2015 Dentsply Proxy
Washington, D.C. 20549

(RULE 14a-101)

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the

Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Filed by the Registrant: x
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant: o
Check the appropriate box:
Preliminary Proxy Statement
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as Permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
Definitive Proxy Statement
Definitive Additional Materials
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12
DENTSPLY International Inc.
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
No fee required.
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
Total fee paid:
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.
Amount Previously Paid:
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
Filing Party:
Date Filed:


DENTSPLY International Inc.
World Headquarters
Susquehanna Commerce Center 
221 West Philadelphia Street
York, PA 17401
(717) 845-7511 – Direct
(717) 854-2343 – Fax


April 10, 2015
Dear DENTSPLY Stockholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the 2015 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on Wednesday, May 20, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., at the Company’s World Headquarters, 221 West Philadelphia Street, in York, Pennsylvania.
The Annual Meeting will include voting on the matters described in the accompanying Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement.
The Company is pleased to announce that it is utilizing the Securities and Exchange Commission rules that allow issuers to furnish proxy materials to their stockholders on the Internet. Accordingly, on April 10, 2015, we will begin sending a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials (the “Notice”) to most of our stockholders, containing instructions on how to access online our 2015 Proxy Statement and our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014, as well as instructions on how to receive paper copies of these documents for stockholders who so elect.

Bret W. Wise
Chairman of the Board and
Chief Executive Officer


The Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”) of DENTSPLY International Inc. (the “Company”), a Delaware corporation, will be held on Wednesday, May 20, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., local time, at the Company’s World Headquarters, 221 West Philadelphia Street, in York, Pennsylvania, for the following purposes:

To elect six directors to serve for a term of one year and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified;

To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, independent registered public accounting firm, to audit financial statements of the Company for the year ending December 31, 2015;

To hold an advisory vote to approve the Company’s executive compensation;

To vote on the re-approval of the material terms of the performance goals under the 2010 Equity Incentive Plan; and

To transact such other business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting and any and all adjournments and postponements thereof.

The Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”) has fixed the close of business on March 23, 2015 as the record date for the determination of stockholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting and any adjournment or postponement thereof.
The enclosed proxy is solicited by the Board. Reference is made to the accompanying proxy statement for further information with respect to the business to be transacted at the Annual Meeting.
The Board urges you to vote your proxy by mail, by telephone or through the Internet. You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting in person. The voting of your proxy will not affect your right to revoke your proxy or to vote in person if you do attend the Annual Meeting.
By Order of the Board of Directors,
Deborah M. Rasin
Vice President, Secretary and
General Counsel
York, Pennsylvania
April 10, 2015




Table of Contents








This proxy statement is being provided to stockholders in connection with the solicitation of proxies by the Board of Directors of DENTSPLY International Inc. (“DENTSPLY,” the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our”) to be voted at our 2015 Annual Meeting of stockholders (the “Annual Meeting”). Proxies may also be voted at any adjournment or postponement of the Annual Meeting. This proxy statement, together with the Notice of Annual Meeting and the enclosed proxy card, are first being sent to stockholders on or about April 10, 2015. A copy of the Company’s 2014 Annual Report is provided with this proxy statement.

You are invited to attend our Annual Meeting, which will take place on May 20, 2015, beginning at 9:30 a.m., Eastern Time, at DENTSPLY’s headquarters, Susquehanna Commerce Center, 221 W. Philadelphia Street, York, PA 17401. Stockholders will be admitted to the Annual Meeting beginning at 9:00 a.m., Eastern Time. Seating will be limited so some in attendance may be required to stand, but all stockholders who attend will be accommodated. The building is accessible to disabled persons and, upon prior request, we will provide wireless headsets for hearing amplification.

Whether or not you are able to attend the Annual Meeting, you are urged to vote your proxy, either by mail, telephone or the Internet, which is solicited by the Board and which will be voted as you direct. In the absence of instructions, shares represented by properly provided proxies will be as recommended by the Board.

Information about the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials

Why did I receive the Notice of Internet Availability of the proxy materials and not the printed proxy materials?
We are using the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule that allows companies to furnish their proxy materials over the Internet. As a result, we are mailing to many of our stockholders a notice about the Internet availability of the proxy materials instead of a paper copy of the proxy materials. All stockholders receiving the notice will have the ability to access the proxy materials over the Internet and request to receive a paper copy of the proxy materials by mail. Instructions on how to access the proxy materials over the Internet or to request a paper copy may be found in the notice. In addition, the notice contains instructions on how you may request to access proxy materials in printed form by mail or electronically on an ongoing basis. Continuing to employ this distribution process will conserve natural resources and reduce the costs of printing and distributing our proxy materials.

Why didn't I receive the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials in the mail?
We are providing some of our stockholders, including stockholders who have previously requested to receive paper copies of the proxy materials, with paper copies of the proxy materials instead of the Notice. In addition, we are providing the Notice by e-mail to those stockholders who have previously elected delivery of the proxy materials electronically. Those stockholders should have received an e-mail containing a link to the Web site where those materials are available and a link to the proxy voting Web site.

Who is entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting?

Each share of our common stock outstanding as of the close of business on March 23, 2015 is entitled to one vote at the Annual Meeting on each matter properly brought before the meeting. As of that date, there were 139,854,098 shares of common stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote. Shares can be voted at the Annual Meeting only if the stockholder is present in person or is represented by proxy.



What is the difference between holding shares as a stockholder of record and as a beneficial owner?

Most DENTSPLY stockholders hold their shares through a stockbroker, bank, trustee, or other nominee rather than directly in their own name. If your shares are registered in your name with DENTSPLY’s transfer agent, American Stock Transfer, you are the “stockholder of record” of those shares. The Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials, or, if you requested, this Notice of Annual Meeting and proxy statement and any accompanying documents have been sent directly to you by DENTSPLY. As the stockholder of record, you have the right to grant your voting proxy directly to DENTSPLY or to vote in person at the meeting. You may also vote on the Internet or by telephone, as described in the Notice and below under the heading "How do I vote?".

If your shares are held in a stock brokerage account or by a bank or other holder of record, you are considered the “beneficial owner” of those shares. This Notice of Annual Meeting and proxy statement and any accompanying documents have been forwarded to you by your broker, bank or other holder of record. As the beneficial owner, you have the right to direct your broker, bank or other holder of record how to vote your shares and are also invited to attend the Annual Meeting. However, since you are not the stockholder of record, you may not vote these shares in person at the meeting, unless you obtain a legal proxy from the broker, bank or other holder of record. Your broker, bank or other holder of record is obligated to provide you with a voting instruction card for you to use. You may also follow the instructions for voting by telephone or on the Internet as described in the Notice and below under the heading "How do I vote?".

How do I vote?

Your vote is important. You can save us the expense of a second mailing by voting promptly. Please refer to the summary instructions below and those included on your Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials or proxy card or, for shares held in street name, the voting instruction card included by your broker, bank or other holder of record. You may vote using any of the following methods:

By Mail
Complete, sign and date the proxy card or voting instruction card and return it in the prepaid envelope. If you are a stockholder of record and you return your signed proxy card but do not indicate your voting preferences, the persons named in the proxy card will vote the shares represented by your proxy card as recommended by the Board.

By telephone or on the Internet
The telephone and Internet voting procedures established by DENTSPLY for stockholders of record are designed to authenticate your identity, to allow you to give your voting instructions and to confirm that those instructions have been properly recorded.

You can vote by calling the toll-free telephone number on your proxy card. Please have your proxy card in hand when you call. Easy-to-follow voice prompts will allow you to vote your shares and confirm that your instructions have been properly recorded.

The website for Internet voting is www.proxyvote.com. Please have your proxy card in hand when you go to the website. As with telephone voting, you can confirm that your instructions have been properly recorded. If you vote on the Internet, you also can request electronic delivery of future proxy materials.

Telephone and Internet voting facilities for stockholders of record will be available until 11:59 p.m., Eastern Time, on May 19, 2015. The availability of telephone and Internet voting for beneficial owners will depend on the voting processes of your broker, bank or other holder of record. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the voting instructions in the materials you receive. If you vote by telephone or on the Internet, you do not have to return your proxy card or voting instruction card.

In person at the Annual Meeting
Stockholders of record who attend the Annual Meeting may vote in person at the meeting. You may be asked to present proof of ownership of DENTSPLY common stock and identification. Your proxy card, or a copy thereof if you have already voted, would be considered proof of ownership. You may also be represented by another person at the meeting by executing a proper proxy designating that person. If you are a beneficial owner of shares, you must obtain a legal proxy from your broker, bank or other holder of record and present it to the inspectors of election with your ballot to be able to vote at the meeting.



What can I do if I change my mind after I vote my shares?

If you are a stockholder of record, you can revoke your proxy before it is exercised by:

giving written notice to the Secretary of the Company;
delivering a valid, later-dated proxy, or a later-dated vote by telephone or on the Internet, in a timely manner; or
voting by ballot at the Annual Meeting.

If you are a beneficial owner of shares, you may submit new voting instructions by contacting your bank, broker or other holder of record.

All shares for which proxies have been properly submitted and not revoked will be voted at the Annual Meeting.

What shares are included on the proxy card?

If you are a stockholder of record, you will receive only one proxy card for all the shares you hold of record.

If you are a DENTSPLY employee, you will receive a proxy or voting instruction card for all the shares you hold in a DENTSPLY employee plan. If you do not vote your shares or specify your voting instructions on your proxy or voting instruction card, the administrator or Trustee of the applicable plan will vote your shares in accordance with the terms of your plan and/or the Trust. To allow sufficient time for voting by the administrator or Trustee of the applicable plan, your voting instructions must be received by May 15, 2015.

If you are a beneficial owner, you will receive voting instructions from your broker, bank or other holder of record.

What is “householding” and how does it affect me?

We have adopted a procedure called “householding.” This is a procedure that reduces the Company’s printing costs and postage fees. Under this procedure, stockholders of record who have the same address and last name and do not participate in electronic delivery of proxy materials will receive only one copy of our Notice of Annual Meeting, proxy statement and the 2014 Annual Report, unless we are notified that one or more of these stockholders wishes to continue receiving individual copies. If you participate in householding and wish to receive a separate copy of this Notice of Annual Meeting and proxy statement and the accompanying documents, or if you do not wish to continue to participate in householding and prefer to receive separate copies of these documents in the future, please contact Broadridge, either by calling toll-free (800) 542-1061, or by writing to Broadridge Investor Communication Services, Householding Department, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, New York, 11717.

Stockholders who participate in householding will continue to receive separate proxy cards.

If you are eligible for householding, but you and other stockholders of record with whom you share an address currently receive multiple copies of the Notice of Annual Meeting and proxy statement and any accompanying documents, or if you hold DENTSPLY stock in more than one account, and in either case you wish to receive only a single copy of each of these documents for your household, please contact Broadridge. You may contact Broadridge either by calling toll-free (800) 542-1061, or by writing to Broadridge Investor Communication Services, Householding Department, 51 Mercedes Way, Edgewood, New York, 11717.

If you are a beneficial owner, you can request information about householding from your broker, bank or other holder of record.

We strongly encourage your participation in the Householding program, and believe that it will benefit both you and the Company. Not only will it reduce the volume of duplicate information that you receive in your household, but it will also reduce our printing and mailing costs.

Is there a list of stockholders entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting?

A complete list of the stockholders of record entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting will be available for examination by any stockholder at the Annual Meeting and for a period of at least ten days prior to the meeting, for any purpose germane to the meeting, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., at the office of the Company’s Secretary, Susquehanna Commerce Center, 221 W. Philadelphia Street, York Pennsylvania 17401.



What is a broker non-vote?

If you are a beneficial owner whose shares are held of record by a broker, you must instruct the broker how to vote your shares. If you do not provide voting instructions, your shares will not be voted on any proposal on which the broker does not have discretionary authority to vote. This is called a “broker non-vote.” In these cases, the broker can register your shares as being present at the Annual Meeting for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but will not be able to vote on those matters for which specific authorization is required under the rules of NASDAQ. For the 2015 meeting, your broker does not have discretionary authority to vote on the election of directors, on the advisory Say-on-Pay vote, or on the re-approval of the material terms of the performance goals under the 2010 Equity Incentive Plan, without instructions from you, in which case a broker non-vote will occur and your shares will not be voted on these matters. Accordingly, it is particularly important that beneficial owners instruct their brokers how they wish to vote their shares.

What is a quorum for the Annual Meeting?

The presence of the holders of stock representing a majority of the voting power of all shares of stock issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, in person or represented by proxy, is necessary to constitute a quorum. Abstentions and broker non-votes are counted as present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining a quorum.

What are the voting requirements to elect the directors and to approve each of the proposals discussed in this proxy statement?

Vote Required
Effect of Broker
Effect of
Election of directors
Majority of votes cast
Not counted as
for or against
Not counted as for
or against
Ratification of Auditor
Majority of votes present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote
Not counted as
for or against
Counted as vote
Advisory vote on executive compensation
Majority of votes cast
Not counted as
for or against
Not counted as for
or against

Re-approval of the material terms of the performance goals under the
2010 Equity Incentive Plan
Majority of votes cast
Not counted as for or against
Not counted as for or against

If you abstain from voting or there is a broker non-vote on any matter for which the vote required is a majority of the votes cast, your abstention or broker non-vote will not affect the outcome of such vote. If you abstain from voting on any matter for which the vote required is a majority of outstanding stock entitled to vote or a majority of votes present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote, your abstention will count as a vote against.

How will my shares be voted at the Annual Meeting?

At the meeting, the proxy (the persons named in the proxy card or, if applicable, their substitutes) will vote your shares as you instruct. If you sign your proxy card and return it without indicating how you would like to vote your shares, your proxy will be voted as the Board recommends, which is:

FOR the election of each of the director nominees named in this proxy statement;
FOR the ratification of the appointment of PwC as our independent registered public accounting firm for the 2015 fiscal year;
FOR the approval, on an advisory basis, of the executive compensation of the Company’s named executive officers; and
FOR the re-approval of the material terms of the performance goals under the Company’s 2010 Equity Incentive Plan.



Could other matters be decided at the Annual Meeting?

At the date this proxy statement was printed, we did not know of any matters to be raised at the Annual Meeting other than those set forth in this proxy statement.

If you return your signed and completed proxy card or vote by telephone or on the Internet and other matters are properly presented at the Annual Meeting for consideration, the proxy appointed by the Board, as noted on the proxy card, will have the discretion to vote on those matters for you.

Can I access the Notice of Annual Meeting, proxy statement and 2014 Annual Report on the Internet?

This Notice of Annual Meeting and proxy statement and the 2014 Annual Report are available at www.proxyvote.com. Instead of receiving future proxy statements and accompanying materials by mail, stockholders can elect to receive an email that will provide electronic links to them. Opting to receive your proxy materials online will save the Company the cost of producing documents and mailing them to your home or business, and will also give you an electronic link to the proxy voting site.

Stockholders of Record:  If you vote on the Internet at www.proxyvote.com simply follow the prompts for enrolling in the electronic proxy delivery service. You also may enroll in the electronic proxy delivery service at any time in the future by going directly to American Stock Transfer and following the enrollment instructions.

Beneficial Owners:  You also may be able to receive copies of these documents electronically. Please check the information provided in the proxy materials sent to you by your broker, bank or other holder of record regarding the availability of this service.

Who will pay for the cost of proxy solicitation?

DENTSPLY will pay the cost of soliciting proxies. Proxies may be solicited on our behalf by directors, officers or employees in person or by telephone, electronic transmission and facsimile transmission. We also may hire a proxy solicitation firm to solicit proxies, and, if so, we will pay them a fee, plus reasonable expenses, for these services.

Who will count the vote?

Representatives of Broadridge will tabulate the votes and act as inspectors of election.

What is the deadline to submit a proposal for the 2016 Annual Meeting?

Stockholder proposals that are intended to be presented at the Company’s Annual Meeting to be held in 2016 must be received by the Company no later than December 10, 2015 and must otherwise comply with Rule 14a-8 under the Securities Exchange Act, as amended, in order to be included in the proxy statement and proxy relating to that meeting. See “Corporate Governance - Nominating Candidates for Election to the Board” for more information regarding procedures for stockholders seeking to nominate persons for election to the Board, or to propose other business to be brought before an Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

Where can I get additional financial information about the Company?

Stockholders may obtain an additional copy (without exhibits) of the Company’s annual Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014 as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) without charge by writing to: Investor Relations Department, DENTSPLY International Inc., Susquehanna Commerce Center, 221 West Philadelphia Street, York, Pennsylvania 17401. This information is also available on the Investor Relations section of the Company's website at www.dentsply.com.




Where To Find Further Corporate Governance Information

A copy of the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines and Policies are available under the “Investor Relations” section of the Company’s website at www.dentsply.com.

Director Independence

The Board has determined that the following directors are “independent” under Rule 5605 of the NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (NASDAQ Rule 5605): Michael C. Alfano, Eric K. Brandt, Paula H. Cholmondeley, Michael J. Coleman, Willie A. Deese, William F. Hecht, Leslie A. Jones, Francis J. Lunger, John L. Miclot and John C. Miles, II. In determining the independence of Mr. Miles, a former Chief Executive Officer of the Company, the Board took note of the fact that Mr. Miles left employment with the Company in January 2004, over ten years ago.

The Board’s Role in Risk Oversight

The Board oversees the management of risks inherent in the operation of the Company’s businesses and the implementation of its strategic plan. In this regard, the Board seeks to understand and oversee the most critical risks relating to the Company’s business, allocate responsibilities for the oversight of risks among the full Board and its committees, and see that management has in place effective systems and processes for managing risks facing the Company. Risks falling within this area include but are not limited to general business and industry risks, operating risks, financial risks and compliance and regulatory risks. Overseeing risk is an ongoing process and is inherently tied to the Company’s operations and overall strategy. Accordingly, the Board considers risk throughout the year and with respect to specific proposed actions. While the Board oversees risk, Company management is charged with identifying and managing risk. The Company has robust internal processes and a strong internal control environment to identify and manage risks and to communicate information about risk to the Board. Risk management is not allocated to a single risk management officer within the Company, but rather is administered by management in an approach that is designed to ensure that the most significant risks to the Company, on a consolidated basis, are being managed and monitored appropriately. This process includes:

identifying the material risks that the Company faces;
establishing and assessing processes for managing that risk;
determining the Company’s risk appetite and mitigation strategies and responsibilities; and
making regular reports to the Board on management’s assessment of exposure to risk and steps management has taken to monitor and deal with such exposure.

The Board implements its risk oversight function both as a whole and through delegation to the Board committees. These committees meet regularly and report back to the full Board. In performing this function, each committee has full access to management, as well as the ability to engage advisors. See “Committees of the Board” below for more information regarding the roles and responsibilities of the Board committees.

Also, the Company’s leadership structure, discussed in the “Board Leadership” section of this Proxy, supports the risk oversight function of the Board. The Company has a combined Chairman of the Board and CEO who keeps the Board informed about the risks facing the Company in general and with respect to specific activity or decisions. In addition, independent directors chair the Board committees involved with risk oversight and there is open communication between senior management and directors.

Board Leadership

The Board’s current leadership structure consists of a Chairman, who is also the Company’s CEO, and a Lead Director, who is an independent director designated by the independent members of the Board. Currently, the Lead Director is William F. Hecht. The role of the Lead Director is generally described in the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines and includes the following:

call for Executive Sessions of the independent directors;
preside at Board meetings in the absence of the Chairman and at Executive Sessions of the independent directors;
preside over the annual Board and CEO evaluation processes;
provide the Chairman with input into the agenda for Board meetings, and on other matters as deemed appropriate by the Board, or on behalf of the independent directors, and recommend the agenda for Executive Sessions of independent directors, to the extent deemed necessary;



be available for consultation with other directors, act as the principal liaison between the independent directors and the CEO, and apprise the CEO, as appropriate, of activities of the Board in Executive Sessions; and
be available for consultation with the CEO and communicate the expectations of the Board to the CEO.

In addition to the full Board self-evaluation survey, the Lead Director annually conducts a process of evaluation of individual Directors' performance.

The Board does not have a fixed policy on whether the Chairman should also be the Chief Executive Officer. The Board periodically evaluates its leadership structure to determine what it believes is the optimum structure at any point in time.

In general, the Board believes the combined role of Chairman and CEO promotes unified leadership and direction for the Company, which allows for a single, clear focus for management to execute the Company’s strategy and business plans. This leadership structure has served the Company well and has resulted in the continued progress on the Company’s strategic plan and growth and financial success of the Company. The Board believes that these results are, in part, the product of the unified and focused leadership of its Chairman and CEO.

The Board’s independent directors regularly meet in executive session without the presence of management and the CEO. The Lead Director presides at these meetings and provides the Board’s guidance and feedback to the Chairman and the Company’s management team. Further, the Board has access to the Company’s management team. On a regular basis, the Board and its committees receive valuable information and insight from management on the status of the Company and the Company’s current and future issues.

Given the leadership roles of the Company’s Chairman and CEO and the Lead Director, and the existence of a Board comprised of strong and independent directors, the Board believes its current leadership structure is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders.

Meetings and Attendance

The Board held six meetings during 2014, one of which was a telephone meeting. The independent members of the Board meet regularly without management present, and these executive sessions are led by the Board’s Lead Director. No directors attended fewer than 75% of the total number of meetings of the Board and the meetings of any committee of the Board on which a director served during the year ended December 31, 2014.

Committees of the Board

The Board has an Executive Committee, an Audit and Finance Committee (“Audit Committee”), a Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (“Governance Committee”) and a Human Resources Committee (“HR Committee”). Each Committee regularly reports on its activities and actions to the full Board. Each Committee (other than the Executive Committee) acts according to a written charter approved by the Board. The table below shows Board Committee membership in 2014. In anticipation of the retirement of Director Leslie A. Jones, the Board appointed Michael C. Alfano to the Governance Committee effective March 25, 2015. The Charters of our Committees are available on the Company's website at www.dentsply.com under Investor Relations - Corporate Governance - Committees.

Michael C. Alfano
Eric K. Brandt.
Paula H. Cholmondeley
Michael J. Coleman
Willie A. Deese
William F. Hecht
Leslie A. Jones
Francis J. Lunger
John Miclot
John C. Miles II
Bret W. Wise
C = Committee Chair



Executive Committee
The Executive Committee acts for the Board and provides guidance to the executive officers of the Company between meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee held no meetings during 2014.

Audit and Finance Committee
The Audit Committee is responsible for selecting and retaining the independent registered public accounting firm, setting the independent registered public accounting firm’s compensation, pre-approving all auditing and permitted non-audit services by the independent registered public accounting firm, reviewing with the independent registered public accounting firm the scope and results of the audit, reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of the Company’s system of internal control, overseeing the Company’s compliance and ethics program, and performing the other duties set forth in the Audit Committee Charter.

All of the Audit Committee Members are independent as defined in NASDAQ Rule 5605. The Board has determined that Mr. Lunger is an Audit Committee Financial Expert under the rules and regulations of the SEC. The Audit Committee held eight meetings during 2014, three of which were telephone meetings.

Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
The Governance Committee is responsible for identifying and recommending individuals as nominees to serve on the Board, reviewing and recommending Board policies and governance practices and appraising the performance of the Board, managing risks associated with the independence of the Board, potential conflicts of interest and overall corporate governance, and performing the other duties set forth in the Governance Committee Charter. All of the Governance Committee members are independent as defined in NASDAQ Rule 5605. The Corporate Governance Committee held four meetings during 2014.

It is the policy of the Governance Committee to consider any candidates for nomination to the Board who are recommended and submitted by stockholders in accordance with the Company’s by-laws. No such candidates were submitted to the Company for consideration. The Governance Committee’s policy is to evaluate any proposed candidates under the criteria utilized by the Governance Committee to evaluate all potential nominees, including, at a minimum, the following attributes:

the proven ability and experience to bring informed, thoughtful and well-considered opinions to corporate management and the Board;
the competence, maturity and integrity to monitor and evaluate the Company’s management, performance and policies;
the willingness and ability to devote the necessary time and effort required for service on the Board;
the capacity to provide additional strength, diversity of view and new perceptions to the Board and its activities;
the necessary measure of communication skills and self-confidence to ensure ease of participation in Board discussion; and
the experience of holding or having held a senior position with a significant business corporation or a position of senior leadership in an educational, medical, religious, or other non-profit institution or foundation of significance.

When the Governance Committee engages in a process to identify director candidates, other than directors standing for re-election, the Governance Committee polls the existing directors for recommendations and sometimes utilizes the service of a search firm to identify potential candidates. All potential candidates are screened relative to their qualifications and go through an interview process with the Governance Committee and, if desired, by other members of the Board. When the Governance Committee uses a search firm, a fee is paid for such services.

The Board recognizes the value of having a Board comprised of individuals who have varied experience and can bring different perspectives to Board discussions and activities. For this reason, when considering nominees for Board seats, the Governance Committee considers the diversity of nominees or candidates for election to the Board. Included in the criteria the Governance Committee considers in evaluating candidates for the Board is to identify candidates who have the capacity to provide additional strength and diversity of view to the Board and its activities.

Human Resources Committee
The HR Committee is responsible for evaluating and administering compensation levels for all senior officers of the Company, reviewing and evaluating employee compensation generally and employee benefit plans, overseeing and evaluating the risks associated with the Company’s compensation philosophy and programs, and other activities as set forth in the HR Committee Charter. The role of the HR Committee with respect to executive compensation is to oversee DENTSPLY’s compensation plans and policies, administer its equity incentive plans, including review and approval of all compensation decisions relating to executive officers, (including the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table other than the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), whose compensation is established by the independent directors of the board). All



of the HR Committee members are independent as defined in NASDAQ Rule 5605. The HR Committee held five meetings during 2014, one of which was a telephone meeting.

Communications with Directors

Stockholders who wish to communicate with the Board of Directors as a group, the non-management directors as a group, or any individual director, including the Chairman or the Lead Director, may do so by writing to the Corporate Secretary at DENTSPLY International Inc., 221 West Philadelphia Street, York, Pennsylvania 17401. All mail received will be opened and screened for security purposes and mail determined to be appropriate and within the purview of the Board will be forwarded to the respective Board member to which the communication is addressed.  Mail addressed to “Outside Directors” or “Non-Management Directors” will be forwarded or delivered to the Chairman of the Governance Committee.  Mail addressed to the “Board of Directors” will be forwarded or delivered to the Chairman of the Board.

Business Conduct Policies and Code of Ethics

DENTSPLY’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics sets forth the Company’s guiding principles for the conduct of our business that must be followed by everyone who does business on our behalf. The Code applies to all employees, including employees of our subsidiaries, as well as to our Board. To date, there have not been any waivers by the Company under the Code. DENTSPLY’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is available on the Investor Relations section of our website.

HR Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

None of the current members of the HR Committee has ever been an officer or employee of DENTSPLY. None of our executive officers served as a member of the Board or compensation committee of any entity that has one or more executive officers serving on our Board or HR Committee.

Nominating Candidates for Election to the Board

The Company’s by-laws require that stockholders seeking to nominate persons for election to the Board, or to propose other business to be brought before an Annual Meeting of Stockholders, comply with certain procedures. Advance notice of stockholder-proposed business to be brought before an Annual Meeting must be given to the Secretary of the Company not less than 90 days and not more than 120 days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately preceding Annual Meeting. To propose business for an Annual Meeting, a stockholder must specify in writing the business desired to be brought before the Annual Meeting and the reasons for conducting such business at the Annual Meeting, the proposing stockholder’s name and address, the class and number of shares beneficially owned by the stockholder, and any material interest of the stockholder in such business.

The Company’s by-laws also provide that a stockholder may request that persons be nominated for election as directors by submitting such request, together with the written consent of the persons proposed to be nominated, to the Secretary of the Company not less than 90 days and not more than 120 days prior to the anniversary date of the immediately preceding Annual Meeting. To be in proper form, the nominating stockholder must set forth in writing, as to each proposed nominee, the nominee’s age, business address, residence address, principal occupation or employment, number of shares of Common Stock of the Company beneficially owned by such person and such other information related to such person as is required to be disclosed by applicable law, and, as to the stockholder submitting the request, such stockholder’s name and address as they appear on the Company’s books and the number of shares of Common Stock of the Company owned beneficially by such person.

Attendance at Annual Meetings

The Company has no policy regarding the attendance of Board members at the Company’s Annual Meeting. In 2014, all Board members attended the Annual Meeting.

Related Person Transactions

No related person transactions were noted for the year ended December 31, 2014.

The Company has a written policy and procedures with respect to the review and approval of Related Person Transactions (“Transactions”), as defined below. The Governance Committee reviews the material facts of all Transactions that require



the Governance Committee’s approval and either approves or disapproves of the entry into the Transaction, subject to certain identified exceptions described below. In determining whether to approve or ratify a Transaction, the Governance Committee takes into account, among other factors it deems appropriate, whether the Transaction is on terms no less favorable than terms generally available to an unaffiliated third-party under the same or similar circumstances and the extent of the Related Person’s interest in the Transaction. The Chair of the Governance Committee is delegated the authority by the Board to approve Transactions that, because of timing or scheduling, are not feasible to be approved by the full Governance Committee.

The policy applies to any transaction, arrangement or relationship in which the Company (including any of its subsidiaries) will be a participant and in which any Related Person (as defined by SEC Rules) will have a direct or indirect material interest, and the amount involved exceeds $120,000 (a “Related Person Transaction”).

The Governance Committee has pre-approved, under the policy, the following Transactions without regard to the amount involved:

any Transaction involving the compensation, employment and/or benefits of an executive officer of the Company if the compensation arising from the Transaction is required to be reported in the Company’s proxy statement;

any Transaction involving the compensation, employment and/or benefits of an executive officer of the Company that is not a “Named Executive Officer” (as that term is defined in Item 402(a)(3) of Regulation S-K) if (a) the executive officer is not an immediate family member of another executive officer or director of the Company, (b) the compensation arising from the Transaction would have been reported under Item 402 as compensation earned for services to the Company if the executive officer was a “Named Executive Officer”, and (c) such compensation had been approved, or recommended to the Board for approval, by the HR Committee of the Board;

any Transaction involving the compensation, services and/or benefits of a director if the compensation arising from the Transaction is required to be reported in the Company’s proxy statement;

any Transaction where the Related Person’s interest arises solely from the ownership of the Company’s Common Stock and all holders of the Company’s Common Stock received the same benefit on a pro-rata basis;

any Transaction with a Related Person involving the rendering of services as a common or contract carrier, or public utility, at rates or charges fixed in conformity with law or governmental authority;

any Transaction with a Related Person involving services as a bank depository of funds, transfer agent, registrar, trustee under a trust indenture, or similar services; and

any Transaction in which the interest of the Related Person arises solely from such person’s position as a director of another firm, corporation or other entity that is a party to the Transaction.

Except to the extent pre-approved, as noted above, Transactions are subject to the following procedures. The Related Person notifies the General Counsel of the Company of any proposed Transaction, including: the Related Person’s relationship to the Company and interest in the proposed Transaction; the material terms of the proposed Transaction; the benefits to the Company of the proposed Transaction; and the availability from alternative sources of the products or services that are the subject of the proposed Transaction.

The proposed Transaction is submitted to the Governance Committee for consideration at the next Governance Committee meeting or, if the General Counsel, after consultation with the CEO or the CFO, determines that the Company should not wait until the next Governance Committee meeting, to the Chair of the Governance Committee acting pursuant to authority delegated by the Board. Any Transactions approved pursuant to delegated authority by the Chair of the Governance Committee, is reported to the Governance Committee at the next Governance Committee meeting.

To the extent the Company becomes aware of a Transaction that was not previously approved under this policy, it shall be promptly reviewed as described above and be ratified, amended or terminated, as determined appropriate by the Governance Committee.



Board Shareholding Requirement

It is the policy of the Board that all Directors hold an equity interest in the Company. Toward this end, the Board expects that all Directors own, or acquire within five years of first becoming a Director, shares of common stock of the Company (including share units held under the Company’s Board of Directors Deferred Compensation Plan, or any successor plan, and restricted stock units, but not including stock options) having a market value of at least five times the annual retainer paid to Board members. The Board recognizes that exceptions to this policy may be necessary or appropriate in individual cases, and may approve such exceptions from time to time as it deems appropriate. To date the Board has not approved any such exceptions to this policy.

Legal Proceedings

On December 29, 2014, Tengion Inc. filed for Chapter 7 protection with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the District of Delaware.  Director John L. Miclot served as President and Chief Executive Officer and as a member of the Board of Directors of Tengion from November 2011 through December 2014, prior to Tengion’s filing.





The Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the by-laws of the Company provide that the number of directors (which is to be not less than three) is to be determined from time to time by the Board. The Board is currently comprised of eleven persons.

At the 2013 Annual Meeting, the Company’s stockholders approved a management proposal to amend the Company's Certificate of Incorporation in order to declassify the Board. Pursuant to the amended Certificate of Incorporation, Class III directors elected at the 2013 Annual Meeting will serve the remainder of their three-year terms expiring at the 2016 Annual Meeting.

Four incumbent Class I directors and two incumbent Class II directors are nominees for election to the Board this year for a one-year term expiring at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Leslie A. Jones is not standing for election to the Board as he will have reached the mandatory retirement age in accordance with the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines. Upon Mr. Jones' retirement, the number of Board members will be reduced from eleven to ten.

The proxy named in the proxy card and on the Internet voting site intends to vote for the election of the four Class I and two Class II nominees listed below unless otherwise instructed. If a holder does not wish his or her shares to be voted for a particular nominee, the holder must identify the exception in the appropriate space provided on the proxy card or on the Internet site, in which event the shares will be voted for the other listed nominees. If any nominee becomes unable to serve, the proxy may vote for another person designated by the Board or the Board may reduce the number of directors. The Company has no reason to believe that any nominee will be unable to serve.

Set forth below is certain information with regard to each of the nominees for election as directors and each continuing Class III director.

In addition to the attributes and skills identified for all directors, the Governance Committee also considered the qualifications of each director described below their biographical information.
Nominees for Election for a One-Year Term as Directors
Name and Age
Principal Occupation and Directorships
Michael C. Alfano, D.M.D., Ph.D. ...
Age 67
Director since 2001
Dr. Alfano is Executive Vice President Emeritus, and Professor and Dean Emeritus at New York University (‘‘NYU’’). Dr. Alfano served as Dean of the College of Dentistry from 1998 to 2006 and as Executive Vice-President of NYU from 2006 to 2013. Beginning in 1982 until 1998 he held a number of positions with Block Drug Company, including Senior Vice President for Research & Technology and President of Block Professional Dental Products Company. He served on the Board of Directors of Block Drug Company, Inc. from 1988 to 1998. Dr. Alfano has served as a member of, or consultant to, various public health organizations, including the National Institutes of Health, the Editorial Board of the American Journal of Dentistry, the Consumer Healthcare Product Association and as the industry representative to the Non-Prescription Drugs Advisory Committee of the FDA from 2001 to 2005. He is a founding director of the Friends of the National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research, and he is a founding director of the not-for-profit Santa Fe Group. He was also a Trustee of the New York State Dental Foundation until 2006. In 2010, he became a director of the not-for-profit Delta Dental of New York Insurance Company. He also served as a Director of the YMCA of Greater New York, the largest YMCA system in the country, from 2010 to 2014. He has received numerous honors, research grants and awards, and currently serves as Senior Consultant to the Academy for Academic Leadership.

Qualifications considered for Dr. Alfano included his education, training and experience as a dentist; his experience in research management and in a publicly traded medical technology company; his knowledge and experience in FDA matters; and his leadership role in the health and dental field.




Eric K. Brandt .................................
Age 52
Director since 2004
Mr. Brandt serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Broadcom Corporation, a Fortune 500 high-tech company, which he joined in March 2007. From September 2005 until March 2007, he served as President and Chief Executive Officer at Avanir Pharmaceuticals. Beginning in 1999, he held various positions at Allergan, Inc., including Corporate Vice President and Chief Financial Officer until 2001, President of Consumer Eye Care from 2001 to 2002, and 2005 until his departure, Executive Vice President of Finance and Technical Operations and Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining Allergan, he was Vice President and Partner at Boston Consulting Group (‘‘BCG’’), and a senior member of the BCG Health Care and Operations practices. Mr. Brandt served as a director of Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. from 2002 to 2009 and as a director of Avanir Pharmaceuticals from 2005 to 2007. He serves on the Board of Directors for LAM Research Corporation.

Qualifications considered for Mr. Brandt included his general business skills, expertise and experience; his experience in publicly traded medical technology companies; his experience in business development and corporate strategy development; and his experience in accounting and financial matters.


Willie A. Deese ...............................
Age 59
Director since 2011
Mr. Deese has served as Executive Vice President at Merck & Co., Inc. since 2008 and President of the Merck Manufacturing Division since 2005. He is also a member of Merck’s Executive Committee. Mr. Deese originally joined Merck in 2004 as the company’s Senior Vice President of Global Procurement. Mr. Deese currently serves on the Board of CDK Global as Chair, Compensation and Benefits Committee. Previously, Mr. Deese served as Senior Vice President of Global Procurement and Logistics at GlaxoSmithKline and as Vice President of Purchasing at Kaiser Permanente.

Qualifications considered for Mr. Deese included his business experience, including leadership roles as an executive and his experience and expertise in the manufacturing of regulated medical products.




William F. Hecht .............................
Age 72
Director since 2001
Mr. Hecht retired as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of PPL Corporation, a diversified utility and energy services company, on October 1, 2006. He was elected President and Chief Operating Officer in 1991 and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer in 1993. In addition to PPL Corporation, he served on the Boards of PPL Electric Utilities Corporation and PPL Energy Supply, LLC, subsidiaries of PPL Corporation. Mr. Hecht also served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia through December 31, 2009. He served as a director of RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd., through August 2010. He also serves as a trustee emeritus of Lehigh University and as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Lehigh Valley Health Network.

Qualifications considered for Mr. Hecht included his knowledge and general business experience, including leadership roles as an executive and a board member; his extensive experience in financial matters; and his extensive experience in business development and corporate strategy development.

Francis J. Lunger ...........................
Age 69
Director since 2005
Mr. Lunger served on the Board of Millipore Corporation from 2001 until March 2005, including serving as Chairman from April 2002 until April 2004. Mr. Lunger joined Millipore in 1997 as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer and held several executive management positions, which included serving as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer from 2000 until 2001, and President and Chief Executive Officer from August 2001 until January 2005. Prior to joining Millipore, Mr. Lunger held executive management positions at Oak Industries, Inc., Nashua Corporation, and Raychem Corporation. From June 2007 through July 2010, Mr. Lunger served as a director of NDS Surgical Imaging. From July 2009 to December 2012, Mr. Lunger was an Operating Partner with Linden LLC. Since April 2012, Mr. Lunger has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sera Care Life Sciences Inc.

Qualifications considered for Mr. Lunger included his deep and significant business experience, including leadership roles as an executive and a board member; his experience in a publicly traded life sciences tools company; and his experience in accounting and financial matters.

Bret W. Wise ..................................
Age 54
Director since 2006
Mr. Wise has served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since January 1, 2007 and also served as President in 2007 and 2008. Prior to that time, Mr. Wise served as President and Chief Operating Officer in 2006, as Executive Vice President in 2005 and Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer from December 2002 through December 2004. From 1999 to 2002, Mr. Wise was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer with Ferro Corporation of Cleveland, OH. From 1994 to 1999 he was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at WCI Steel, Inc., of Warren, OH; and prior to that he was a partner with KPMG LLP. From 2006 until the company was taken private in 2010, Mr. Wise served on the Board of IMS Health, and from 2008 through 2012 Mr. Wise served on the Board (including one year as Chairman) of the Dental Trade Alliance. Mr. Wise serves as a director of Dental Lifeline Network. Mr. Wise also serves on the Board of PALL Corporation, a global leader in the high-tech filtration, separation and purification industry.
Qualifications considered for Mr. Wise included his role as the current Chief Executive Officer of the Company; his deep and active knowledge and understanding of the dental business and the Company; and his overall general business, financial and accounting knowledge.




Directors Continuing as Class III Directors
Name and Age
Principal Occupation and Directorships
Paula H. Cholmondeley .................
Age 67
Director since 2001
Ms. Cholmondeley served as a private consultant on Strategic Planning from 2004 to 2009. She served as the Vice President and General Manager of Specialty Products for Sappi Fine Paper, a subsidiary of Sappi Limited from April 2000 until January 2004, and prior to that from January 1998 until April 2000, she was a private consultant on Strategic Planning and Mergers and Acquisitions. From 1992 until January 1998, Ms. Cholmondeley held various management positions with Owens Corning, including Vice President and General Manager of Residential Insulation. Ms. Cholmondeley served as a White House Fellow and a Special Assistant to the U.S. Trade Representative for several countries in the Far East from 1982 to 1983. She has also held a number of significant positions with other companies, including managerial positions with Westinghouse Elevator Company, and as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Blue Cross of Greater Philadelphia. Ms. Cholmondeley is an independent trustee of Nationwide Mutual Fund. She also serves on the Board of Terex Corporation. Ms. Cholmondeley previously served on the Boards of Armco Steel from 1996 until 1999, Ultralife Batteries from June 2004 until June 2010, Albany International from 2005 until 2013, and on the Board of Minerals Technologies, Inc. from 2004 to 2014. Ms. Cholmondeley is a NACD Board Leadership Fellow and part-time facility member of the NACD In-Boardroom education program.

Qualifications considered for Ms. Cholmondeley included her general and varied business operating experience, including leadership positions and experience in international and general management operations; her experience serving as a board member; and her experience in accounting and financial matters.

Michael J. Coleman .......................
Age 71
Director since 1991
Mr. Coleman is the Chairman of the Board of Cool Media Company and a partner in CS&W Associates Media Management, both based in Cocoa Beach, Florida. He served as Chairman of Cape Publications in Melbourne, Florida until retiring from that position on January 1, 2007. He previously served as Publisher of FLORIDA TODAY and President of the Gannett Co., Inc., South Newspaper Group from 1991 to April 2006. He serves as a director of Ron Jon Surf Shops Worldwide and Florida Bank of Commerce, Orlando, Florida, and as a Trustee of the Freedom Forum and its Diversity Institute and its museum (‘‘Newseum’’), all based in Washington, D.C. Prior to the merger of Dentsply International Inc. (“Old Dentsply”) with Gendex on June 11, 1993 (the “Merger”), Mr. Coleman served as a director of Gendex.

Qualifications considered for Mr. Coleman included his general business experience and his leadership role in several business positions, as well as his long history with and knowledge of the Company and the dental industry.




Name and Age
Principal Occupation and Directorships
John C. Miles, II .............................
Age 73
Director since 1990
Mr. Miles served as Chairman of the Board from May 1998 until May 2005, and remains a director of the Company. In January 2004, he retired from his position as Chief Executive Officer, a position which he held since January 1, 1996. Mr. Miles served as Vice Chairman of the Board from January 1, 1997 until becoming Chairman of the Board in May 1998. Prior to January 1, 1996, he had been President and Chief Operating Officer since the Merger; prior to the Merger Mr. Miles served as a director, President and Chief Operating Officer of Old Dentsply.

Qualifications considered for Mr. Miles included his general business experience; leadership experience in the medical device industry; his long history and knowledge of the dental industry; his knowledge and experience with the Company; his experience as a board member of several medical device companies; and his experience in financial matters.

John L. Miclot .................................
Age 56
Director since 2010
Mr. Miclot is President & CEO of LinguaFlex, Inc. He previously served as the CEO of Tengion Inc. from 2011 through 2014.  From November 2008 through March 2010, he served as an Executive in Residence at Warburg Pincus and was President and Chief Executive Officer of CCS Medical Inc., a provider of products and services for patients with chronic diseases. Prior to joining Warburg and CCS Medical, he was the President and Chief Executive Officer of Respironics, Inc., from 2003 until November 2008. Mr. Miclot served in various positions at Respironics, Inc. from 1998 to 2003, including Chief Strategic Officer and President of the Homecare Division. Previously, Mr. Miclot served in various positions at Healthdyne Technologies, Inc., including Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing, from 1995 to 1998. Mr. Miclot is a director of Wright Medical and serves as Chairman of the Board of Breathe Technologies, as well as a director of the Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium, Burger King Cancer Caring Center, Central Catholic High School, and the University of Iowa Tippie College Adviser Board.

Qualifications considered for Mr. Miclot included his experience in publicly traded medical technology companies; his general business skills, expertise and experience; and his general experience in financial matters.




Votes Required

Nominees for director in an uncontested election are to be elected by a majority vote of the votes cast at the Annual Meeting (known as “majority voting”). If any nominee who is a sitting director receives less than a majority of the votes cast, a previously tendered resignation by such director becomes effective. The acceptance or rejection of such resignation shall be determined by the Board, taking into consideration, to the extent determinable, the reasons the nominee did not receive a majority vote.

The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the nominees for election as Directors.





The Audit Committee appointed PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (“PwC”), independent registered public accounting firm, to audit the financial statements of the Company and to audit the Company’s internal control over financial reporting for the year ending December 31, 2015.

In connection with the audit of the Company’s financial statements, it is expected that PwC will also audit the financial statements of certain subsidiaries of the Company at the close of their current fiscal years. A representative of PwC will be present at the Annual Meeting and will have the opportunity to make a statement, if such person desires to do so, and to respond to appropriate questions.

Following is a summary and description of the fees billed to the Company by PwC for professional services rendered during 2014 and 2013 (in thousands):
Audit (1)


Audit related (2)


Tax (3)


Other (4)




Audit fees were for professional services rendered for each of the indicated fiscal years in connection with the audits of the Company’s annual consolidated financial statements included in Form 10-K and review of quarterly consolidated financial statements included in Form 10-Qs, or for services that are normally provided by the accountants in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements, including professional services related to the audit of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting.

Audit related fees were for assurance and related services that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. Such services include consultations on financial accounting and reporting standards and acquisition-related due diligence services.

Tax fees were for tax compliance related to tax audits and professional services rendered for international tax consulting in each of the indicated fiscal years.

Other fees were for access to certain research services of PwC.

The Audit Committee reviewed summaries of the services provided by PwC and the related fees and determined that the provision of non-audit services is compatible with maintaining the independence of PwC.

The Audit Committee has adopted procedures for pre-approval of services provided by PwC. Under these procedures, all services to be provided by PwC must be pre-approved by the Audit Committee, or can be pre-approved by the Chairman of the Audit Committee subject to ratification by the Audit Committee at its next meeting. Management makes a presentation to the Audit Committee (or the Chairman of the Audit Committee, as applicable) describing the types of services to be performed and the projected budget for such services. Following this presentation, the Audit Committee advises management of the services that are approved and the projected level of expenditure for such services. All of the fees reported above were approved by the Audit Committee in accordance with their procedures.

The proposal to ratify the appointment of PwC will be approved by the stockholders if it receives the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting and entitled to vote on the proposal. If there is an abstention noted on the proxy card for this proposal, the abstention will have the effect of a vote against the proposal, as it is a share represented by proxy and entitled to vote. Broker non-votes will be treated as shares not capable of being voted on the proposal and, accordingly, will have no effect on the outcome of voting on the proposal.

The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors unanimously recommend a vote FOR ratification of
the selection of PwC as independent registered public accounting firm for the Company for the year ending December 31, 2015.




In 2014, the Audit Committee was comprised of three directors, all of whom are independent as defined by NASDAQ Rule 5605. In addition, Mr. Lunger has been designated by the Board as “Audit Committee Financial Expert” under applicable rules and regulations of the SEC. The Audit Committee operates under a written charter adopted by the Board. This charter is reviewed at least annually by the Audit Committee and the Board and amended as determined appropriate.

The Audit Committee reviews the Company’s financial reporting process on behalf of the Board. In addition, the Audit Committee approves and retains the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm.

Management is responsible for the Company’s internal controls, including internal control over financial reporting, and the financial reporting process. The independent registered public accounting firm is responsible for performing an audit of the Company’s financial statements and an audit of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting in accordance with standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (“PCAOB”); and to issue a report thereon. The Audit Committee’s responsibility is to oversee these processes.

In this context, the Audit Committee has met and held discussions with management and PwC. Management represented to the Audit Committee that the Company’s financial statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the audited financial statements with management and PwC. The Audit Committee discussed with PwC the matters required to be discussed under the rules adopted by the PCAOB.

In addition, the Audit Committee has discussed with PwC the firm’s independence from the Company and its management and has received the written disclosures and the letter from PwC required by applicable requirements of the PCAOB regarding the independent accountant’s communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence.

The Audit Committee discussed with PwC the overall scope and plans for their audits. The Audit Committee meets with PwC, with and without management present, to discuss the results of PwC’s examinations, their evaluations of the Company’s internal controls, and the overall quality of the Company’s financial reporting.

Based upon the Audit Committee’s discussions with management and PwC and the Audit Committee’s review of the representations of management and the report of PwC to the Audit Committee, the Audit Committee recommended that the Board include the audited financial statements in the Company’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014 filed with the SEC.

Willie A. Deese
Francis J. Lunger
John L. Miclot





In accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act, the Company seeks a non-binding advisory vote from its stockholders to approve the compensation of its Named Executive Officers as disclosed in this proxy statement. This proposal is also referred to as the “Say-on-Pay vote.”

The Human Resources Committee of the Board of Directors (“HR Committee”) has overall responsibility for evaluating and determining the Company’s executive compensation (other than for the Chief Executive Officer which is determined by the independent members of the Board). The HR Committee is comprised of all independent directors. The Compensation Discussion and Analysis (“CD&A”) in this proxy statement provides an extensive description of the process and substance of the activity of the HR Committee in determining executive compensation.

DENTSPLY’s compensation philosophy is designed to align each executive’s compensation with DENTSPLY’s short-term and long-term performance and to provide the compensation and incentives needed to attract, motivate and retain key executives who are crucial to DENTSPLY’s long-term success. Consistent with this philosophy, a significant portion of the total compensation opportunity for each of our executives is directly related to DENTSPLY’s stock price performance and to other performance factors that measure our progress against our strategic and operating plans. Below is a summary of some key points of our executive compensation program.

We emphasize pay for performance and tie a significant amount of our Named Executive Officers’ pay to performance. Consistent with our performance based compensation philosophy, we reserve the largest portion of potential compensation for performance and equity based programs. Our performance based annual incentive program rewards short-term performance; while our equity awards, in the form of stock options and restricted stock units, coupled with our mandatory stock ownership guidelines, reward long-term performance and align the interests of our executives with those of our stockholders. The performance goals under our bonus program and performance restricted stock units focus on objectives that the HR Committee believes can drive the Company’s performance.

We believe that our compensation programs are aligned with the long-term interests of our stockholders. We believe that equity awards coupled with our stock ownership guidelines serve to align the interests of our executives with those of our long-term stockholders by encouraging long-term performance. As such, equity awards are a key component of our executive compensation program. Stock options, restricted stock units, and performance restricted stock units more closely align the long-term interests of our executives with those of our stockholders because the recipient will realize a higher level of compensation if our stock price increases over the life of the option and restricted stock unit.

We provide competitive pay opportunities to attract and retain talented executive management. The HR Committee consistently reviews our executive compensation program to ensure that it provides competitive pay opportunities. We target the 50th percentile of the market for base salary, annual target cash compensation levels, and our equity compensation. This positioning places greater emphasis on long-term risk-based pay, alignment with stockholder interests and long-term retention.

Stockholders are urged to read the CD&A, which discusses in detail our compensation policies, procedures and practices, and the accompanying Executive Compensation Tables. The HR Committee and the Board believe that these policies, procedures and practices are effective in implementing our compensation philosophy and in achieving the Company’s goals.

This advisory stockholder vote gives you, as a stockholder, the opportunity to endorse or not endorse our executive pay program and policies through the resolution below. We believe the philosophy and approach described in the CD&A and summarized above has worked well for the Company, as historically the Company has delivered solid performance and returns to its stockholders.



The Board strongly endorses the Company’s executive compensation program and recommends that the stockholders vote in favor of the following resolution:

“RESOLVED, that the compensation paid to the Company’s Named Executive Officers, as disclosed pursuant to Item 402 of Regulation S-K, including the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, compensation tables and narrative discussion, is hereby APPROVED.”

Although the advisory vote is non-binding and will not require the Company to take any action, the HR Committee and the Board will consider our stockholders’ vote and take any concerns into account in future determinations concerning our executive compensation program.

The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote FOR the approval
of the compensation of the Company’s Named Executive Officers.





The Board of Directors is requesting that stockholders re-approve the material terms of the performance goals that relate to awards granted under the DENTSPLY International Inc. 2010 Equity Incentive Plan intended to qualify as “performance-based compensation” under Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Section 162(m). This Plan was originally approved by the Company’s stockholders at the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and as subsequently amended by the Board is referred to as the "2010 Plan". Stockholders are not being asked to approve any amendment to the 2010 Plan or any increase in the number of shares available to be granted under the 2010 Plan.

IRC Section 162(m) requires that once every five (5) years, the Company obtain stockholder approval of the material terms of the performance goals, including the metrics used or potentially used to measure performance under its equity incentive compensation plans in order to retain deductibility of certain performance-based compensation expenses for tax purposes. If stockholders approve this proposal, the Company will continue to use or potentially use one or more of the performance criteria described below to measure performance under the 2010 Plan.

The 2010 Plan permits grants of incentive awards in the form of stock options, stock appreciation rights, restricted stock, and restricted stock units. As discussed in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section, the Company currently awards stock options, restricted stock units and performance restricted stock units.

The 2010 Plan was adopted for the purpose of promoting the growth and development of the Company by providing incentives to officers and other key employees of the Company and its subsidiaries, and consultants and advisers to the Company, facilitating the efforts of the Company and its subsidiaries to obtain and retain employees and advisers of outstanding ability and providing an incentive to members of the Board who are not employees of the Company (“Outside Directors”) to serve on the Board and devote themselves to the future success of the Company. As of the date hereof, the Company had approximately 11,600 employees, seven (7) executive officers (of whom one (1) is also a Director), and ten (10) Outside Directors.

Section 162(m) Re-approval of Material Terms of Performance Goals
The material terms of the performance goals under the 2010 Plan consist of (1) the class of employees eligible to receive awards under the 2010 Plan, (2) the types of performance criteria on which payouts or vesting for performance awards are based, and (3) the maximum amounts of cash or shares that can be provided during a specified period to any employee for awards under the 2010 Plan.

Eligibility and Participation. The 2010 Plan is administered by the Company’s Board, the HR Committee of the Board or the Governance Committee (with respect to awards to Outside Directors). All Directors, officers, other key employees, consultants and advisers of the Company are eligible to receive awards under the 2010 Plan. From among these eligible individuals, the Board, HR Committee or, in the case of Outside Directors, the Governance Committee, shall select individuals who will receive awards under the 2010 Plan.

Performance Criteria. Under the 2010 Plan, the HR Committee may grant restricted stock and restricted stock units based upon the attainment of performance goals intended to satisfy the qualified performance-based compensation exception from the tax deductibility limitations of IRC Section 162(m). The performance criteria consist of one or more or any combination of the following measures: net sales (with or without precious metal content); sales growth; operating income; earnings before or after tax; earnings before interest and taxes; earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization; cash flow; gross or net margin; earnings per share (whether on a pre-tax, after-tax, operational or other basis); ratio of debt to debt plus equity; credit quality or debt ratings; capital expenditures; expenses or expense levels; ratio of operating earnings to revenues or any other operating ratios; the extent to which business goals are met; the accomplishment of mergers, acquisitions, dispositions, or similar extraordinary business transactions; price of the Company’s Common Stock; market share criteria; management of costs; return on assets, net assets, invested capital, equity, or stockholders’ equity; market share; inventory levels, inventory turn or shrinkage; regulatory compliance; total return to stockholders (“Performance Criteria”). The Performance Criteria may be applied to the performance of the Company as a whole or any business unit of the Company and may be measured relative to a peer group or index selected by the HR Committee, provided that, the Performance Criteria shall be calculated consistently with the Company’s financial statements, under generally accepted accounting principles, or under a methodology established by the HR Committee in connection with the granting of an Award which is consistently applied with respect to that Award.



Performance Criteria are defined by the HR Committee at the beginning of the period and may exclude or otherwise be adjusted for (i) extraordinary, unusual and/or non-recurring items of gain or loss, (ii) gains or losses on the disposition of a business, (iii) effects of changes in tax and/or accounting regulations, laws or principles and the interpretation thereof, or (iv) the effects of mergers, acquisitions and/or dispositions.

Award Limits. Notwithstanding the foregoing, and subject to adjustment as detailed in the 2010 Plan (and summarized below), (i) Options with respect to no more than one million (1,000,000) shares of Common Stock may be granted as incentive stock options within the meaning of IRC Section 422 under the 2010 Plan, (ii) no more than two million five hundred thousand (2,500,000) shares may be awarded as Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units under the 2010 Plan, and (iii) in any calendar year no Key Employee shall be granted Options or Stock Appreciation Rights with respect to more than five hundred thousand (500,000) shares of Common Stock, or Restricted Stock and Restricted Stock Units in excess of 150,000 shares of Common Stock. Any shares of Common Stock reserved for issuance upon exercise of Options or Stock Appreciation Rights which expire, terminate or are cancelled, and any shares of Common Stock subject to any grant of Restricted Stock or Restricted Stock Units which are forfeited, will once again be available for issuance pursuant to the grant of Awards under the 2010 Plan. Options which are exercised shall not replenish the Common Stock available for future grants.

Adjustments.  The number of shares of Common Stock subject to the 2010 Plan, the exercise price of Options and the number of shares available for Awards granted under the 2010 Plan will be appropriately adjusted to reflect any stock dividend, stock split or combination of shares. In the event of any merger, consolidation or reorganization of the Company, there will be substituted on an equitable basis for each share of Common Stock then subject to the 2010 Plan and for each share of Common Stock then subject to an Award granted under the 2010 Plan, the number and kind of shares of stock, other securities, cash or other property to which the holders of Common Stock of the Company are entitled pursuant to such transaction.

New Plan Benefits. The amount of awards that may be granted under the 2010 Plan in the future are not determinable, as the HR Committee or its designee will make these determinations in its discretion in accordance with the terms of the 2010 Plan. For more details on the awards granted in 2014 to our named executive officers, please see the table on page 39 titled, “2014 Grants of Plan-Based Awards.”

The complete text of the 2010 Plan is attached to the Proxy Statement as Appendix A.

Vote Required

The proposal to re-approve the material terms of the performance goals under the 2010 Plan will be approved by the stockholders if it receives the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present and entitled to vote on the proposal. If a proxy card is specifically marked as abstaining from voting on the proposal to re-approve the 2010 Plan, the abstention will have the effect of a vote against the proposal, even though the shares represented thereby will not be counted as having been voted against the proposal. Broker non-votes will be treated as shares not capable of being voted on the proposal and, accordingly, will have no effect on the outcome of voting on the proposal.

The Board unanimously recommends a vote FOR the proposal
to re-approve the material terms of the performance goals
under the 2010 Equity Incentive Plan.




The HR Committee is comprised of three directors, all of whom are independent under NASDAQ Rule 5605, and operates under a written charter. The following report describes the components of the Company’s executive officer compensation programs and the basis on which compensation determinations are made with respect to the executive officers of the Company. The HR Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the Company’s Compensation Discussion and Analysis (“CD&A”) section of this proxy statement. Based on such review and discussions, the HR Committee has recommended to the Board that the CD&A be included in this proxy statement and is incorporated by reference into the Company’s Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014.

Michael J. Coleman
Michael C. Alfano
Eric K. Brandt




I. Executive Summary

General Background

This section discusses the principles underlying our policies and provides information and analysis of decisions we made concerning the compensation of the Company’s executive officers for 2014. This information describes the process and considerations on which compensation is earned and awarded to our executive officers and provides perspective on the tables and narrative that follow, with the focus on the compensation of our Named Executive Officers (“NEOs”) in 2014.

This CD&A is organized under the following sections:

Executive Summary
General Background
2014 Named Executive Officers
Roles in Executive Compensation
Compensation Philosophy and Objectives
Pay for Performance Review
Fiscal 2013 Performance
Relationship between Company Performance and CEO Compensation
Say on Pay Vote in 2014

Determination of Executive Compensation
Review of Pay Relative to Peer Groups
Determination of Annual Base Salaries
Determination of Annual Incentive Awards
Determination of Equity Incentive Compensation

Post-Termination Arrangements
Termination of Employment
Termination following Change-in-Control

Retirement and Other Benefits

Executive Stock Ownership Guidelines

Tax Deductibility of Executive Compensation

Hedging and Pledging of Company Stock

2014 Named Executive Officers

The Company’s NEOs in 2014 are the following:

Bret W. Wise, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Christopher T. Clark, President and Chief Financial Officer
James G. Mosch, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Robert J. Size, Senior Vice President
Albert J. Sterkenburg, Senior Vice President

Roles in Executive Compensation

The HR Committee is assisted in its work regarding executive compensation by the Company’s Corporate Human Resources Department. In addition, with respect to the compensation established for the NEOs in 2014, the Committee engaged an independent compensation consultant, Exequity LLP (“Exequity”), to advise on matters related to the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and other executives. The Committee also considers recommendations from the CEO regarding compensation for other executive officers.



Compensation Philosophy and Objectives

The Committee’s compensation philosophy is to provide a compensation package that is designed to satisfy the following principal objectives:

to align the interests of management and employees with corporate performance and stockholder interests. This is accomplished by rewarding performance that is directly linked to achievement of the Company’s business plans, financial objectives and strategic goals, as well as increases in the Company’s stock price;
to tie components of executives’ compensation to the Company’s performance by providing incentives and rewarding individual, team and collective performance, such as through the execution of actions that contribute to the achievement of the Company’s strategies and goals, including accomplishments within assigned functional areas and successfully managing their respective organizations;
to both attract and retain executives and key contributors with the skills, capabilities and experience necessary for the Company to achieve its business objectives. This requires that the Company’s compensation programs be competitive with market compensation practices and performance-based; and
to balance risk and reward to motivate and incentivize business performance without encouraging inappropriate risk taking.



In furtherance of the philosophy and objectives discussed above, the compensation program for executive officers in 2014 consisted of the components outlined in the chart below:
Base Annual Salary
Short-term compensation

Fixed cash component
Attract and retain quality management
Competitive with the market

Recognize executive's level of responsibility and experience in position
Annual Incentive Plan
Short-term compensation

Cash award based on accomplishment of annual objectives related to internal sales growth, adjusted net income and strategic objectives

Motivate and reward performance relative to annual objectives

Competitive with market to attract and retain executive management

Based on performance of the Company to align with stockholder interest
Equity Incentive Compensation
Long-term compensation

Equity incentive awards consisting of stock options and restricted stock units, some of which vest with the passage of time and some of which vest with the passage of time in combination with specific performance objectives
Reward for sustaining long-term performance

Align directly with stockholder interest

Enhancement of long-term shareholder value

Retirement Benefits; Deferred Compensation Benefits; and Benefits Payable Upon a Change-in-Control Event
Basic economic and retirement benefits
Market competitive

Attract and retain quality management

Provide basic short and long-term security

Support focus on Company's activities and interest during Change-in-Control event

The Committee believes that compensation paid to the Company’s executive officers should be competitive with the market, be aligned with the performance of the Company on both a short-term and long-term basis, take into consideration individual performance of the executive, and assist the Company in attracting and retaining key executives critical to the Company’s long-term success. The Company’s executive compensation program balances a level of fixed compensation with incentive compensation that varies with the performance of the Company and the performance of the individual executive’s areas of responsibility. The Company’s base pay and benefit programs for executives are intended to provide basic economic security at a level that is competitive with the market for executive management for companies of similar size and scope. The annual incentive compensation programs rewards performance measured against goals and standards established by the Committee, and the long-term incentive compensation is designed to encourage executives to increase stockholder value by focusing on growth in revenue and earnings, generation of cash flow and efficient deployment of capital.

Other objectives of the total compensation program are to provide: the ability for executives to accumulate capital, predominantly in the form of equity in the Company, in order to align executive interests with those of the stockholders; a competitive level of retirement income; and, in the event of certain circumstances, such as termination of employment in connection with a change-in-control of the Company, special severance protection to help ensure executive retention



during the change-in-control process and to ensure executive focus on serving the Company and stockholder interests without the distraction of possible job and income loss.

The expected value of equity grants is determined by the Committee or Board, as applicable, at its first meeting of the year. When granted, stock options are granted with an exercise price equal to the closing price on the day of the grant, and with restricted stock units ("RSUs") the recipient is granted a right to a specified number of shares. The grant date in 2014 for equity grants was the third trading day after the Company filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2013, and the number of shares subject to such grants was determined at that time based on the previously established expected values, and the closing stock price or option value on such grant date.

Pay for Performance Review

Pay for performance is an important component of our compensation philosophy. Our compensation approach, which is described in greater detail below, is designed to motivate officers, including the NEOs, to substantially contribute individually and collaboratively to the Company’s long-term, sustainable growth. The Annual and Equity Incentive components are tied directly to the performance of the Company and shareholder value. The Company designs its compensation programs such that there is a correlation between level of position and degree of risk of obtaining target compensation. Based on this principle, a higher percentage of the total compensation of the Company’s more senior executives with the highest levels of responsibility is variable and subject to performance. The table below shows the percentage of each NEO’s total compensation which is variable.

Short-Term Incentive Compensation as Percentage of Total 2014 Compensation
Long-Term Incentive Compensation as Percentage of Total 2014 Compensation
Total Incentive Compensation as Percentage of Total 2014 Compensation
Bret W. Wise
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Christopher T. Clark
President and Chief Financial Officer
James G. Mosch
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Robert J. Size
Senior Vice President
Albert J. Sterkenburg
Senior Vice President

Fiscal 2013 Performance

Information regarding the Company’s performance in 2013 was taken into consideration by the Committee when it established the 2014 base salaries for the NEOs. Once again, DENTSPLY set new records for sales, adjusted earnings, and operating cash flow in 2013. For the year ended December 31, 2013, sales were a record $2.951 billion, or $2.772 billion excluding precious metal content.

The following table reflects the Company’s growth in fiscal 2013 in sales and earnings relative to fiscal year 2012.

($ in millions, except EPS)
($ in millions, except EPS)
Change (%)
Net Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Net Sales (excluding precious metal content) . . . . . . .
Adjusted Diluted EPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In this table, the Company is providing GAAP information for Net Sales and non-GAAP information for the other measures, as it believes that this presentation of non-GAAP information, for purposes of this CD&A, provides a better



measure of performance for comparison purposes. Please see Appendix B to this Proxy for a reconciliation of non-GAAP information to GAAP information.

Relationship between Company Performance and CEO Compensation

As part of the review of the CEO’s compensation, the Committee reviews and approves goals and objectives for the Company which are relevant to the compensation of the Company’s CEO and evaluates the CEO’s performance with respect to those goals and objectives. The Board then determines the CEO’s total compensation level based on such evaluation and the other information described in this report. The Committee also reviews and approves compensation and incentive arrangements (including performance-based arrangements and bonus awards under the Annual Incentive Plan) for the Company’s other NEOs (as well as such other employees of the Company as the Committee may determine from time to time to be necessary or desirable) and the grant of awards pursuant to the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan.

The following table illustrates the relationship between the Company’s performance, based on the performance metrics deemed most important and applied by the Committee, and CEO compensation.

2012 Annual Incentive Target Achievement & Annual Incentive Comp
2013 Annual Incentive Target Achievement & Annual Incentive Comp
2014 Annual Incentive Target Achievement & Annual Incentive Comp
At 100%
Incentive Comp Earned
At 100%
Incentive Comp Paid
At 100%
Incentive Comp Paid
Bret W. Wise
Chairman & CEO . . . . . .

Say on Pay Vote in 2014

In 2014 at the Annual Stockholders’ meeting, stockholders of the Company had the opportunity to vote, on an advisory basis, on the Company’s executive compensation. Ninety-eight percent (98%) of the stockholders who voted on the matter approved, on an advisory basis, the Company’s executive compensation. The Committee views this as support of the Committee’s approach to the determination and setting of the compensation of the Company’s executives.

II. Determination of Executive Compensation

The Company’s intention in developing total annual compensation for executives is to be externally competitive and meet the Company’s compensation objectives. Salary ranges, annual bonus plan targets and equity compensation targets are developed using a “total compensation” perspective which considers all components of compensation.

Review of Pay Relative to Peer Groups

In establishing the Company’s executive compensation, compensation programs and awards for 2014, the Committee reviewed and considered market data and a report from Exequity on the Company’s overall executive compensation program. For purposes of market comparison, the Committee considered the levels of current compensation at companies of similar size as the Company, using a broad compensation survey provided by Towers Watson, and the proxies of a smaller group of companies (collectively the “Peer Group”). With respect to the Towers Watson survey, the Committee tried to identify companies of similar size and complexity to be included. The primary Towers Watson database used in 2013 was comprised of forty-five comparator companies (“Primary Survey Peer Group”). The Primary Survey Peer Group is identified in Appendix C to this proxy statement. Where insufficient data was available from the Primary Survey Peer Group to make adequate comparisons to certain positions in the Company’s executive team, the Committee considered a secondary Towers Watson group comprised of an additional two hundred and thirty-six comparator companies with revenues of $1 billion to $5 billion. To complement the Towers Watson survey data, the Committee, with assistance from Exequity, identified a peer group comprised of sixteen organizations intended to be more closely aligned with the size and nature of operations of the Company’s business, for which a more detailed compensation review was done based on those organizations' 2013 proxies (“Proxy Peer Group”). This Proxy Peer Group is identified below:



Proxy Peer Group
Becton, Dickinson and Co.
Patterson Companies Inc.
The Cooper Companies, Inc.
CareFusion Corp.
PerkinElmer Inc.
Varian Medical Systems Inc.
C.R. Bard Inc.
ResMed Inc.
Waters Corp.
Edwards Lifesciences Corp.
Zimmer Holdings Inc.
Henry Schein Inc.
St. Jude Medical
Mettler-Toledo International Inc.
Teleflex Inc.

Data from the Peer Groups are considered by the Committee and compared with the compensation of the Company’s executive officers in evaluating the amount and proportions of base pay, annual incentive pay and long-term compensation, as well as the targeted total compensation value. Exequity also provided a report to the Committee that analyzed the Peer Group data and provided commentary with respect to the Company’s overall executive compensation program, including executive compensation base pay, the annual and long-term incentive program design, common share usage and burn rates from the Company’s equity incentive programs.

The analysis by Exequity reflected that in general, the targeted total direct compensation (base salary, annual incentive and annualized expected value of long-term incentives) of the Company’s executive officers is typically around the 50th percentile of the market, as reflected in the Peer Group data. This, of course, is affected by the performance and experience of each executive officer and the performance of the Company relative to the performance targets established in the annual incentive plan and can be higher or lower than the expected percentile depending on performance.

The Committee does not consider the overall wealth accumulation of executives in establishing the current level of compensation, except as it relates to meeting the Company’s stock ownership guidelines for officers, to the extent the prior year’s compensation is considered in the comparative analysis described above, and in recognition that the Company’s compensation program provides the opportunity over time for executives to build additional wealth.

The Committee also annually reviews the specific components and a comprehensive aggregation of the entire executive compensation pay and programs.

Determination of Annual Base Salaries

In establishing base salaries of the Company’s executives, the Committee strives to reflect the external market value of a particular role as well as the experiences and qualifications that an individual brings to the role. The primary purpose of the Company’s base salaries is to pay a fair, market competitive rate in order to attract and retain key executives. Base salary adjustments are generally made annually and have in the past been awarded based on individual performance, level of responsibilities, competitive data from the Peer Group reviews, employee retention efforts, annual salary budget guidelines and the Company’s overall compensation philosophies discussed above. Base salaries are targeted to a range around the 50th percentile of the base pay paid by the Peer Groups for a comparable role in order to ensure that the Company is able to compete in the market for outstanding employees without unduly emphasizing fixed compensation, but may be higher or lower based on individual performance and experience level.

The starting point for the Committee in establishing base salaries and annual incentive awards is to review the total annual cash compensation of the executive officers with the total annual cash compensation for comparable positions in the Peer Groups. In determining the total annual cash compensation of the executive officer, the Committee establishes a comparative base salary and what the annual incentive awards for the executive officers would be at the 100% target achievement level (as described in the Annual Incentive section of this report), relative to comparable positions reflected in the Peer Groups. Once the Committee establishes the appropriate range for base salaries, the Committee adjusts the base salary of the individual executive officer based on consideration of several factors, including individual performance, Company performance, the experience level of the executive, the nature and breadth of the executive’s responsibilities, and the desire to minimize the risk of losing the services of the executive to another company. Total direct compensation in relation to other executives, as well as prior year individual performance and performance of the business lines for which the executive is responsible, are also taken into consideration in determining any adjustment.



The base salaries of the executive officers were reviewed in December 2013 in connection with this review of total compensation. Based on its overall review, at its meeting in December 2013, the Committee and the Independent members of the Board, with respect to the CEO, approved base salaries for the NEOs for 2014 as follows:

Bret W. Wise, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer - $940,000
Christopher T. Clark, President and Chief Financial Officer - $618,000
James G. Mosch, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer- $551,100
Robert J. Size, Senior Vice President - $442,800
Albert J. Sterkenburg, Senior Vice President - €328,500

Determination of Annual Incentive Awards

As discussed above in the section on Compensation Philosophy and Objectives, the Committee believes it is important to have a portion of the executive’s total annual cash compensation tied to the annual performance of the Company and its businesses. It is intended that this component of the total compensation of executives be competitive with the market, but also reward executives for good performance and reduce the targeted compensation opportunity for performance that fails to meet the objectives established by the Committee. The Committee believes this helps to align the compensation and objectives of the executives with the Company and its stockholders. Target annual incentive awards are determined as a percentage of each executive’s base salary. The Committee, and the independent members of the Board for the CEO, determines the general performance measures and other terms and conditions of awards for executives covered under the Company’s annual incentive program, and the weight attributable to each performance goal for the NEOs. For executives below the level of the NEOs, the CEO and other executives establish the performance objectives and weighting based on direction provided in the Annual Incentive Plan.

The Committee annually reviews and establishes targets for annual bonus payouts to be applicable for the performance year. These targets are generally established at the beginning of the performance year in connection with the approval of the Company’s budget for such year. In establishing the target payouts, the Committee evaluated the compensation levels in the Peer Groups. The Committee established performance targets for the executive officers, which if achieved at the 100% level, would result in annual bonuses that, in combination with base salary, would be competitive in the 50th percentile range with the total annual compensation of comparable positions in the Peer Groups. If the Company exceeds the targets established by the Committee, the executives are rewarded with higher annual bonuses and if the Company falls below the targets, the executives’ bonuses are reduced below the 100% target level. The general principle in setting targets and measuring performance is that management is responsible and accountable for the financial results of the Company. The annual incentive plan, which is largely based on the financial performance of the Company, provides that the Committee may adjust positively or negatively the net income component of the financial results, based on U.S. GAAP consistently applied, to address the impact of significant or non-recurring unbudgeted income or expenses, that were not considered in the targets set for the year, are not reflective of current operations, or benefit future periods.

As noted earlier, the Committee believes that employees in higher level positions should have a higher proportion of their total compensation delivered through pay-for-performance cash incentives; as a result, their total annual compensation will be more significantly correlated, both upward and downward, to the Company’s performance. The variability of the cash compensation of the Company’s executives is closely linked to annual financial results of the Company, delivering lower-than-market total cash compensation when financial performance is below targets set by the Committee and higher total cash compensation when the results are above such targets. Consistent with this principle, for 2014, the bonus targets for the NEOs ranged from 65% to 120% of base salary depending on the executive’s position, as set forth below.
Target as Percent of Salary
Bret W. Wise, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Christopher T. Clark, President and Chief Financial Officer
James G. Mosch, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Robert J. Size, Senior Vice President
Albert J. Sterkenburg, Senior Vice President

As noted above, the actual annual incentive awards are based on an executive’s performance against objectives established by the Committee. Awards may range from no award being earned to 200% of target, although attainment



at the maximum award level would be extremely difficult and is not expected. Awards, for the positions of the NEOs over the last three years have ranged from 82.6% to 143.4% of target.

The performance measures established by the Committee for the NEOs at the beginning of 2014, based on the annual budget approved by the Board, were allocated 85% to financial and 15% to strategic objectives. The financial targets for the NEOs were based on the Company’s adjusted net income, internal sales growth, and net working capital performance. In the case of operating executives who have responsibility for certain businesses, in addition to the targets for the Company’s adjusted net income, internal sales growth and net working capital, a portion of their annual target is comprised of the operating income, internal sales growth and net working capital of those businesses. The targets for adjusted net income are set at levels so that minimal levels of achievement must be met in order for any incentive award to be paid. The Committee establishes objectives for adjusted net income, internal sales growth and net working capital which it believes are challenging but fair and consistent with the executive compensation objectives described above. If the objectives are met, it is believed that the Company’s performance should lead to greater stockholder returns.

The financial targets for 2014 for the NEOs, other than Mr. Sterkenburg, who had direct operating business responsibility, were internal sales growth of 2.7%, with a target zone of 2.2% to 3.2%, and corporate adjusted net income of $306.1 million, net of specific items. The Company’s target for internal growth of 2.7% was above what the Committee believed was the expected growth for the global dental consumables market in 2014. Fifty percent of Mr. Sterkenburg’s objectives were based on the same objectives as the other NEOs, and the remaining amount of Mr. Sterkenburg’s target incentives were based on the internal sales growth and income from operations of the businesses for which he had responsibility. The components of Mr. Sterkenburg’s annual incentive compensation related to operating activities is not material and the Company believes it would be competitively harmful to disclose the operating business objectives as that would enable competitors to identify what the financial targets and business strategies are for certain specific operating businesses. The targets for the operating segments are set based on the projected budgets for the operating businesses and are meant to be challenging and which, if met, would result in the operating business meeting its strategic objectives and/or outperforming its competition in the market.

The two strategic objectives which comprised 15% of the NEOs’ target relate to the accomplishment of important strategic activities of the Company. These objectives consisted of two separate areas and relate to organizational development, strategic objectives and improvements in certain businesses considered important by the Committee and the Board. The first was to provide a strategic plan towards achieving the Company’s operating margin target including progress against certain elements of the plan. The second objective was to identify a path towards strategic maximization and investment for one defined strategic business unit.

Annual cash incentive awards are determined by multiplying the results for each performance objective (i.e., the percentage of that target award payable based on performance) by the target award opportunity for each NEO as described above, and then multiplied by the base salary as of December 31, 2014, the end of the performance period. At its February 2015 meeting, the Committee reviewed the performance of the Company and its executives with respect to the annual objectives to determine whether the NEOs had met or exceeded the 2014 performance goals. As described above, the target adjusted net income used for annual incentive objective purposes is corporate net income, net of specific items consistent with the Annual Incentive Plan. The primary items that were excluded from reported net income for 2014 under this approach were amortization of purchased intangible assets, unbudgeted acquisition, divestitures and restructuring-related items, fair market adjustments to certain derivative contracts, and fair value adjustments on the Company’s investment in DIO Corporation. The Committee reviewed the performance of the Company relative to the strategic objectives and concluded that management had exceeded the targets on these objectives in the aggregate and awarded 17.5 percent compared to a target of 15 percent. Based on this review, the NEOs were paid bonuses at the percent of target as set forth below:

Bret W. Wise, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer - 97.7%
Christopher T. Clark, President and Chief Financial Officer - 97.7%
James G. Mosch, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer - 97.7%
Robert J. Size, Senior Vice President - 97.7%
Albert J. Sterkenburg, Senior Vice President - 143.4%



Determination of Equity Incentive Compensation

The third principal component in total compensation for the Company’s executives in 2014 was the award of equity incentives under the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan, consisting of stock options, time-based restricted stock units ("RSUs"), and performance-based restricted stock units ("PRSUs").

The Committee believes that equity incentive compensation serves an essential purpose in attracting and retaining senior executives and providing them long-term incentives to maximize shareholder value. We also believe that long-term incentive awards align the interests of the executive officers with those of our stockholders. Long-term incentive awards for executive officers generally are made annually, as part of the “total remuneration” approach to executive compensation, under the stockholder-approved DENTSPLY Equity Incentive Plan. The long-term incentive program is designed to reward long-term performance and was comprised of three components in 2014:

Stock option awards designed to reward stock price growth;
Time-based RSU awards (except as noted below for certain NEOs who have performance requirements); and
PRSU awards based on accomplishment of a specific one year performance objective.

A stock option becomes valuable only if the Company’s stock price increases above the option exercise price and the holder of the option remains employed for the period required for the option to vest, and thus, is a significant performance-based compensation component. This provides an incentive for an option holder to remain employed by the Company and to enhance shareholder value. The Committee believes that equity-based compensation ensures that the Company’s executive officers have a continuing stake in the long-term success of the Company and is most closely aligned with the interest of stockholders.

As described in the Executive Summary section of this CD&A, the Company granted 2014 stock option awards three days after the Company filed its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the prior fiscal year. Stock options are granted at the closing price on the day of the grant and accordingly, will have value only if the market price of the Company’s common stock increases after the grant date. Stock option grants vest and become exercisable over three years - one-third on each of the first three anniversaries following grant - and are exercisable for ten years from the grant date, subject to earlier expiration in the event of termination of employment or retirement. Under the terms of the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan, RSUs/ PRSUs and unvested stock options are forfeited if the executive voluntarily leaves prior to vesting for stock options, full vesting of RSUs/PRSUs or a qualified retirement. Individuals have 90 days upon termination to exercise any vested stock options; after the 90 days, the stock options are forfeited.

The Committee believes that the use of RSUs and PRSUs as part of the Company’s equity compensation program is consistent with current market practices, provides a greater opportunity for executives to build share ownership in the Company, provides an incentive for executives to remain with the Company and provides an equity vehicle that allows DENTSPLY to attract, motivate and retain the employee talent considered critical for achieving the Company’s goals. Currently, RSUs cliff vest after three (3) years (and, for certain executive officers including the CEO, on the accomplishment of certain performance requirements), and PRSUs cliff vest after three (3) years, provided that a performance objective is met. With respect to the PRSUs awarded to the NEOs in 2014, the Committee established a performance requirement based on one year adjusted earnings per share growth. The 2015 PRSU grant is subject to a three (3) year performance objective with a target of attaining a 20% operating margin in 2017 and includes performance measures each year with year-over-year improvement. For Messrs. Wise, Clark and Mosch, in addition to time-based vesting, the RSUs included a performance requirement regarding the aggregate net income of the Company over the three year vesting period.

Guidelines for the size and type of awards are developed based upon, among other factors, the Committee’s review of the Peer Group data, input from Exequity, shares available for grant under the Equity Incentive Plan, the executive’s position in the Company, his or her contributions to the Company’s objectives, and total direct compensation, as compared to the Peer Groups. Equity awards comprise a larger portion of the senior executives’ compensation to more closely align the compensation and interests of the senior executives with that of stockholders. The Committee also takes into consideration the Company’s performance against its business and financial objectives and its strategic plan, and individual performance, as well as the allocation of overall share usage under the Company’s equity incentive plan.

Equity grants made to the CEO in February 2014 were allocated such that 30% of the annualized expected value of total equity incentive compensation granted in 2014 would consist of stock options, while 20% would consist of



RSUs and 50% would consist of PRSUs (at maximum performance attainment). For NEOs other than the CEO, the portion of equity compensation in 2014 that consists of PRSUs was increased, and the portion that consists of RSUs accordingly decreased. For Mr. Clark and Mr. Mosch, equity grants made in February 2014 were allocated such that 30% of the annualized expected value of total equity incentives granted in 2014 would consist of stock options, while 35% would consist of RSUs and 35% would consist of PRSUs (at maximum performance attainment). For Mr. Size and Mr. Sterkenburg , equity grants made in February 2014 were allocated such that 30% of the annualized expected value of total equity incentives granted in 2014 would consist of stock options, while 40% would consist of RSUs and 30% would consist of PRSUs (at maximum performance attainment).In 2015, the portion of equity compensation that consists of PRSUs continued to increase, and the portion that consists of RSUs accordingly was decreased further for the NEOs other than the CEO. The split between stock options, RSUs and PRSUs was based both on comparisons to the market and the overall risk/reward tradeoff. As the Peer Group data varies somewhat by position, the Committee generally targets the equity incentive compensation at or near the median of the Peer Groups at target performance, with an opportunity for incentive compensation to exceed the median if performance is above target. Typically the maximum incentive opportunity (assuming performance exceeds target and meets the maximum targets in the plan) is in the range of the 50th to 65th percentile of the Peer Groups.

The PRSUs, or the applicable portion thereof, will vest after three years based on the performance of the Company relative to the applicable performance requirement. The Committee determined that none of the PRSUs would be earned unless adjusted (non-GAAP) earnings per share growth (“adjusted EPS growth”) was at least 3% in 2014. The actual number of PRSUs earned was based on the adjusted EPS growth achieved from a threshold of at least 3% adjusted EPS growth (earning 33% of the PRSUs) to the maximum of 13% or greater adjusted EPS growth (earning 100% of the PRSUs). The company reported adjusted (non-GAAP) earnings per share growth of 6.3% in 2014, which resulted in an attainment under the 2014 PRSU grant of 51.8%. Accordingly, 51.8% of the 2014 grant will be subject to the full three year vesting requirement, and the remainder, or 48.2% of the PRSUs granted, were not earned, will not vest under the plan, and have been canceled. Please see page 32 in the Company’s Form 10-K for 2014 for a reconciliation of the non-GAAP EPS information to GAAP EPS information.

The 2015 PRSU grant is subject to a three (3) year performance objective with a target of attaining a 20% operating margin in 2017 and includes performance measures each year with year-over-year improvement in each annual period.

While equity awards under the Equity Incentive Plan generally involve no immediate cash cost, the Company does recognize expense for such awards in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”), “Compensation - Stock Compensation” (Topic 718), (“ASC Topic 718”).

III. Post-Termination Arrangements

Termination of Employment

The Company has entered into employment agreements with all of the NEOs. Each of these employment agreements provides that, upon termination of such individual’s employment with the Company as a result of the employee’s death, the Company is obligated to pay the employee’s estate the then current base compensation of the employee for a period of one year following the date of the employee’s death, together with the employee’s pro-rata share of any incentive or bonus payments for the period prior to the employee’s death in the year of such death. Each of the employment agreements also provides that, in the event that the employee’s employment is terminated by the Company other than in a change of control of the Company (as defined in the agreements) without cause, or by the employee with good reason, the Company will be obligated to pay or provide to the employee, over a period of two years subsequent to termination of employment, (i) all compensation at the base salary rate immediately preceding the termination, and (ii) the payments and benefits that the employee would have received under employee benefit plans, programs or other arrangements of the Company or any of its affiliates in which the employee participated before their termination.

The NEOs are eligible for an “excess parachute payment” within the meaning of Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. The Company shall pay the Employee an additional gross-up payment such that the net amount retained by the NEO after deduction of any excise tax imposed under section 4999 of the Code and any taxes imposed upon the gross-up payment, shall be equal to the payment. The Committee has determined that this additional gross-up will not be included in any future executive employment agreements.



The amounts that each NEO would receive in the event of a termination described above is set forth in the Potential Payment Upon Termination or Change-in-Control tables set forth below.

Termination following Change-in-Control

The Committee believes executive officers, including all the NEOs, who are terminated or elect to resign for “good reason” (as defined in the employment agreements) in connection with a change-in-control (as defined in the employment agreements) of the Company should be provided separation benefits. These benefits are intended to ensure that executives focus on serving the Company and stockholder interests during a change-in-control transaction or activity without the distraction of possible job and income loss.

The Company’s change-in-control benefits are consistent with the practices of companies with whom DENTSPLY competes for talent, and are intended to assist in retaining executives and recruiting new executives to the Company. As of the close of a transaction that results in a change-in-control of DENTSPLY, in accordance with the Company’s Equity Incentive Plan all outstanding equity grants awarded as part of the Company’s equity incentive compensation program become available to executives, that is, restrictions on all outstanding restricted stock units lapse and all non-exercisable stock options become exercisable. In the event that a termination of employment is made by the Company without cause or by the employee with good reason within a period of two (2) years after a change-in-control of the Company, the Company is required to pay to the NEOs, subject to the requirements of Section 409A(a)(2)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code, the benefits described in the paragraph above and the Potential Payment Upon Termination or Change-in-Control tables below.

IV. Retirement and Other Benefits

The Company also maintains standard benefits that are consistent with those offered by other major corporations and are generally available to all of the Company’s full time employees (subject to meeting basic eligibility requirements). The benefits described below are for U.S. employees, however, similar benefits are provided to non-U.S. employees based on local law and benefit programs.

DENTSPLY offers retirement benefits to its U.S. employees through tax-qualified plans, including an employee and employer-funded 401(k) Savings Plan and a discretionary company-funded Employee Stock Ownership Plan (“ESOP”). The Committee allows for the participation of the executive officers in these plans, and the terms governing the retirement benefits under these plans for the executive officers are the same as those available for other eligible employees in the U.S. Similarly situated employees, including DENTSPLY’s executive officers, may have materially different account balances because of a combination of factors: the number of years that the person has participated in the plan; the amount of money contributed, and the investments chosen by the participant with regard to those plans providing for participant investment direction. These plans do not involve any guaranteed minimum returns or above-market returns as the investment returns are dependent upon actual investment results. Employees direct their own investments in the 401(k) Savings Plan. The ESOP is a defined contribution plan designed to allow employees, including executive officers, to accumulate retirement accounts through ownership of Company stock, and to allow DENTSPLY to make contributions or allocations to those funds.

DENTSPLY’s healthcare, insurance, and other welfare and employee-benefit programs are the same for all eligible employees, including the NEOs. DENTSPLY shares the cost of health and welfare benefits with its employees, a cost that is dependent on the level of benefits coverage that each employee elects. The Company also provides other benefits such as medical, dental and life insurance to each NEO, in a similar fashion to those provided to all other U.S.-based DENTSPLY employees.

The Company maintains a very limited number of benefit programs that are only available to the NEOs and other senior employees qualifying for eligibility based on salary grade level. Such benefits include a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (“SERP”) and the DENTSPLY Supplemental Savings Plan (“DSSP”). The purpose of the SERP is to provide additional retirement benefits for a limited group of management employees, including the NEOs, whom the Board concluded were not receiving competitive retirement benefits. The Committee annually approves participants in the SERP. Contributions equal to 11.7% of total annual compensation (base salary and any annual incentive awards), reduced by Company contributions to the ESOP and 401(k) plans, are allocated to the participant’s accounts. No actual benefits are put aside for participants in the SERP and the participants are general creditors of the Company for payment of the benefits upon retirement or termination from the Company. Participants can elect to have these benefits administered as savings with interest or stock unit accounts with dividends, with stock units being distributed



in the form of common stock at the time of distribution. Upon retirement or termination for any reason, participants in the SERP are paid the benefits in their account based on an earlier distribution election.

The DSSP is a deferred compensation plan that allows management employees of the Company to defer a portion of their base salary and annual incentive bonus, for payment at a future time, as elected by the participant. Deferred amounts are not funded by the Company but are a general obligation of the Company to administer and pay as set forth in the DSSP. The Plan is administered by T. Rowe Price, the Administrator of the Company’s retirement plans, and participants have the right to elect investment options for the deferred funds (except that Executive Officers may not defer base salary into Company stock because of implications under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act), which are tracked by the Administrator.

V. Executive Stock Ownership Guidelines

Because the Committee believes in further linking the interests of management and the stockholders, the Company maintains stock ownership guidelines for its executives. The guidelines specify the number of shares that DENTSPLY’s executive management should accumulate and hold within six (6) years of the date of appointment to the executive position. “Stock ownership” is defined to include stock owned by the officer directly, stock owned indirectly through the Company’s retirement Plans, including SERP and DSSP, and equity awards pursuant to the equity incentive program, other than stock options. Under the current guideline established by the Committee, executives are required to own Company common stock equal in value to a multiple of their base salary, as set forth below:

Chief Executive Officer
President and Chief Financial Officer
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Senior Vice Presidents
Vice Presidents

All NEOs in their current positions were in compliance with the Stock Ownership Guidelines as of the end of 2014.

VI. Tax Deductibility of Executive Compensation

Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Tax Code”), places a limit of $1,000,000 on the amount of compensation that the Company may deduct in any one year with respect to the NEOs. There is an exception to the $1,000,000 limitation for performance-based compensation meeting certain requirements. Stock option incentive awards generally are performance-based compensation meeting those requirements, and, as such, are believed to be fully deductible. The Committee generally seeks ways to limit the impact of Section 162(m); however, the Committee believes that the tax deduction limitation should not compromise our ability to establish and implement incentive programs that support the compensation objectives discussed above. Accordingly, achieving these objectives and maintaining required flexibility in this regard may result in compensation that is not deductible for federal income tax purposes. To maintain flexibility in compensating executive officers in a manner designed to promote varying corporate goals, the Committee has not adopted a policy requiring all compensation to be deductible. The Committee has established a performance goal for the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer for the vesting of their RSUs granted in 2014, regarding the aggregate net income of the Company over the three year vesting period, consistent with the performance-based requirements established by 162(m).

VII. Hedging and Pledging of Company Stock

Short sales of Company securities (a sale of securities which are not then owned) and derivative or speculative transactions in Company securities are prohibited under the Company’s insider trading policy. No director, officer or other designated insider is permitted to trade in options, warrants, puts and calls or similar instruments on Company securities. In addition, directors, officers, and other designated insiders are prohibited from holding Company securities in margin accounts or pledging Company securities.




Summary Compensation

The following table sets forth the compensation earned by the Named Executive Officers for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2014. The Named Executive Officers are the Company’s CEO or Principal Executive Officer, CFO or Principal Financial Officer, and three other most highly compensated executive officers.

Summary Compensation Table
For Fiscal Year End December 31, 2014

Name and Principal Position (1)
(7) ($)
(8) ($)
Incentive Plan
(9) ($)
All Other Compensation
(10) ($)
Bret W. Wise






Chairman of the Board and






Chief Executive Officer (2)






Christopher T. Clark






President and






Chief Financial Officer (3)






James G. Mosch






Executive Vice President and






Chief Operating Officer (4)






Robert J. Size






Senior Vice President (5)












Albert J. Sterkenburg






Senior Vice President (6)












Principal positions are the positions held during 2014.

Mr. Wise was appointed Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer effective January 1, 2007.

Mr. Clark was appointed President and Chief Operating Officer effective January 1, 2009 and President and Chief Financial Officer effective April 8, 2013.

Mr. Mosch was appointed Executive Vice President effective January 1, 2009 and was additionally made Chief Operating Officer effective April 8, 2013.

Mr. Size was appointed Senior Vice President effective January 1, 2007. Mr. Size was not an NEO in 2012.

Mr. Sterkenburg was appointed Senior Vice President effective January 1, 2009. Mr. Sterkenburg is located in Germany and is paid in Euros. His salary, non-equity incentive plan compensation and all other compensation amounts have been converted from Euros to US dollars using the average rate of Euros to US dollars for the relevant year.



Represents the aggregate grant date fair value for PRSUs at target and RSUs granted in each respective year. The number of shares that could be granted upon the conversion of PRSUs upon lapse of restrictions thereon ranges from zero to a maximum of two times the target amount.

Represents the grant date full fair value of compensation costs of stock options granted during the respective year for financial statement reporting purposes, using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. Assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts are similar to those included in Note 13, Equity, to the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements on Form 10-K.

Amounts shown represent the Company’s Annual Incentive Plan awards for services provided in 2014, 2013, and 2012 that were paid in cash or deferred under the DSSP in 2015, 2014 and 2013 respectively. Messrs. Clark, Mosch and Size deferred under the DSSP in 2014.

Amounts shown are described in the All Other Compensation table that follows.

Refer to the CD&A section for a complete description of the components of compensation, along with a description of the material terms and conditions of each component.

For the Named Executive Officers, salary compensation as a percentage of total compensation is as follows: Mr. Wise — 15.5%, Mr. Clark — 20.9%, Mr. Mosch — 22.9%, Mr. Size —29.5% and Mr. Sterkenburg — 29.9%



Grants of Plan-Based Awards

The following table reflects the terms of compensation plan-based awards granted to Named Executive Officers in 2014:

2014 Grants of Plan-Based Awards

Estimated Future Payouts
Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Awards (1)
Estimated Future Stock Unit Payouts Under Equity
Incentive Plan Awards (2) (3)
All Other Stock Awards: Number of Stock Units
(2) (#)
All Other Option Awards: Number of Securities Underlying Options
Exercise or Base Price of Option Awards
Grant Date Fair Value of Stock and Option Awards
(5) ($)
Grant Date
Bret W. Wise
Incentive Compensation































Christopher T. Clark
Incentive Compensation

















James G. Mosch
Incentive Compensation














Robert J. Size
Incentive Compensation












Albert J. Sterkenburg
Incentive Compensation (6)


















Amounts shown represent threshold, target and maximum amounts for the 2014 Annual Incentive Plan. The maximum award under the 2014 Annual Incentive Plan is base salary, multiplied by the target incentive compensation percentage, multiplied by 2. The minimum amount payable under the 2014 Annual Incentive Plan is zero. Payments or deferrals made under the Annual Incentive Plan for 2014 are shown in the “Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation” column of the 2014 Summary Compensation Table. Refer to the CD&A for a description of the performance measures and criteria for payment of Non-equity Incentive Plan Compensation.

RSUs are credited with dividend equivalents and upon vesting are included in the stock distributed to recipients.

The RSUs granted to Mr. Wise, Mr. Clark and Mr. Mosch are subject to a service condition and performance requirements. The amount in the “Threshold” column shows the number of shares that will be paid out, assuming DENTSPLY achieves the minimum performance levels required for the payment of shares.

RSUs and PRSUs are granted with an exercise price equal to zero.



The grant date fair value of RSUs and PRSUs is the closing stock price on the date of grant. The grant date fair value of Options uses the Black-Scholes option pricing model. Assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts are similar to those included in Note 13, Equity, to the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements on Form 10-K.

Incentive compensation amounts for Mr. Sterkenburg were calculated by multiplying Mr. Sterkenburg’s Euro-denominated target and maximum payouts by the average rate of Euros to US dollar for 2014.



Outstanding Equity Awards at Year End

The following table provides information on the stock option awards and stock awards outstanding as of December 31, 2014 for the Named Executive Officers:

Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End

Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options (Exercisable)
Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options (Unexercisable)
(1) (#)
Total Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options
Option Exercise Price
(2) ($)
Option Expiration Date
Number of Stock Units That Have Not Vested
(4) (#)
Market Value of Stock Units That Have Not Vested
(5) ($)
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Number of Unearned Stock Units That Have Not Vested
(6) (#)
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market Value of Stock Units That Have Not Vested
(7) ($)
Bret W. Wise






































































Christopher T. Clark













































































James G. Mosch
















































































Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options (Exercisable)
Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options (Unexercisable)
(1) (#)
Total Number of Securities Underlying Unexercised Options
Option Exercise Price
(2) ($)
Option Expiration Date
Number of Stock Units That Have Not Vested
(4) (#)
Market Value of Stock Units That Have Not Vested
(5) ($)
Equity Incentive
Plan Awards:
Number of
Unearned Stock
Units That Have
Not Vested
(6) (#)
Equity Incentive Plan Awards: Market Value of Stock Units That Have Not Vested
(7) ($)
Robert J. Size



















































































Albert J. Sterkenburg































