemic operations, i.e. the purchase or sale of goods with the aim of meeting the operating needs of the Petrobras System.

Nevertheless, the decisions referring to this issue are reviewed periodically and recommended to the Risk Management Committee. If hedge is indicated in scenarios with a significant probability of adverse events, the hedge strategy should be carried out with the aim of protecting the company's solvency and liquidity, considering an integrated analysis of all the company's risk exposures and assuring the execution of the corporate investment plan.

Following the assumption of considering only the consolidated net exposure of the price risk of oil and oil products, the operations with derivatives, generally, are limited to protecting the results of transactions carried out on the international market for physical goods, i.e. hedge operations are those where the positive and negative changes are totally or partially offset by the opposite result in the physical position.

b) Main transactions and future commitments that are the object of hedge

The main hedge operations carried out by the companies of the Petrobras System are intended for protecting the expected results of the transactions performed abroad.

The hedges are usually short-term operations and accompany the terms of the commercial transactions. The instruments used are futures, forward, swap and options contracts. The operations are carried out on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), as well as on the international over-the-counter market.

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c) Parameters used for risk management and the results obtained with respect to the proposed objectives

The main parameters used in risk management for variations of Petrobras' oil and oil product prices are Cash Flow at Risk (CFAR) for medium-term assessments, Value at Risk (VAR) for short-term assessments, and Stop Loss. Corporate limits are defined for VAR and Stop Loss.

The hedges settled during the period from January to March 2009 corresponded to approximately 9.58% of the traded volume of imports and exports to and from Brazil plus the total volume of the products traded abroad.

d)Criteria for determining fair value

The fair value of the derivatives for oil and oil products is determined through prices quoted on the market (without adjustments) for similar assets or liabilities.

e) Notional and fair values and values at risk of the portfolio

The main counterparts of operations for derivatives for oil and oil products are the New York Stock Exchange (NYMEX), IntercontinentalExhange, JP Morgan, Shell, Mitsui, BP and Morgan Stanley.

At March 31, 2009, the portfolio for commercial operations carried out abroad, as well as the hedges for their protection through derivatives for oil and oil products, presented a maximum estimated loss per day (VAR – Value at Risk), calculated at a reliability level of 95%, of approximately US$ 7.512 million.

The following table summarizes the information on the derivatives contracts in force for oil and oil products.

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Derivatives for oil and oil products

    Notional value in thousands of bbl*   Fair value R$ thousand**    Maturity 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008     
Futures contracts    (3.835)   (5.205)   12.947    81.590    2009 
 Purchase commitments    17.453    4.218             
 Sale commitments    (21.288)   (9.423)            
Options contracts    (3.650)       (4.012)       2009 
 Purchase    (1.300)       (3.357)        
     Bidding position    1.300    220             
     Short sale    (2.600)   (220)            
   Sale    (2.350)       (655)        
     Bidding position    1.800    320             
     Short sale    (4.150)   (320)            
Forward contracts    2.739    (442)   16.959    1.348    2009 
 Long position    4.919    2.530             
 Short position    (2.180)   (2.972)            
Total recorded in other current assets            3.025         

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    Parent company 
    Notional value in the thousands of bbl*    Fair value R$ thousand**    Maturity 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008     
Futures contracts    411    (661)   350    26.606    2009 
Purchase commitments    9.095    158             
Sale commitments    (8.684)   (819)            
Options contracts    (3.650)       (4.012)       2009 
Purchase    (1.300)       (3.357)        
 Bidding position    1.300    220             
 Short sale    (2.600)   (220)            
Sale    (2.350)       (655)        
 Bidding position    1.800    320             
 Short sale    (4.150)   (320)            
Forward contracts    (168)   (600)   5.381    9.921    2009 
Long position    491    978             
Short position    (659)   (1.578)            
Total recorded in other current assets            1.718    36.527     
*   A negative notional value represents a short position 
**   Negative fair values were recorded in liabilities and positive fair values in assets. 

f) Gains and losses in the period

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
Derivatives for oil and oil products    03.31.2009    03.31.2008    03.31.2009    03.31.2008 
Gain (loss) recorded in results    (18.766)   124.122    51.632    59.679 
Gain (loss) recorded in shareholders' equity                 

g) Value and type of margins given in guarantee

The guarantees given as collateral generally consist of deposits. At March 31, 2009, the balances of the margins given for the coverage of commodities derivatives traded on the stock exchanges and over-the-counter market of the Parent Company and Consolidated were R$ 106.443 thousand and R$ 471.830 thousand, respectively.

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h) Sensitivity analysis

The following sensitivity analysis was conducted for the fair value of the derivatives for oil and oil products. The probable scenario is the fair value at March 31, 2009. The possible and remote scenarios consider the deterioration in the risk variable of 25% and 50%, respectively, with respect to the same date.

        R$ thousand 
Market derivatives for        Probable scenario    Possible Scenario    Remote Scenario 
oil and oil products    Risk    at 03.31.2009    (∆ of 25%)   (∆ of 50%)
Brent oil    Fall in Brent Oil    (122)   (17.784)   (33.615)
Butane    High of Butane        (2.261)   (5.049)
Fuel oil    High of Fuel Oil    (2.521)   (96.245)   (189.143)
Diesel    High of Diesel    (4.955)   (44.429)   (80.727)
Propane    High of Propane        2.278    8 11 
Gasoline    High of Gasoline    11.554    (49.185)   (105.357)
Freight    Fall in freight    (130)   (276)   (422)
Petroleum WTI    High of WTI Petroleum    (25.963)   (98.645)   (186.428)
Nafta    High of Naphtha        (3.232)   (6.135)
        (22.137)   (52.132)   (164.607)

26.3 Management of exchange risks

a) Hedge policy

Exchange risk is one of the financial risks that the company is exposed to and it originates from changes in the levels or volatility of the exchange rate. With respect to the management of these risks, Petrobras seeks to identify and handle them in an integrated manner, seeking to assure efficient allocation of the resources earmarked for the hedge.

Taking advantage of operating in an integrated manner in the energy segment, the company seeks, primarily, to identify or create natural hedges, i.e. to benefit from the correlation between its income and expenses. In the specific case of exchange variation inherent to the contracts with the cost and remuneration involved in different currencies, this hedge is carried out through allocating the cash investments between the Real and the US dollar or another currency.

The management of risks is done for the net exposure. Periodical analyses of the exchange risk are prepared, assisting the decisions of the executive committee. The exchange risk management strategy involves the use of derivative instruments to minimize the exchange exposure of certain obligations of the company.

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The subsidiary Petrobras Distribuidora carries out exchange hedge operations for covering the trading margins inherent to exports (aviation segment) for foreign clients. The objective of the operation, contracted concomitantly with the definition of the cost of the products exported, is to assure that the trading margins agreed to with the foreign clients are maintained during the period of validity of the negotiated prices, as well as during the commercial term for payment. Internal policy limits the volume of exchange hedge operations to the volume of products exported.

b) Main transactions and future commitments that are the object of hedge

In September 2006, we contracted a hedge known as a cross currency swap for coverage of the bonds issued in Yens in order to fix the company's costs in this operation in dollars. In a cross currency swap there is an exchange of interest rates in different currencies. The exchange rate of the Yen for the US dollar is fixed at the beginning of the transaction and remains fixed during its existence. The Company does not intend to settle these contracts before the end of the term.

Between January 1 and March 31, 2009 the Company contracted exchange hedge operations for covering the trading margins inherent to exports (aviation segment) for foreign clients. The purpose of the operation is to assure that the trading margins agreed to with the foreign clients are maintained during the period of validity of the negotiated prices, as well as during the commercial term for payment. On average, the period of exposure is three months.

c) Parameters used for risk management and the results obtained with respect to the proposed objectives

The hedge called a cross currency swap complies with CVM Resolution 566/08 which approved CPC 14 - Financial Instruments: Recognition, valuation and proof.

Effectiveness tests are conducted quarterly in order to measure how much the changes in the fair value or the cash flow of the hedge items are being absorbed by the hedge mechanisms. The effectiveness calculation indicated that the cross currency swap significantly minimizes the variation in the cash flow of the bonds issued in Yens.

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The Company is in a short position in exchange futures rates through NDFs on the Brazilian over-the-counter market. The hedge is contracted concomitantly with the definition of the cost of the exported products, thus fixing and guaranteeing the trading margin. The Company's policy is to contract hedge up to the maximum of 100% of the volume exported. In the period in question hedge was contracted in the amount of US$ 57 million, which represented approximately 72.6% of the effective volume of exports in these months.

The settlement of the transactions that matured between January 1 and March 31, 2009 generated a negative result for the Company of R$ 1.38 million, which was totally offset by the exchange valuation of assets in US dollars in the same period.

d) Criteria for determining fair value

The fair value of the derivatives is calculated based on usual market practices, using the closing values of the interest rates in Yens, US dollars and Reais for all the period of the contracts.

e) Notional and fair values and values at risk of the portfolio

The table below summarizes the information on the derivative contracts. The derivative transactions took into consideration the approved limits and credit balance for each institution in accordance with the regulatory orientations and procedures established by the Company. The main counterparts of these operations are: Banco do Brasil, HSBC and Bradesco.

Foreign currency derivatives

    Notional value in $ thousand    Fair value R$ thousand**    Maturity    Value at Risk R$ thousand* 
    03.31.2009    12.31.2008    03.31.2009    12.31.2008         
Dollar forward contracts                         
Short position    40.498    67.506    2.475    (3.823)            2009    2.216 
    40.498    67.506    2.475    (3.823)        
Swaps contracts                         
Cross Currency Swap            44.309    110.489             2016    53.907 
Asset position                         
Average rate of receipt (JPY) = 2.15%    35.000.000    35.000.000    902.847    978.268         
Liability position                         
Average rate of payment (USD) = 5.69%    297.619    297.619    (858.538)   (867.779)        
* Value at Risk = maximum expected loss in 1 day with 95% reliability under normal market conditions. 
**Negative fair values were recorded in liabilities and positive fair values in assets. 

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f) Gains and losses in the period

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
                       Foreign currency derivatives    03.31.2009    03.31.2008   03.31.2009   03.31.2008 
Gain (loss) recorded in results     4.915    5.385         
Gain (loss) recorded in shareholders' equity    (29.958)   (67.273)        

g) Value and type of margins given in guarantee

The existing foreign currency derivative operations do not require a guarantee margin deposit.

h) Sensitivity analysis

The following sensitivity analysis was conducted for the fair value of the foreign currency derivatives. The probable scenario is the fair value at March 31, 2009. The possible and remote scenarios consider the deterioration in the risk variable of 25% and 50%, respectively, with respect to the same date.

        R$ thousand     
Foreign currency derivatives    Risk    Probable scenario at 03.31.2009    Possible scenario (∆ de 25%)   Remote scenario (∆ de 50%)   VAR* 
Dollar forward contracts    Appreciation of the dollar against the real    2.475    (23.478)   (46.956)   2.216 
Cross Currency Swap    Depreciation of the yen against the real    44.309    (136.261)   (256.640)   53.907 

* Valor em risco = perda máxima esperada em 1 dia com 95% de confiança em condições normais de mercado

26.4 Management of interest rate risks

The interest rate risk that the company is exposed to is due to its long-term debt and, to a lesser degree, its short-term debt. The foreign currency debt at floating rates is subject, mainly, to the fluctuation of the Libor and the debt expressed in reais is subject, mainly, to the fluctuation in the long-term interest rate (TJLP), published by the Central Bank of Brazil. Currently, the company does not use derivative financial instruments to manage its exposure to floating interest rates.

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26.5 Financial instruments

During the normal course of its business dealings the company uses various types of financial instruments.

a)Credit concentration risk

A significant portion of the company's assets, including financial instruments, is located in Brazil. The company's financial instruments that are exposed to a credit concentration risk are, mainly, cash and cash equivalents, government bonds, accounts receivable and futures contracts.

The Company adopts a number of measures to decrease its exposure to credit risks to acceptable levels.

b)Market fair value

The market fair value of financial instruments is determined based on published market prices or, in the absence thereof, on the present value of expected cash flows. The market fair values of cash and cash equivalents, trade accounts receivable, short term debt and accounts payable to suppliers are the same as their carrying values. The market fair value of the long-term assets and liabilities closely approximates their carrying value.

27 Security, environment and health

In the first quarter of 2009, Petrobras's main security, environment and health indexes were compatible with the best companies in the sector worldwide and in the period it did not register any significant occurrence of which had impacted in the environment.

Petrobras continually invests in training and development of new technologies aimed at accident prevention and the safety and health of its employees. In its continual quest for excellence in these areas, the company is implementing the Project for Strategic Excellence in Multidisciplinary Healthcare (SMS), involving its business departments, units abroad and subsidiary companies.

This project forecasts a set of actions that aim to promote continuous improvement of the company's performance in Multidisciplinary Healthcare (SMS) preparing it for the growth projected in its Strategic Plan for 2020. It includes of the new areas of operation, such as biofuel and the production of oil and gas in the Pre-salt layer, and it emphasizes the training in the multidisciplinary healthcare (SMS) of new employees due to the increase already verified, and the forecasts, in the company's workforce.

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The company's total expenditure on security, environment and health (SMS), considering investments and operations, reached the amount of R$ 994.172 thousand in the first quarter 2009, of which R$ 514.239 thousand was on security, R$ 387.892 thousand was on the environment and R$ 92.041 thousand was on health, where the expenses with multidisciplinary health assistance (AMS) and support for outside environmental programs and/or projects are not included.

This total included the expenditures made through Pegaso (Program for Excellence in Environmental Management and Operating Security), which, between investments and operation, totaled R$ 134.401 thousand in the period.

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    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    03.31.2008    03.31.2009    03.31.2008   
Sales of products and services and other revenues    54.377.397    59.620.672    40.541.516    45.205.230   
Allowance for doubtful accounts - formation    30.596    (62.257)   11.533    (76.277)  
Revenues related to the construction of assets for own use    11.559.063    8.615.076    8.326.216    5.855.944   
    65.967.056    68.173.491    48.879.265    50.984.897   
Inputs acquired from third parties                   
Materials consumed    (8.491.093)   (9.102.034)   (5.041.381)   (5.420.306)  
Cost of goods for resale    (5.084.043)   (9.633.050)   (3.767.588)   (6.715.896)  
Power, third-party services and other operating expenses    (15.107.635)   (9.455.846)   (12.018.531)   (6.636.558)  
Tax credits on inputs acquired from third parties    (3.875.591)   (4.366.401)   (3.237.625)   (3.988.172)  
Loss on recovery of assets    (244.131)   (3.196)   (98.687)   (3.196)  
    (32.802.493)   (32.560.527)   (24.163.812)   (22.764.128)  
Gross added value    33.164.563    35.612.964    24.715.453    28.220.769   
Depreciation and amortization    (3.203.426)   (2.566.946)   (2.146.982)   (1.774.358)  
Net added value produced by the company    29.961.137    33.046.018    22.568.471    26.446.411   
Transferred added value                   
Equity in earnings (losses) of significant investments    (369.281)   91.803    1.642.558    920.226   
Financial income - including monetary and exchange variations    783.769    786.125    1.052.158    1.362.439   
Amortization of goodwill and discounts    1.529    (75.028)   1.529    (57.145)  
Rents, royalties and others    661.568    171.786    612.915    142.047   
    1.077.585    974.686    3.309.160    2.367.567   
Total added value to be distributed    31.038.722    34.020.704    25.877.631    28.813.978   

Distribution of added value                 
Personnel and directors                 
Payroll and related charges                 
Salaries  2.396.240  8%  2.111.854  6%  1.673.813  6%  1.495.362  5% 
Advantages  176.614  0%  147.553  0%  107.949  0%  107.958  0% 
Retirement and pension plan  207.895  1%  233.082  1%  199.412  1%  216.570  1% 
Healthcare benefits plan  385.534  1%  420.709  1%  370.959  1%  399.629  1% 
FGTS  174.530  0%  147.417  0%  152.790  1%  131.694  0% 
  3.340.813  10%  3.060.615  8%  2.504.923  9%  2.351.214  7% 
Federal * Includes governmental participations.  10.271.649  33%  14.211.138  42%  9.032.160  35%  12.715.104  44% 
State  5.771.822  19%  5.345.730  16%  3.042.043  12%  3.024.287  11% 
Municipal  45.647  0%  58.159  0%  25.641  0%  31.040  0% 
Abbroad * Includes governmental participations.  1.249.791  4%  881.417  3%  0%  0% 
  17.338.909  56%  20.496.444  61%  12.099.844  47%  15.770.431  55% 
Financial institutions and suppliers                 
Interest and exchange and monetary variations  1.710.460  6%  1.392.923  4%  1.815.468  7%  1.527.385  5% 
Rental and affreightment expenses  2.490.699  8%  1.601.222  5%  3.296.433  13%  2.105.977  8% 
  4.201.159  14%  2.994.145  9%  5.111.901  20%  3.633.362  13% 
Interest on shareholders' equity  0%  0%  0%  0% 
Dividends  0%  0%     
Minority interest  342.069  1%  230.283  1%  0%  0% 
Retained earnings  5.815.772  19%  7.239.217  21%  6.160.963  24%  7.058.971  25% 
  6.157.841  20%  7.469.500  22%  6.160.963  24%  7.058.971  25% 
Added value distributed  31.038.722  100  34.020.704  100  25.877.631  100  28.813.978  100% 

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29 Additional information on Cash Flows

    R$ thousand 
    Consolidated    Parent company 
    03.31.2009    03.31.2008    03.31.2009    03.31.2008 
Amounts paid and received during the year                 
 Interest paid, net of the capitalized amount    885.628    579.439    366.913    434.630 
 Interest received on loans    23.954    83    981.091    560.860 
 Income and social contribution taxes    1.292.552    1.526.337    901.343    1.348.983 
 Third party income tax withheld at source    1.076.379    624.582    976.791    588.523 
Investment and financing transactions not involving cash                 
 Acquisition of property, plant and equipment on contract with the transfer of benefits, risks and control of assets    94    6.348    94.400     
 Assets received through donation                 
 Provision for abandonment of wells        14.379         

30 Subsequent events

30.1 Sale option of the Pasadena refinery by Astra

In a preliminary decision handed down on April 10, 2009, in the existing arbitration process between Petrobras America Inc - PAI and others and Astra Oil Trading NV - ASTRA and others, which is in progress in accordance with the arbitration rules of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution, the exercise of the put option exercised by ASTRA with respect to PAI of the remaining 50% of the shares of ASTRA in Pasadena Refinery Systems Inc. ("PRSI"), a company which holds interests in the Pasadena refinery, and in its related trading company, both with operational offices in Texas, was considered as valid. The operating, management and financial responsibilities have already been transferred to PAI, based on this preliminary decision of October 24, 2008.

According to the decision on April 10, the amount to be paid by PAI for the remaining 50% shareholding interest in the refinery and in the trading company in Pasadena was fixed at US$ 466 million. The payment will be made in three installments, the first in the amount of US$ 296 million (originally due on April 27, 2009, according to the decision) and the following two payments in the amount US$ 85 million each, with due dates fixed by the arbitrators for September 2009 and September 2010. ASTRA presented a request for clarification to the arbitration panel on certain points of the decision. Until now the parties have not reached an agreement with respect to the finalization of the existing loose ends for the signing of the term that will put an end to the lawsuit and enable the payments that are the subject of the decision to be made.

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In March 2009 a loss was recognized in the amount of R$ 341.179 thousand (USS 147.365 thousand), corresponding to the difference between the fair value of the net assets and the value defined by the arbitration panel.

30.2 Export Credit Notes - NCE

On April 20, 2009, Petrobras took out financing of R$ 500.000 thousand and R$ 200.000 thousand from Banco do Brasil. The operation was made feasible through the issue of Export Credit Notes (NCE), the exclusive purpose of which was to increase Petrobras' exports of oil and oil products. This transaction was negotiated with the following conditions:

• Term: Maturity of the principal on April 7, 2011 and maturity of the payments of the financial charges half-yearly as from November 7, 2009;

• Interest rate: 113% of average rate of CDI + Flat Fee of 0,85%;

• Prepayment clause as of 180 days of the drawdown;

• Exemption of Tax on Financial Operations IOF (Tax on Financial Operations) upon proof of the export transactions; and

• Waiver of the guarantees.

30.3 Line of Credit for PifCo

On April 20, 2009 Petrobras International Finance Company - PifCo used US$ 1 billion of a line of credit maturing in April 2011. The initial rate of interest is six-month LIBOR + 3.125% p.a., with half-yearly payments. PifCo will use these funds to finance operations originating from exports of Petrobras' oil.

30.4 Approval of Financing by the Export-Import Bank of the United States

On April 29, 2009 the Export-Import Bank of the United Stated (U.S. Ex-Im Bank) approved a line of financing for Petrobras in the amount of US$ 2 billion.

The amount financed can be drawn in different stages during the next two years, in accordance with the importing of goods and services, with a maximum term of payment of 10 years for each drawdown.

This approval reinforces the diversity of options of financing sources with which Petrobras can operate in order to finance its Investment Plan.

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30.5 Purchase option of Marlim Participações

On April 30, 2009, the executive committee of Petrobras approved the exercise of the purchase option by the Company of 100% of the capital of the company Marlim Participações S.A. (Marlimpar). The price for exercising the option will be R$ 700 (seven hundred reais), as established in the Option Agreement for the Purchase of Shares of Project Marlim.

Marlimpar holds full control of Companhia Petrolífera Marlim (CPM), a specific purpose entity created for the development of the production of petroleum from the Marlim Field, "Project Marlim". The acquisition of Marlimpar occurs after the full amortization of the investments of each one of the shareholders in Project Marlim, as well as after total fulfillment of all the financial obligations of Marlimpar and CPM.

After the transfer of the shares of Marlimpar, Petrobras will perform all the necessary corporate acts to indicate the new administrators of the companies and will present the request for cancellation of the registrations of publicly-held companies of Marlimpar and CPM to the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM).

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01 - ITEM  01 
08 - ISSUE DATE  02/15/1998 
09 - DUE DATE  02/15/2015 
13 - FACE VALUE (REAIS) 10.000,00 
22 - DATE OF THE NEXT EVENT  08/17/2009 

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01 - ITEM  02 
08 - ISSUE DATE  08/01/2002 
09 - DUE DATE  08/01/2012 
11 - CURRENT REMUNERATION TERMS  IGPM plus 11% p.a. annum 
13 - FACE VALUE (REAIS) 1.000,00 
22 - DATE OF THE NEXT EVENT  08/01/2009 

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01 - ITEM  03 
08 - ISSUE DATE  10/04/2002 
09 - DUE DATE  10/01/2010 
11 - CURRENT REMUNERATION TERMS  IGPM plus 10,3% per annum 
13 - FACE VALUE (REAIS) 1.000,00 
22 - DATE OF THE NEXT EVENT  10/01/2009 

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AS OF MARCH 31, 2009

Consolidated assets by business area - 03.31.2009

    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS
ASSETS    120.393.227    65.893.813    37.108.958    9.998.458    32.535.794    45.559.861    (7.063.806)   304.426.305 
CURRENT ASSETS    5.302.216    21.536.874    4.321.870    5.313.339    5.152.117    29.260.139    (6.652.265)   64.234.290 
   CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                        19.532.364        19.532.364 
   OTHER CURRENT ASSETS    5.302.216    21.536.874    4.321.870    5.313.339    5.152.117    9.727.775    (6.652.265)   44.701.926 
NON-CURRENT    115.091.011    44.356.939    32.787.088    4.685.119    27.383.677    16.299.722    (411.541)   240.192.015 
LONG-TERM RECEIVABLES    4 .010.325    2.027.117    2.484.666    764.940    1.609.090    12.666.415    ( 397.591)   23.164.962 
PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT:    107.447.639    38.887.341    28.927.099    3.211.434    19.948.712    2.449.917    (46.030)   200.826.112 
OTHER    3.633.047    3.442.481    1.375.323    708.745    5.825.875    1.183.390    32.080    16.200.941 

Consolidated assets by business area – Jan-Mar/09

    E&P    SUPPLY    GAS
Operating income, net    13.902.191    34.372.827    3.118.357    13.858.534    4.604.833      (27.261.170)   42.595.572 
   Intersegments    13.555.519    12.289.665    576.750    465.036    374.200      (27.261.170)   - 
   Third parties    346.672    22.083.162    2.541.607    13.393.498    4.230.633        42.595.572 
Cost of goods sold    (8.755.331)   (25.716.334)   (2.678.607)   (12.784.370)   (3.833.432)     27.987.804    (25.780.270)
Gross profit    5.146.860    8.656.493    439.750    1.074.164    771.401    -    726.634    16.815.302 
Operating expenses    (1.455.812)   (1.541.101)   (539.783)   (686.586)   (747.616)   (1.701.508)   77.864    (6.594.542)
   Selling, administrative and general expenses    (182.202)   (1.275.878)   (259.373)   (701.881)   (470.475)   (804.544)   77.192    (3.617.161)
   Tax    (19.605)   (27.253)   (22.268)   (5.644)   (30.354)   (45.750)     (150.874)
   Exploration costs for the extraction of oil    (858.390)         (153.020)       (1.011.410)
   Research and development    (149.258)   (79.908)   (8.048)   (3.542)   (798)   (94.658)     (336.212)
   Healthcare and pension plans              (368.848)     (368.848)
   Other    (246.357)   (158.062)   (250.094)   24.481    (92.969)   (387.708)   672    (1.110.037)
Operating income (loss)   3.691.048    7.115.392    (100.033)   387.578    23.785    (1.701.508)   804.498    10.220.760 
   Net financials              (849.373)     (849.373)
   Stakeholding in material investments      (45.523)   29.485    (26.353)   (334.685)   6.104      (370.972)
Income (loss) before taxes and minority interest    3.691.048    7.069.869    (70.548)   361.225    (310.900)   (2.544.777)   804.498    9.000.415 
Income Tax/Social Contribution    (1.254.955)   (2.419.232)   34.009    (131.777)   (27.682)   1.230.591    (273.528)   (2.842.574)
Minority stockholders profit-sharing    47.043    (73.898)   (43.620)     (23.889)   (247.705)     (342.069)
Net income    2.483.136    4.576.739    (80.159)   229.448    (362.471)   (1.561.891)   530.970    5.815.772 

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     E&P    SUPPLY    GAS 

ASSETS    24.164.809    6.066.648    3.023.048    806.823    4.051.288    (5.576.822)   32.535.794 
Statements of income                             
Operating income, Net    1.122.886    2.854.837    509.084    1.145.406    2.393    (1.029.773)   4.604.833 
 Intersegments    643.744    638.644    91.008    30.577      (1.029.773)   374.200 
 Third parties    479.142    2.216.193    418.076    1.114.829    2.393      4.230.633 
Operating income    194.333    (188.201)   62.642    60.019    (196.672)   91.664    23.785 
Net income    13.088    (539.727)   48.559    61.272    (37.327)   91.664    (362.471)

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The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras Rio de Janeiro - RJ

1.  We have reviewed the accounting information included in the Quarterly Information - ITR (Parent Company and Consolidated) of Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras (“the Company”)and its subsidiaries for the quarter ended March 31, 2009, comprising the balance sheet and the related statements of income, changes in shareholders’ equity, cash flows, added value, the footnotes and the management report, which are the responsibility of its management. 
2.  Our review was performed in accordance with the review standards established by the IBRACON - Brazilian Institute of Independent Accountants and the Federal Council of Accountancy - CFC, which comprised, mainly: (a) inquiry and discussion with management responsible for the accounting, financial and operational areas of the Company and its subsidiaries, regarding the main criteria adopted in the preparation of the Quarterly Information; and (b) review of the information and subsequent events, which have, or may have, a material effect on the financial position and operations of the Company and its subsidiaries. 
3.  Based on our review, we are not aware of any material change that should be made to the accounting information included in the Quarterly Information referred to above, for them to be in accordance with accounting practices adopted in Brazil and regulations issued by the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (CVM), specifically applicable to the preparation of the Quarterly Information. 
4.  Our review was performed with the objective of issuing a review report on the accounting information included in the Quarterly Information referred to in the first paragraph, taken as a whole. The statement of segment information for the quarter ended March 31, 2009, represents supplementary information to the Quarterly Information, is not required by the accounting practices adopted in Brazil and is being presented to facilitate additional analysis. This supplementary information was subject to the same review procedures as applied to the Quarterly Information and, based on our review, we are not aware of any material change that should be made for it to be adequately presented in relation to the Quarterly Information referred to in the first paragraph, taken as a whole. 

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5.  As mentioned in Note 1, due to the changes in accounting practices adopted in Brazil during 2008, the statements of income, cash flows and added value for the quarter ended March 31, 2008, as well as the supplementary information of segment reporting, which is not required by the accounting practices adopted in Brazil and is being presented to facilitate additional analysis, presented for comparison purposes, were adjusted and are being restated as established in NPC 12 - Accounting Practices, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Correction of Errors, approved by CVM Resolution 506/06. 

May 11, 2009

KPMG Auditores Independentes
CRC SP-14.428/O -6-F-RJ

Manuel Fernandes Rodrigues de Sousa
Accountant CRC-RJ-052.428/O -2

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   01  02  HEAD OFFICE 
   04  01  04 – STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW  10 

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: June 8, 2009

/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements. These statements are statements that are not historical facts, and are based on management's current view and estimates offuture economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results of operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations.